Monday, November 24, 2008

Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air.

UPDATE: Sunssol has done an interesting remix/reversal of "Don't Stop Running." is saying that a backwards message exists at the end of the song "Don't Stop Running" on the new Fireman album. The song, which runs over ten minutes, features about two minutes of silence followed by some interesting ambient music. The track ends with a backwards whisper. When you reverse it, it says, "Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air."

This Maccareport "exclusive" is credited to someone named Peter H., but the web site is run by Jorie Gracen, author of "Paul McCartney: I Saw Him Standing There." Readers of Maccareport are advised to go to Internet Anagram Maker site to decipher Paul's secret message, which they think may be directed at Heather Mills.

The Maccaspan2008 video version cuts the song at 5:47, but Piggies1 has a version that is 10:33 long with the audible message at the end.

Maccareport lets you hear the backwards message here.

"Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air" was also one of the comments on the Official Fireman MySpace Page by one of the Fireman's 2292 friends.

I don't know where these people get the idea that Paul McCartney would have hidden messages in his music. I would only allow myself five minutes to play with the anagram idea for "Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air."

The best I could do in five minutes?

"Heather Recontaminates A Thrown Hurl"

I intend to buy it tomorrow and play it forwards...and LOUD!


  1. 'Tis a good album. But like most Macca recordings, you sort of need to listen to it a couple of times for it to grow on you.

  2. By the way, I think he's saying something else a moment before he says "warmer than the sun, cooler than the air", but for the life of me I can't decipher what it is.

  3. Jude said:

    I think he's saying something else a moment before he says "warmer than the sun, cooler than the air"

    I think so too. I'll know better when I hear the CD.

  4. i'll just listen to the multitracks of electric arguments.

    then i can isolate that vocal track.

  5. Speaking of that Mikey (or anyone listening in), do you by any chance have an isolated vocal track of the Sgt. Pepper reprise?

    I'm really interested in knowing if there's anything to the suggestion that Paul(?) is singing "Paul is dead! Really, really dead!!" in the background there at the end.

    This seems like one of those instances, like the classic "I buried Paul/Cranberry Sauce" conundrum, that shouldn't be too hard to prove definitively one way or the other with the right audio software.

    (Also, for the record, I remain deeply skeptical of the "cranberry sauce" recordings...)

  6. yeah go buy the cd folks!

    there is a backwards message on it!

    man this is so viral marketing and yet no one seems to notice..

  7. Yep. Awfully convenient how Paul is hopping on the anagram bandwagon.

  8. Awfully convenient how this whole blog is a marketing campaign for the new album

  9. Name: tafultong
    Email: hidden
    Gender: Undisclosed
    Posts: 426
    Date Registered: Jul 5, 2007, 7:43am
    Account Status: Activated

    NIR stats

    do you know when the skinny actor first appeared?

    Juli 2007

    no more words

  10. Anonymous said...
    Name: tafultong
    Email: hidden
    Gender: Undisclosed
    Posts: 426
    Date Registered: Jul 5, 2007, 7:43am
    Account Status: Activated

    NIR stats

    do you know when the skinny actor first appeared?

    Juli 2007

    no more words

    November 24, 2008 12:20 PM

    lol, i love how you guys turn everything and everybody in conspiracy material.

  11. on one of his first posts was directed to ringos web site, the very next to a huge album cover of "dance tonight" (which appeared around that time)
    a little sooner the promotion started in iaap videos. remember the marketing for Pauls new cd and his new dvd?

    and what is happening now? another new album

  12. whats going on with crowley taf?
    in like your 3rd post on nir you posted about the "OTO connection". now again?

  13. See that, Paul? Surely I deserve a complementary copy of the $80 deluxe version. Come on, I already spent $25 for the first track and I'll be shelling out $10 tomorrow for the standard CD. Think about it, will ya?

  14. citing Tafultong from NIR:

    'If you follow the Beatles (collectively and individually) as well as related people (e.g. Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan, etc.) and you buy all the records, DVDs, books, etc. and go to all of the official web sites, the whole thing only gets more and more spooky.'


  15. Anonymous said...

    whats going on with crowley taf?
    in like your 3rd post on nir you posted about the "OTO connection". now again?

    There's not a lot of information out there connecting Crowley and the Beatles, but since it is so much at the heart of what Iamaphoney seems to be saying, I think it's relevant when I find something new. I did not know about "Sybarite among the Shadows" until recently.

    I did report here that I have never found proof that Denny Laine ever said that Paul and Linda were big into Crowley, as has been implied in Rotten Apple videos.

  16. mike said on NIR in 2007:

    'okay.. at this point i'm suspecting many people of being iamaphoney on the tube and here... like tafultong.. he only talks in here'

  17. then Iamaphoney posted on NIR as BIII:

    'Late this year another album will show up adding the last chapter to the code.'

    yeah right.. go and by that album or you'll miss the clue

  18. Anonymous said...
    mike said on NIR in 2007:

    'okay.. at this point i'm suspecting many people of being iamaphoney on the tube and here... like tafultong.. he only talks in here'

    November 24, 2008 12:49 PM

    those were the days man...

  19. something definetaly smells fishy here (and its not me)

  20. You just never know about these backwards tracks. "Sugar Plum Fairies" backwards is "I Am A Witch"

  21. So is this jackass who keeps posting saying that Iamaphoney is the messiah or Jesus Christ or whatever part of the IAAP team's last ditch effort to make something out of all this happy horseshit? What a fucking joke!

  22. Anonymous said...

    You just never know about these backwards tracks. "Sugar Plum Fairies" backwards is "I Am A Witch"

    Yes, but unfortunately this one is rather straightforward (for a backward track). I mean the backwards voice is obvious and the reverse is clearly a forward voice. Although, I get the feeling when Paul does something obvious, he may be suggesting that we look for another less obvious example that is more deeply hidden (e.g. the second more sinister anagram on Memory Almost Full").

  23. "...I get the feeling when Paul does something obvious, he may be suggesting that we look for another less obvious example that is more deeply hidden (e.g. the second more sinister anagram on Memory Almost Full")."

    Nah, I think that's just called "fantasy". Too bad about you Tafultong. You went down the Iamaphoney/Zeitgeist/Conspiracy cliche rabbit hole and lost yourself.

  24. ---Reversed Lyrics---

    Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air.

