Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some Unusual Links for Research Purposes

Script for "A Hard Day's Night" - This is the original Alun Owen version, so there are some differences from the final draft. One key change is the names of the Beatles Road Managers. Instead of Norm and Shake, we have Nell and Mal.

Magical Mystery Tour Script (MS Word Format) or html version.

Yellow Submarine Script - It is actually a transcript from the final product and it doesn't indicate the names of the characters who are speaking, but it is useful for quick reference.

Interactive Sgt. Pepper Cover
- Not as great of an experience for non-members, but you can at least mouse over and get the names of most of the characters. Interestingly, the only Shirley Temple that works is the one you can't recognize.

One of my favorite blogs, Grow A Brain gave a link to a page with 55 Sgt. Pepper Cover Parodies.

Here is a page where you can watch the entire "Son of Dracula" movie starring Harry Nilsson and Ringo Starr.



  2. Back to Pupil Copenhagen. I thought the name of the first band with Ian and Martin was Pupil Boghandle but now I see it's sometimes just Boghandle on the web. Is Pupil some sort of Danish thing like "the"? (help me out Mikey!).
    If I remove Pupil from Copenhagen I get this band:

    If you scroll down the photo of the guy in the sunglasses about 5 pics in could be our Phoney but I'm not too sure about it. The Boghandle band, however, is definite match to Ian and Martin. All the pieces fit there. Deepfried Toguma is another band Martin Lind was in. He went from Grunge to electro chillout music. :)

  3. "Julian Reid" there does resemble the actor who plays IAAP on youtube.

    Mind you, the actor in the videos is OLD. He's also ugly.

  4. Anonymous said...
    "Julian Reid" there does resemble the actor who plays IAAP on youtube.

    Mind you, the actor in the videos is OLD. He's also ugly.

    December 11, 2008 10:39 PM

    i'd imagine he's around 35/45

  5. the boghandle does not sound nor look like anything IAAP have beem doing. The Actor is a goodlooking guy and nobody in boghandle are goodlooking!

  6. I knew it wouldnt be long before someone hopped in with a "IAAP is HOT!!!"

  7. Anonymous said...
    I knew it wouldnt be long before someone hopped in with a "IAAP is HOT!!!"

    December 12, 2008 6:41 AM

    yeah, he should be a model!

  8. I knew it wouldnt be long before someone hopped in with a "IAAP is HOT!!!"


    anyways, thanks Taf for the links, especially the Son of Dracula movie. I'm a huge Harry fan and yet I have never watched the movie. I know its not supposed to be very good, but i've heard people say the same thing about magical mystery tour, heh.

  9. Anonymous said...

    Back to Pupil Copenhagen.

    I guess that people forget that I was the one who did a post on NIR (before this blog existed) about Pupil Copenhagen and it was right after that when all of their videos and all of Iamaphoney's favorites disappeared from YouTube.

    I strongly believe that they are involved in some way, if not at the center of the Iamaphoney music.

    The line in my little skit (which you are welcome to perform at home) about the Sgt. Pepper poster behind Ian was based on something I saw in a Pupil video.

  10. I wonder why they abandoned the project.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I wonder why they abandoned the project.

    December 12, 2008 9:03 AM

    maybe they moved on to new projects : )

  12. One selling as many CD's

  13. WONDERFUL CHRISTMASTIME (cover version)

    I love Sir Paul and all, but this song gives me nightmares.

  14. Some unsual links . . .for research purposes?

    Much appreciated, but do you really want to encourage people to undertake more "research" in this arena?

    And "Wonderful Christmastime" is a cool song. Great chord changes, nice feel, pure Paul.

  15. Sorry. Bern made me do it.

  16. Anonymous said...

    Much appreciated, but do you really want to encourage people to undertake more "research" in this arena?

    I know what you mean, but I think we'll all do better with a little more knowledge. Hopefully knowledge is the ticket to better arenas for all of us, including me.

