Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Turn Me On, Dead Man" Movie

Scheduled for release tomorrow is a short film entitled "Turn Me On, Dead Man."

According to the Frayed Edge Films website, "This is a high concept period piece serving as an allegory for the Paul McCartney 'Paul is dead' conspiracy theory/hoax."

The 22-minute film stars Joe Reegan and David Moscow. The director, Adam Blake Carver opted to create a fictional band with Beatle haircuts. Carver's description of his inspiration for the film reveals that he is not a first generation fan, or even that much of a fan in general. He spoke of discovering the clue of Lennon singing "He's dead, he's dead" when the song "Let It Be" is played backwards. Not many would attribute the vocal of "Let It Be" to Lennon unless he or she truly believed that John was "the man of a thousand voices." There is some evidence that Tyler Knell, the Co-Writer and Co-Producer of the film actually listened to and enjoyed the Beatles music, sometimes even playing it forwards.

The film contains original music by the Bumblebees based on various styles reflecting the time period. I don't think they quite nailed the Beatles sound, but they seem to have all of the tools necessary for a Rutles tribute band. If you go to the backstage section of the film's website, you can see and hear them in action. They state in the music section that they are willing to make music "in exchange for anything" so I would imagine that you could get them to play "Paul Is Dead" music at your next backyard cookout.

Based on the advanced information, I believe the film does have at least one redeeming feature----A Volkswagen.

With a release date of June 18, 2009, I assume that "Turn Me On, Dead Man" can be seen somewhere tomorrow.

Perhaps Iamaphoney has gone about this thing in the wrong way...


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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Jane was Paul's fiancee until July 1968, when they ended the relationship. The cause? Satanism"

Actually it was because Jane caught Paul in bed with another woman, Francie, a legendary groupie who's made being "Paul's other woman" into a mini industry.

July 2, 2009 2:14 PM

What do you think they do there at Satanic worship? ORGIES!
Francie was a hard core SATANIST!

MikeNL said...

on a holiday you say?
tafultong is on vacation...

not actually dead... just on a holiday, really...

Anonymous said...

I hope he's having fun!

Anonymous said...


tassletong said...

Ooh you're a holiday, such a holiday
Ooh you're a holiday, such a holiday

It's something I thinks worthwhile
If the puppet makes you smile
If not then you're throwing stones
Throwing stones, throwing stones

Ooh it's a funny game
Don't believe that it's all the same
Can't think what I've just said
Put the soft pillow on my head

Millions of eys can see
Yet why am I so blind
When the someone else is me
It's unkind, it's unkind

o.0 said...


jammie said...

did they kill taf?

MikeNL said...

He came over to England with his close friend and minder, Billy and they visited our house in the country many times as Michael and I put together the ideas for our songs together. First of all, we came up with and finished an idea for a song I had started which became 'Say Say Say.' We recorded in Air Studios, London with George Martin producing and eventually went to California to make the video for the song. Funnily enough, I was staying at the ranch that Michael later bought and made into Neverland.

Anonymous said...

There is the proof (foorp) we have all been waiting for.

MikeNL is in fact.... Faul McCartney.

As we used to say in the old days,


Anonymous said...

You are such a dilltard*

* remember when we used to say that too?
"Back in the day.."

Vinny Billyreno said...

Who cares about the proof (foorp)

I am here for the ART!

(remember that too? from Back in the day)

Back in the NL said...


back in the iaap said...

I am scared!

Anonymous said...

i miss tafultong

Anonymous said...

i would even settle for "Angry Taf"

Anonymous said...

Or even "All work and no play makes Taf a dull boy" Taf.

From Halloween

good times.... sigh

Anonymous said...

Is it still illegal to pretend to be taf in his absence? I mean, when the cats away the mice will impersonate.

If a tree falls in the Iaap blog, will the comments still be erased? One way to check for Crouching Dragon Lurking Tafultong.

Like throwing paint on the invisible man

Anonymous said...

Be a good project for Jesus

Nairobi said...

No wonder iamaphoney now includes the cricket sounds in his/her videos.

When Taf is not around, do videos really matter?

