Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The David Lynch Mob

Well, history was made the other day when Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr played together at the benefit for the David Lynch Transcendental Meditation Worldwide Foundation (Thank you Guru Dev). From the initial reports, Paul's performance was excellent. Unfortunately Ringo seemed to be suffering from a case of laryngitis, but he soldiered on anyway and gave Beatles fan a night to remember.

This video starts a little rough, but becomes more watchable after about 20 seconds.

Those who have seen Ringo in concert in recent years know that he can carry a tune much better than this. He also flubbed some lyrics in his songs, so I'm guessing he wasn't feeling too great either. But I don't think the fans minded. Hopefully the sound engineer will be nice to Ringo by the time this comes out on video.

One perplexing thing that I noticed on Ringo's last tour and in his performance on April 4 is that he has changed the melody of "With A Little Help From My Friends" slightly. On the line, "And I'll try not to sing out of key," the note on the word "key" is supposed to be G#. He had sung it that way on the original recording and in all of his performances for years. But for some reason I cannot fathom, he changed it to a natural E, and seems happy for it to be that way. It's not like the G# was too high for him. The most challenging part of the song, which mostly consists of just five notes, is the final note, a high E an octave above the lowest note of the song. There are stories of the other Beatles encouraging him in the studio to nail that note on the original recording. During his All Starr tours he usually gets help with that last note, but at the Lynch Benefit he didn't even seem to attempt it.

Despite Ringo's throat problem, which I assume is temporary, you can't help but feel good when you watch that video.

Another highlight from the show was when Ringo joined Paul on the song "Cosmically Conscious." The song shared some of the same inspiration as John's "Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey."

The projections in the background during the song are quite interesting. We get to see Mal Evans living the Beatles legend.

TMZ.com made a big deal out of Paul getting a louder response from fans than Ringo did after the TM Press Conference. I felt that was unnecessary, but it was good to see some candid footage of both of them leaving the venue.

In addition to iamaphoneyHD who I told you about previously, another YouTuber has joined the Iamaphoney supporter list. HeweHaarlemmer has combined some Rotten Apple videos and even added a couple new ones. The user also seems to have an interest in conspiracy theories in general.

We are just a few days away from an expected Iamaphoney appearance of some kind. Maybe something will happen, but I did notice that his "schedule" has been taken off his main YouTube channel again. Drop a comment here if you see something happen before I do. I am also inviting our hero or his Rotten Apple Army to slip me the answer anytime. The same goes for any of the other mysterious figures who have given me insights and information along the way.


  1. thats when the real revelation is
    not the hyped fake one that wont happen
    just you wait till 09.09.09 then you will know the truth

  2. Wait, what? So now there is nothing on Good Friday? Huh? Duh? Whaa?

  3. Good Friday FailureApril 7, 2009 at 11:04 PM


  4. the real revelation wil be 04.09.10

    that is the 4th September 2010


  5. good thing Sept 4, 2010 is before Friday April 10, 2009! That way the wait is not so long. Thank God for time machines and the ability to jump forward in time and drink your iamaphoney milkshake

  6. can we just round up the revelation date to Dec 21st, 2012? That would be even sooner, for those of us with time machines

  7. Hey where did you learn math? Those dates are a long way off

  8. Your mother taught me math.
    I taught her love.
    Get it? I am your father, GO TO BED!

  9. Lynch Mob? So are you saying Tafultong that the natives are getting restless about this and there will be a "Lynch" mob?

  10. Rotten Apple Army draft dodgeApril 7, 2009 at 11:36 PM

    That's why they call it the Rotten Apple Army. Hurry up and wait. And wait... and wait....
    So if you find yourself waiting, guess what? You've been drafted. See you in 'Nam kid....

  11. what is this about Ringo talking in the press conference about Denmark and Paul is smiling and Ringo says now you take over, and Paul says There is not more to say after that?
    That is very odd. Will you look into that tafultong?