  17. Christmastime is an awful song, haha, it has probably THE most annoying chorus.

  18. I wouldn't say that IAAP/Pupil Copenhagen have moved on to other projects. We all saw the "Superstone" video and that was not too long ago. That was a full on music video with the band members, one of whom was correctly identified as IAAP which was why they asked Tafultong to take it down.
    At this point, we KNOW it's a band and we KNOW IAAP is in it. Why even try to hide that fact at this point?

  19. I wouldn't say that IAAP/Pupil Copenhagen have moved on to other projects. We all saw the "Superstone" video and that was not too long ago. That was a full on music video with the band members, one of whom was correctly identified as IAAP which was why they asked Tafultong to take it down.
    At this point, we KNOW it's a band and we KNOW IAAP is in it. Why even try to hide that fact at this point?

    Seriously?! So this whole time it's been some lame-ass band?! This makes everything so much better!!

    How did I miss this!?!

    Fucking ridiculous

  20. Iamaphoney just sings lead for Pupil Copenhagen (or Pupil CPH for short). I'm sure it's the band doing the music for the videos.

  21. Seriously?! So this whole time it's been some lame-ass band?!

    Hello? What, did you think IAAP was a detective or some serious investigator?

  22. The RA series is the side project of an unsigned rock band from Denmark.

  23. That's why I've been saying the Rotten isn't the Apple, it's something Rotten in Denmark.

  24. Someone is going to comment here soon in an attempt to stop us talking about Pupil CPH. IAAP's fans always try to change the topic. It happens every time. :)

  25. One of the Pupil Copenhagen songs was called "Friend Of Paul" (rolls eyes).

  26. What is this Pupil CPH?

  27. Pupil CPH is the band Iamaphoney is in. He had a lot of videos on his YT profile when he first started. When Taf first pointed this out, Iamaphoney removed all the videos but it was too late. People sent him questions about Pupil CPH which prompted some nasty responses from Iamaphoney. Later the drummer of the band put up another video for a song called "Superstone" and everyone at NIR recognized the key players in the RA series in the video (the actor, etc.). Iamaphoney asked Taf to take the video off his blog which Taf did.

    They are called Pupil Copenhagen to seperate themselves from the band Pupil out of the Phillipines. It's like when Squeeze came to America there was another band called Squeeze already here so they became Squeeze U.K.

    By the way Squeeze have some good Beatley music.

  28. So he's in a band. So what. That doesn't change anything. The revelation is still coming.

  29. I always thought the Pupil CPH thing was more conjecture than fact since nobody seemed to give it much credence on this blog.

    I guess I stand corrected.

    Maybe it also helps explain why Tafultong hasn't ever seemed too concerned about the suggestions he's promoting some random psychopath.

  30. a random psychopath couldn't be in a random band?

  31. anonymous said...I always thought the Pupil CPH thing was more conjecture than fact since nobody seemed to give it much credence on this blog.

    Oddly It was given more credence at NIR and that's why the RA thread shriveled to nothing.

  32. Who is the old man in the Rotten Apple series? What does he know? I'm scared. Please comment.

  33. The old man in the series is the probably the father of one of the Pupil guys. Maybe a friend. A dude from their studio. He's acting--or maybe there were .002 people that really thought anything in the RA series was actually true.

  34. "The old man in the series is the probably the father of one of the Pupil guys. Maybe a friend. A dude from their studio. He's acting--or maybe there were .002 people that really thought anything in the RA series was actually true."

    Ha Ha! Good answer. I love the way they try to steer us away from talking about that band.

  35. Why is that steering away? I said he's probably related to someone in THE BAND. Pupil. Whatever. Who cares who makes the videos? They're just videos. There's nothing more to them than moving images and sound. Sadly, the folks at TKIN, NIR, Miss Him, etc. are all just spinning their wheels with trivia they mistake for new discoveries and photos to ponder practically every day. A perpetual motion machine to nowhere. And nowhere is the best way to describe their endless speculation with no conclusions ever reached. As long as it doesn't harm them or someone else, I suppose live and let live.