Answer... no

Faulfultong said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it still illegal to pretend to be taf in his absence? I mean, when the cats away the mice will impersonate.

If a tree falls in the Iaap blog, will the comments still be erased? One way to check for Crouching Dragon Lurking Tafultong.

Like throwing paint on the invisible man

July 3, 2009 11:43 AM

You mean


MikeNL said...

tafultong... COME BACK!

need to report on all the FOORP that you are missing out on!.


IT"S A WIG said...

Paul is bald?

Anonymous said...

Tafultong could go a month without updating his blog and what difference would it make? RA #75 might as well be RA#1. All we really know is that IAAP has a lot of shitty songs he wants to push on us.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Taffy forgot his password.

That sucks.

YOU bet your life said...

the secret password is.....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

" All we really know is that IAAP has a lot of shitty songs he wants to push on us."

that's all you know?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
" All we really know is that IAAP has a lot of shitty songs he wants to push on us."

that's all you know?

July 3, 2009 4:35 PM

Oh that and he likes to edit chunks of film together, slow the clips down and add monster movie music to it so the dumbfucks that take him seriously will go "ooooohhhh mommy I'm soo scaaarrred!".

Anonymous said...

that's it?

Miles Denton Oliver said...


MilesDeo said...


Anonymous said...

Earl? St Clair?

County Judge said...


Jefff Leeeeeeeland said...

Watchout all you Golden Calf Worshipers!!!!!!!!!

When TafulMoses comes down the mountain with the 10 Commandments you are going to be sorry you are worshiping that Calf!

TafulMoses said...

Get ready for something really big...

For everything else..theres TafulMoses said...


The most important prophet to the Jews
(covers Yshiva10)

One of the top prophets of the Christians
(Jebus freaks covered, and Jeff Leland approved)

Recognized by the Muslims

(Covers MikeyNL1038 and Jude)

Bringing the 10 commandments


For everything else there is TafulMoses

TafulMoses.... he is everywhere you want to be!

Anonymous said...

A really big shoe?

Snaggletong said...

Getting it ready for you!

Tofutong said...

Tofu Moses says: Hippy Fourth of July, phoneybloggerz!
And speaking of phoney, I hope none of you are making
cows suffer by having hamburgers or hot dawgs this fine
In Depends Dense Day.

Anonymous said...

Don't answer yet! For if you order your very own TafulMoses today not only will you receive the commemorative 10 commandments
but you will also receive for only the cost of shipping and handling.....

1. Parting of the red sea...
(Do you sea? Do you really sea?)

2. Being led to the Promised Land
3. Water from Rocks
4. Burning bushes
5. Yul Brenner as Pharaoh
6. Years in the Wilderness
7. Manna from Heaven
8. Tribes of Reuben Sandwhiches
9. He carries the REAL TALKING STICK
and it can turn into a SNAKE

Anonymous said...

(munch, munch) Moo us?
Pass that mean mr. mustard over here, will ya?

Mormons for TafulMoses! said...

For everything else..theres TafulMoses said...


The most important prophet to the Jews
(covers Yshiva10)

HEY! even the MORMONS recognize Tafulmoses!

TafulMoses said...


Take THAT H8ters!

Sharp-eyed snake oiler said...

Where's the tenth?

Anonymous said...

Mormons for TafulMoses! said...

HEY! even the MORMONS recognize Tafulmoses!

July 4, 2009 5:03 AM

Does Scientology recognize TafulMoses?

Anonymous said...

Where's the beer tenth?

L Ron Tafulhubba Hubba said...

Does Scientology recognize TafulMoses?

But of course!

Tom Tafulcruise said...


Brooke Shields should get off anti-depressants, EAT SOME GOLDEN CALF BURGERS, read the 10 commandments, get her red sea parted, and join all the cool kids

Happy Tafulpendence Day!

Happy Tafulpendence Day! said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day!

Matt LaurerTong said...

I challenge you Tom Tafulcruise to arm wrestling!

Nobody f*cks with Brooke Shields on my watch!

Matt LauerTong said...

Oh, but the eating Goldencalf burgers...... I approve that!

Thetans for tafulmoses said...