  12. What is it about the goal of David Lynch’s foundation that inspired you to participate in this concert?

    Paul: I like the idea of bringing an ancient practice into the modern world. Who would have thought that by introducing meditation into the education system you could lower people’s aggression levels and get a more peaceful society.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Lynch Mob? So are you saying Tafultong that the natives are getting restless about this and there will be a "Lynch" mob?

    April 7, 2009 11:31 PM

    "Lynch" and "Mob" is a bad word combo.

  14. The illuminati has been revealed by Lennon's clues.

  15. jammie said...

    what is this about Ringo talking in the press conference about Denmark and Paul is smiling and Ringo says now you take over, and Paul says There is not more to say after that?
    That is very odd. Will you look into that tafultong?

    It was exactly as you described. It was an interesting moment that would be effective in a video. It's another one of those coincidence things: probably nothing, but why did he say Denmark out of all the countries on the earth?

  16. Anonymous wrote:

    "Lynch" and "Mob" is a bad word combo.

    Sorry about the poor word choice. I used the pun to make fun of the attempts of the organized group of conspirators who are trying to make people believe that Transcendental Meditation has nothing to do with Religion. I think it's a good cause and I understand why they feel they have to do it, but there is something a little misleading in the way they are presenting it.

  17. At 2:20 of RA 72, there is shown a mirror image of the words "APRIL 08-09-10".

    So the revelation is to be a three-day work in progress starting today.

  18. Like 3 days in the tomb for Easter!

  19. So look for the Phoney Ressurection on Sunday.

  20. "Mikes gay"

    Nothing we didn't already know.

  21. "See you in 'Nam kid...."

    I love the smell of time-travel in the morning.

  22. "..but why did he say Denmark out of all the countries on the earth?"

    I knows dat.

  23. Anonymous said...
    "Mikes gay"

    Nothing we didn't already know.

    April 8, 2009 7:20 AM

    very nice joke, jacob... but it's already past april first.

  24. "As is often the case with major holy days, certain superstitions were attached to Easter. People believed that witches were especially active and their black magic especially powerful during this week."

    Iamaphoney is getting ready...

  25. -----Like 3 days in the tomb for Easter!-----

    Hmmm interesting.

    Though here, the third day coincides with Good Friday, not Easter.

    Maybe that's another "reversal" theme.

  26. -----So look for the Phoney Ressurection on Sunday.-----

    Or at any rate for a good replica of one.

  27. 65if2007 said...
    -----Like 3 days in the tomb for Easter!-----

    Hmmm interesting.

    Though here, the third day coincides with Good Friday, not Easter.

    Maybe that's another "reversal" theme.

    April 8, 2009 8:42 AM

    I am confused. But I suppose it's what you wanted.

  28. The Fireman is the risen son of man

    Meaning, Paul's emulating John, "The Son"

  29. how is John "the Son"?

  30. *
    { real answer not expected }

  31. He's the real..

    "Son of Man"


    Whomever this person is, he knows stuff only the real John Lennon knew, which is why the codes have been taken down.

  32. no, I don't get it

  33. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eneJnciQmw

  34. whadda ya want? I'm punctual.

  35. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eneJnciQmw

    aw c'mon... what are we to see from THAT?

  36. Help me to help myself.

  37. fine. I'll help YOU. what's the problem?

  38. Help me get the girl that made this possible.

  39. Golden earth girl, female animal
    Sings to the wind, resting at sunset
    In a mossy nest
    Sensing moonlight in the air
    (Moonlight in the air)
    Good clear water friend of wilderness
    Sees in the pool her own reflection.
    In another woeld
    Someone over there is counting.
    Fish in a sunbeam,
    In eggshell seas.
    Fish in a sunbeam.
    Eggshell finish.
    Natures lover climbs the primrose hill,
    Smiles at the sky watching the sunset
    From a mossy nest.
    As she falls asleep she's counting ...
    Fosh in a sunbeam,
    In eggshell seas.
    Fish in a sunbeam.
    Eggshell finish.