    [After the silence in the song while played in reverse and very faintly is "I Am, I Am, I Am, Sun, Sun, Sun, Sun"]

    I Am The Sun
    I Am The Sun
    I Am The Last
    I Am The Last
    I Am The Sun
    I absolutely...
    am the last

    I Am The Sun
    I Am The Sun
    I Am The Last
    I Am The Last
    I Am the Sun
    I absolutely...
    am the last

    I Am The Sun
    I Am The Sun
    I Am The Sun
    I Am The Sun

    I Am The Last
    I Am The Last
    I Am The Sun
    I absolutely...
    am the last
    I Am The Last

    Here in the dark
    Some see
    Some see
    Some shall see
    I Am The Last

    Some shall see
    How long can they ask?
    In the dark


  25. No telling what all is hidden on the new album that is backwards. I bet people will be trying to find every little detail.

  26. That sunsol reversal is pretty neat if true. If there's a thematic thread running throughout the Fireman album, the most immediately apparent one to me seems to be an emphasis upon imagery of "light" and "movement": the Fireman is the sun, personified?

    This opens up some interesting possibilities for Mr. Phoney...

  27. No telling what all is hidden on the new album that is backwards. I bet people will be trying to find every little detail.

    November 24, 2008 1:50 PM

    so we are all going to buy that album.
    viral campaign is working pretty good

  28. Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air.

    Separate thou ye earth from ye fire, ye subtile from the gross sweetly wth great indoustry.

  29. It's funny, you can make two Heathers by anagramming that phrase. Also the *ahem* "C word"

    Two short sentences: Heather ultra moron - Heather win scant.

    Tha anagram program is fun, heh. ;-)

  30. i am not going to buy the cd because of some stupid angram.

  31. A Resurrection Mantra Then Hath Whole

  32. i think mommybird is iamaphoneys fith disciple. who is the #6?

  33. Just fun stuff.

    The Beatles and The Simpsons

    Beatles References and Appearances

    "Number 8"!

  34. "i think mommybird is iamaphoneys fith disciple. who is the #6?"


  35. Wait just a minute.... Paul McCartney put a backwards message into his new album?

    Has something like this ever happened BEFORE?

    I would be really freaking out if I was me...

  36. Can we have more then 12 disciples?
    Seems like the regulars have hogged all the slots. Seems to me they could take half salvation and let some other sinners go to Heaven too.

  37. well-i thought mikey's friend got 1,but no vid on contents-hmm,
    guess we hafta wait till thier all found,and that means they probly all have same contents..


    ? ? ? ?

    Joined: November 22, 2008
    Last Sign In: 10 hours ago
    Videos Watched: 0
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    Mercy Hospital School of Nursing


    Gladys Jenkins, Laura Cook, Garnett Armstrong, Gertrude Scott, Ruth Mason, and Alberta Banks

    The Aga Khan Hospital
    Age: 42
    Country: United Kingdom

  39. It's a riddle.

    A through Z anyone?

    I'm working on it.

  40. If Iamaphoney is the second coming of Jesus then what does that make Yenz?

    The ass Mary and Joseph rode to Bethlehem on?

  41. I looked at faulconsnowjob's PID thread at the David Icke forums. It looks like the naysayers just gave up arguing with her and left.

    There's a certain irony in people that believe the world is secretly run by shapeshifting lizards thinking this woman is batshit crazy.

  42. Oh yes, Phoney and Paul sure works hand in hand
    might even be Pauls idea. Starting up making deliberate wrong spelling, the videos looking amatours, and then slowly raising the Qlty.
    I dont know what we can expect next but it is surely exiting.

  43. " sanguine111 said...

    well-i thought mikey's friend got 1,but no vid on contents-hmm,
    guess we hafta wait till thier all found,and that means they probly all have same contents..

    November 24, 2008 3:57 PM"

    Well said Sanguine111! You always know how to capture complex situations in words. Text words...

  44. "There's a certain irony in people that believe the world is secretly run by shapeshifting lizards thinking this woman is batshit crazy.

    November 24, 2008 4:22 PM"

    The Law is a powerful thing. People might not like it, but they better follow it. Faulconandsnowjob is no one to trifle with. And she knows the law. And three other graduate level degrees. So shapeshifting lizards don't like her? What did you expect? Lizards don't follow the law! This one time, my pet snake... that is another story...

  45. Pssst

    There is one suitcase with something valuable hidden. I bet the answer is in an iamaphoney video. If you play it backwards, you may find the answer.

  46. You can laugh all you want about David Icke and faulconandsnowjob, but one day, when the lizards are eating your children you will know that Paul is Dead is the absolute truth. He was replaced by the Lizard Kings "I am the lizard king, I can do anything" meant that they could replace the worlds most famous man with a shapeshifter lizard. Sometimes the greatest secret is hidden in plain sight.

  47. i dont have any children!


  49. Good point! They ate them BEFORE THEY WERE BORN!

  50. That's just how devious this control grid has become. Faulconandsnowjob is right. If they can replace Paul, they could replace any one of us.

  51. gladys jenkins said...

    Gladys Jenkins

    Not quite enough here for a post, but just to explore a couple of things for the fun of it...

    Paul told reporters that he took on the identity of one Gladys Jenkins for the new Fireman project. He claimed it released him from the limitations that come with trying to make the next Paul McCartney album and allowed him to experiment.

    Suddenly there is a new YouTube channel for you guessed it, Gladys Jenkins, complete with an Iamaphoney alias video from a year ago.

    The YouTube channel also has the numbers like those that have been turning up on Iamaphoney sites lately.


    Mercy Hospital School of Nursing was a historically African American Nursing School in Pennsylvania, USA. If you Google it, you will find the names of women including one named Gladys Jenkins as well as the others mentioned on the YouTube channel.

    The Aga Khan Hospital is a real hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.

    Okay, imaginators, here we go. Let's pretend that the Gladys Jenkins who left this comment on my blog is Iamaphoney.

    Now, let's pretend that Paul McCartney used the name Gladys Jenkins on purpose.

    Now, let's pretend that Gladys Jenkins from the class on 1928 decided that the career opportunities in the USA were not to her liking and she decided to move to Nairobi, Kenya. Now she would have been in the nursing profession for about 30 years by 1958 when the Aga Khan University Hospital first opened.

    But let's pretend she was still working there in late 1966 when Mal Evans and Paul McCartney's lookalike came there so that the latter could have plastic surgery.

    If Gladys Jenkins is in fact, the "Nurse Alive" she would be about 100 years old.

    Does this make you want to run and grab that suitcase?

    Does this make you want to buy that $80 deluxe package of Electric Arguments?

    I don't know about you, but it just makes me yearn for a well edited, imaginatively sequenced, tastefully sound-tracked Iamaphoney video.

    Anyway, whoever did the Gladys comment and did the YouTube site, I appreciate your creativity.

