Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Turn Me On, Dead Man" Movie

Scheduled for release tomorrow is a short film entitled "Turn Me On, Dead Man."

According to the Frayed Edge Films website, "This is a high concept period piece serving as an allegory for the Paul McCartney 'Paul is dead' conspiracy theory/hoax."

The 22-minute film stars Joe Reegan and David Moscow. The director, Adam Blake Carver opted to create a fictional band with Beatle haircuts. Carver's description of his inspiration for the film reveals that he is not a first generation fan, or even that much of a fan in general. He spoke of discovering the clue of Lennon singing "He's dead, he's dead" when the song "Let It Be" is played backwards. Not many would attribute the vocal of "Let It Be" to Lennon unless he or she truly believed that John was "the man of a thousand voices." There is some evidence that Tyler Knell, the Co-Writer and Co-Producer of the film actually listened to and enjoyed the Beatles music, sometimes even playing it forwards.

The film contains original music by the Bumblebees based on various styles reflecting the time period. I don't think they quite nailed the Beatles sound, but they seem to have all of the tools necessary for a Rutles tribute band. If you go to the backstage section of the film's website, you can see and hear them in action. They state in the music section that they are willing to make music "in exchange for anything" so I would imagine that you could get them to play "Paul Is Dead" music at your next backyard cookout.

Based on the advanced information, I believe the film does have at least one redeeming feature----A Volkswagen.

With a release date of June 18, 2009, I assume that "Turn Me On, Dead Man" can be seen somewhere tomorrow.

Perhaps Iamaphoney has gone about this thing in the wrong way...


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Anonymous said...

Faul sang it with his MIND!
And they used the left over Trinitite tape



July 16, 2009 7:47 PM

Faul came back as superman, his kryptonite is TRINITITE, he didnt wear shoes to weaken himself and alow himself to be cloned, and then ritualistically murdered by satanists

I saw this on the X-Men and Superman II The Movie.


Anonymous said...

I saw this on the X-Men and Superman II The Movie.


July 16, 2009 7:56 PM

this is a really good movie

Anonymous said...

barbara waaa waah said...

July 16, 2009 7:53 PM


July 16, 2009 7:54 PM


We come in PID said...

2500 will never happen...

Taf is working on a post as we speak to end this nonsense!

Give up your futile attempt!

Resistance is futile!

Anonymous said...


July 16, 2009 7:56 PM

oh brother

Anonymous said...

- I heard that you have made a band

Anonymous said...

- Yes, it's a quartet.

Anonymous said...

- How many of you are there?

Anonymous said...

- There are three.

Anonymous said...

- Three?

Anonymous said...

- Three?!??!?!?

Anonymous said...

- Three

Anonymous said...

- Me and my brother.

Anonymous said...

- You have a brother?

Anonymous said...

- No, why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

that was a zen Kone

Anonymous said...

What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch?

Fission chips.

Remember CERN???? said...

What happens when electrons lose their energy?

They get Bohr'ed.

Anonymous said...

A hydrogen atom is walking down the street with a friend when he suddenly stops.

The friend says, "What's wrong?"

The hydrogen atom replies, "I lost my electron!"

The friend says, "Are you sure?"

The hydrogen atom exclaims, "Yes, I'm positive."

The friend laments, "Oh, I thought you were just being negative again."

damn hippy said...

Anonymous said...
What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch?

Fission chips.

July 16, 2009 8:06 PM

I thought me agreed.. no fricken jokes on the way to 2500!

Anonymous said...

Why do chemists like nitrates so much?
- They're cheaper than day rates.

Anonymous said...

What do you do with a dead chemist?
- Barium

/rimshot said...

A proton, neutron, and electron went out to dinner one night. After a luxurious meal, the waiter brought the check to the proton and the electron. The neutron was perplexed as to why the waiter didn't bring him his check. So, he summoned the waiter to the table and asked him about it.
The waiter explained to the neutron, "For you, there's no charge!"