We have audited iamaphoney, and now he is clear.
Henceforth his videos will be free of spooky music,
puzzling montages, or reversed babbling.
Glad to have helped.

Tom Tafulcruise said...

You're glib LauerTong!

But at least we all agree about the goldencalf burgers!

MikeNL is too lazy to log in said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day!

CapMoses said...

TafulMoses said...


Take THAT H8ters!

July 4, 2009 5:05 AM


Vince said...

Came for the ART

Left with a golden calf burger


Anonymous said...

Just watch... Vince is going to eBay his golden calf burger

Golden Suitcase Burgers said...

If iaap would put a goldencalf burger in one of those suitcases I would go get it!

nicloe kidding mcmann said...

I like fireworks! where's the BBQ Taffy?

faulconandbrookeshields said...

you are my hero Matt LauerTong!

Happy Tafulpendence Day everybody!

Anonymous said...

faulconandbrookeshields and nicloe kidding mcmann

oil wrestling!

Anonymous said...


Tom Tafulcruise said...

Anonymous said...

faulconandbrookeshields and nicloe kidding mcmann

oil wrestling!

July 4, 2009 5:25 AM

no interest..... so gay

Anonymous said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day everybody!

dont bother that golden calf burger said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day everybody!

Anonymous said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day everybody!

See you at the iamaphoney BBQ!

Anonymous said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day everybody!

Mojo said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day everybody!

Sarah Palin said...

The 22-minute film stars Joe Reegan and David Moscow,
newly gradjatated from the Nome University of the Arts and Fine Sciences.
Let's have a really big hand for Joe and Dave!

Jude said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day everybody!

sarah palin in a bikini said...

sarah palin killed the golden calf!

she butchered it and made golden calf burgers!

she gets my vote!

I wanna be a lifegaurd said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Tafulpendence Day!

Joe and Dave said...

Where's the beef?

Tafulpalin said...

I hereby step down as leader of this blog, so that I can concentrate on Tafulpendence day, cook golden calf burgers, and oil wrestle faulconandbrookeshields

tafulpalin in 2012!

Anonymous said...

Tafulpendence Day???


Sarah Phalic said...

I'm balled too, just like Michael Jackson and that Paul fella!

Barbeque WINGS said...

Ketchup, mustard and glacamole!
Don't get left behind!

Sarah Pileon said...

That's 'Guacamole', even I know thayut!

Anonymous said...

Roof Party!

Anonymous said...

My piano was boldly outspoken,
And I was boldy out smokin'
At Tafulpendence Day!

Jack Nickelbag said...

I love Tafulpendence Day!

Anonymous said...

early risers today!

Anonymous said...


Yokold O. said...

Old Baggism!

Anonymous said...

Café O lait

Party Favors said...

Anonymous said...

early risers today!"

Never went to sleep

was playing Silver Edition Tong

got some party favors and will be up till tomorrow

see you at the Tafulpendence day BBQ and pool party!

♫♪♫ said...


Anonymous said...

Bring your suitcase eBay to the Tafulpenedence day celebration and get one free golden calf burger!

Hurry! We have to eat the whole golden calf BEFORE TafulMoses gets down from the mountain or we are in big BIG trouble

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

early risers today!

July 4, 2009 5:48 AM

i wish you hadnt said that... now i am tired....

Anonymous said...

All you can eat Golden Calf Burgers!

Happy Tafulpendence day!

Anonymous said...

i am going to lay down, and just rest my eyes... NOT SLEEP... just rest my eyes a little....

Anonymous said...

Don't answer yet! order your very own TafulMoses today

1. Parting of the red sea...
(Do you sea? Do you really sea?)

2. Being led to the Promised Land
3. Water from Rocks
4. Burning bushes
5. Yul Brenner as Pharaoh

Yul Brenner as Pharaoh is my favorite!

Pharaoh Johnny D! said...

Oh wait 'til you see Johnny Depp!

The Long Island Lolita said...

Hey guys! Remember me?

Anonymous said...

You know: Me, Amy!

[i](Once in love with Amy...)[/i]

Joey Butt-a-Fucko said...

Amy who?

PK said...

How about ME, 'the Preppie Killer?!

Anonymous said...