  52. I hope they bow to your superiority, Taf.

  53. Tafultong said...

    Does this make you want to run and grab that suitcase?


    Does this make you want to buy that $80 deluxe package of Electric Arguments?


    I don't know about you, but it just makes me yearn for a well edited, imaginatively sequenced, tastefully sound-tracked Iamaphoney video.

    Really? Like we need yet another one of those?

  54. A Satanic Heathen Rum Rot Nether Whorl

  55. Anonymous said...

    I hope they bow to your superiority, Taf.

    Eeeek! I'm real uncomfortable with that thought. Some people here understand what I'm trying to do and I am deeply grateful about that. Some don't always get what I'm trying to say, but they leave their opinions and I appreciate that they took the time to visit the site.

    But overall, this blogging experience has helped me to learn a lot of things, make a few friends, share my knowledge and love for the Beatles and talk about my interest in Iamphoney's videos.

    I like being appreciated, but I have no need to feel superior to anyone. If it looks that way, I am screwing up in my communication skills.

  56. A Charlatan's Thirteenth New Hoe Rumor

  57. So is he singing "Paul is dead! Really, really dead!!"...or not?

  58. Anonymous said...

    A Satanic Heathen Rum Rot Nether Whorl

    A Charlatan's Thirteenth New Hoe Rumor

    Yeah, when you've got that many letters to work with, you can come up with just about anything.

  59. "Yeah, when you've got that many letters to work with, you can come up with just about anything."

    The PIA community thanks you for catching on.

  60. Charlatan, Herewith Mentor A Hot Nurse


  61. Nowhere Man: A Slit Torn Thru Heartache

  62. "There's a certain irony in people that believe the world is secretly run by shapeshifting lizards thinking this woman is batshit crazy."

    very true.

  63. Fun Game Time:

    How many anagrams can you make out of:

    Sit on it, Potsy!

  64. Anonymous said...

    Speaking of that Mikey (or anyone listening in), do you by any chance have an isolated vocal track of the Sgt. Pepper reprise?

    I guess Mike hasn't answered this question yet. There were some isolated Sgt. Pepper tracks that appeared last year. I think it started with a podcast, and Terry Ott had some links on his blog. They have since been cleaned up and put on some file sharing sites.

    I don't know if the Sgt. Pepper Reprise was among them. If you search for "Sgt. Pepper Multitracks" you should be able to find what is available.

  65. Anonymous said...

    How many anagrams can you make out of: Sit on it, Potsy!

    Are you sure that you have the correct spelling of Potsy? I would hate to spend all that time working on it and then find out that it has nothing to do with the Beatles.

  66. A Sacramental Twin: Here He Honor Truth

  67. Thanks for addressing the reprise question. I'm really curious about that bit.

  68. O, 'tis in pot sty.

  69. Interesting (from the wiki):

    McCartney's yelling voice in the coda section of "Sgt. Pepper (Reprise)" (just before the segue into "A Day in the Life") can plainly be heard in the mono version, but is nearly inaudible in the stereo version.


  70. Anonymous said...

    McCartney's yelling voice in the coda section of "Sgt. Pepper (Reprise)" (just before the segue into "A Day in the Life") can plainly be heard in the mono version, but is nearly inaudible in the stereo version.

    Yes, that's true. You can hear it the mix on the Mobile Fidelity Labs Stereo version however.

  71. Tafultong said....I would hate to spend all that time working on it and then find out that it has nothing to do with the Beatles.

    Hey man, you just described your own blog!

    I say Anson Williams has as much to do with the Beatles as any of the clap trap IAAP is spewing. In fact I'd say the whole Chuck Cunningham story is a dead giveaway.

  72. Is he singing "Paul is dead! Really, really dead!"???

  73. Don't be harshing on Tafultong. His blog has more to do with the Beatles than IAAP does, imho, and I appreciate that.

  74. Is he singing "Paul is dead! Really, really dead!"???

    What do you think?

  75. Tafultong is a nice guy but a bit naive.

  76. Warmer than the sun
    Cooler than the air.

    Warm hearts, cold clay!
    Bright day, dim night!

    Does anyone know what this is?

  77. Read the press release about how Paul came up with the lyrics for the album. They're all lines from other writer's poetry books.

  78. Even if its just one hour, I wilt just like a fading flower

    Ah! the old years! Come back, ye vanished hours
    We wasted; come, grow red, ye faded flowers!

    Does anybody know what this is?

  79. Jude said...

    'Tis a good album. But like most Macca recordings, you sort of need to listen to it a couple of times for it to grow on you.

    November 24, 2008 10:18 AM

    Good comment Jude

  80. Jude said...

    By the way, I think he's saying something else a moment before he says "warmer than the sun, cooler than the air", but for the life of me I can't decipher what it is.

    November 24, 2008 10:44 AM

    Great comment Jude

  81. Blogger MikeNL said...

    i'll just listen to the multitracks of electric arguments.

    then i can isolate that vocal track.

    November 24, 2008 11:23 AM

    You are our only hope MikeNL

  82. De Profundis by Aleister Crowley

  83. Anonymous said...

    De Profundis by Aleister Crowley

    Correct. I must have read the press release.

  84. you are fast as lightning Taf! You Kung Fu fighting?

  85. sinker line and hook

    Page 2
    Keyed and proofread
    by Fra. A.B.N.
    Copyright (c) Ordo Templi Orientis
    JAF Box 7666
    New York NY 10116 USA
    Page 3
    IN response to a widely-spread lack of interest in my writings, I
    have consented to publish a small and unrepresentative selection
    from the same. With characteristic cunning I have not included any
    poems published later than the Third Volume of my Collected Works.
    The selection has been made by a committee of seven compe-
    tent persons, sitting separately.
    Only those poems have been included which obtained a
    majority vote.
    This volume, thus almost ostentatiously de-mocratic, is there-
    fgore now submitted to the British Public with the fullent confidence
    that it will be received with exactly the same amount of acclamation
    as that to which I have become accustomed.