Mumbo Jumbo said...

"Jumbo" is still kept nearby.

I'm only sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What do you do with a dead chemist?
- Barium

July 16, 2009 8:08 PM


Anonymous said...

Mumbo Jumbo said...
"Jumbo" is still kept nearby.

I'm only sleeping.

July 16, 2009 8:09 PM


it will if i start drinking said...

We come in PID said...
2500 will never happen...

Taf is working on a post as we speak to end this nonsense!

Give up your futile attempt!

Resistance is futile!

July 16, 2009 8:01 PM

Buster Poindexter said...

I liked those egg-headed jokes!

Anonymous said...


scientifically impossible said...

4 hrs til midnight



451 / 4 hrs = 113 comments per hour

113 / 60 minutes = 1.8 comments per minute


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The org made it private after it was discovered. But it was already discovered.

All the way to the end.

Hint: you shouldn't leave clues if you don't want people to figure them out.

July 16, 2009 7:49 PM

Please comment further. this is important

Yeah, but I'm going to respect the efforts gone into it so I won't give anything (more) away.

Anonymous said...

Buster Poindexter said...
I liked those egg-headed jokes!

July 16, 2009 8:12 PM

my head stinks of egg

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but I'm going to respect the efforts gone into it so I won't give anything (more) away.

July 16, 2009 8:13 PM



Anonymous said...

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Anonymous said...

my head stinks of egg

July 16, 2009 8:13 PM

dont go any further or
nosdrahcirbocaj will start with other body parts.....

Anonymous said...

Please comment further. this is important

Yeah, but I'm going to respect the efforts gone into it so I won't give anything (more) away.

July 16, 2009 8:13 PM

blog teasing leads to blue blog balls and me practicing my alliteration...

Anonymous said...

Q: What is the name of the first electricity detective?

A: Sherlock Ohms

One Goat said...

A neutron walked into a bar and asked, "How much for a drink?" The bartender replied, "For you, no charge."

Anonymous said...

One Goat said...
A neutron walked into a bar and asked, "How much for a drink?" The bartender replied, "For you, no charge."

July 16, 2009 8:18 PM

then the bartender said... "BUT YOU F*CK ONE GOAT"

Anonymous said...

I'm just going to double check a couple of facts for a minute before saying anything else . . . hold on kids

iamapopeofgreenwitchvillage said...

When a third-grade student was asked to define the term "vacuum" in class, she answered, "A vacuum is an empty region of space where the Pope lives."

Anonymous said...

We're coming up on the 40th anniversary of the alledged
lunar landing by those lying sacks o' shite from Apollo 11.

Why didn't Nasa show us the real pictures from the moon landing?

The cheese had melted.
The cow flew overhead.
There is no dark side of the moon,really.

Moon rocks?
As if!
It just played a light sonata.

Anonymous said...

I'm just going to double check a couple of facts for a minute before saying anything else . . . hold on kids

July 16, 2009 8:19 PM


Anonymous said...

Murphy's Ten Laws for String Theorists:

(1) If you fix a mistake in a mathematical superstring calculation, another one will show up somewhere else.
(2) If your results are based on the work of others, then one such work will turn out to be wrong. (3) The longer your article, the more likely your computer hard disk drive will fail while you are typing the references.
(4) The better your research result, the more likely it will be rejected by the referee of a journal; on the other hand, if your work is wrong but not obviously so, it will be accepted for publication right away.
(5) If a result seems to good to be true, it is unless you are one of the top ten string theorists in the world. (By the way, these theorists refer to their results as "string miracles".)
(6) Your most startling string-theoretic theorem will turn out to be valid in only two spatial dimensions or less.
(7) When giving a string seminar, nobody will follow anything you say after the first minute, but, if miraculously someone does, then that person will point out a flaw in your reasoning half-way through your talk and what will be worse is that your grant review officer will happen to be in the audience.
(8) For years, nobody will ever notice the fudge factors in your calculations, but when you come up for tenure they will surface like fish being tossed fresh breadcrumbs.
(9) If you are a graduate student working on string theory, then the field will be dead by the time you get your Ph.D.; Even worse, if you start over with a new thesis topic, the new field will also be dead by the time you get your Ph.D.
(10) If you discover an interesting string model, then it will predict at least one low-energy, observable particle not seen in Nature.