  40. "which is why the codes have been taken down."

    What "codes"? The Iamaphoney date list?

  41. The girl already did it all

  42. Couldn't have said it better myself, friend. ;)

  43. SO? don't you get IT?

  44. I guess you could say we're just a pair of Twin Freaks ;]



  46. (¯`v´¯)
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• ♥ ♥ ♥ Peace ♥ ♥ ♥

  47. I need a little proof and help from Sir Paul before I say anything.

  48. Anonymous ride it said...

    so ride it

    April 8, 2009 10:57 AM

    where is mojo? her hot seat has arrived

  49. are you FUCKINGserious!!!!!

    Friday or nada

  50. I told you's I'd be back ...

  51. I'll be back!

    /arnold was replaced too

  52. Or what? You will leave never to return? Until next month when you check in to see what the stupid sheeple are swallowing this time?

  53. get a grip on the situation, dude

  54. Huh? What? I don't get it.

  55. Shheeeple(NSFW) said...

    Or what? You will leave never to return? Until next month when you check in to see what the stupid sheeple are swallowing this time?

    April 8, 2009 11:10 AM

    That is exactly what will happen. And trust me, nobody wants that. Especially me.

  56. All you need is Peace and ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    and &#9835 #9835

  57. You're doing THAT again.

    "And in the end, the LOVE you take, is equal to the love you make"

  58. Peace and ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ and ♫♫♫♫

  59. Charles Newport said...

    I need a little proof and help from Sir Paul before I say anything.

    April 8, 2009 11:02 AM

    Charles, Bern, and Harold
    Attorney's At Law

  60. Hey, man, I don't wanna do "this" this shit. That's all wrong.

    I just know, if nothing happens , nothing will happen, EV-h. You think I don't see things that don't upset me? You think I don't know?

  61. He lay face down in the desert sand
    clutching a six gun in his hand
    Shot from behind I though he was dead
    for under his heart was an once of lead
    But a spark still burned so I used my knife
    and late that night I saved the life of Ringo

    I nursed him 'til the danger passed
    the days went by he mended fast
    and then from dawn 'til setting sun
    he practiced with that deadly gun
    and hour and hour I watched in awe
    No human being could match the draw
    of Ringo

    One day we rode the mountain crest
    and I went east and he went west
    I took to law and wore a star
    while he spread terror near and far
    with lead and blood he gained such fame
    all through the west they feared the name
    of Ringo

    I knew someday I'd face the test
    which one of us would be the best
    and sure enough the word came down
    that he was holed up in the town
    I left the posse out on the street
    and I went in alone to meet

    They said my speed was next to none
    but my lightning draw had just begun
    when I heard a blast that stunned my wrist
    The gun went flying from my fist
    and I was looking down the bore
    of the deadly 44
    of Ringo

    They say that was the only time
    that anyone had seen him smile
    He slowly lowered his gun and then
    he said to me "We're even, friend."
    And so at last I understood
    that there was still a spark of good
    in Ringo

    I blocked the path of his retreat
    he turned and stepped into the street
    a dozen guns spit fire and lead-

    A moment later
    he lay dead

    The town began to shout and cheer
    Nowhere was there shed a tear
    for Ringo

    The story spread throughout the land
    that I had beaten Ringo's hand
    and it was just the years they say
    that made me put my guns away
    but on his grave they can't explain
    the tarnished star above the name
    of Ringo

  62. Sometimes a sucker is just a sucker.

    -Sigmund Faul

  63. I've got a little foorp

    50 years time. .

    Christ, you know it ain't easy ;]

  64. BTW, if you are still looking for "proof" it's getting REAL late


  65. Charley Newport said...
    I've got a little foorp
    50 years time. .
    Christ, you know it ain't easy ;]
    April 8, 2009 11:34 AM

    great.. another "secret".
    filed under
    Charles Newport:Secret Squirrel

  66. Fine! I will keep my foorp all to myself!!!! There, back in my pocket. How do you like them apples?

  67. looking for a foorp saviorApril 8, 2009 at 11:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    bumbling idiots
    April 8, 2009 11:45 AM

    And only your foorp can save us!