    Ere the grape of joy is golden
    With the summer and the sun,
    Ere the maidens unbeholden
    Gather one by one,
    To the vineyard comes the shower,
    No sweet rain to fresh the flower
    But the thunder rain that cleaves,
    Rends and ruins tender leaves.
    Ere the wine of perfect pleasure
    From a perfect chalice poured,
    Swells the veins with such a measure
    As the garden s lord
    Makes his votaries dance to, death
    Draws with soft delicious breath
    To the maiden and the man.
    Love and life are both a span.
    Page 8
    Ere the crimson lips have planted
    Paler roses, warmer grapes,
    Ere the maiden breasts have panted,
    And the sunny shapes
    Flit around to bless the hour,
    Comes men know not what false flower :
    Ere the cup is drained, the wine
    Grows unsweet, that was divine.
    All the subtle airs are proven
    False at dewfall ; at the dawn
    Sin and sorrow, interwoven,
    Like a veil are drawn
    Over love and all delight.
    Grey desires invade the white.
    Love and life are but a span ;
    Woe is me ! and woe is man !
    Page 9
    In Hollow Stones, Scawfell
    Blind the iron pinnacles edge the twilight ;
    Blind and black the ghylls of the mountain clefted,
    Crag and snow-clad slope in a distant vision
    Rise as before me.
    Here (it seems) my feet by a tiny torrent
    Press the moss with a glad delight of being :
    Here my eyes look up to the riven mountain
    Split by the thunder,
    Rent and rifted, shattered of wind and lightning,
    Smitten, scarred, and stricken of sun and tempest,
    Seamed with wounds, like adamant, shod with iron,
    Torn by the earthquake.
    Still through all the stresses of doubtful weather
    Hold the firm old pinnacles, sky-defying ;
    Still the icy feet of the wind relentless.
    Walk in their meadows.
    Page 10
    Fields that flower not, blossom in no new springtide;
    Fields where grass nor herb nor abounding darnel
    Flourish ; fields more barren, devoid, than ocean s
    Pasture ungarnered.
    Deserts, stone as arid as sand, savannahs
    Black with wrecks, a wilderness evil, fruitless ;
    Still, to me, a land of the bluest heaven
    Studded with silver.
    Castles bleak and bare as the wrath of ocean,
    Wasted wall and tower, as the blast had risen,
    Taken keep and donjon, and hurled the earthward,
    Rent and uprooted.
    Such rock-ruins people me tribes and nations,
    Kings and queens and princes as pure as dawning,
    Brave as day and true ; and a happy people
    Lulled into freedom ;
    Nations past the stormier times of tyrants,
    Past the sudden spark of a great rebellion,
    Past the iron gates that are thrust asunder
    Not without bloodshed :
    Page 11
    Past the rule of might and the rule of lying,
    Free from gold s illusion, and free to cherish
    Joys of life diviner than war and passion--
    Falsest of phantoms.
    Only now true love, like a sun of molten
    Glory, surging up from a sea of liquid
    Silver, golden, exquisite, overflowing,
    Soars into starland.
    Sphere on sphere unite in the chant of wonder
    Star to star must add to the glowing chorus ;
    Sun and moon must mingle and speed the echo
    Flaming through heaven.
    Night and day divide, and the music strengthens,
    Gathers roar of seas and the dirge of moorlands ;
    Tempest, thunder, birds, and the breeze of summer
    Join to augment it.
    So the sound-world, filled of the fire of all things,
    Rolls majestic torrents of mighty music
    Through the stars where dwell the avenging spirits
    Bound in the whirlwind . . .
    Page 12
    So the cliffs their Song . . . For the mist regathers,
    Girds them bride-like, fit for the sun to kiss them ;
    Darkness falls like dewfall about the hill-sides ;
    Night is upon me.
    Now to me remain in the doubtful twilight
    Stretches bare of flower, but touched with whispers,
    Grey with huddled rocks, and a space of woodland,
    Pine-tree and poplar.
    Now a stream to ford and a stile to clamber ;
    Last the inn, a book, and a quiet corner . . .
    Fresh as Spring, there kisses me on the forehead
    Sleep, like a sister.
    Page 13
    The Goad
    ajn uJgro n a;mptaivhn
    ai;qe ra pu rsw gai as JEllani a_
    ajste ra_ eJsple rou_
    oi{on, oi{on a[lgo_ e[paqon, fivlai.
    Amsterdam, December 23rd, 1897.
    Let me pass out beyond the city gate.
    All day I loitered in the little streets
    Of black worn houses tottering, like the fate
    That hangs above my head even now, and meets
    Prayer and defiance as not hearing it.
    They lean, these old black streets ! a little sky
    Peeps through the gap, the rough stone path is lit
    Just for a little by the sun, and I
    Watch his red face pass over, fade away
    To other streets, and other passengers,
    See him take pleasure where the heathen pray,
    See him relieve the hunter of his furs,
    Page 14
    All the wide world awaiting him, all folk
    Glad at his coming, only I must weep :
    Rise he or sink, my weary eyes invoke
    Only the respite of a little sleep ;
    Sleep, just a little space of sleep, to rest
    The fevered head and cool the aching eyes ;
    Sleep for a space, to fall upon the breast
    Of the dear God, that He may sympathise.
    Long has the day drawn out ; a bitter frost
    Sparkles along the streets ; the shipping heaves
    With the slow murmur of the sea, half lost
    In the last rustle of forgotten leaves.
    Over the bridges pass the throngs ; the sound,
    Deep and insistent, penetrates the mist
    I hear it not ; I contemplate the wound
    Stabbed in the flanks of my dear silver Christ.
    He hangs in anguish there ; the crown of thorns
    Pierces that palest brow ; the nails drip blood ;
    There is the wound ; no Mary by Him mourns,
    There is no John beside the cruel wood.
    I am alone to kiss the silver lips ;
    I rend my clothing for the temple veil ;
    My heart s black night must act the sun s eclipse ;
    My groans must play the earthquake, till I quail
    Page 15
    THE GOAD--9
    At my own dark imagining. And now
    The wind is bitterer : the air breeds snow ;
    I put my Christ away ; I turn my brow
    Towards the south stedfastly ; my feet must go
    Some journey of despair. I dare not turn
    To meet the sun ; I will not follow him :
    Better to pass where sand and sulphur burn,
    And days are hazed with heat, and nights are dim
    With some malarial poison. Better lie
    Far and forgotten on some desert isle,
    Where I may watch the silent ships go by,
    And let them share my burden for awhile.
    Let me pass out beyond the city gate
    Where I may wander by the water still,
    And see the faint few stars immaculate
    Watch their own beauty in its depth, and chill
    Their own desire within its icy stream.
    Let me move on with vacant eyes, as one
    Lost in the labyrinth of some ill dream,
    Move and move on, and never see the sun
    Lap all the mist with orange and red gold,
    Throw some lank windmill into iron shade,
    And stir the chill canal with manifold
    Rays of clear morning ; never grow afraid
    Page 16
    When he dips down beyond the far fiat land,
    Know never more the day and night apart,
    Know not where frost has laid his iron hand
    Save only that it fastens on my heart ;
    Save only that it grips with icy fire
    These veins no fire of hell could satiate ;
    Save only that it quenches this desire.
    Let me pass out beyond the city gate.
    Page 17
    A lonely spirit seeks the mignight hour,
    When souls have power
    To cast away one moment bonds of clay,
    And touch the day
    With pallid, wistful lips beyond the earth,
    And bring to birth
    New thoughts with which life long has travail d ;
