Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Filling the Gap

Just some links to recent videos inspired by, related to, reminiscent of, or in reaction to the Iamaphoney phenonomenon.

High In The Midday Sun
by Sunssol

Money Can't Buy Me Love
by Sunssol

Ride The Rainbow by Sunssol

This Could Only Happen To Me
by Sunssol

The One After 09 09 by Sunssol


Paul Is Dead - Love / Code by GRITzz93

Paul is Dead - The Iamaphoney Message by GRITzz93

The Fireman - Lifelong Passion Acapella (Sawain Ambient) by MikeyNL1038

The Fireman - Sun Is Shining instrumental (Equinox) by MikeyNL1038

The Fireman - Travelling Lightinstrumental by MikeyNL1038

The Fireman - Sing The Changes instrumental (Morning Mist) by MikeyNL1038

The Fireman - Traveling Light (Instrumental) by maccaspan2008

Paul is Dead - NO MAR by NavTiLS

paul is dead - MagiKman: Paul McCartney and Aleister Crowley by HeweHaarlemmer

paul is dead - Saint Paul & The Ballad of Paul by HeweHaarlemmer

O- Bloody O- Blood- Die !
by yhshvh10


  1. Well if John is Jesus or some guy who thinks he's John or that John is coming back from the dead takes over NIR or is in Iamaphoney's videos then I'm outta here. That's some psycho shit right there.

  2. Charley NewportsMay 6, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    The Fischerman loves you


  4. When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide

    Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride

    Till I get to the bottom AND I SEE YOU AGAIN


  5. Hey isn't there a rule against use of profanity?


  6. watching paint dryMay 6, 2009 at 9:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
    Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
    Till I get to the bottom AND I SEE YOU AGAIN
    May 6, 2009 9:29 PM

    a non sequitur beatles quote!

  7. Mikey HATES when you do..... oh wait. he kind of likes that...

  8. When is the next Iamaphoney video?

  9. Go right ahead all you John Is Jesus guys. Destroy PID! You can do it! I believe in you!

  10. I'm fixing a--HOLE.

  11. A---hard.. Days night.

  12. Never a cough
    Always too loud
    Nothing that stops
    The person to shout
    He goes on and on
    And on and on
    Until he finds his goal of life
    Which wasn't something he knew before
    Before he took the dangerous dive...

  13. Anonymous said...

    When is the next Iamaphoney video?

    If you can decipher his YouTube Channel "Schedule"...

    90020410 seohs
    9002 Mcc OnO

  14. Thanks Tafultong!

  15. The 23rd of June then, right?

  16. 9002 Mcc OnO

    so in between shoes and the 23rd of June, there is this? 9002 Mcc OnO

  17. What is interesting is the fact some comments are very intelligent and offers food for thought. The rest of the comments, well, not to be unkind, seem a little retarded. There is no cure for this genetic defect yet, so you are excused and forgiven for what you do not have the ability to control.

    People come to read Taf's blog because of the fact this subject is interesting, regardless of what you think is true or not. If you want to believe PID, replaced, or it is all a hoax, fine. It is entertaining! Surely, this is what keeps him going.

    Someone asked about offending groups of people who believe a certain supposed truth, as they see it. People are told what to believe from birth and most people can never shake out of it even if there is no truth in it whatsoever.

    Brainwashed or brain damaged people, please do not read this.

  18. non sequitur????May 7, 2009 at 9:27 AM

    its coming down fast

  19. the rats are leaving the sinking ship

  20. What's the matter

    Don't believe john is jesus?


  21. sure wish Jude would come on here and get all hissy fitty like he is doing at NIR right now.

    get all "G-d should never have allowed you to have been born!" and then complain that people are being "beastly" to him.

    that and if he could only say "arse" again.

  22. Your mommas so fat it looks like she be smuggling volkswagons!!

    I don't expect even that will make a difference. You can't expect an apology from a grown woman who has made up her mind that she is going to hate you no matter what you do or say to her because, at least in her mind, you're asking for it.

  24. Jude said...

    Your mommas so fat it looks like she be smuggling volkswagons!!

    May 7, 2009 11:54 AM


  25. its a gas gas gasMay 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM

    yeah, well your mammas a** is so fat if you put it up to your ear you can hear the ocean

  26. I can still laugh at all of this despite the fact that you did then and continue to still say extremely hurtful things to me and about me.

    History will judge you iameye and the people are on my side. We all want you to leave!

  27. hell hath no fury like a women Nefertiti'ed jude.

    and you did call her crazy...

  28. gfa said...