  68. whatever. You are a bit late on that

  69. 50 year old foorp?

    Is that like 1,000 year old eggs?


  70. whatever you bumbling idiots.
    you are not even trying anymore are you?

  71. never seen Jurassic Park?

    IMAGIN that

  72. Fine. I will keep my information. You don't deserve to know what I know.

  73. Anonymous said...
    whatever you bumbling idiots.
    you are not even trying anymore are you?

    April 8, 2009 11:50 AM

    Why SHOULD I? I gave you EVERYTHING!

  74. John Lennon DNA used to make a new one.
    Jeff Goldblume called... well, I will let him tell you

    clickity clickity....

  75. You don't deserve to know what I know.

    you really don't know, now I know. Thanks

  76. I love the jokers when they start playing games with your mind.

    Trying to act as you, but there's only one kind of me.

  77. Palm Pilots everywhere thank you for the linx

  78. Projecting our images in space and in time

    Yes is the answer and you know that for sure

  79. I don't understand!

  80. John Lennon is back h8tzers, get used to it. Good Friday is the first in a long series of stunning revelations.

    To prove it, I am going to be saying things like this..

    "Christ, you know it ain't easy ;]"
    quoting "The Ballad Of John And Yoko"

    You will tremble when Jurassic Lennon comes back.

  81. Palm Pilots Assoc. said...
    Palm Pilots everywhere thank you for the linx

    April 8, 2009 11:56 AM

    an actual Palm Pilot couldn't have done that

  82. Practice TM. It will all become clear.

  83. time traveller Jurassic Lennonsaurus

  84. talking about the shelf /self life

  85. "Practice TM. It will all become clear."


  86. an actual Palm Pilot couldn't have done that

    April 8, 2009 12:05 PM

    They can when they get back to the cubible.

    I love you Sherlock Holmes!

  87. They can when they get back to the cubible.

    I love you Sherlock Holmes!

    April 8, 2009 12:09 PM


    Did you MEAN CUBICLE?

  88. True members of the Palm Pilots Assoc. may NEVER use a desktop or a laptop.

    Remain pure my Palm Pilot Brethren!

    We have the Ark. Close your eyes or they will melt.

    Jurassic Lennon is coming.

    Who will give us the blue links on the blog? Not the heathen Palm Cubicle hund. A traitor!

    No! It must come from only one place..... but that is a SECRET!

  89. "Not the heathen Palm Cubicle hund. A traitor! "

    DID YOU MEAN HAND???!?!?

  90. I dunno how you are pulling this off

    like I said 48 and BE THERE

  91. The German word for dog is HUND.

    I would think that a REAL spelling Nazzzzzzzi would know that.


  92. http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail.php?qid=1223921357

    i dont know how you are pulling off this..... yawwwwwn

  93. I went deep back into the lab. And just so you know, if John Lennon wasn't alive before.... HE IS NOW!

    I know, because He talks to me... on twitter and facebook.

    You can even ask my webmaster.

  94. This is a damn Lynch Mob! Tafultong! HELP!

  95. the real john lennon would never "tweet"

    He is an ARTIST!

  96. would He use a Palm Pilot?
    Got you there didn't I!?

  97. Anonymous Lennon's Palm said...
    would He use a Palm Pilot?
    Got you there didn't I!?

    April 8, 2009 12:33 PM

    Nein! That is a laptop! VERBOTEN!

  98. Anonymous said...

    Ok well I tried

    April 8, 2009 12:24 PM

    There is no try, only DO!

  99. Full moon on thursday......


  100. - Thursday- everything's fine

    but Friday............

  101. I hope it isn't too late

  102. It is not. It's too early if anything ;]


  103. You said the 10th

    game over after.