    As if one dead
    Should rise and utter secrets of the tomb,
    And from hell s womb
    Or heaven s breast bring all the load of fears,
    Toils of long years,
    Sorrows of life and agonies of death,
    Hard caught-up breath,
    The labouring hands of love, the cheeks of shame,
    The gloomy flame
    Of lust, the cruel torment of desire
    More than hell fire,
    And bid them fade, as if the bryony
    Let her flower die,
    Page 18
    And banished them through space, as if a star
    Dropped through the far
    Vault of the sky, and, as a lamp extinct
    With blood-red tinct,
    Went out. So lonely in mysterious night
    A wild, strange light
    Flickers around the sacred head of man,
    And bids him scan
    The scroll of heaven, and see if there be not,
    Black with no blot
    Of cloud, but golden lettered on the blue
    That mothers dew,
    This message of good hope, good trust, good fate,
    And good estate :
    Work on, hope ever, let your faith be built
    Of gold ungilt ;
    Your love exceed the starry vault for height,
    The heaven for might ;
    Your faith wax firmer than a ship at sleep
    On the grey deep,
    Anchored in some most certain anchorage
    From ocean s rage ;
    Your patience stand when mountains shake and quail
    Before the gale
    Page 19
    Of God s great tribulation. Make thee sure
    Thou canst endure!
    And work, work ever, sleep not, gird thy head
    With garlands red
    Of blood from swollen veins forced in bitter toil
    To win some spoil
    Of knowledge from the caverns of the deep!
    So shall the steep
    Pathways of heaven gleam with loftier fires
    Than earth s desires.
    So shall thou conquer Space, and lastly climb
    The walls of Time,
    And by the golden path the great have trod
    Reach up to God!
    Page 20
    Chorus of Maidens
    O the time of dule and teen !
    O the dove the hawk has snared !
    Would to God we had not been,
    We, who see our maiden queen,
    Love has slain whom hate had spared.
    Sorrow for our sister sways
    All our maiden bosoms bared
    To the dying vesper rays,
    Where the sun below the bays
    Of the West is stooping ;
    All our hearts together drooping,
    Flowers the ocean bears.
    All the garb that gladness wears
    To a rent uncouth attire
    Changed with cares ;
    Happy songs our love had made
    Ere the sun had sunk his fire,
    In the moonrise fall and fade,
    Page 21
    And the dregs of our desire
    Fall away to death.
    Tears divide our labouring breath
    That our sister O our sister !
    Moon and sun and stars have kissed her !
    She must tough the lips of death,
    Touch the lips whose coldness saith :
    Thou art clay.
    Let us fare away, away
    To the ice whose ocean gray
    Tumbles on the beach of rock,
    Where the wheeling vultures mock
    Our distress with horrid cries ;
    Where the flower relenting dies,
    And the sun is sharp to slay ;
    Where the ivory dome above
    Glimmers like the dawn of love
    On the weary way ;
    Where the ibex chant and call
    Over tempest s funeral ;
    Where the horn d beast is shrill,
    And the eagle hath its will,
    And the shadows fall
    Sharp and black, till day is passed
    Over to the ocean vast ;
    Page 22
    Where the barren rocks resound
    Only to the rending roar
    Of the shattering streams that pour
    Rocks by ice eternal bound,
    Myriad cascades that crowned
    Once the far resounding throne
    Of the mountain spirits strong,
    All the treacherous souls that throng
    Desolate abodes of stone,
    Barren of all comely things,
    Given to the splended kings,
    Gloomy state, and glamour dark,
    Swooping jewel-feathered wings,
    Eyes translucent with a spark
    Of the world of fire, that swings
    Gates of adamant below
    Lofty minarets of snow.
    Thence the towering flames arise,
    Where the flashes white and wise
    Find their mortal foe.
    Let us thither, caring not
    Anything, or any more,
    Since the sorrow of our lot
    Craves to pass the abysmal door.
    Never more for us shall twine
    Page 23
    Rosy fingers on the vine.
    Never maiden lips shall cull
    Myriad blossoms beautiful.
    Never cheeks shall dimple over
    At the perfume of the clover.
    Never bosoms bright and round
    Shall be garlanded and bound
    With the chain of myrtle, wreathed
    By the fingers of the maid
    Each has chosen for a mate,
    When the west wind lately breathed
    Murmurs in the wanton glade
    Of the day that dawneth late
    In a maiden s horoscope,
    Dawning faith and fire and hope
    On the spring that only knew
    Flowers and butterflies and dew,
    Skies and seas and mountains blue,
    On the spring that wot not of
    Fruit and falling leaves and love.
    Never dew-dashed foreheads fair
    Sall salute the idle air.
    Never shall we wander deep
    Where the fronds of fern, asleep,
    Kiss her rosy feet that pass
    Page 24
    On the spangled summer grass,
    Half awake, and drowse again.
    Never more our feet shall stain
    Purple with the joyous grape,
    Whence there rose a fairy shape
    In the fume and must and juice,
    Singing lest our eyes escape
    All his tunic wried and loose
    With the feet that softly trod
    In the vat the fairy god.
    Never more our eyes shall swim
    Looking for the love of him
    In the magic moon that bent
    Over maidens moon-content,
    When the summer woods were wet
    With our dewy songs, that set
    Quivering all seas and snows,
    Stars and tender winds that fret
    Lily, lily, laughing rose,
    Sighing, sighing violet,
    Dusky pansy, swaying rush,
    And the stream that flows
    Singing, ringing softly : Hush !
    Listen to the bird that goes
    Wooing to the brown mate s bough ;
    Page 25
    Listen to the breeze that blows
    Over cape and valley now
    At the silence of the noon,
    Or the slumber hour
    Of the white delicious moon
    Like a lotus-flower !
    Let us sadly, slowly, to
    To the silence of the snow !
    Page 26
    De Profundis
    Blood, mist, and foam, then darkness. On my eyes
    Sits heaviness, the poor worn body lies
    Devoid of nerve and muscle; it were death
    Save for the heart that throbs, the breast that sighs.
    The brain reels drowsily, the mind is dulled,
    Deadened and drowned by noises that are lulled
    By the harsh poison of the hateful breath.
    All sense and sound and seeing is annulled.
    Within a body dead a deadened brain
    Beats with the burden of a shameful pain,
    The sullen agony that dares to think,
    And think through sleep, and wake to think again.
    Fools ! bitter fools ! Our breaths and kisses seem
    Constrained in devilry, debauch, and dream :
    Lives logged in the morass of meat and drink,
    Loves dipped in Phlegethon, the perjured stream.
    Page 27
    Behold we would that hours and minutes pass,
    Watch the sands falling in the eager glass ;
    To wile their weariness is pleasure s bliss ;
    But ah ! the years ! like smoke They fade, alas !
    We weep them as they slip away ; we gaze
    Back on the likeness of the former days
    The hair we fondle and the lips we kiss
    Roses grow yellow, and no purple stays.
    Ah ! the old years ! Come back, ye vanished hours
    We wasted ; come, grow red, ye faded flowers !
    What boots the weariness of olden time
    Now, when old age, a tempest-fury, lowers?
    Up to high God beyond the weary land
    The days drift mournfully ; His hoary hand
    Gathers them. Is it so ? My Foolish rime
    Dreams they are links upon an endless band.
    The planets draw in endless orbits round
    The sun ; itself revolves in the profound
    Black wells of space ; the comet s mystic track
    By the strong rule of a closed curve is bound