    Jude said...
    Your mommas so fat it looks like she be smuggling volkswagons!!
    May 7, 2009 11:54 AM


    May 7, 2009 11:57 AM

    uhhhhh, guys?

  29. Yo mama so fat Jude, she got stretch marks ON HER CLOTHES

  30. Your mama so fat the back of her neck look like a pack of hot dogs

  31. Your mommas so toothless, it takes her an hour to eat minute rice Jude

  32. Oh yeah? your mommas so blind she got eyes on her b*tt and she still cant see squat!

  33. Jude, i dont know if you know this, but your mama is so fat, after sex she smokes turkeys

  34. well YOUR mom's so fat, after i make love to her i roll over twice and i am STILL on top of her

  35. Yo mamma so stupid Jude, I saw her apply for a job, and at the bottom of the application it said sign here, she said Sagittarius.

  36. And then you know what yo mama did Jude? she went home and gave your daddy a blo* job because she thought it would help his unemployment.

  37. Anonymous said...

    well YOUR mom's so fat, after i make love to her i roll over twice and i am STILL on top of her

    May 7, 2009 12:15 PM

    are you my dad?

  38. This can't be nearly as deja vu for you as it is for me. This same sort of thing happened back MONTHS AGO. What is it about me that people think I am out to start trouble when I'm honestly not?

  39. You were right, Apollo. You were right.

  40. bygones be senogybMay 7, 2009 at 12:34 PM

    "Even you seem to think I'm Jude the Troll, and that by pleading with me to put this thing to bed you're avoiding some sort of cataclysmic flame war. Don't delude yourself! I have nothing but respect for you, skyward, but I can't help but be annoyed by someone who seems to interpret everything I write as some sort of an attempt at starting a flame war."

    How dare someone characterize Jude as "Jude the troll"!
    Jude has never participated in a flame war. Especially not here!

  41. The flame wars spill over to this blog. sigh....

  42. Jude said...

    "Even though I worded it rather sarcastically, and even if I said it with a hint of malice (which I don't think I did), I never imagined iameye would take it so seriously. She wasted no time in accusing me of attacking her, which still seems wrong to me because even if I try to imagine I'm someone else reading it, it still doesn't come across quite as an "attack" so much as just a sarcastic reference to a feud to happened a year ago. "

    Its been a year?

  43. ude and yhsvh10 are friends?May 7, 2009 at 12:44 PM

    Jude said...

    "You couldn't be more wrong about yhsvh10. His videos aren't high quality, but they're anything but heavy-handed and pompous. I don't know where you get that impression. Yhsvh10 is a nice guy. He is pretty set in his beliefs about Paul, but that's what makes him unique; other video editors hint at Paul being evil (heck, I've even done that--sensationalism is the key to success), but yhsvh10 really does have a genuine dislike for Paul, and truly does people that he is a phoney.
    On top of that, he is the only Jewish PID video editor I know, and I think several of his videos offer Judaic traditionalist perspective on Beatles mysteries. But by far and large his videos are made from an absurdist/satire slant. They're not for everyone, though, and clearly you just don't think they are funny. However, I do think they are funny, and if I were the only one he wouldn't have as many subscribers as he does. I just don't think it's right to publicly tell him that it's outright garbage, worthless, and a waste of time. "

    Jude and yhsvh10 are friends???

  44. yhsvh10 said...

    "wow- I can live with the fact that there are plenty of individuals who disdain my vids. I'm fine with it.

    I don't believe in christ or the devil. I believe in the Allmighty G*D of the Hebrews. just to correct all you wothless haters and insignific*nts!

    I admit that my spelling is lacking. I may be creative with reversed lyrics. but I don't have a hang up about that. I do get off reading you little virgins and IAAP ass kissers go into a tail-spin while I work on my latest visually offensive and mis-spelled video-- as of right now I have 134 yt subscribers who demand entertainment, so I have no more time to nurse you deluded and non-productive know-it-all cry babies and blogbullies. forumfaggots is what you are.

    I hope you enjoy wallowing in your own filth. "

  45. damn Jude, you are nothing but trouble

  46. yhsvh10 and Jude HAVE BEEN REPLACED!!!!

  47. dogs and cats living together! mass hysteria!

  48. Nothing but Love from the Jude and his crew

  49. I'll get you "William Murry"

  50. I am going to get you a nice Fruit basket,

    I am going to miss him, miss him, miss him

  51. yhsvh10 said...