  104. The 10th it is ;]

  105. There will be proof on the 10th. .

    It will show if I am right or wrong

  106. If you are right or wrong? it hinges on that?

    oh this is a mess, I know it.

  107. There will be an announcement of sorts.

  108. I'll tell 'em Charley sent me, so your ass is on the line.

  109. " Fisherman said...
    There will be an announcement of sorts."

    don't F that up either


  110. Is that.. who I think it is..

    By the way, the LAW is in there ;)

  111. Fucking this up is not an option. Word.:)

  112. Everything Happens for a reason <3

  113. I sure wish someone would come on here and quote some more Beatle lyrics....

  114. All you need is Love!

  115. "Paperback writer.....


  116. "Will you still need me? Will you still feed me?"

  117. I did a reversal of "Cosmically Conscious." and when reversed, first three lines, well the only three lines in the song says in reverse:

    "He's lucky, he's lucky, man."

    "He thinks he's lucky, he's right."

    "He's lucky, he's lucky, man."

    I had the audio interlaced with the "Hey Jude" chorus for an ending but wasn't happy with the quality and decided not to post a video.

    Others know how to do audio reversals and maybe they'll post a reversal for you all.


  118. Partial lyrics guyApril 8, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    Now somewhere in the black mountain hills of dakota
    There lived a young boy named....

  119. Me and John Lennon share the same right hand formation

  120. i love the Non Sequitur partial beatle lyrics!
    They don't fit, but really THEY DO!

    so it'd be quite a coincidence if they weren't, ya know, 'connected'.

  121. I answered your question. I answered the darned--I'm cooperatin' here!

  122. Well, heck, if you wanna--if you wanna play games here! I'm workin' with ya on this thing!

  123. And a little luck, we can clear it up.
    We can bring it in for a landing,
    With a little luck, we can turn it on.
    There can be no misunderstanding.

  124. hey! i just discovered if you play hey jude backwards it says

  125. someone should tell iamaphoney about that

  126. tell iamaphoneyHD, he makes better videos

  127. All i know is, come friday, there better be a suitcase

  128. "Anonymous said...

    tell iamaphoneyHD, he makes better videos

    April 8, 2009 3:34 PM"


  129. YESS! theyre in HD

  130. I bet Jarv just rolled a fattie right 'bout now.

  131. Yeah jude let it out he's phoney.

  132. It's Everywhere With My Love

  133. "our hero"? sheesh! Maybe yours Taf but not mine.

  134. Quite a build up for another massive failure. Can iaap recover from this one?

    What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right.

  135. More Lou Sofier evidence.


    The Violinist "insisted" on playing yesterday... Someday he will find out that "Paul" wrote it!

    He played "Right in my ear!" -John Lennon


    ON THE DICK CAVETT SHOW! How could we have missed this all these years?

    Also, Yoko is known as the "dragon lady".

  136. well if 12 is multiplied by 19

    the number is 228

    a smart person would round it to 48

    could that mean there are 48 arrivals present , a new one on the way , and one yet to be discovered ?

  137. Its ok iamaphoney, we believe in you! We know you can do it!

  138. american werewolf in nederlandApril 8, 2009 at 4:52 PM

    " Anonymous said...

    All i know is, come friday, there better be a suitcase

    April 8, 2009 3:34 PM"

    i would settle for another suitcase CD video, with another "what der ferk?!" and werewolf attack. remember those days, oh lordy, the good old days?

  139. "I bet Jarv just rolled a fattie right 'bout now."

    Yeah, but she only had $20.

  140. "...the only three lines in the song says in reverse:
    "He's lucky, he's lucky, man."
    "He thinks he's lucky, he's right."
    "He's lucky, he's lucky, man."

    Oh what a lucky man he was!

  141. Code Sphynx

  142. Jarv said...
    "I bet Jarv just rolled a fattie right 'bout now."

    Yeah, but she only had $20.

