Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Turn Me On, Dead Man" Movie

Scheduled for release tomorrow is a short film entitled "Turn Me On, Dead Man."

According to the Frayed Edge Films website, "This is a high concept period piece serving as an allegory for the Paul McCartney 'Paul is dead' conspiracy theory/hoax."

The 22-minute film stars Joe Reegan and David Moscow. The director, Adam Blake Carver opted to create a fictional band with Beatle haircuts. Carver's description of his inspiration for the film reveals that he is not a first generation fan, or even that much of a fan in general. He spoke of discovering the clue of Lennon singing "He's dead, he's dead" when the song "Let It Be" is played backwards. Not many would attribute the vocal of "Let It Be" to Lennon unless he or she truly believed that John was "the man of a thousand voices." There is some evidence that Tyler Knell, the Co-Writer and Co-Producer of the film actually listened to and enjoyed the Beatles music, sometimes even playing it forwards.

The film contains original music by the Bumblebees based on various styles reflecting the time period. I don't think they quite nailed the Beatles sound, but they seem to have all of the tools necessary for a Rutles tribute band. If you go to the backstage section of the film's website, you can see and hear them in action. They state in the music section that they are willing to make music "in exchange for anything" so I would imagine that you could get them to play "Paul Is Dead" music at your next backyard cookout.

Based on the advanced information, I believe the film does have at least one redeeming feature----A Volkswagen.

With a release date of June 18, 2009, I assume that "Turn Me On, Dead Man" can be seen somewhere tomorrow.

Perhaps Iamaphoney has gone about this thing in the wrong way...


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green backer said...

THEN everyone has to get those suitcases so they can claim the cash prize

cash prize????

Anonymous said...

There's fake cash involved? Hmm, I guess we better pretend we're interested in the suitcases again!

phoney babbler said...

Except for the suitcase that contains pure gold!

Anonymous said...

1620 WNRP Pensacola

Anonymous said...

New Phoney Kids, Iamaphoney promised an interview with his #1 fan MikeNL. Mikey had all of us come up with a list of questions we wanted IAAP to answer. The questions were sent to IAAP for his approval (because he's SUCH A BIG STAR...whatever). Iamaphoney said he would answer the questions on video and send it to Mikey to upload on YouTube on an exact date. On the night of the big debut of Iamaphoney's interview we all gathered around Mikey's YT page to wait. We waited and waited and waited and finally Iamaphoney chickened out. This was the first nail in the coffin of IAAP's celebrity on NIR and Mikey was made a fool of in public. Nothing has been the same since. IAAP pretended that night never happened and then decided to hide his secret suitcases. One was recovered by an NIR regular called 65IF2007 who waited and waited for Iamaphoney to get in contact with him and he never did. Instead IAAP complained to Mikey that 65IF2007 was doing something wrong even though he had put pics up of all the junk that that was in the suitcase. Then a war started with NIR members who believed 65IF2007 was lying to everyone about what was in the case. 65IF2007 more or less told them all to fuck off, that he was honest and that Iamaphoney was misleading them to make himself look good.

After that a bunch of other dumb shit happened where Iamaphoney made promises to people and then chickened out at the last minute.

And that's how we got to that stupid song about Paul's shoes. You would find better Paul IS Dead clues on Sesame Street now. Only the ignorant believe in this prank artist.

Anonymous said...

After that a bunch of other dumb shit happened where Iamaphoney made promises to people and then chickened out at the last minute.

Like the Love Code or the Blair Witch video?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah the LOVE CODE. What happened to that? LOL
See what keeps Iamaphoney going are the new kids he picks up who don't know about all the past dumb shit he pulled on us. I forgot abut the Blair Witch video. Maybe I wanted to forget it. That was too stupid.

Anonymous said...

Blair Witch video?

Anonymous said...

"This was the first nail in the coffin of IAAP's celebrity on NIR"

Not everyone thought of Iamaphoney as a celebrity. We gave him his own section just to keep the general PID discussion clear of mentions of his videos.

immafoney said...