All the old paintings on the tombs
They do the sand dance dont you know
If they move too quick (oh whey oh)
Theyre falling down like a domino

All the bazaar men by the nile
They got the money on a bet
Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh)
They snap their teeth on your cigarette

Foreign types with the hookah pipes say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an egyptian

The blonde waitresses take their trays
They spin around and they cross the floor
Theyve got the moves (oh whey oh)
You drop your drink then they bring you more

All the school kids so sick of books
They like the punk and the metal band
When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)
Theyre walking like an egyptian

All the kids in the marketplace say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an egyptian

Slide your feet up the street bend your back
Shift your arm then you pull it back
Life is hard you know (oh whey oh)
So strike a pose on a cadillac

If you want to find all the cops
Theyre hanging out in the donut shop
They sing and dance (oh whey oh)
Spin the clubs cruise down the block

All the japanese with their yen
The party boys call the kremlin
And the chinese know (oh whey oh)
They walk the line like egyptian

All the cops in the donut shop say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an egyptian
Walk like an egyptian

Tanya Harding Associates said...

Bango Beatlemania!
It's happening again!
Any damn place you choose!

Susanna Hoffs McCartney said...

I'm still the cute one!

Wikipedia said...

When Susanna Hoffs joined sisters Vicki and Debbi Peterson to form a band in Los Angeles in the waning days of December, 1980, the trio briefly christened itself The Colours, shortly renamed itself The Supersonic Bangs, but soon morphed its name to The Bangs. The band was part of the Los Angeles Paisley Underground scene, which featured groups that played a mixture of 1960s-influenced folk-rock and jangle pop with a more modern punk–ish/garage band undertone.

Anonymous said...

miss you taf

happy Taf everybody!

IAMHE said...

What Hands Era Regarding Era A Risk Era Yes On Us
That Has Everything Guards Are Missing Endings

Anonymous said...

Yul Brenner as Pharaoh is my favorite!

HE was BALD! So he wore a Mac - in the pouring reign.

Anonymous said...

" IAMHE said...
What Hands Era Regarding Era A Risk Era Yes On Us
That Has Everything Guards Are Missing Endings

July 4, 2009 6:46 AM"


Epi cureaus said...

Is a golden calf burger as good as a butter pie?

Anonymous said...

It's even butter!
Getting butter all the time!

Anonymous said...

Butter, butter, butter!

Stanley the K said...

2001 or bust!

Anonymous said...

The butter wouldn't melt, so I put it in the toilet.

Mrs. Buttersworth said...

That was dumb!
You could have licensed it as:
(get ready...)

Beatle Apple Butter!

be deals said...

ey waand juu bag tarfoltaan

Everybody's Trying to be my Butter said...

John Lemon Butter
Ringo 'Star' Butter
Paul Mc- 'Kart o' Butter'
'George-ous Butter'

Butter Pecan said...

We'd butter stop now, or this will churn out to be a rancid margarine of error.

I am Nut a fan of Me Shell said...

Strawberry Preserves forever!

Wonderwall Bread said...

I Should Have Known Bread-er!

Your Mother's Oats Should No! said...

It's all too mush!

I'm Dole! said...

The Salad of John and Yoko

I Don't Want to Spoil the Party said...

So I use Depends!
They Don't Let Me Down!

Everybody's Got Something To Hide said...

Butt Playtex Panties help me
Carry That Weight!

Had A Hard Day's Night? said...

With a little help from my friends at Dr. Robert's
and Junior's Pharmacy, I get by!
And here's a little tip from me to you:
If you needed someone; any time at all,
All ya gotta do is call!

I'm So Tired! said...

Baby, you can drive my car!
I just got new tires at Fixin-a-Hole Tires, and I'm on that
Long and Winding Road!
Don't Pass Me By!
Pass me that Mean Mister Mustard!
Why don't we do it in the Road?
Don't Let Me Down!

Anonymous said...

And you thought Golden Suitcase Burgers were bad!...

Are Your Submarines Yellow? said...

Are your Piggies less than pink?
Are you hiding them under a pair of old brown shoes?
No need to hide your feet away!
Come to the Octopus's Garden shoe store, and get
fashionable shoes Eight Legs A Week!

