Tuesday, December 16, 2008


According to the Abbeyrd Breaking News Blog, Paul McCartney will be in HMV store in London on December 21. Paul will be signing copies of the Fireman album "Electric Arguments."

That's a strange coincidence because that block on Iamaphoney's YouTube channel that been interpreted as a schedule has, for at least a week, had an entry for "80021221," which could be interpreted as December 21, 2008.

Was it just luck or did Iamaphoney actually get inside information about Paul's activities before they were announced to the public? Maybe they have arranged a secret meeting at St. Paul's Cathedral, which is only about six minutes away from the store.

Best case scenario - Paul introduces his protege Iamaphoney and gives away free copies of the new album called "Iamphoney," produced by Paul McCartney and featuring the new single, "St. Paul."

Worst case scenario - Well, Paul McCartney has the best security team in the world, so there will not be a worst case scenario.

In happier news, I heard the song "Highway" on the radio today. Not bad at all.

Some of the Best Fan Videos for Highway:


  1. Considering how many dates Phoney has posted, and considering there are multiple ways of interpreting those dates, and considering Paul McCartney is promoting Electric Arguments practically every day somewhere, I don't see why you would even bother to try to connect Phoney to Paul on such incredibly slender evidence. We're talking razor thin.

  2. I'm pretty sure the dates Phoney puts up have to do with new videos, not Macca publicity events.

  3. Best case scenario - Paul introduces his protege Iamaphoney and gives away free copies of the new album called "Iamphoney," produced by Paul McCartney and featuring the new single, "St. Paul."

    I wonder why this is your idea of a "best case scenario."

    Very telling.

  4. Electric Arguments #67 on Billboard. LOL Bill board, I'm bored, we're all on board. You get on board too and drive The Fireman's flame higher, at least to number #66. We can work our way thru the magickal numbers.


    To the person who said this blog is dead, it's all in your head, I
    promise you this.

  5. new song is great. john would have loved it. maybe he does.. ;-)

  6. meet him, get your "E.A." signed, AND REFERENCE TO PID!!!

  7. Can you come out to play, Johnny?

  8. Anonymous wrote:

    I don't see why you would even bother to try to connect Phoney to Paul on such incredibly slender evidence. We're talking razor thin.

    You're probably right. It is a weak connection. I think the only reason I did it was because there are only about two entries on the Iamaphoney list that can even be interpreted as specific dates. New videos from Iamaphoney have coincided with planned Beatle-related events in the past.

  9. Anonymous wrote:

    I wonder why this is your idea of a "best case scenario."

    Very telling.

    I hope it is "very telling." It would be an outcome that would please someone that is a fan of both Paul McCartney and Iamaphoney---which I have been claiming since I started this blog.

    Plus free music is always a good idea.

  10. you'd really think iamaphoney is gonna come out with the truth on 21-12 ?

    i think they'll just give us more clues pointing towards the revelation. : ]

  11. you'd really think iamaphoney is gonna come out with the truth on 21-12 ?

    i think they'll just give us more clues pointing towards the revelation. : ]

    December 17, 2008 6:51 AM

    What happened Mike? You out of the loop?

  12. Best case scenario - Paul introduces his protege Iamaphoney and gives away free copies of the new album called "Iamphoney," produced by Paul McCartney and featuring the new single, "St. Paul."


    So while recording the new fireman album along with everything else paul is doing, he's also been working on a free album with a guy that paints him as an occultist, perhaps even the antichrist. Rich!

  13. The Fireman was John.

  14. "The Fireman was John."

    What's that even supposed to mean??

  15. heh ok i'll "figure it out."

    obviously that method has worked really well during all of this. "Hey I'm going to post something cryptic and lead people to believe that there's some substance to it without giving out ANY information".

    Sorry guys, but it looks like the natives are FINALLY getting restless with the bullshit.

  16. i am really really looking forward to 1221 -
    we need something from Paulney now.
    and Miles Deo is an bad spelling person no insider no nothing!

  17. Talk about cryptic!

  18. Should we sing a song before we go?

  19. how about Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Them Goodbye?

  20. Anonymous said...
    you'd really think iamaphoney is gonna come out with the truth on 21-12 ?

    i think they'll just give us more clues pointing towards the revelation. : ]

    December 17, 2008 6:51 AM

    What happened Mike? You out of the loop?

    December 17, 2008 7:03 AM

    was i ever in the loop?

  21. So we went from shocking Death Clues to Paul being related to Crowley or an occultist to the "mind blowing" Love Code to Taf now lowering expectations by hoping for a novelty album featuring a pretentious remake of "St Paul"?

    High Hopes, he's got Hiiiigh hopes!

  22. was i ever in the loop?

    Not unless you're a complete wacko who says he communicates with Phoney about video release dates, inteviews, etc.