    With or without the Phoney series, that PID PWR nonsense is just gonna keep on for years and years (maybe it will only be the same twenty people, but keep going just the same).

    What they hey. There are still a few Zoroastrians hanging on to their nonsense tradition that started before the pyramids were built.

  36. Who is the old man in the Rotten Apple series? What does he know? I'm scared. Please comment.

    Hahaha yhshva.

  37. And now Taf has thrown that crowd a bunch of research material like chum to dolphins. Great. Look for more incredible PID links to Dracula, Shirley Temple and Apple Bonkers.

  38. "Later the drummer of the band put up another video for a song called "Superstone" and everyone at NIR recognized the key players in the RA series in the video (the actor, etc.)."

    The drummer? Who specifically said the drummer posted the video? Don't remember that.

  39. Zoroastrians came along long after the pyramids were built and it isn't Egyptian. However, this is in no way meant to slight what your take on PID, just wanted to set that straight.

  40. Well there's some lovely speculation going on here, but I'm afraid some of you have been had in terms of one detail.

    The "Superstone" video that I had was not a music video by Pupil or anyone else. I have said this before, but some people insist on bringing it up. So, I'll clarify one more time.

    Iamaphoney put up the "Superstone" video. He took it down after a period of something like two weeks. Letter B of NIR asked if someone could put it back up. Since I had it, I said sure and posted the link on NIR.

    Then a week or so later, Iamaphoney messaged me via YouTube and asked me if I would consider taking it down. It had been a week since I put it up, so I figured that Letter B probably had enough time to see the video. So, I said, sure, but then I asked Iamaphoney if he would do something for me in return.

    I gave him three options and he picked one of them, which was allowing me to print his letter in its entirety so that my readers would know why I complied and took the video down. End of story. I have told it many times and yet it continues to haunt me -- not because I made a bad deal but because I refused to go back on my word.

    Now for the first time, I will go into a little more detail. I have already said that there is not a frame, I repeat NOT A FRAME in the "Superstone" video that has not been in other videos. It is your typical Iamaphoney actor, and soundtrack (The "Let It Be" backwards recording by Iamaphoney, I believe) and the same old tired quick pictures that you have seen a million times.

    Now, here is the thing that I have not said yet. I think it is possible that Iamaphoney used this little non-event to his advantage. Oh yeah, big whoop, a part of the revelation was prematurely released in the "Superstone" video.

    Shortly after I took it down, MikeNL private messaged me via NIR and asked if I would give him the video. I politely said that I would not be able to do that because I had made the deal with Iamaphoney that I could print his letter if I took down "Superstone."

    A few weeks later, both MikeNL and Jude posted comments here saying something like, "There are just a few frames in the 'Superstone' video that contain the revelation. In other words, they left me hanging out to dry and, to only Iamaphoney's benefit (and possibly their own), made it seem like "Superstone" contained something major.

    Now, I am okay with Mike and Jude, but maybe that's why I don't exactly rush to their defense every time somebody puts them down here. I guess only my therapist knows for sure.

    Now, I don't really care who is behind this latest strain of nasty comments, but at least I do see a strategy now. Maybe the end game is for Iamaphoney to say, "Yes, I am Pupil Copulagen, so buy my album." Maybe MikeNL and Jude are trying to deflect all of the negative vibes on to me. I wouldn't like that, but now that I have experienced how cruel and unfair a couple of the comments have been, I have more sympathy for what they have been enduring. Any maybe it's just a few troublemakers trying to bring me down over the Christmas holidays because I have allowed myself to be a little too vulnerable on this blog.

    Whatever it is, something smells in America. You can't have it both ways. If Iamaphoney is a fake (as his name implies for goodness sake) then how can you possibly think that this "Superstone" video contains a revelation? I'm telling you it was the same old crap: The Abbey Road wall, "Let It Be" backwards and a bunch of still pictures that you have all seen before.