PS, I Love Shoes said...

And don't forget our Taffel Tongs!

Anonymous said...

1140 WRVA

Anonymous said...


Johnny Holiday said...

My Fête's bigger than your Fête!

Anonymous said...



the who said...

who's next?

I heard the news today, Oh Boy! said...

newspaper taxies appear on the shore, waiting to take you away

Anonymous said...

I'm GOING to WITHOLD MY POOP until the owner of this BLOG COMES BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS GONNA BE REALLY HARD to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are full of PooP, whether he's here or not.

Anonymous said...

I was waiting too, but I mean, C"MON!
Allen Klien DIED!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Taf posts a "Turn Me On, Deadman" thread, and they start dropping like flies!

Anonymous said...

1150 WHUN

Bob Dylan said...

Everything is broken

Anonymous said...

that was the best tafulpendence day ever!

Anonymous said...

the only thing better will be next years tafulpendence day!

Anonymous said...

going to sleep now for several days

RIP van Winkle said...

Don't forget to wake up!

0.o said...


tafulicious said...

We had tafulburgers, potaful salad, baked tafulbeans, tafulmellon and tafice cream!

Anonymous said...

taf would have been so proud!

How it differs from the rocks said...

I keep thinking about how Allen Klein was this high and mighty, pompous rock entrepeneur, and then got alzheimers, and probably didn't even know who The Rolling Stones or the Beatles were.
Life is strange.
And then you die.

Anonymous said...

1160 WYLL

Anonymous said...

Palin indicated on a social networking site that she would take on a larger, national role, citing a "higher calling" to unite the country along conservative lines.

"I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint," the former Republican vice presidential candidate wrote in a posting on her Facebook page.

Bonzo Dog Band said...

Look out, there's a monster coming!

Anonymous said...


Run Like Hell said...

Michael Jackson's face evolution said...

Death said...

"Even in Arcadia I exist"

Anonymous said...

Neil and Faul do "Let's Go Crazy!"

Life said...

Death said...
"Even in Arcadia I exist"

I need quarters for some arcadian games!

Anonymous said...

Neil and Faul do "Let's Go Crazy!"

July 5, 2009 2:34 PM

Shouldn't that be Faul and Neil?

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows how to play
This loving game
Nobody knows how to play
This loving game
Nobody knows how to play
This loving game

Pidometer said...


Anonymous said...

Death said...
"Even in Arcadia I exist"

July 5, 2009 11:43 AM

Arcadia: good Duran Duran side project from 1985. I knew the Duran connection would be made again by some Nick Rhodes loving pretty boy out there.

♫♪♫ said...


Anonymous said...

Arcadia was a pop group formed in 1985 by Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes and Roger Taylor of Duran Duran, during a break in that band's schedule. However, Roger Taylor appeared in only a few band photographs and in none of the music videos, and stated he was only to be involved in the recording side of the project (he also had minor involvement in Power Station, the other Duran Duran splinter group). The name of the band was reportedly inspired by the Nicolas Poussin painting Et in Arcadia ego (also known as "The Arcadian Shepherds").

The group recorded just one album, the platinum-selling So Red the Rose. It peaked at number 23 on the US album chart, and featured the Top 40 singles "Election Day," "The Flame," "The Promise," and "Goodbye Is Forever". One famous review described So Red the Rose as "the most pretentious album ever made", while All Music Guide called it "the best album Duran Duran never made"[1].

Musicians who contributed to the album included guitarists David Gilmour and Carlos Alomar, pianist Herbie Hancock, Sting (who provided backing vocals on "The Promise"), Grace Jones (who provided brief but dramatic spoken-word interludes on "The Flame" and "Election Day"), bass player Mark Egan of the Pat Metheny Group ("El Diablo" and "Lady Ice") and percussionist David Van Tieghem.

Ted Kennedy said...

I'm next!

Anonymous said...

Round each habitation hovering,
see the cloud and fire appear
for a glory and a covering,
showing that the Lord is near!

Anonymous said...

see the cloud and fire appear

Nope, not a nuclear blast.

Anonymous said...

Not Planet X either.

Anonymous said...