Oh all right; here ya go:

Blair Witch Project (last scene)

BIIII said...


Anonymous said...

You would find better Paul IS Dead clues on Sesame Street now.

Hey Food - Classic Sesame Street

Anonymous said...

What's next? Highway conditions?

Anonymous said...

KCJJ Iowa City

Anonymous said...

1630 (oops!)

srettuN ehT dna rotceriD ehT 2323 said...

Inside the org:3 We're all mad here

tafultong said...

Ringo Iamaphoney Boost

Anonymous said...

all that shit is proof you can be a phoney, I can be a phoney, and taf can be a phoney too...

Nice try.

Your "revealing" will be quite lackluster, as is this place.

Anonymous said...

anon @ July 13, 2009 7:45 PM

Do you really think any n00b read this far into this shit-crap comments thus far..

1600+ comments for a retarded ass movie? Some people here are wacky. YOU "MISS-VISIT-THIS-BLOG-EVERYDAY", I'm talkin to you.

Anonymous said...

nutters does have something... They have shots of filming the cameraman that filmed the IAAP actor.

I look forward to the revelation, where we learn we ARE ALL SUCKERS, and a bunch of pansy art students got us good.

PT said it best.

Jeff Leland said...

Why couldn't Taf disappear when I was considered a "hero" for making that April 10th video..

This "Turn me on Deadman" movie SUCKS BALLS.

Anonymous said...

Inside the org:3 We're all mad here

At least this is a new video. I don't know, but it seems they wanna say that the Phoney crew started some fires.. NOT COOL!

appalcore said...


Anonymous said...

^it's "the director"!

also see:

MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
nutters does have something... They have shots of filming the cameraman that filmed the IAAP actor.

I look forward to the revelation, where we learn we ARE ALL SUCKERS, and a bunch of pansy art students got us good.

PT said it best.

July 13, 2009 9:22 PM

that'll be pretty awesome.

Anonymous said...

The natives are getting restless.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who can tune in...

Paul McCartney will be appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman this Wednesday night, July 15th...

Anonymous said...

Maybe he will give iaap a little shout-out!

Tafultong said...

Perhaps Iamaphoney has gone about this thing in the wrong way...

First time in 33 years! said...

Paul McCartney will be appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman this Wednesday night, July 15th...

Anonymous said...

43 years that is

Anonymous said...

1650 KCNZ Cedar Falls IA

Anonymous said...


Paul McCartney and Wings said...

Many many people, seem to take it for a game

Ringo Starr said...

OO OO wee

Nostradamus Letterman said...

Sur le milieu du grand monde la rose,
Pour nouueaux faicts sang public espandu:
A dire vray on aura bouche close,
Lors au besoing viendra tard l'attendu.

The rose upon the middle of the great world,
For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.

Anonymous said...


Big Shoe, really said...

Beatle is returning to the Ed Sullivan Theater
Associated Press
July 10, 2009, 05:33 PM ET
NEW YORK -- Paul McCartney is going back to the Ed Sullivan Theater.

The Beatle will appear on David Letterman's "Late Show" on Wednesday.

He'll be interviewed and perform, part of a promotion for some shows he's doing this summer.

The theater is where McCartney and the rest of the Beatles made their famous American debut on "The Ed Sullivan Show" 45 years ago.

It will be his first appearance on Letterman's CBS show.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
nutters does have something... They have shots of filming the cameraman that filmed the IAAP actor.

I look forward to the revelation, where we learn we ARE ALL SUCKERS, and a bunch of pansy art students got us good.

PT said it best.

July 13, 2009 9:22 PM

Nutters Productions seem to be working with him. The guy Tafultong call the actor seems to be in his mid-30's while all the people behind the camera and pulling the strings look to be between 17 and 25 at the oldest. This has to be a blow to those of you who thought ex-Apple staffers were behind this. The question is does the fact that you now know a bunch of youngsters are doing this invalidate the Rotten Apple series? Do you take it less seriously because art students are behind it? Now it makes more sense that MikeNL would be their liaison since he is 17 or 18 and around their age.