    Hey everyone- I enjoy (most of ) Iamaphoney's vids as much as the next. I myself would not have made any PID vids were it not for a discussion I had with IAAP, (the details of which are private)
    I also never expected to have over 130 youtube subscribers either.
    Mind you, I am not trying to compare myself with IAAP- Iamnotaphoney! I also have a more absurdist/ satire slant to my videos.

    MY POINT IS: You needn't kiss IAAP suitcase shaped behind- he already thinks that he is the greatest thing since Sgt. Pepper.

    It is cruel of people to keep his hopes up about getting financial backing for a film that promises to be a lot more lame than his best 20-30 vids on a "no $$" youtube budget.

    I know how it goes with Ian, he's nice at first, but sooner or later we all find out that he is all about promoting himself and his vids- as if they need any promotion.

    Bottom line: if you like him so much, save your butt kissing and send him some money!- he looks like he's starving and he wears the same shirt all the time....and lately his videos have left something to be desired.

  52. ".and lately his videos have left something to be desired.

    May 7, 2009 12:58 PM

    You didn't like "Shoes"?

  53. Topic: O-Bloody O Blood die! (Read 352 times) from 5-7-2009

    The Jude/yhsvh10 connection

  54. Jude said...

    " Your "fake mustache" example is poor, by the way, because there isn't really any evidence of Paul's mustache being fake. If I'm not mistake, didn't he already appear on a televised interview with that mustache BEFORE the album cover shoot took place?"

    Paul is scene on several videos with a fake mustache practically falling off of his face in "A day in the life".

    Paul is seen wearing one on A hard days night, and he rips it off before getting on the train. NO EVIDENCE??? NONE??!?!?!

  55. Your mother should knowMay 7, 2009 at 1:28 PM

    Jude said...


    You attacked me, it's right there in black and white. I love the way you twist these things around, per usual. Not to mention you can't afford LOLing and generally sounding like a drunk, rude bitch.

    You were better off with your mouth shut, dear. Please don't start with me, because as usual, it will be dreadfully obvious that you are the attacker, while all I do I stand around offering witty retorts to your comical distortions of reality."

    Do you talk to your mother like that Jude?

    Your mother should know you talk to ladies like that!

  56. Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney to collaborate?

    Bob Dylan has celebrated his latest album going to No 1 on both sides of the Atlantic by hinting that his next project could be a collaboration with Paul McCartney.

    Dylan's 33rd studio album, Together Through Life, is reported to have sold 125,000 copies in its first week in America. But instead of dwelling on his chart victory, the iconic singer-songwriter has been busy telling Rolling Stone magazine that he would definitely consider working with McCartney.

    "That would be exciting, to do something with Paul," Dylan said. "But, you know, your paths have to cross for something like that to make sense." McCartney's spokesman responded by saying: "I should think he would be very interested in hearing about it. As you can imagine, it would be a pretty major thing if it went ahead."

    The success of Together Through Life follows Dylan's 2006 album, Modern Times, which also went to No 1 in the US. Of Dylan's extensive back catalogue, only five albums have made it to the top of the Billboard chart. Dylan fairs slightly better this side of the pond with seven, including The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan and Bringing It All Back Home, although his last UK No 1, New Morning, was in 1970.

    His current chart success includes No 1 positions in Austria, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, New Zealand, Austria and Ireland.

    It is a commercial renaissance for Dylan who, with the exception of Modern Times, hasn't scored a No 1 album in the US since 1976's Desire. Together Through Life is out on Columbia.

  57. London, Apr 15 (ANI): Sir Paul McCartney’s former wife Heather Mills wants to clear up her name, and do away with Internet rumours about her, before her daughter Beatrice turns 12.

    Mills, 41, wants the “nasty and false” stories regarding her to be taken off the worldwide web before they upset her daughter.

    She has even set 2016 as the year when she will accomplish her campaign to clear up her name.

    “I’ve got five apologies from the media and I have thousands to go. I plan to clear them all so she doesn’t read the lies when she’s 12,” the Daily Star quoted her as saying. (ANI)

  58. wimmin are stoopid. heather mills a wimmin. she stooopid. like Letter B 4000aholes

  59. yhsvh10 said...

    4000a-holes :Your scriptural translation is incorrect.

    "...women causing Tammuz to weep."

    The Biblical commentary by Rashi states that this Tammuz was an idol (statue) that appeared to shed tears - as if it was "weeping" for offerings.

    I'm not sure if this explanation is correct, but the translation is.