  23. was i ever in the loop?

    Not unless you're a complete wacko who says he communicates with Phoney about video release dates, inteviews, etc.

    December 17, 2008 11:45 AM

    Take that you h8terz!!

  24. it's coming down fast

  25. Anonymous said...
    it's coming down fast

    December 17, 2008 1:12 PM

    what's coming down fast

  26. MikeNL said...
    Anonymous said...
    it's coming down fast

    December 17, 2008 1:12 PM

    what's coming down fast

    December 17, 2008 1:24 PM

    Your popularity level.


  27. anyone notice mikey has a private blog now?

  28. anyone notice mikey has a private blog now?

    For what? He said he isn't in the loop, which is not to say there is a loop worthy of mention. I suppose he could say stuff like, "Soon!" and "Soon!" and "Soon!"

    A Phoney novelty album with the croaky version of "St Paul" is a bigger longshot than Paul is Dead or John is Alive.

  29. Merry Christmas and a happy new year from MikeNL:


    These guys wanted to do a little new year's dance for you, so here they are:
    - iamaphoney actor
    - Paul McCartney
    - John Lennon (2008)
    - Former

    they can't wait to redo the dance next year, and the next year, and the next year... they'll stop around the year 2012 :- )


  30. I think Mikey's about fed up with the Phoney crew about now.

    Hey Mikey, at least you had a fun year what with all the Phoney walking backward videos and people hammering you for being a schoolkid and making false promises. You've got to be the most happening kid in the Netherlands.

    I would just let it be for this year and move on, though.
    You have to outcool the Phoneys.

  31. Everyone's gonna stop in 2012...but SOON mikey will dance into the flames flaming the flame of Fomey till then.

  32. Anonymous said...
    I think Mikey's about fed up with the Phoney crew about now.

    Hey Mikey, at least you had a fun year what with all the Phoney walking backward videos and people hammering you for being a schoolkid and making false promises. You've got to be the most happening kid in the Netherlands.

    I would just let it be for this year and move on, though.
    You have to outcool the Phoneys.

    December 17, 2008 2:08 PM

    Oh, no... i'm not fed up with the phoney crew...
    they still have my attention. though the suitcase fiasco is a real bad thing.. they've hurt themselves with it.

    i'm sure they'll fix it somehow. the group that have seen the rotten apple series isn't very big because they're keeping it an underground movement...

    how iamaphoney likes to call this stage: the revelation era is in it's early spring, really! ;- )

  33. i'm sure they'll fix it somehow. the group that have seen the rotten apple series isn't very big because they're keeping it an underground movement...

    Yeah, they're "keeping" it underground. Dude, they've tried every trick in the book to make it viral. Like, uhm, setting up fake Macca YouTube and other accounts and video commenting on other popular videos.

    Like I said, move on, bro. They won't fix it because there's nothing to fix. The suitacase thing helped them because it took the pressure off. Now that it's more of a comedy, no one cares about the "Love Code" or "revelation."

    Anyone that would wait around till 2012 watching those things and posting crap about this or that person on the Pepper cover has a serious mental problem.

    That elf thing you linked was the revelation!

  34. That elf thing you linked was the revelation!



  35. what the fuck was that?

  36. Anonymous said...
    what the fuck was that?

    December 17, 2008 4:15 PM

    You just got Phoney roll'd.

  37. who were the other people?

  38. this is the other thing you do in your spare time, mike?

  39. Anonymous said...
    this is the other thing you do in your spare time, mike?

    December 17, 2008 4:21 PM

    i make christmas cards online!
    that's what i do for a living

    now pay me 5 dollar, you saw my christmas card.

  40. I'm glad most of the h8ters have left. It's better now that mainly believers are here. Now we can get real work done.

  41. Well, the undertaker drew a heavy sigh seeing no one else had come,

    And a bell was ringing in the village square for the rabbits on the run.

    run rabbit, run!

  42. Let's show 'em were serious and starting digging up hard evidence. If we're serious, we should commence searching for evidence in songs written by artists like Herman's Hermits, Jewel, Badfinger, and Coldplay. Movies are good, too. This is how you get real results that no one can dispute. What about the band Chicago? You betcha. "Next time I Faul, in love, next time I Faul in love . . ." Please discuss this for three days and then we'll start on Volkswagen clues.

    You lightweights are all, "we need evidence, blah blah," and we're all "yeah, well what about Humpty Dumpty? The CIA knows all about Humpty Dumpty and evidence. IT's a slam dunk case 'cause we got rabbits, Humpty Dumpty, Shirley Temple, and you can make a tetrahedron by connecting the pot plants, rugby trophy, and Don Knots on the Pepper cover. Yeah, those Beatles were the weirdos, not us.