Anonymous said...

its a scam! Paul is trying to drag Himself out now!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
its a scam! Paul is trying to drag Himself out now!

July 14, 2009 3:00 PM

A bit too late for the "Paul is behind all of this" bullshit. Sorry your dreams were shattered.

EliasCrowe said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

getting so much fatter all the time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Arron Swaffar is a phoney

MikeNL said...

The Phoney Figure is John Lennon's son

whaledreamers said...


footage TPF 1 from whaledreamers
I'm in!
No More Lies!
Revelation Now!

Anonymous said...

Mike, explain this, please.

The phoney figure is Lennon's son.

By whom?

Anonymous said...

MikeNL said...
The Phoney Figure is John Lennon's son

July 14, 2009 4:37 PM

John Lennon's "son" needs to tell his cameraman that the tracksuit look went out in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

Who is Arron Swaffar ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mike, explain this, please.

The phoney figure is Lennon's son.

By whom?

July 14, 2009 4:54 PM

Yeah and don't forget that cash prize!

Anonymous said...

1670 KNRO Redding, CA

BIIIIIB said...

I thought the Phoney Phigure was taphultong!

Anonymous said...


good name for them

Anonymous said...

So Iamaphoney believes he's John Lennon's son? Does Jeff Leland know about this? Jeff Leland believes he in the reincarnation of John Lennon!!! That's $$$$ in overdue child support! You better get a second job now, Jeff!

EliasCrowe said...

Who are YOU?

Anonymous said...

I'm Pearl

Anonymous said...

now what?

Joe Leland said...

Is that Jeff Leland?

Anonymous said...

They call me....Doctor Loooooove
I am the doctor of love
Doctor Loooooove
I got the cure you're thinkin' of
Docto Looo-ooo-ooove

Anonymous said...

1680 KRJO

Anonymous said...

who is iamaphoney?

Wicked Lester said...

I'll meet you, meat you, in the ladies room, Doctor Love!

Anonymous said...

Wicked Lester said...
I'll meet you, meat you, in the ladies room, Doctor Love!

July 14, 2009 5:53 PM

Either there or the firehouse!

Anonymous said...

That reminds me: Bohemian Grove starts tomorrow.
Be there or be here now.

Anonymous said...

Well no one ever left alive
In 16 hundred and eighty five
Will ever do.

Anonymous said...

This is what's left of the Iamaphoney crowd? Reincarnations of John Lennon? Iamaphoney claiming to be John's son? This reminds me of the sad time at TKIN when we had members channeling the spirit of Paul or telling everyone that the ghost of John Lennon visits them.

Maybe Taf abandoned the blog because he finally figured out he had made a shrine to a whack job.

Anonymous said...

So the cameraman/Lennon/singer guy is Matt from Kentucky, an electronic artist who enjoys codes like greenleef. He does sound a bit like Tom Waits, one of his influences.

That'll be the Day

Anonymous said...

"Matt from Kentucky, an electronic artist who enjoys codes like greenleef."

That might explain the connection to Martin Lind, another electronic artist.

Sheldan Nidle said...

Just as you need to be transformed, so too does Mother Earth. This is to say that the severity of her changes precludes any living thing surviving on the surface world. Therefore, it is essential that you be evacuated from the surface to Inner Earth. This evacuation mission includes saving the flora and fauna of this world.

Anonymous said...

1690 WVON Chicago

Anonymous said...

The other connection we infer is that the project is linked in some way to Denis O'Dell, part of the production on Hard Day's Night, MMT, Apple, and Magic Christian. There are images of a letter to O'Dell from Philip Norman (Shout!) apologizing to O'Dell about factual errors in his book, a card to O'Dell from Lennon, and more. O'Dell has got to be in his eighties, so I'm thinking, if anything, he has a son or another person who asked him for some of his cool Beatle pictures and memorabilia to do the project.