    I should also add that the only person with the power to stop the Pupil CPH talk here is me, and I have no intention of exercising that right.

    Have a happy weekend.

  41. Tafultong is hiding one clue from you.

    IAAP asked him to remove all references to a video that had something. Something that possibly would have led the hard working smart people to figure out the mindfuck.

    This shit-head removed it. He, in all his double speak-ways, led us to believe that he deleted it because he is a "man of his word".

    I regret to inform you that he likes the attention spotlight as much as other pathetic pieces of trash, like MilesDeo. He'll suck the dick of the phoney in order to keep the game going.

    He'll spend all his hard earned cash to make MJ's pockets fatter by purchasing anything beatle related, or just to prove he likes whats fed to him.

    Anyone posting here is just as responsible as me to let this lying bastard (ie: "I JUST LIKE THE MUSIC AND THE VIDEO EDITING) get anywhere.

    He's more obsessed than you are, yet he hides behind an "internet white knight" role. "I dont condone with either side!!, just listen to me while I keep evidence (and what I know) from you. just to string you along.

    DELETE THIS SHIT. BAN ME. 12/12. Wheres your phoney now?

    Go fuck yourself.


  42. While i've seen people post here as me, I welcome it. I check here after 10pm when I'm so hopped up on goof-balls that I really want one ounce of truth to see the light.

    This is a megalomaniac's playground: insert me.




    I keep up and I see Taf's role as he Hegelian internet white knight.


  43. Dont make me enforce you're censorship, Taf. I can and I will.

  44. Did Iamaphoney's YouTube videos really do this to you? I am shaking because I have never seen anything like this. My God, what are you so angry about?

    Why are you doing this to me?

  45. Because you are part of this Killing Joke

    FUCK YOUR WORD. Post some proof. Tho I'm sure you deleted it by now. You know, your video that IAAP asked you to quit sharing.

    Information wants to be free. You stand in the way. Give it that video.

  46. "Why are you doing this to me!?!?" "Why are you doing this to me!?!?" "Why are you doing this to me!?!?"

    Because you stand behind IAAP. You are part of the problem, IAAPHAN.

  47. Now delete all this shit to save face...

    Or just post a link to a phoney video that isn't the one you were asked to take down.

    I can play too.

  48. Forget it. If you are this sick from the videos you have seen, then they must have some power over you and you need to stay away from them.

    Please go away. This is not a joke anymore. This is harassment now.

    You can talk directly to Iamaphoney on YouTube. Stay away from me.

  49. And now I will play too. I'll call you out as part of the problem, as long as you enslave an ounce of info that should be free.

    That info hates you don't ya konw..


    MAKE MONEY (like other anon said) or STFU.

  50. Go away. All three of you. Go away now.

  51. Forget it. If you are this sick from the videos you have seen, then they must have some power over you and you need to stay away from them.

    IAAP doesnt have power over me. You know what has power over me? Seeing people sit aside, turning a blind eye, to information.

    You worship IAAP as much as the rest of the crew. You sit back and say "I just like the video editing" but continue to suck that dick, while acting like you arent caught up in it too.

    BUT NO WAIT A MINUTE. ITS JUST ENTERTAINMENT AND LETS JUST STROKE OWN OWN EGO'S COMMENTS ON A GOOGLE BLOGGER ACCOUNT. You held a key and you "respectfully" agreed to brush it under the rug once your idol asked you to remove it.

  52. Mirrored this whole bits and bytes so when you want to forget it, it'll be there to rear its ugly head.

    You concealed evidence. FUCK YOU.

  53. You have a lot of ego invested into this.

  54. Fine. I'm under His spell. I am of no use to you. He controls me.

    I will say a prayer for the three of you because I actually am Christian. But you need to have no more contact with me. I am perceiving you as a real threat to myself and my family.

  55. You are a fucking tool. (Again, how many times do I have to say it)

    But you did here "Iamaphoney" when Ringo was just telling you to leave him alone..