In summary, anything in string theory that theoretically can go wrong will go wrong, but if nothing does go theoretically wrong, then experimentally it is ruled out.

Anonymous said...

I'm just going to double check a couple of facts for a minute before saying anything else . . . hold on kids

Have you heard that entropy isn't what it used to be?

Math Teacher said...

I'm just going to double check a couple of facts for a minute before saying anything else . . . hold on kids


Anonymous said...

Q: Where does bad light end up?
A: In a prism.

Anonymous said...

A Sexual Encounter between a Capacitor and an Inductor

One evening, with his charge at full capacity, Micro Farad decided to get a cute coil to discharge him. He went to the Magnet Bar to pick up a chip called Millie Amp. He caught her out back trying self induction; fortunately, she had not damaged her solenoid. The two took off on his megacycle and rode across the Wheatstone Bridge into a magnetic field, next to a flowing current , to watch the sine waves.

Micro Farad was very much stimulated by Millie's characteristic curve. Being attractive himself, he soon had her field fully excited. He set her on the ground potential, raised his frequency, lowered her resistance, and pulled out his high voltage probe. When he inserted it in parallel, he short-circuited her shunt. Fully excited, Millie cried out, "ohm, ohm, give me mho". As he increased his tube to maximum output, her coil vibrated from the current flow. It did not take long for her shunt to reach maximum heat. Now with the excessive current shortening her shunt, Micro's capacity rapidly discharged – every electron was drained off. But that was not the end of it. Indeed, they fluxed all night, tried various connections and hookings until his bar magnet weakened, and he could no longer generate enough voltage to sustain his collapsing field. With his battery fully discharged, Micro was unable to excite his tickler, so they went home. A few weeks later, they were merged forever and oscillated happily ever after.

Anonymous said...


Here is what I found

A physics professor, who was teaching a graduate course on superstring theory, decided to add an essay question to this year's final exam. The instructions read, "Describe the universe in 400 words or less and give three examples."

Anonymous said...

Q: Where does bad light end up?
A: In a prism.

July 16, 2009 8:21 PM



Anonymous said...

Millie cried out, "ohm, ohm, give me mho"


Anonymous said...

A few weeks later, they were merged forever and oscillated happily ever after.

July 16, 2009 8:22 PM


Uncertainty Principled said...

This is apparently a true story. It took place just outside of Munich, Germany.
Heisenberg went for a drive and got stopped by a traffic cop. The cop asked, "Do you know how fast you were going?" Heisenberg replied, "No, but I know where I am."

Anonymous said...

iamaphoney is PHAB!

Anonymous said...

Albert Einstein was just about finished his work on the theory of special relativity, when he decided to take a break and go on vacation to Mexico. So he hopped on a plane and headed to Acapulco. Each day, late in the afternoon, sporting dark sunglasses, he walked in the white Mexican sand and breathed in the fresh Pacific sea air. On the last day, he paused during his stroll to sit down on a bench and watch the Sun set. When the large orange ball was just disappearing, a last beam of light seemed to radiate toward him. The event brought him back to thinking about his physics work. "What symbol should I use for the speed of light?" he asked himself. The problem was that nearly every Greek letter had been taken for some other purpose. Just then, a beautiful Mexican woman passed by. Albert Einstein just had to say something to her. Almost out of desperation, he asked as he lowered his dark sunglasses, "Do you not zink zat zee speed of light is zery fast?" The woman smiled at Einstein (which, by the way, made his heart sink) and replied, "Si."