    April 8, 2009 5:12 PM

    ha ha, I knew you would get that

  143. Code Sphynx

    April 8, 2009 5:18 PM

    It is spelled "sphinx"

  144. pretty sloppy spelling there, UNLESS IT WAS DONE FOR A GOOD REASON!

  145. curse you spelling nazi, i will use spell check next time!

  146. The Son of Man ain't no Lennon, but I've given a clue as to who IS.

  147. I said, "No, no, no; you're wrong!"

    Sfinks then.

  148. I sphynx this hole discussion a pyramids to be RAther sarcoughagus!


  150. The Fireman never lies.

    By the way, reverse that.

  151. the forces of good and evilApril 8, 2009 at 5:50 PM

    think about it, he was born the same month, 4 days later, and a decade to John's death.

    1 4 1

    the fireman loves you

  152. why does the fireman love me?

  153. Fireman never liesApril 8, 2009 at 5:59 PM

    Born on a mountain top in Tennessee,
    Greenest state in the land of the free
    Raised in the woods, so's he knew every tree,
    Kilt himself a b'ar when he was only three
    Davy, Davy Fireman
    Queen of the Wild Taf Blog.

  154. Tennessee (Rare John Lennon song!)


  155. i would settle for another suitcase CD video, with another "what der ferk?!" and werewolf attack. remember those days, oh lordy, the good old days?

    April 8, 2009 4:52 PM

    That was really when the show was over. Now we just mock the shit out of him. The RA videos=Troll 2.

  156. the big win on friday, with video or without, will belong to the Trolls.

    Sad really... it turns out paul is just a normal guy

  157. he is is not evil?

  158. i would settle for another suitcase CD video, with another "what der ferk?!" and werewolf attack. remember those days, oh lordy, the good old days?

    April 8, 2009 4:52 PM

    its been a whole year since a good werewolf attack video. great God almighty we need one! pop the popcorn and grab a beverage of your choice.
    Next stop, Teenwolf!

    meaning, next video, not only will the iaap actor be scrawny and effeminate, he will be HAIRY.

    michael J Fox is shaking in his grave.

  159. michael J Fox is shaking in his grave.

    April 8, 2009 7:23 PM

    Michael J. Fox is not dead


  161. no wonder he never changes his shirt. the hair grew into it

  162. "the forces of good and evil said...
    think about it, he was born the same month, 4 days later, and a decade to John's death.

    1 4 1

    the fireman loves you"


  163. meaning, next video, not only will the iaap actor be scrawny and effeminate, he will be HAIRY.
    April 8, 2009 7:23 PM

    Say that again, only this time say "hero"

  164. meaning, next video, not only will the iaap actor be scrawny and effeminate, he will be HERO!


  165. "
    Anonymous say it again sam said...

    meaning, next video, not only will the iaap actor be scrawny and effeminate, he will be HERO!


    April 8, 2009 7:44 PM"

    much better! Now we can be friends!
    And we can have Tea parties!

  166. so he is not hairy? oh good
    now when all the girls come over and we talk about how dreamy he is, it wont be sullied by neanderthal hair.

  167. It really is a lynch mob around here.
    curse you full moon!

  168. i understand your point

    it is clear to me as to what i must do

    and if she cant understand that, i can see what will happen ='[

  169. In Rotten Apple 64, "Hey Jude" doesn't reverse to "iamaphoney".

    It reverses to "who's here?"

    "Iamaphoney" comes from a reversal of something else in "Hey Jude" -- I think from something that McCartney is shouting into the microphone.

  170. mojo said...
    so he is not hairy? oh good
    now when all the girls come over and we talk about how dreamy he is, it wont be sullied by neanderthal hair.

    April 8, 2009 7:52 PM

    I thought it was mainly guys who think the Phoney actor is dreamy.

  171. "Iamaphoney" comes from a reversal of something else in "Hey Jude" -- I think from something that McCartney is shouting into the microphone.

    April 8, 2009 8:12 PM

    when he says something that sounds like anno-cabot-shoes, reverse that and slow it down, iamaphoney.