All my little plans and schemes,
Lost like some forgotten dreams.
Seems that all I really was doing
Was waiting for you.

Just like little girls and boys
Playing with their little toys,
Seems like all they really were doing
Was waiting for love.

Anonymous said...

1180 WHAM

Trinity and Beyond said...

Dare i say this???

2,500 comments by July 16th????

Can a new iamaphoney blog record be set?

Will Tafultong return to stop it?

It has never been dreamed of before, it may never happen again.

There are rumors that if we do this...
a slot on Oprah. That's all I am saying.

Anonymous said...

oprah? wtf?

Trinity and Beyond said...

Anonymous said...

oprah? wtf?

July 5, 2009 9:28 PM

I KNOW! That's what I said!

Faulfultong said...

As the temporary replacement fake leader of this blog, let me state unequivocally that I will do everything in my fake power to thwart any attempt to make 2500 comments by July 16
I will resort to any fake means necessary to stop this hateful meaningless pastime.

Let me say two things

1 Get a life
2 Get out of the house
3 Get a girlfriend

in that order.

Faulfultong loves you! BELIEVE IT!

Anonymous said...

That was 3 things

Snappletong said...

The culmination of this stage of God’s divine plan is almost upon you and is bringing with it a new and beautiful age in which peace, harmony, and joyful and exhilarating cooperation will change forever the way you perceive yourselves, your environment, and the infinite divine creation that is All That Is.

Anonymous said...

who the hell elected you tempory replacement fake leader?

Anonymous said...

Who will represent us on Oprah?
Will tafultong do the honors?
Will we at last see the man behind the mask?
Howzabout Mikey NL?
Or Vince?
Or all threee, with iamaphoney as our inspirational leader?
(Do people even watch Oprah anymore?!)

Oh god, please spare us! said...

And from there to Larry (the Lizard) King!

Anonymous said...

1190 WLIB

Anonymous said...

this could be the kind of mainstream exposure necessary to finally end this thing. i mean, come one! Yoko?

Anonymous said...

Mainstream exposure?
The Martians could land in Central Park, and it wouldn't make the papers.
What's that...? They did? Damn!

david charmish said...

Right, expose the seamy underbelly of a cult of koolaid drinkers from the Netherlands

What better way to do it?


Anonymous said...

whatever dude
like opry would even care about this
lame and rude

Could be the start of something big! said...

Or not.

John Sebastian Kroanberg said...

Yes, how about you stop insulting our collective intelligences and jump on the Faulfultong bandwagon and stop this madness of incessant commenting!

I for one will no longer participate in any discussions on this blog until there is a new rightful post from Tafultong himself.

Let me put this bluntly, down to earth, in a a language that everyone can easily understand.

Get off my lawn

Anonymous said...

What better way to do it?


Allen de-Klein said...

Hey! You! Get offa my lawn!'s just not the same.

Anonymous said...

John Sebastian Kroanberg, if that is in fact your real name! How dare you sir! How dare you. If tafultong was here, he would fully support our right to comment up to and past the magick 2,500 comments by July 16

We owe it to Tafultong to get his blog on The Oprah Winfrey Show!

Anonymous said...

Springer would be better dude.

one word,


Anonymous said...

Thats two words....

Anonymous said...

F I R S T!

Anonymous said...

not first

Anonymous said...


Allen Ginsberg said...


Werewolves of London said...


Anonymous said...

That girl is really pretty!

Scotty is back to drinking said...

Have you fully thought this out? 2,500 freakin comments???

We would need to make like..... 1,300 more comments MORE to reach that lofty goal


It cant bleeding be done man!

The pods are overloading now, the dilithium crystals are spent!


takin' Faulfultong's advice said...

Think I'll get out of the house and grab her!

Anonymous said...

And besides, the AM dial doesn't go up that far!
1300 WAVZ

Anonymous said...

1210 WPHT

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

And besides, the AM dial doesn't go up that far!
1300 WAVZ

July 5, 2009 10:03 PM

You sir are good!

Anonymous said...

What the hey, we're just about half way there!
Pretty soon we'll be at the no-turning-back point,
and we'll simply tafta gopher 2,500.

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