Anonymous said...

Q: What is the simplest way to observe the optical Doppler effect?

A: Go out at and look at cars. The lights of the ones approaching you are white, while the lights of the ones moving away from you are red.

this is true, i tried it

Anonymous said...

Does a radioactive cat have 18 half-lives?

Anonymous said...

The Heineken Uncertainty Principle says "You can never be sure how many beers you had last night."


Anonymous said...

hurry up with the facts




Anonymous said...

The two took off on his megacycle and rode across the Wheatstone Bridge into a magnetic field, next to a flowing current , to watch the sine waves.

How r-ohm-antic!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Heineken Uncertainty Principle says "You can never be sure how many beers you had last night."


July 16, 2009 8:28 PM

let the drinking begin..

3000 comments here we come!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


July 16, 2009 8:31 PM

Oprah here we come!

Letterman is in on it said...

uma...... oprah

Anonymous said...


65if2007 is vindicated


The KOAD! said...

Is David LETTER-MAN really Miles Deo?

Anonymous said...

Ten little known facts about relativity:
(1) Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check.
(2) Energy equals milk chocolate square (attributed to Albert E. Hersey)
(3) Delivery of Christmas gifts by Santa to the children of the world is now accomplished by riding Rudolf the red-shift reindeer.
(4) The general relativity theory of gravitation is responsible for people falling in love.
(5) The speed of an IRS tax refund is constant.
(6) Anger is neither created nor conserved but only changed from one form to another.
(7) The speed of time is one second per second, which is also called the fundamental unity.
(8) Death and taxes are the same for all constantly moving observers.
(9) Moving midgets are shortened.
(10) Divorce and alimony are equivalent but the latter is multiplied by an enormous factor.

Anonymous said...


July 16, 2009 8:31 PM

Oprah here we come!

July 16, 2009 8:31 PM





Anonymous said...

Q: What did the male magnet say to the female magnet?
A: From your backside, I thought you were repulsive. However, after seeing you from the front, I find you rather attractive.


Using cliches makes jokes fall flatter than a pancake.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kraft dinner was the reason for the lettermen interview

Edgar Rice Burroughs said...

Peel a banana like a monkey!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Oh, now I see it! It is all clear to me now! Jimmy Page bought an old manor house once owned by a flamboyant occultist 75 years before, thus it is intuitively obvious that demons from the spirit world recorded backwards satanic messages automatically, proving the existence of the spirit world, compelling me to cast off my atheist ways!
Ya, right.

Anonymous said...

Kraft dinner was the reason for the lettermen interview

Coming up!
Barf on the run!
Let me roll in it!
Shelter skatter,
Back in the bathroom

Yes we kan! said...

We can do better....

Anonymous said...

It was bought for a reason there is ample proof that Jimmy Pige was an occultist. Jimmy Page bought it because it was sacred, at was based on laylines, you cats might not want to believe it but there is such a thing as the Church of Satan

Anonymous said...

Magical Mystery Science Theater 3000

Anonymous said...

You still are too thick to get it. We do agree that there is a Church of Satan, although I’d say that they’re more of a joke than anything (rather like the Church of Bob). I’ve been to rituals of Church of Bob, actually, where we sat around with hats made of tin foil and prayed to aliens to come abduct us.

It was a joke. So is the Church of Satan. You’d be surprised how far people would go to create fake religions as a joke, but they do.

A joke. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

What about the church of Set? Is it a joke , is General Aquino not a member of the US Military?

People like Aleister Crowley were not Joking, groups like the O.T.O., scientology and other which are associated with him aare very serious, you will claim that Hitler was a joke next.

Eric Clap-ton said...

You got me on my knees, laylines!

Anonymous said...

No, some of them weren’t a joke. But none of them are worth wasting one’s time about discussing either, are they? Some are intentional jokes played by the participants, some participants in such things ARE a joke themselves.