  87. quote is at the end...

  88. page 27 on that pdf

  89. Anonymous said...

    Tafultong is a nice guy but a bit naive.

    November 24, 2008 7:06 PM

    Sometimes things are not what they seem

  90. I missed "Bad Ass Crowley Tafultong"

  91. In his interview regarding adopting the persona of Gladys Jenkins, Paul added:

    "It was quite thrilling, that's how we approached (classic 1967 Beatles record) Sgt. Pepper's. It's like you're playing instead of working."

    Funny how he seems to feel obligated to bring up Sgt. Pepper every chance he gets.

  92. By the way, the awful Crowley poem is actually an anagram.

  93. Anonymous said...

    By the way, the awful Crowley poem is actually an anagram.

    I rarely write little webisms like LOL, but if I were to do so, this would certainly warrant it.

  94. "Funny how he seems to feel obligated to bring up Sgt. Pepper every chance he gets.

    November 24, 2008 8:54 PM"

    This is an excellent point Tafultong.

  95. He's saying "come here"; before he says "warmer than the sun", etc., Paul whispers "come here".

  96. At least that is what it sounds like to me. I can't be bothered with all that track isolation business that Mike is so good at, so I can't really too sure.

  97. thank you for trying jude!

  98. paul is dead - the rotten apple 2 you hear it claer as a bell.Paul is dead really dead.

  99. Jude,

    Come here could also be come hear, a double entendre.

    Is this also an inference to two men who sound alike but with different intentions? Nah, that is absurd.

  100. My nipples stink of cheese,


  101. iamaphoney
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  102. I don't understand the appeal of Crowley, or why McCartney is quoting him on his album. what is the point?

  103. " Jude said...
    He's saying "come here"; before he says "warmer than the sun", etc., Paul whispers "come here"."

    uh, duh? come here?

  104. Tafultong said...
    See that, Paul? Surely I deserve a complementary copy of the $80 deluxe version. Come on, I already spent $25 for the first track and I'll be shelling out $10 tomorrow for the standard CD. Think about it, will ya?

    I did, too.
    Had to sell stuff to do it, but I did!
    People are saying that the other disc might be a 'make your own re-mix' deal, like that thing he did when "Chaos" came out.

  105. Anonymous said...
    I did, too.
    Had to sell stuff to do it, but I did!
    People are saying that the other disc might be a 'make your own re-mix' deal, like that thing he did when "Chaos" came out.

    November 25, 2008 6:42 AM

    what, are you saying that there are multi-tracks for chaos and creation available?

  106. MikeNL wrote:

    what, are you saying that there are multi-tracks for chaos and creation available?

    There was a program you could download from Paul's site that had isolated snippets from various songs from "Chaos and Creation." You could assemble and mix the clips within the program to create your own piece.

    They also had a contest where they gave a reward for the best one.

    The clips consisted of brief vocal and instrumental passages and it was a lot of fun, but there were no entire songs to remix or anything like he is offering now.

    The bottom line was that you could make something that sounded cool, but the software was severely limited. Mine was lost when my computer hard drive crashed on April 10, 2008.

  107. Paul posted money in iamaphoney from rotten apple 37 everything did change after that. and The Fireman was to be brought in position, I think.

  108. Paul posted money in iamaphoney from rotten apple 37 everything did change after that. and The Fireman was to be brought in position, I think.

    November 25, 2008 7:26 AM


  109. So the IAAP mystery can be put to rest now?

  110. "I looked at faulconsnowjob's PID thread at the David Icke forums. It looks like the naysayers just gave up arguing with her and left."

    Just about everything she presents as 'evidence' has been debunked over and over again - but she just ignores the best counter-arguments and sticks her fingers in her ears. People have stopped bothering with her because she's just repeating herself now. It has become futile and, frankly, very boring.

    Some of the posters on that forum are not as crazy as you might imagine.

  111. The same could easily transfer to iaap land.

  112. Anonymous said...
    "I feel so used."

    Like a broken prophylactic on the streets of Berlin.

    I hear ya.

    come here, phoney. The excitement is OVER.

  113. Tafultong said...

    The clips consisted of brief vocal and instrumental passages and it was a lot of fun, but there were no entire songs to remix or anything like he is offering now.

    The bottom line was that you could make something that sounded cool, but the software was severely limited. Mine was lost when my computer hard drive crashed on April 10, 2008.

    Was a winner even NAMED?


  114. tafultong said...
    Mine was lost when my computer hard drive crashed on April 10, 2008.


    april 10 huh...

    that's the day the interview would happen.

  115. I never put much stock in the viral marketing campaign theory but I bought the Fireman CD today and there are anagrams all over the package.

    "no no sam it aint no anagram"

    "the purpose is to meet you at your fire place"

    ...and this one blew me away. Remember IAAP's "The fireman is no mason"?

    Now we have McCartney's: "The fireman is no nickname-simply a warm place in the head".

    If the whole purpose of IAAP was to create buzz for this Fireman CD then I guess it was successful because I just bought the shittiest Paul McCartney CD of all time. This Fireman record makes Wild Life look like a work of genius. It sounds like Tom Waits and Pink Floyd got together and let Paul yelp a little on top of the tracks. There's maybe 2 decent songs here. I can only imagine the audience for this record would be McCartney completists, arrogant experimental music snobs and conspiracy freaks who can't wait to play the whole thing backwards.