    You just spray a whole lotta nothing everywhere you post.

    the facts you post are not your own- you get them from wikepedia and the like...

    the opinions you post are yours - and they are banal and sophomoric. You seem to have no real purpose but to excrete worthless trivial crap.

    you really should try to be create something - that way you'd be less of an annoying parasite.

  60. Just a quick note:

    The grandfatheraleister is closed. Hope you decide to come back soon. Take care, friend.

  61. What happened to GFA???

  62. iamaphoney
    Joined: July 23, 2006
    Last Sign In: 1 hour ago
    Videos Watched: 6,712
    Subscribers: 1,054
    Channel Views: 203,758

  63. What happened to MikeNL?

  64. The Freewheelin' McCartneyMay 7, 2009 at 1:52 PM

    Positively 451 Greenwich Street Suite 503

  65. I did not post anything here today. fyi

  66. Jude and John Lennon

    NO WAY!

  67. Dr. Winston O'BoogieMay 7, 2009 at 3:41 PM

    *Inserts tune*

    You know my name

    ba ba ba

    look up the number

  68. This one goes out to Juuude.

    This is how you do it man!

  69. What we do is sooo important

  70. i honestly believe more people think john lennon would be jesus then believing paul is dead

  71. yhsvh10 is a frequent commenter on this blog, posting anti-Iamaphoney and pro-Iamaphoney comments. To him this is all a big comedy with IAAP as chief stooge among all the little stooges. This seems to go over Jude's head for some reason.

  72. S3ANL3NN0N (14 minutes ago) The blind in the small town are starting to believe


  74. "The blind in the small town are starting to believe"

    huh? believe what? what town?

  75. Jeff Leland, my advice to you would be to go over the David Icke forum and start posting in the "Is Paul dead?" thread. I'd think they would be very receptive to your message. God bless.

  76. How can he bless Himself????

  77. Jeff needs to spread his gospel. He should join PID Miss Him Miss Him too.

  78. Maxwell's Silver Hammer and the Walrus

    Working on a railroad for a dollar a day
    Working on a railroad for a dollar a day
    Working on a railroad good buddy for a dollar a day
    Got to get my money gotta get my pay

    Take this hammer take it to the captain
    Take this hammer take it to the captain
    Take this hammer good buddy take it to the captain
    Tell him I'm gone tell him I'm gone

    If he asks you was I running
    If he asks you was I running
    If he asks you good buddy was I running
    Tell him I was flying tell him I was flying

    If he asks you was I laughing
    If he asks you was I laughing
    If he asks you good buddy was I laughing
    Tell him I was crying tell him I was crying

    This old hammer rings like silver
    This old hammer rings like silver
    This old hammer good buddy rings like silver
    Shine like gold buddy and it shine like gold

    Working on a railroad for a dollar a day
    Working on a railroad for a dollar a day
    Working on a railroad good buddy for a dollar a day
    Got to get my money gotta get my pay
    Got to get my money gotta get my pay
    Got to get my money gotta get my pay

  79. guess who's back

    back again

    tell a friend


    1 follower

  81. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Annex NYC launches new exhibition: John Lennon The NYC Years

    next week

  82. jesus christ jeff, give it a break

  83. It's not anything you!

  84. Jeff are you scared of going on the David Icke form in the "Is Paul Dead?" thread?

  85. not at all, i'm just waiting to be activated.

  86. Watch your step, Jeff. Fer REAL.

  87. Some parts are real. Remember that.

  88. I won't worry about it THAT much

    how bad can it be?

  89. and the WWF flicks aren't doing you any favors, dude.

  90. it sounds just like my type of forum! =]

  91. The soul of John Lennon soon on David Icke Forum.

  92. Why are you guys making fun of someone who isn't even here...?

    Did I miss something or what? did jude do something to you guys are you just being dicks as per usual?

  93. What are you talking about Matt?

  94. Matthew,
    Nearly all of us are members of NIR. The conversation there spilled over to here.

    Do try to keep up

  95. Hello, my name is Jude.

    I love conspiracy theories, and I love creating Youtube videos.

    Until a day or two ago I had not posted here or at NIR for quite a while, but I had kept up with the posts here and had noticed that the "two or three children" (as I refer to them) were still a laugh over their tired misconception of who or what Jude is. Let me clear the air for those who might not know better: I am not any of the things these people make me out to be. I've posted messages like this one before, but these pleas for peace always seem to fall on deaf and dumb hears.

    Yes, I did say something to the effect of "I don't know why God would suffer you to the live". What's funny is this quote is always ripped out of context, the context being that I was sick of being barraged with insults and derisive comments by people too cowardly to allow me even the chance to return the favor (they're always either "anonymous" or posting under a fake variation of me or Mike's name).