Hitler was something different entirely however. I don’t think that you can claim any members of these other groups performed any society- or world-changing heinous acts as Hitler did. Even those that were criminals were not genocidal dictators – including Aleister Crowley. So the Hitler analogy is just really *bleeping* stupid of you

Anonymous said...

What does Hitler have to do with Page, or Crowley, or IAMAPHONEY other than the fact that everyone you don’t like seems to be a relative of Hitler or some stupid crap like that.

If there’s a connection beyond some odd things in common, please tell us. Otherwise, I think you’re full of shit. (As usual.)

H. Himmler said...

Hitler was a joke!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Magical Mystery Science Theater 3000

July 16, 2009 8:46 PM

666 stars!

Anonymous said...

Worst joke in recorded history.

Anonymous said...

the lettermen oprah one i mean

Anonymous said...

Only a douche would take issue with this joke.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't disagree more. This is classic silly humor, and Letterman owns it

Like he owned your mother... last night..

i video taped it

on tivo

Anonymous said...

You can almost see the flames shooting out of Oprah's eyes.

satan made her famous

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

satan made her famous

July 16, 2009 8:52 PM


Anonymous said...

Oprah is NOT SATAN!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

has been deceived by satan for she serves satan and promotes his antichrist regimen

Anonymous said...

If we have it Oprah's way, we'll all be welcoming Satan into our hearts the first time he appears to us, no questions asked

Anonymous said...

Oprah has rejected true Christianity for the satanic counterfeit and is now spreading these lies all over the world

Anonymous said...

While most people think of Oprah as a self made woman who gives generously to all people via her syndicated television show on CBS (please note the connection between CBS and Satanism in general-is it any wonder?) Oprah is really a prong in the pitchfork

Anonymous said...

a prong in the pitchfork


Anonymous said...

Just remember, the next time you watch Oprah, the devil himself could be advising you to get some exercise or to read a book instead of watching television, or to seek counseling for a substance abuse problem for you or a loved one.

Anonymous said...

oprah before satan

Anonymous said...

Oprah believes in using her life as a puppet for Satan's ruthless assault on mankind, and is subsequently leading people into the fires of hell

Anonymous said...

Just because the word "Satan" is in it does not mean it has anything to do with the devil. This is why people are stupid

Anonymous said...

satan thetan satanic scientology mind control internet crime adver advertising ...

Anonymous said...

Please if you are a Oprah Fan or know of someone who is, ... and be delivered from that bondage satan has tried to afflict you

Anonymous said...

So the fake Lennon in the IAAP videos is this Elias Crowe cat that claims to be from Kentucky. Or is he a Brit putting on a fake southern accent? Don't know a lot of dudes from KY into electronica and enigma codes, but I suppose it's possible.

Anonymous said...

And that leads to rebellion towards Christ. Which opens the door for Satan to walk right thru. Oprah is Satan's biggest fan and she doesn't even know it.

Anonymous said...

If we had the technology to go to the moon in 1969, wouldn't have good enough technology now in 2009 to go to the Sun?

And don't tell me "they would burn up on the Sun", like my dumbass brother said.

They would obviously have to go at night.

Anonymous said...


Oh. wait.

Anonymous said...

This Kraft shit, is this some Iameye shit? The one who also makes the connection between Spam (the potted meat) and beatles?

(Notice I'll capitalize Spam)

Anonymous said...


he likes the Kraft Dinners!


Rupert said...

If a hint falls in the forest, does anyone care?

The hills are alive with the sound of hints.

Anonymous said...

One more reason why Nixon belongs on Mount Rushmore.

Anonymous said...

2500 will not happen

Anonymous said...

goodnight and so long

Anonymous said...

Ahem, but the Kraft Dinner reference is copyrighted.

In light of what we now know, my reference from months ago may come clearer.

We ate some Kraft dinner, and the kids made some PID videos. People are still discussing the videos they made after eating Kraft Dinner.