    If McCartney is in any way connected with IAAP or was so desperate to generate hype for this turkey of an album and condoned IAAP's disgusting videos then my opinion of Paul is at an all time low.

    You'll be seeing my copy on Ebay shortly.

  116. if paul is behind this and it sure looks like it could be true, then what will the next step be, now the lid is off?

  117. I don't think the lid is off anything to be honest. It could simply be a case of Paul saying "Hey, I've made a freaky album so why don't I take over the freaky shit that's online about me and get them all to shell out money for a freaky CD that's definitely not going to sell well."

    I"ll say this. If you were one of the handful of people who thought IAAP was going to expose Paul as a fake then this is a really depressing day for you.

  118. Anonymous, the "no no sam, it ain't no anagram" and "the fireman is no mason" were not the work of IAAP, they were long ago included in the promotional interview and website set up for the Fireman project. IAAP has flashed the six or seven phrases from that defunct site such as "the fireman is no mason" and "the fireman blows his mind" (as has ykmn231) but IAAP has never offered any anagram solutions for them. The only "solved" anagram I can think of from IAAP is King of Cosmania = Son of the Magickian, although that one might have been on NIR first (does anyone know?). It's not a true anagram because it only uses a part of the original phrase (The king of cosmania and surrounding regions or something like that), and generally "magickian" is not a term Crowley used to identify himself, although he started the practice of inserting a "K" into "magick" to differentiate it from old ideas about magic. "The fireman is no nickname--simply a warm place in the head" doesn't sounds more like a sales pitch than an actual anagram.

  119. I stand corrected then.

    Still a lousy CD though. What was Paul thinking?

  120. What was Paul thinking? One could ask that of just about everything he's done since 1970 (although he showed flashes of brilliance up through Venus and Mars, and here and there up to the present).

  121. Since around the time of White Album/Abbey Road, Paul has increasingly liked the idea of just coming up with whatever ideas come into his head, with little objective critique. This Fireman was done one song per day, and I dare say even Lennon and McCartney would have ended up with some utter rubbish had they tried that approach for an entire album.

  122. Yeah yeah , nice album cover, nice record sound...blah blah, Paul is dead or not? or replaced? or anything ? or nothing?

  123. The first was PABLO, here see:

  124. Ha! Reenter Rotten Cult, Hash Hair Woman!

  125. "Yeah yeah , nice album cover, nice record sound...blah blah, Paul is dead or not? or replaced? or anything ? or nothing?"

    Yeah, not dead or replaced. Have a good one, bro.

  126. I wonder when Paul is gonna comment on this phenomenon.

  127. Didn't the press sort of "out" him on the Fireman stuff before there was any official comment on that?

  128. They still owe Mikey (and by extension all of us) an interview, I think.

  129. Okay, okay, here's the interview:

    Q: is Paul dead? Was he replaced?

    IAAP: nope.

    Q: are you Paul?

    IAAP: nope.

    Q: was the Rotten Apple series viral marketing for Fireman?

    IAAP: nope.

    Q: anything earth-shattering in those suitcases?

    IAAP: nope.

    Q: what is the Love Code you said would blow our minds?

    IAAP: The word "Love" when mirrored looks kind of like the word "Code." Other than that, beats the hell out of me.

    Q: Why did you go to all the trouble, then?

    IAAP: Like most YouTube directors, I was hoping to bring in some viewers and maybe generate some interest in my original tunes.

    Q: So should we keep waiting or is there never going to be any major mind blowing secret revealed?

    IAAP: keep waiting. You guys are excellent waiters. Sorry, English is not my first language.

    Q: Aha! so you ARE Paul!

    IAAP: can't make this stuff up, folks.

  130. Anonymous said...
    They still owe Mikey (and by extension all of us) an interview, I think.

    November 25, 2008 5:21 PM

    interview is still on.

  131. Sad but probably true. -Though I probably would have asked something about "the voice"...the "breaking ranks" fellow.

  132. interview is still on.

    Oh when oh when oh when?????

    I do not believe you.

  133. MikeNL said...

    Anonymous said...
    They still owe Mikey (and by extension all of us) an interview, I think.

    November 25, 2008 5:21 PM

    interview is still on.

    November 25, 2008 6:01 PM

    Motherfuc*er! Then there is HOPE!

  134. "interview is still on.

    November 25, 2008 6:01 PM"

    What a coup! Good job Mikey! How did you convince IAAP to do it???

  135. Props to the NL, word to your mother...s

  136. Paul posted money in iamaphoney from rotten apple 37 everything did change after that. and The Fireman was to be brought in position, I think.

    November 25, 2008 7:26 AM


    Here, here.

  137. Tafultong said...
    See that, Paul? Surely I deserve a complementary copy of the $80 deluxe version. Come on, I already spent $25 for the first track and I'll be shelling out $10 tomorrow for the standard CD. Think about it, will ya?

    No. He and his cohorts sucked you out of every dollar they could. Suck it up, sheep (the RAM will fuck you eventually).

  138. It was time for sir Paul to get the last laugh and fleece the PID sheep.

    baaaaaaaa baaaaaaa baaaaaaa

  139. Guess what? He aint dead, HE IS RICH!

  140. "Anonymous said...

    Guess what? He aint dead, HE IS RICH!

    November 25, 2008 8:41 PM"

    when iaap reveals, you will think differently

  141. "Anonymous said...


    November 25, 2008 8:41 PM"

    funny you should mention that

  142. "when iaap reveals, you will think differently

    November 25, 2008 8:42 PM"

    he better hurry, no one will be around to watch

  143. "
    he better hurry, no one will be around to watch

    November 25, 2008 8:43 PM"

    funny you should mention THAT!
    IAAP has more subscribers NOW then at any other time, so I think someone will be watching

  144. "
    funny you should mention THAT!
    IAAP has more subscribers NOW then at any other time, so I think someone will be watching

    November 25, 2008 8:44 PM"

    Remember the subscriber list posted here last week? Many of those accounts are closed, and or IAAP sub accounts. That may explain the low view count to IAAP's recent videos. More "subscribers", less real eyeballs to watch those videos.

  145. "Sig" == "Sun" == "Victory"

  146. "Sig" == "Sun" == "Victory"

  147. GFA was on to something with his Nordic symbolism.

  148. "when iaap reveals, you will think differently"

    Oh bullshit. You Phoney-dupes have been saying that for two years now. Blah blah blah

    In case you haven't noticed IAAP is now the laughingstock and public whipping boy of PID.

  149. Lucy,

    Helios' golden boat.