  43. Get lost h8ter! This blog is for believers only. Go join your other h8ters at wherever they went.

  44. Hey anonymous, if you take King Kong off the island, these people will be alcoholics in six months. Alright, so they're already alcoholics. But at least they're keeping their brains sort of active.


  46. This blog is for believers only.

    Then tell Mikey, Jude, 65if, and Tafultong to get lost!!!

  47. Now we can get real work done.

    I'll let that comment stand on its own.

  48. I do not believe that Tafultong is not a believer no matter what he says. He would not have made this blog if he didn't. I don't care what you think about it. You h8ters should just go make your own blog because you always ruin everything and we'll never get answers with you here.

  49. I'm glad most of the h8ters have left. It's better now that mainly believers are here

    Get lost you weak minded fool. You probably believe in Miles too, eh?

  50. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAPtTS0TYtU

    Today is gonna be the day
    That they're gonna throw it back to you
    By now you should've somehow
    Realized what you gotta do
    I don't believe that anybody
    Feels the way I do about you now

    Backbeat the word was on the street
    That the fire in your heart is out
    I'm sure you've heard it all before
    But you never really had a doubt
    I don't believe that anybody feels
    The way I do about you now

    And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
    And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
    There are many things that I would
    Like to say to you
    I don't know how

    Because maybe
    You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
    And after all
    You're my wonderwall

    Today was gonna be the day?
    But they'll never throw it back to you
    By now you should've somehow
    Realized what you're not to do
    I don't believe that anybody
    Feels the way I do
    About you now

    And all the roads that lead to you were winding
    And all the lights that light the way are blinding
    There are many things that I would like to say to you
    I don't know how

    I said maybe
    You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
    And after all
    You're my wonderwall

    I said maybe
    You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
    And after an
    You're my wonderwall

    Said maybe
    You're gonna be the one that saves me
    You're gonna be the one that saves me
    You're gonna be the one that saves me

  51. Anonymous-thanks for the lyrics to the Oasis song "Wonderwall" that is basically a melodic rip off of "I Should of Known Better" and about seven or eight Beatle "B" sides. Anyway, now we're getting some real work done.

  52. Since we're getting some real work done here, I thought I'd post the most important clue of all--the alphabet:


    By combining these 26 letters you will discover every possible word, expression, lyric, anagram, or any other clue in the English language.

    Oh yeah, and the lyrics to "Green Acres" (filled with Faul clues).

  53. I'll get on that right away!

  54. Oasis is talking about Pepper, because it doesn't mean anything.

  55. Taf,

    You are a quick change artist today.

  56. Prediction: someone will say DEAD
    and Taf will make a new post soon after

  57. A Beetle

    A car

    A white Rabbit.......

  58. Have you heard the news that you're dead?
    No one ever had much nice to say
    I think they never liked you anyway
    Oh take me from the hospital bed
    Wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand
    And wouldn't it be great if we were dead?

  59. One! Two! one! two! three! four! One! Two! one! two! three! four!
    Well come on

  60. Is that the most the both you can give?

  61. Electric Arguments

    buy me ;)

  62. Byte me, Fireman.

    Btw, John WAS the fireman first. Bugs you, don't it?

    naw, I knew it didn't. ::)

    ea games!


  63. Darlin' aint nobody dead. You just relax, like, all nice and all that.

    Pizza ?

  64. ( insert photo of Talfuton typing a la J Guild

  65. Six minutes away? In a fucking jet.

  66. f...... amazing post, taful!
    it makes one wonder!

  67. Amazing coincidence? Phoney puts up what might be a backward date (signfiying a new video), but he doesn't post a video, and yet Paul does a promo event for Fireman on that VERY SAME DAY!


  68. Amazing? Anyone even peripherally involved in record promotion knows when people like Macca are doing in store promos, sometimes many months in advance.

  69. There have been hundreds of days that Phoney didn't post videos that were also Beatle newsworthy days.

    Can we get real for once?

    C'mon, guys. Let's not give undue credit to someone who is known more for not living up to promises than he/they are for delivering.

    Let's not grasp at the slightest straws to justify calling Phoney prophetic or in the loop. Please.

    This "we'll accept anything as evidence of PID or Phoney knowing something worthwhile" mentality is very off-putting.

    If we are supposed to be using our logic and finding and/or ruling out possibilities based on evidence . . .oh, never mind.

  70. Anonymous, everyone knows Phoney has delivered exactly nothing in two years. Zero. Everyone knows that. It obviously doesn't matter to 'true believers' anymore than it mattered how many times the LDS Church said the apocalypse would happen and it didn't(too numerous to mention). Fanatics never apologize for being wrong and they rarely admit mistakes. They just fade away until another prophet comes along and gets everything wrong.

  71. we all need somebody to lean on
    He is the chosen one
    nevr the less

  72. Dude you can't be quite serious?

    this is just freaking lame..


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