Anonymous said...

In any event, the team (or at least two of them), went to the Isle of Wight to the bungalow (apt#21) used in the film "That'll be the Day" with David Essex and Ringo (music by Neil Aspinall and Pete Townshend). This is where "Apple trashed the first hideout."

And based on the other links, then the mission on the island was accomplished and dancing ensued.

End of phoney story except the Greenleef code, which is more Miles Deo crypto-boring stuff.

Anonymous said...

So if one of you code nerds cares to decipher the thing, it's an enigma code and you can find it all on Elias Crowe's youtube site (and a few other goodies if you keep clicking links)

Anonymous said...

In any event, the team (or at least two of them), went to the Isle of Wight to the bungalow (apt#21) used in the film "That'll be the Day" with David Essex and Ringo (music by Neil Aspinall and Pete Townshend). This is where "Apple trashed the first hideout."

Please explain further.

Anonymous said...

testing one two.. is this mic on?

Anonymous said...

So the Nutters are part of it, as is director Mike Stanley (probably) and Dunskie (youtube handle).

They all friend each other so it's not hard to ferret them out. The next clue will undoubtedly lead to this channel, because they're "all nuts around here" (Nutters) and you can "crack the nut" with more clues.

McEE (dude from Kentucky)
Mike Stanley
Various other youtube nuts

All have uncut Phoney footage, so do the math.

Video clues from the Inside the Org channel prove a connection to Elias Crowe, Phoney, and Nutters.

And it all ends up in a place that's sort of funny

Anonymous said...

wow,just wow, those guys are boring

Anonymous said...

"And it all ends up in a place that's sort of funny"

Not the result I was expecting either. Oh well. How 'bout those Dodgers? Um...can we still all hang out somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So the Nutters are part of it, as is director Mike Stanley (probably) and Dunskie (youtube handle).

They all friend each other so it's not hard to ferret them out. The next clue will undoubtedly lead to this channel, because they're "all nuts around here" (Nutters) and you can "crack the nut" with more clues.

McEE (dude from Kentucky)
Mike Stanley
Various other youtube nuts

All have uncut Phoney footage, so do the math.

Video clues from the Inside the Org channel prove a connection to Elias Crowe, Phoney, and Nutters.

And it all ends up in a place that's sort of funny

July 14, 2009 7:58 PM

You sure scared off somebody. Videos are vanishing left and right.

Anonymous said...

Too late. Already figured it out.

Tee hee!

Anonymous said...

funny ha ha? or funny something else?

Anonymous said...

Next Mind Game. Whatever Nutters and Lewis Carrol lovers.

You're all so fond of leaving 'clues' for people but not so fond of anyone figuring them out.

Or tracing them to you.

Anonymous said...

hells yeah! lets gin up interest and then erase all the videos!

very clever!

Anonymous said...

Funny ha ha would have been a better tactic.

Anonymous said...

so some nerd from KY

Anonymous said...

nuttersproductions of youtube, their version of Now and Then...

This cant be.... THAT SHIT WAS FUCKING TERRIBLE. IAAP should find better proteges.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like Taf might actually be in on it, too. He made quick friends with Lewis Carrol, as did usual suspects Dunskie, Steve Cavanaugh (the Hamlet dude PlugFive). Taf is AWOL as the revealing goes on.

They already created sites that they want to lead you to, and left a few spots open for photos and videos if and when people find them (or bother to).

But the Nutter kids put it best:

More Mind Games

Anonymous said...

so john lennons kid lives in KY?

cue deliverance banjos

Anonymous said...

That dude from KY might actually be Miles Deo. The Elias Crowe sites are all very Deo-like. A lot of these new cipher heavy clues are straight out of his enigma playbook. Either that or someone liked the enigma/lewis carrol/blah blah type clues and decided to go that direction.

Anonymous said...

Sheldan Nidle said...