  56. Text is a threat?

    Sound much like mucho other patho's thats divert blame..

    Be we did hear "IAMAPHONEY" together?

    As above....

  57. I take it you dont have anything else better to do on a Friday night than wait for the responses you have trolled for oh so long piggybacking on those coat-tails

  58. (and I didnt hear that shit) I heard the soothing sounds of a walrus.

  59. That's right I forgot. There are four of you. I hope this is your little game to expose my gullibility, but I have kids and you guys are in America, so yes I perceive it as a threat and you have had your say, so go away now.

  60. weak. threaten me.

    bring your kids into this.


  61. I don't really know what the big deal is about the video "A lie adds up – Superstone". People were suppose to see it. If it was anything IAAP didn't want seen, it would have never made it to YT. Posting and removing videos is part of his game. It stirs things up to keep the interest.

  62. I could give 2 shits less about you and your seed. I just think you hide behind your "I just like the video editing" I am an innocent 3rd party, while you string people along for comments to read.

  63. "People were suppose to see it."

    shut the fuck up right now. if people were meant to see it, they would. Group-IAAP wouldnt have so quickly asked to remove it.

    I dont konw about you, but I dont have every waking second of my life to catching IAAP videos. You probably do...

  64. "People were suppose to see it."

    shut the fuck up right now. if people were meant to see it, they would. Group-IAAP wouldnt have so quickly asked to remove it.

    I dont konw about you, but I dont have every waking second of my life to catching IAAP videos. You probably do...

    December 12, 2008 9:43 PM

    The video stayed up for as long as IAAP wanted it to. Do you honestly think they posted a video without watching it first; just to check the content? Ever heard of video editing? If you would get off the goof-balls, you might actually see that there isn't anything to see here. It is all bullshit.

  65. I dont konw about you, but I dont have every waking second of my life to catching IAAP videos. You probably do...

    December 12, 2008 9:43 PM, you just have every waking second to harass anonymous people on the net. Who gives a shit?

  66. Then why are you here?

    (as I act like you are a 3rd party)

    And I do, late at night when I see the walrus.

  67. Ah, look at all the lonely people... :(

  68. "Just give me some truth"

  69. In the meantime...

    Happy now?

  70. Ive had enough of watching scenes of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas.

  71. Then why are you here?

    (as I act like you are a 3rd party)

    And I do, late at night when I see the walrus.

    December 12, 2008 9:57 PM

    Because I am a retarded dumb-fuck that enjoys bullshit. Unlike yourself, I don't give a rats-ass what Taf posts. It is his blog. When I get bored by it. I go away, which is what you obviously should do; it is apparently fucking with your mind.

  72. Socashthevictor. His name will live on.

    Give something. Spark the interests of those involved. If not...

  73. Ive had enough of watching scenes of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas.

    December 12, 2008 10:01 PM

    What the fuck? Turn the shit off then.

  74. @10:04 PM

    You tell that to the teacher.

  75. Ah, Im sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
    All I want is the truth now

  76. Ah, Im sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
    All I want is the truth now

    December 12, 2008 10:06 PM

    Here is the truth. This is all a fucking game. You are not going to find any truth here.

  77. @10:04 PM

    You tell that to the teacher.

    December 12, 2008 10:05 PM

    Don't like the teacher, drop the class.

  78. Antithesis.

    The game you have yet to read the rules on.

  79. This is all a fucking game. You are not going to find any truth here

    Then why are you so hostile, I know the game. I am Elijah.


    I wont even link.. You don't need it.

    There are 12 of us.


    I wont even link.. You don't need it.

    There are 12 of us.

    December 12, 2008 10:17 PM

    Twelve fucking monkeys maybe.

  82. As you suck your twelfth monkey's dick. That's why you are here.


    I wont even link.. You don't need it.

    There are 12 of us.

    December 12, 2008 10:17 PM

    Twelve fucking monkeys maybe.

    December 12, 2008 10:19 PM

    Sorry. That was a question.

    "Twelve fucking monkeys, maybe?"