Suppose they should have had Nutter Butters.

Anonymous said...

One more reason why Nixon belongs on Mount Rushmore.

Better him than reagan, i spose.

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney should be on Mount Rush-no-more, carrying a suitcase!

Anonymous said...

The hate crimes bill has passed, so there will be no more disparaging of iamaphallix, fault, or David Letter Be.

Phil Spector said...

"I have a dream, that one day,
h8ters and PID Lovers can come together, right now, over me."

Regina Spektor said...

"I have a dream, that one day,
h8ters and PID Lovers can come together, right now, over me."

Arlen Specter said...

"I have a dream, that one day,
h8ters and PID Lovers can come together, right now, over me."

Inn Spector said...

"I have a dream, that one day,
h8ters and PID Lovers can come together, right now, over me."

Peter Sellers said...

"I have a dream, that one day,
h8ters and PID Lovers can come together, right now, over me."

Anonymous said...

Abandoned by the boating lake is where this riddle starts.

Lewis Carrol, Nutters, Elias Crowe, IamaWitch, Dunskie, PlugFive, Miles (maybe), and I've forgotten the other two dudes names.

Anonymous said...

This guy has been Paul McCartney longer than the real Paul McCartney had been Paul McCartney

Anonymous said...

This guy has been Paul McCartney longer than the real Paul McCartney had been Paul McCartney

good point

Anonymous said...

This guy has been Paul McCartney longer than the real Paul McCartney had been Paul McCartney


Anonymous said...

This guy has been Paul McCartney longer than the real Paul McCartney had been Paul McCartney

what ever

Anonymous said...

Mikey, are you a Nutter like Aaron?

Anonymous said...

I was always curious why they propped his cold, lifeless body up at that one half time show for such-and-such a sport. Did he moan the entire time too? Like a zombie?

/Sometimes I get bored writing my own, stupid comments.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say I prefer Lennon's talent over McCartney.

That is all.

shameless plug5 said...

If you want to change your opinion of Sir Paul, check out the music he makes under the nym "The Fireman". It's awesome.

Anonymous said...

I buried Paul, so I'm getting a real kick out of these responses.

Timothy Leary's Dead said...

"I have a dream, that one day,
h8ters and PID Lovers can come together, right now, over me."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but McCartney's been a lot more prolific in the past 20-25 years

then LENNON!

Anonymous said...

At least he got rid of Heather Mills

Anonymous said...

Why would he kick his sandals OFF on a hot day to walk across some PAVEMENT??


Anonymous said...

Why would he kick his sandals OFF on a hot day to walk across some PAVEMENT??

Anonymous said...

Why would he kick his sandals OFF on a hot day to walk across some PAVEMENT??

Anonymous said...

He was on Letterman last night.
/pretty good interview

Anonymous said...

McCartney was the most skilled musician in the Beatles

Anonymous said...

He's a vegetarian.
He's dead to me.

Anonymous said...

He's a vegetarian.
He's dead to me.

Anonymous said...

He's a vegetarian.
He's dead to me.

Anonymous said...

Cranberry sauce

Anonymous said...

I buried Paul, so I'm getting a real kick out of these responses.

Pictures, or it didn't happpen.

Anonymous said...

Cranberry sauce

Anonymous said...

how does this blog work?


Anonymous said...

He seemed still pissed at Michael Jackson for holding the rights to his songs

Anonymous said...

Letterman asked him questions we all know the answers to.

Anonymous said...

Nutters: kids into PID
Nutters: also into videomaking
Nutters: left a clue about the Isle of Wight
Lewis Carrol: clues about the Isle of Wight
Phoney: clues about the Isle of Wight
Elias Crowe: clues about the Isle of Wight

If you want to know where specifically on the Isle of Wight, it's in the Phoney and other videos. Google Earth.

I think at least two of us know exactly where. It's pretty clearly spelled out.