Just as you need to be transformed, so too does Mother Earth. This is to say that the severity of her changes precludes any living thing surviving on the surface world. Therefore, it is essential that you be evacuated from the surface to Inner Earth. This evacuation mission includes saving the flora and fauna of this world.

I'll be happy to transform you into earth :D

Anonymous said...

That sort of Lennon looking guy also looks a lot like the KY dude. He's a Lennon fanatic, so probably not a big Paul fan. Probably theorizes that Yoko had John killed.

deliverance banjos said...

john lennon said "squeal like a pig" to some gal in KY?

Anonymous said...

Just as you need to be transformed, so too does Mother Earth. This is to say that the severity of her changes precludes any living thing surviving on the surface world. Therefore, it is essential that you be evacuated from the surface to Inner Earth. This evacuation mission includes saving the flora and fauna of this world.

Thanks for the comforting New Age words. Are they hiring at Applebees?

Johnny Lennon Jr. said...

deliverance banjos said...

john lennon said "squeal like a pig" to some gal in KY?

July 14, 2009 8:51 PM

you talkin' 'bout my momma????!?!?

deliverance banjos said...

thems fightin' words!

Johnny Lennon Jr. said...

we are brothers! lets join forces, go eat dinner at applebees, and go after the real enemy....


Anonymous said...

Yep. It's official. The dude playing the role of the supposedly living Lennon (or Lennon's son--thanks for the BS Mikey)is Elias Crowe. Just did facial recognition from the Phoney videos and the Elias videos.

He's probably the vocalist, too, since he sounds like a cross between his idols Lennon and Tom Waits.

He's into sonic puzzles and reverse music. His track "The Killing Floor" (forward and backward) is part of that cipher (sorry, guys, but ciphers bore me).

Anonymous said...

Those Nutter kids love Kraft Dinner, too.

Anonymous said...

Well that's that mystery wrapped up. What's on TV?

Anonymous said...

i yawn in their direction

MilesDentonOliver said...

Do you see what you want to see?

Anonymous said...

kraft dinners = video awesomeness

Anonymous said...

Interesting coincidence that you are following along tonight, Miles.

gooooodbye said...

its about time to take a bow gents, and ride off into the sunset

and dont let the door hit your ass on the way out

Anonymous said...

sucks this all ended with a blog post about a 26 minute "movie".

Time to step into the light kiddies.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the whole "org" is reading this blog intently right now, waiting and wondering just how much of the beans have been spilled, and whether their red herrings are working or not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

indie director Richard Stanley, not Mike.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that uses all caps and refers to Paul as "Faul" is already nutters.

we owe it to the nutters said...

this is going to get us to 2500 comments!

and then Taf comes back!

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney just switched the main video on his page.

Summer Vacation said...

got a private message from Tafultong,
he is in the Alps, watching with binoculars for a limo...a limo with tinted windows.... a limo with tinted windows and suitcases...

and iamaphoney

Anonymous said...

someone listened to "Hey Jude" backwards WAY too much.

Anonymous said...

So we have Miles Deo, Elias Crowe and Iamaphoney all logging on now that the shit hit the fan. Dem's some wacky odds right there.

I'm gon' be play me sum banjo on the porch t'nite. Yee-haw.

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!! A limo just drove by my house!! TWICE!!

Anonymous said...

New Video!!!! HOLY SHIT!

Anonymous said...

That was the best iaap video YET!!!

and if you missed it...

well, you aren't one of the cool kids are you?

Anonymous said...

FUCK! I just ran out of Makers.

Anonymous said...

wha??? what "new video"????

where?on the nutters pages?

Anonymous said...

It was up for about 10 seconds? WTF?

iamahavebadteeth said...

hey! a limo just drove by my house too! TWICE!

are we neighbors?!>!?!??!!

you bring your banjo
i bring mine...


Anonymous said...

Look what the Nutters are up to: making 3d models involving the Isle of Wight

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It was up for about 10 seconds? WTF?