  84. You guy(s) doing the harassment toward Tafultong, you do realize that people have been in some serious trouble with the law for such things? Your IP's can be found, I don't care how much of a computer geek you THINK you are. Not a very wise move, even if you are not serious. On the other hand, you have one thing going for yourself if caught; you are obviously mentally disturbed for getting upset over such a subject as whether IAAP can prove that Paul MCCartney is dead, which means that you will probably get the help you so greatly an institution.

  85. You guy(s) doing the harassment toward Tafultong, you do realize that people have been in some serious trouble with the law for such things? Your IP's can be found, I don't care how much of a computer geek you THINK you are. Not a very wise move, even if you are not serious. On the other hand, you have one thing going for yourself if caught; you are obviously mentally disturbed for getting upset over such a subject as whether IAAP can prove that Paul MCCartney is dead, which means that you will probably get the help you so greatly an institution.

    December 12, 2008 10:33 PM

    The above would of course mean that your cornholes would be spared from a prison ASSault.....if you were to be so lucky.

  86. I'm glad you got your chance to talk tonight.

    Where would the world be without you?

  87. I'm glad you got your chance to talk tonight.

    Where would the world be without you?

    December 12, 2008 10:35 PM

    ....and who is that meant for?

  88. Taf shut the fuck up. Got trolled, then decided to hide behind his own anonymousness.

    If thats not the case, then we have to worry about you.

  89. Keep me entertained. This is all this is for.

  90. Taf shut the fuck up. Got trolled, then decided to hide behind his own anonymousness.

    If thats not the case, then we have to worry about you.

    December 12, 2008 10:38 PM

    Sorry, I am not Taf. I guess that means you should worry about me.

  91. never know who you might be texting to.

  92. Your are the only reason to laugh at yourself.

    I pity you.

  93. @10:42 PM

    Talk is cheap.

    Why dont you "talk" to me. Your idle threats only are detrimental to the cause.

    But lets here more....

  94. I'm glad I was here. Shivacash, the destroyer of the blissful ignorance.

  95. @10:42 PM

    Talk is cheap.

    Why dont you "talk" to me. Your idle threats only are detrimental to the cause.

    But lets here more....

    December 12, 2008 10:46 PM

    What do you want to know?

  96. @10:42 PM

    Talk is cheap.

    Why dont you "talk" to me. Your idle threats only are detrimental to the cause.

    But lets here more....

    December 12, 2008 10:46 PM

    Are you the one harassing Tafultong?

  97. You fail.

    December 12, 2008 10:50 PM

    Green beans.

  98. I love your uselessness.
    All you can do is wait.
    All you can do is eat.
    Phuck you.

  99. I love your uselessness.
    All you can do is wait.
    All you can do is eat.
    Phuck you.

    December 12, 2008 10:54 PM

    Ah, an educated person. Very nice.

  100. dude wait? wha?

    thats all it takes?

    Ah, an uneducated person. Very nice.

  101. lets keep it going!

    Thats what I am here for.

  102. lets keep it going!

    Thats what I am here for.

  103. Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident

  104. But besides that. You all are losers.

    O'doyle rules!!

  105. We're guaranteed to raise a smile

  106. So while youre jerking off each other
    You better bear this thought in mind...


  107. Tafultong,

    Please keep in mind that the subject matter of this blog is bound to attract persons with not so sound minds. That is not to say you are at fault, there are many people among us that can find evil in a turnip. This is just a given.

    For your future consideration:
    1. NEVER give out personal information over the internet; whether it be if you are married or not, have kids or not, hobbies, etc.
    2. Do not reply to or delete harassing remarks from your blog. Create a back-up of all comments you feel are threatening in nature. For example, use a print screen program, being sure to capture all times and dates.
    3. If a threat is received that you feel is legitimate, a threat that may result in physical harm to your person, immediately call your local law enforcement agency. They will be more than happy to assist you.

    Take care,
    An Anonymous Eye On The Net