    Iameye, I now know you are one of those people. I won't go into specifics here, but if you want to know how I know, please PM me at NIR.

    Look, I'm tired of this. I could stand around here all day telling you two or three children that you are being, well....childish. But it would do no good! I can only plead with you, even if it's the last time, to stop it and just let me be. I was once just another brick in the wall of PID believers, but now I'm seen as a joke and bad memory. And the hurtful part about it, the part that disturbs me to no end and sometimes actually keeps me from sleep at night, is that I don't know how I really got to that point. All I know is, I don't deserve it. Whatever sort of attacks I launched at 65if2007, I don't deserve to be called a hissy-fitter even now for a very one-sided argument (iameye's side) taking place at Nothing is Real. My posts have always, to the best of my ability, been rational and free of typos. When I have offended, I have apologized. So why are you keeping this up? What reason did you have to start it to begin with? What you are doing is nothing but bullying me---I don't have a huge ego, I don't throw hissy fits, and I'm generally a nice person to those who just let me be. So please:

    Let. Me. Be.

  96. No sweat Jude. We're all about Jeff Leland now anyway.

  97. You've also been praised here Jude. Some of us have no ill will toward you.

    Arguments in blogs and forums are pointless anyway. The internet is phony baloney.

  98. The minute you let her under your skin,

    Then you begin

    to make it better.




  99. Tafultong said...
    "Iamaphoney phenomenon"

    What is he doing? Cutting you checks?

    8 videomakers is a phenomenon?

    How many of those 8 are the same person anyway? My guess is it's actually 4 different people. Either way, 4 or 8 recent videomakers hardly constitutes a phenomenon. Miley Cyrus, for example, is a phenomenon. Iamaphoney would fall under the category of "our little circle of friends".

  100. It's a little bigger than that >

  101. Anonymous said...

    Tafultong said...
    "Iamaphoney phenomenon"

    What is he doing? Cutting you checks?

    8 videomakers is a phenomenon?

    How about "The vague awareness and insignificance of Iamaphoney has produced an entire handful of imitators." ?

    Actually, the McCartney fan sites that I frequent have been heaping praise on "Shoes."

    Besides, some people think it's phenomenal that I have written all of these posts without someone cutting me any checks (or any slack).

    Have you heard that Paul McCartney is a big fan of this?

  102. Anonymous said...
    It's a little bigger than that >

    May 7, 2009 9:50 PM

    Nope, it's not. NIR, TKIN and PIDMHMH along with IAAP's YouTube page make up for very little. You're living in a dreamworld if you think these sites have anything close to the following of sites devoted to Lost, Susan Boyle and Miley Cyrus (actual phenoms).



    who sang it?

  104. I guess it would depend on who was reading?

    100 sweaty teenagers = i/2 an adulty?

    "bout fair?

  105. Tafultong said...
    "Actually, the McCartney fan sites that I frequent have been heaping praise on "Shoes."

    fan sites? not that impressive.
    Get him a top story online and then IAAP will have arrived.
    Of course with that comes recognition from the litigious powers that be that he may not want.

  106. Who cares about "arriving"?

  107. The Duchess of Kircaldy always smiling and arriving...

  108. Tell me darling
    what can it mean ?

  109. I'll tell you what it means:

    I'll take you to burn.
    I'll take you to learn.
    I'll see you burn!
    You fought hard and you saved and learned

    but all of it's going to burn.
    And your mind
    your tiny mind

    you know you've really been so blind.
    Now's your time burn your mind.
    You're falling far too far behind.
    Oh no

    to destroy all you've done.
    to end all you've become.
    I'll feel your burn!
    You've been living like a little girl

    in the middle of your little world.
    and your mind
    your tiny mind

    you know you've really been so blind.
    Now's your time burn your mind

    you're falling far too far behind.

    I'll take you to burn.
    I'll take you to learn.
    You gonna burn ... burn ... burn ...

  110. And the intent behind that post is what?

  111. oh yeah))

  112. I have shoes older than you only matters what you think?


    ph0ney attacks !



    the resemblence is uncanny !

  115. there are 2 images there where the face of the beholder is

    one is the face of him

    and the smaller image to the right is the face of mother mary


  117. Anonymous said...

    ph0ney attacks !

    May 8, 2009 10:39 AM

    Good for you ph0ney! Show 'em the truth!


  119. Jude and Iamaye have decided to try and work it out! Yea!

  120. Another fire............

  121. The fireman strikes again



    OH SNAP!