July 14, 2009 9:24 PM

got to be QUICK to see the good stuff!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Forgive me, its a disease.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw the new video. I'm not sure. Was it really short? If it was I might have seen it.

nutterbutters said...

iaap is a nutter????

Anonymous said...

What was in the video?

Anonymous said...

From the BBC - Breaking news: Internet user and blogger, Tafultong, has been beheaded in a car crash.

Shits straight from the horse mouth... THERE IS A COVERUP. Tafultong wasnt too close. HE WAS WAY TOO CLOSE!!!

Sources as yet unidentified say a VW Beetle drove by and killed him dead!!!


Anonymous said...

the new video was short, but it took a long time to make

think about that!

Anonymous said...

I think it was just Iamaphoney walking around for a few seconds. I can't remember which link I clicked on here. There were a lot.

Anonymous said...

Fucking KY

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think it was just Iamaphoney walking around for a few seconds.

Ummm...that's kind of...EVERY video by Iamaphoney. You'll have to narrow it down more for us.

Was he in a purple shirt? Oh crap, he does that in every video also.

Jeez, now I'm starting to think I might have seen it too? Did I? I can't tell.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile over at NIR......

(crickets chirping)

Yep! They're on top of things as usual!

Anonymous said...

NIR has been dead for quite some time. TKIN2.0

This'll be their nail.

Quick someone come up with another beatle conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

From the Nutters blog (1996):

Anyway that’s enough of that just remember to follow the clues there’s lots of em. Just find out about Paul McCartney Death Clues and The NuTTerS use the same processes as they used on the beatles albums.

Anonymous said...

from blog in 2006, rather

indy said...

taf will be stuck in the alps forever UNLESS WE LEAVE 2500 COMMENTS BY JULY 16!!!



*ark of the covenant!

Anonymous said...

Anyway that’s enough of that just remember to follow the clues there’s lots of em. Just find out about Paul McCartney Death Clues and The NuTTerS use the same processes as they used on the beatles albums.

July 14, 2009 9:38 PM

Oh but it's more than an album. It's a project and it's going to change the world.

Anonymous said...

iamahavebadteeth said...

hey! a limo just drove by my house too! TWICE!

are we neighbors?!>!?!??!!

you bring your banjo
i bring mine...


No, them are some pretty teeth.

Anonymous said...

Could someone fill me in on the cash prize I keep hearing about? Is there cash in the suitcases?

Anonymous said...

Oh but it's more than an album. It's a project and it's going to change the world.

Work on changing the small crowd on YouTube first.

eat some banjo crowe said...

if you could have listened to the iaap video BACKWARDS you would be fricken AMAZED

it was by far the best one yet!

good job iaap and your merry band of NUTTERS!

the pics were a nice touch

Anonymous said...

"Phoney" walking in his Helter Skelter t-shirt at the address where Sharon Tate was murdered. Close up of his Nuremberg eagle tat.

Anything for art, folks.

Anonymous said...

Yenz got the cash prize. That's why he gave us all the finger? I would have done that too. Ha! I've got my reward money and now I'm headed to Amsterdam for all the hookers and weed my system can stand. Take this finger brother. May it serve you well.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Phoney" walking in his Helter Skelter t-shirt at the address where Sharon Tate was murdered. Close up of his Nuremberg eagle tat.

Anything for art, folks.

July 14, 2009 9:50 PM

Hey dude, art should always be confrontationanal.

like a SECOND VIETNAM said...

That pic of all the money in the suitcase was like making me want to dust off my indy jones hat and go get it, a la 65if2007 old school style. and then make a video of it.
and prepare for battle with NIR
a prolonged, drawn out war of words, like a SECOND VIETNAM.
Napalm in the morning, that kind of war of words

Anonymous said...


That's what you wrote, DUDE

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, art should always be confrontationanal (sic).

The videos aren't confrontational; they are mostly self-aggrandizing, something art best not be.