  150. "funny you should mention THAT!
    IAAP has more subscribers NOW then at any other time, so I think someone will be watching"

    Yeah the fake ass accounts he opens to make it look like he's got more fans than he really does. This guy is so desperate and embarrassing. It's so much fun to watch him sink into his own shit.

  151. Phoney hasn't revealed anything objective thus far, why would you believe he would manage to reveal anything in the future? There is nothing in the RA series that isn't in some shape or form on NIR or in other PID sites.

  152. "Sieg Heil" was reserved for mass meetings such as the ones at Nuremberg where "Sieg Heil" was shouted in unison by thousands. IAAP as a cam-whore, metro-sexual, Nuremberg eagle tatoo-fag.......

  153. Helios' Golden Boat

  154. Here come's the sun, people...

    Yet more than half of you will still look for green reptiles...

  155. The other halves farts smell like cheese and are responsible for 1/3 of many of these comments..


  157. "Anonymous said...

    Helios' golden boat.



    what about it? the halo effect? does the chariot await?


  158. In case you haven't noticed IAAP is now the laughingstock and public whipping boy of PID.

    November 25, 2008 9:02 PM

    So was Christ.
    Look how that turned out.

    Just because a majority is ridiculing someone doesn't mean they are wrong.

  159. wrong to ridicule?

    chi-ro at least said something.

  160. never let 5 minutes to an hour of youtube videos convince you, you're worshiping butter, or beatles, or reptiles, or IAAP...

  161. He comes to you if you don't bother him.
    He just likes to do his own thing.

  162. aureole or aureola
    1. a ring of light surrounding the head of a figure represented as holy; halo
    2. the sun's corona, visible as a faint halo during eclipses [Latin aurum gold]

  163. " He comes to you if you don't bother him.
    He just likes to do his own thing."

    I'll fold. Who?

  164. Red man in the city
    Poor man in the city
    Black man in the city
    Fat man in the city
    Red man
    Black man
    Fat man
    Blue man
    I don't know the rest of the words
    'Cause I made it up just for you...

  165. In three days Mikey will return from Mount Sinai.

    With 3 lovers.

    3 days he'll stay.

  166. loliae! ¯\(°_o)/¯

  167. loliae! ¯\(°_o)/¯


  168. 卍? lol

    Rudolf Koch & Geometric231:
    - This typeface is featured in the O RLY? Internet meme.
    - The typeface was also used extensively in the credits and on-screen lyrics for the movie, Yellow Submarine.

  169. "卍? lol

    Rudolf Koch & Geometric231:
    - This typeface is featured in the O RLY? Internet meme.
    - The typeface was also used extensively in the credits and on-screen lyrics for the movie, Yellow Submarine." it's a sun thing? 4 quarters? c'mon ... this is taking way too long ..

    what 卍? lol

  170. er, wat? mike? pupilch? amirite?

  171. Goodnoght. Sleep tight.
    Now the sun turns out his light.

  172. Rudolf Koch (1876-11-20 - 1934-04-09) was a leading German calligrapher, typographic artist and teacher, born in Nuremberg. He was primarily a calligrapher with the Gebr. Klingspor foundry. He created several typefaces, both in fraktur and roman styles. Fritz Kredel studied under Koch at the Offenbach School of Design.
    Koch wrote a book comprised of 493 old-world symbols, monograms and runes entitled


  173. The book looks cool.

  174. lolcats meme macro's are via extra-dimensional, shape-shifting, reptilians beings.

    This is what faulpaulblowjob REALLY wants you to believe.

  175. how could you explain that another way?

  176. "Phoney hasn't revealed anything objective thus far, why would you believe he would manage to reveal anything in the future? There is nothing in the RA series that isn't in some shape or form on NIR or in other PID sites."

    Come on, before iaap pid was dying, and most of his clues wasnt seen before He came on stage.
    Or maybe you can tell me otherwise, give me examples on what you suggest iaap stole from those narrowminded sites.

  177. iamaphoney
    Joined: July 23, 2006
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  178. from the same hymnal

  179. looks like gfa is not playing with his realdoll anymore

  180. Hi, we made this discovery long ago in our spanish forum. You can check it here:


  181. Or maybe you can tell me otherwise, give me examples on what you suggest iaap stole from those narrowminded sites.

    Taf and the NIR folks can give you those details. In fact, Taf recently mentioned the sudden IAAP focus on the second "Crowley" image on Pepper after Jarvitronics' post.

  182. More on Rudolf Koch and Geometric231 (a.k.a. Kabel):

    Born in Nuremberg, one of the great centres of printing, Koch was a deeply religious man who tried to unite work and life in a harmonious whole.

    In 1898, Koch discovered art nouveau and started to experiment with calligraphy. Nearly all the types he designed later were developed from calligraphy.

    He had to leave school early when his father, a sculptor, died. He served an apprenticeship as a metal worker. He got a post as designer with the Klingspor Foundry and it was here that he designed his many typefaces including Deutsche Schrift, Wilhelm Klingspor Schrift, and Locarno.

    "Lettering gives me the purest and greatest pleasure."

    His last typeface design was Claudius, a sparkling German black letter which had to be cut by his son, Paul, because Rudolf Koch died on April 4, 1934. Koch, because of his innate ability to teach and communicate, influenced not only his own generation but all type designers, present and future, who are still searching for the typographic Holy Grail.

    Kabel is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by German typeface designer Rudolf Koch, and released by the Klingspor foundry in 1927. The face was named to honor the newly completed trans-Atlantic telephone cable. (Get the link? YKMN231 sure did: "You Know My Name, Look Up The Number!)

    The Beatles used Kabel in for the film titling in their 1960s animated classic, Yellow Submarine.

    Like many of the typefaces that Rudolf Koch designed for printing use, Kabel is a carefully constructed and drawn. The basic forms were influenced by the Ancient Roman stone-carved letters, which consisted of just a few pure and clear geometric forms, such as circles, squares, and triangles. Koch also infused Kabel with some elements of Art Deco, making it appear quite different from other geometric modernist typefaces from the 1920s, like Futura.



    I am curious to know whether or not the members of Led Zeppelin had a copy of Koch's Book of Signs when they set about choosing the symbols on Led Zeppelin IV:

    The four symbols on the label and inside sleeve of Led Zeppelin IV, representing Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, John Bonham, and Robert Plant (from left to right) respectively, they are also thought to represent fire, water, earth and air. The symbols are ancient Pagan sigils for these four elements, and may be referred to as both Runes and sigils.

    This also points me back at the curious semaphore on the cover of "Help!" (also suspected by some to be an "elemental" code).