Bungalow #21

Under the floorboard

You're welcome.

Maybe another Blair Witch video in there.

Maybe some cash.

Maybe more clues like National Treasure.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theorists always reach logical conclusions

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theorists always reach logical conclusions

Anonymous said...

It's pathetic that as rich as Sir Paul is, he's too cheap and has to play the victim card asking for a discount to buy the catalog.

Anonymous said...

Harrison was the best songwriter of the bunch

Anonymous said...

George is dressed as the gravedigger, ringo as the priest, and john as, well. i forgot.

All three are stepping left foot forward, paul is right root forward.
There's also the license plate on the VW - "28 IF" IIRC, (paul would have been 28 if still alive).

There was also the black rose in that sgt pepper's picture, where the other three had red roses.

These are just what i can remember - i used to know the entire list...

/much more of a Lennon fan - I guess you're either one or the other - but I appreciate quite a few of Paul's songs, even if he can strike me as too much of a perfectionist prick. see the Let It Be movie.
I liked the version of the song Let It Be w/ George's lead 100x better than that you often hear on the radio w/ the muted guitar/organ lead...
and George left the set for several days because Paul was being a prick about that...

Anonymous said...

First concert was McCartney & Wings. $7. The Beatles put all kinds of "paul is dead" things in their songs just as a joke, & then it took on a life of it's own. In 1969 it put Sgt Pepper & Magical Mystery tour back on the charts.

Anonymous said...

I prefer McCartney's raw talent over Lennon's, but I prefer John's artistic sensibility over Paul's.

Dunskie said...

I remember trying to hear "Paul is dead" and "I buried Paul" several years ago by trying to make my record play backwards. I never did hear it, but that may be because the damn needle kept jumping out of the groove. Maybe it was a gimmick to get people to wear out the records faster to get them to buy more.

Anonymous said...

OK the funny line in the Late Show last night was when Michael Jackson called McCartney and asked if he wanted to make some hits.

It was funny because everybody knows Paul is a pop whore.

Anonymous said...

This impostor has been putting stupid nursery rhymes to music since 1970.

Anonymous said...

walrus is not Paul.

Anonymous said...

walrus is not Paul.

Anonymous said...

walrus is not Paul.

Anonymous said...

Without George Martin, the Beatles would have been just another forgotten 1960s pop band.


Anonymous said...

Without George Martin, the Beatles would have been just another forgotten 1960s pop band.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Without George Martin, the Beatles would have been just another forgotten 1960s pop band.


Anonymous said...

Without Brian Epstein, they might never have made it. They were fortunate to have him and George Martin - both the best at what they did.

Anonymous said...

Where is Stu Sutcliffe in all this?

Anonymous said...

The Beatles were 3 incredible, quasi-unbelievable musicians and Ringo Starr.

Anonymous said...

Brian Epstein's efforts to create Beatlemania can't be overlooked either.

Anonymous said...

I liked both McCartney and Lennon. Paul more. Earlier Lennon was great before he started making albums with more of Yoko on them. That woman had no singing talent.

Anyone remember the SNL skit where they offered the Beatles $1000 for a Beatles reunion? I remember George showed up to take up the offer, as a joke and was hilarious. Paul and John were visiting each other and they actually considered doing it as a joke.

about the Letterman show said...

I saw crappy lighting, bad wigs, fake mustaches, and poser acting. And that was without dialogue.

Linda vs Yoko said...

One could easily argue that Linda was no better.

I once heard her mic alone during a Wings show - I don't remember how this became public - it was decades ago. But golly, it was funny. She knew the right words, but was nowhere close to being on-key.

Anonymous said...

It was Bob Dylan who died in the 1960s. In a motorcycle accident. He was replaced by a double, who actually went on to have a creditable career of his own, producing several notable works. Nothing, of course, came close to the string of masterpieces created by the real Bob. This is the greatest cover-up in musical history, yet I am apparently the only person who believes it.