Anonymous said...

confrontationANAL. LOL

That may have been the biggest clue revealed today!

Anonymous said...

Come on now. Let's all show a little love.

Anonymous said...

All the cats came out of their cradles tonight.

mapplesb, nutters, miles, phoney, elias, and the rest of the NWO

Anonymous said...

and it stopped at 2:13. that is a good example of the purpose of this work.

Anonymous said...

just so you know iaap, your last video from tonight was really really the best good!

keeps up the work my friend
it was the doubleplus good!

Anonymous said...

we all agree, best video EVER! i laughed AND CRIED!

Anonymous said...

fun while it lasted.

Anonymous said...

it was a guest director, YKNOWWHO????

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

i dont believe this....

Anonymous said...

Shame on you!
Shame on all of us!

Anonymous said...

2500 comments here we come

Anonymous said...

this is the most comments ever

Chaim Witz said...

Anonymous said...


Forgive me, its a disease.

Magical Mystery Tourette Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney isn't the only one to change his main video..

Anonymous said...

What does Michael Jackson's death have in common with John Lennon's death?

Both reveal 2:14

God said...

Look who decided to interfere AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

I hold the Sun, or Son responsible!

Anonymous said...

Both reveal 2:14


Anonymous said...

I hold the Sun, or Son responsible!

Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease

Anonymous said...

who's here?

iamafruity said...


Orange you glad it wasn't banana?

Knock Knock said...

Who's here?

Anonymous said...

new insider video:

skinny dude again

Anonymous said...

"Once upon a long ago, lived four young lads I'm sure you know. The other three, you know them two. You'll know me better when this is through. Before the band was on the run, a natures child followed the sun. And soon the four became a three, a list of clues for those to see. A story told in fine detail, to keep the loonies on the trail. A coin, a sheep, a favored son, were welcomed guest when the day was done. Now, those days are gone, the stories told, in rivers of ash, and urns of gold. A final hint to all of those, who refuse to see the Emporer's clothes."

Apollo was S3an L3nnon?
How disappointing is that?!

6 White Horses said...

Oooh, I see that magick 1800 comin' round the bend!

Auldheimer said...

Yeppers! Here she comes!

the walrus said...

Two more otters do it!

Anonymous said...

I think this be it! 1800!

the worst said...


Anonymous said...

Woke up, fell out of bed,
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
and Somebody spoke and I went into a dream

ireallyamaphoney! said...

taf is a dead man, miss him miss him miss him

Anonymous said...

he isn't really dead

googles said...

Popular Searches:
michael jackson
janet jackson
giant squid
tour de france
the Nutters

Anonymous said...

Working for peanuts is all very fine!

omobari omotwe said...

snatch crucifix
we hear st paul
they rinse the fires away (repeat 3x)
they rinse the fires scare us now

Hell, I don't even understand it forward.

The Kentucky Maphiaoney said...

Just tell them to go f*ck themselves any damn place we chews tobaccy!

the magickian said...

October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980

October - December: 2
9 - 8: 1
40 - 80: 4

August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

August - June: 2
29 - 25: 4
1958 - 2009: 1


Anonymous said...

holy shit

Anonymous said...

holy shit WHAT?

Anonymous said...

October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980
October - December: 2
9 - 8: 1
40 - 80: 4
August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009
August - June: 2
29 - 25: 4
1958 - 2009: 1


Anonymous said...

Freakishly the death of Michael Jackson and John Lennon add up to 2:14 o.O

Wut said...

what WHAT?

Anonymous said...

Why can't people COUNT

iamaconfused said...

Michael Jackson was Lennon's son, aka Jeff Leland aka S3an L3nnon aka iamaphoney aka Apollo?

Anonymous said...

tafultong was Michael Jackson?!

4 eyed fish I'm fried said...

holy mackeral!

Mssrs K and H said...

Kuriouser and Kuriouser!

MikeNL said...

Anonymous said...
Why can't people COUNT

July 15, 2009 4:27 AM





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