Anonymous said...

I buried Paul is heard forward and the end of Strawberry Fields

Anonymous said...

paul sucks. my favorite beatle has always been the all starr drummer.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that even though Iamaphoney took the Letterman interview and threw creepy music under it and added his typical Vincent Price/Monster Movie narration, it's still a funny interview. Comedy is comedy and he could add all kinds of monster movie tricks onto an interview with Mel Brooks and it would still be funny. I think this was failure as a video compared to past ones and with the Nutters/Org stuff coming out every day it's like someone let the air out of the Iamaphoney balloon.

MikeNL's commenst on Iamaphoney's page indicate that he may be the last kid on earth who thinks Iamaphoney is Paul McCartney acting out in a fit of self-hatred and trying to connect with every maladjusted teenager in cyberspace.

Anonymous said...

Turn me on, dead man.

Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo


Anonymous said...


What really sparked the rumors wasn't the Abbey Road cover anyway - it was the Sgt. Pepper's cover

Anonymous said...

My favorite explanation of the cover is that John is God (white suit), Ringo is the undertaker (black suit), Paul is the deceased (suit, barefoot), and George is the gravedigger (jeans and work shirt).

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Paul is dead, but his excuse for being barefoot the day of shooting the Abbey Road cover is bullshiat. He showed up in flip-flops and a suit? Or they had a suit for him to wear but no shoes?

Anonymous said...

Shhhhhh. We're all supposed to pretend that their lyrics were pure genius with deep deep meanings.

(Just once I'd love to have a famous songwriter, author, or poet speak up and say "You know all that deep analysis you people do for my works? You're full of crap. I just thought those words went nicely together; half of them are off a Wendy's menu.")

Anonymous said...

Why would he kick his sandals OFF on a hot day to walk across some PAVEMENT??


First, Paul was indeed wearing sandals before taking them off as he said. The pictures of the photo shoot confirm it. If he wanted to make something up, he wouldn't have said he had sandals on. He also wouldn't have said he took them off because it was hot if he was lying, because if he wanted to lie about having no shoes, all he had to say was "I didn't feel like wearing shoes that day. What's the big deal? A lot of people went barefoot in the 60s."

Second, since when does anyone associate a bare-footed person with death? I never would have thought it meant "this person is dead" and neither would any of you if you hadn't read about it in PID lore.

Third, when I was young, I always took my shoes off on summer days. Why on earth would I do that when it was hot! Was I crazy? I must have been dead without knowing it.

Anonymous said...

Listen to Glyns John's original recordings for "Get Back" Without George Martin, the Beatles had a damn hard time making a good tune. Hell, compare the single of "Don't Let Me Down" to the version on "Let It Be Naked" and it's obvious. The man had an ear and a talent for what was listenable. He made those good Beatles songs great.

Anonymous said...

if anybody says "Wonderful Christmastime", I will punch them in the neck.

Anonymous said...

I liked Paul. I like Bill. Bill's been Paul longer than Paul lived, now.

Honestly, I think Bill is a great musician, whether he's Paul or not.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't believe Paul is dead, but his excuse for being barefoot the day of shooting the Abbey Road cover is bullshiat. He showed up in flip-flops and a suit? Or they had a suit for him to wear but no shoes?

July 16, 2009 9:46 PM

Dude, haven't you ever been to the beach? Everybody goes barefoot on the beach and the hot sand stings at first and then you get used to it and it actually feels kinda good. You see people walking barefoot across the pavement all the time in Los Angeles going from the beach to an ice cream stand and back and forth. I don't understand how this shit is such a mystery to you people.

Anonymous said...

The Fireman was surprisingly different in a good way.

Anonymous said...

miss him... miss him... MISS HIM!

Anonymous said...

If he really was dead why would they then hire a lookalike and then try to give clues to all their fans that he really is dead...i think its just a publicity gimmick way back when and they still keep it alive to keep their music alive

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