Sunday, November 30, 2008

Message From him

Today, I received a message from Iamaphoney, really.

Here it is in its entirety:

Subject: Geoff Baker Date: November 30, 2008

I can confirm the existence of the twin peppers in the Berlin suitcase.
And, as always, I must say that I´m a huge fan of yours, really.
All that stuff about "anus", Western Communism and Mr. Baker is NOT our
Project at all.

It is not our style, and it doesn´t help the revelation one bit.
Suitcases has Clue Creating Terms.

By now we are ready to move on,
And maybe we can
Clear out things a little bit.
Khristmas time is here again.

Soon I´ll give you more info.


  1. How convenient! It's the california movie studio and London fires all rolled up into one!

    Wanna get IAAP talkin? Accuse him of some illegality. And or IGNORE HIM.

  2. give me a break..... Wow, love all communicative iamaphoney gets at times like these!

  3. So that's what it sounds like when MikeNL is in secret communications with IAAP. nice!

  4. 65if2007 really should play the album. and backwards if possible. and soon.

  5. huh... glad the Berlin suitcase is still "in circulation". Twin pepper here we come! yawn

  6. What do you call something that keeps jumping the shark?


  7. "By now we are ready to move on,
    And maybe we can
    Clear out things a little bit."

    iamaphoney is a third person plural. a "we"..??????

    Glad you are ready to move on! We already left...

  8. "By now we are ready to move on,
    And maybe we can
    Clear out things a little bit."

    Boy did we screw up!

  9. So the acrostic is

  10. what a clever device! yawn

  11. Cant wait for the next IAAP parody song SNATCH CRUCIFIX!
    Or whatever the royal "we" calls it.

    That'll prove that the Beatles were Satanic! A backwards song sung by Danish drunks!

  12. MikeNL will sure love it! That's what really counts, not the haters.

  13. Oopsie! You forgot to capitalize His name, Tagalog!

  14. Anonymous said...

    Oopsie! You forgot to capitalize His name, Tagalog!

    Intentional. Oopsie, you got my name wrong.

  15. Time to hesitate is through
    No time to wallow in the mire
    Know that it would be untrue
    You know that I would be a liar

    Going to set the world on fire
    Going to set the world on fire

    How about a sing-a-long with my fellow IAAP bloggers...

  16. I like how Iamaphoney's correspondence reads like a high school girls with the...


    ...silliness. What is he signing a yearbook? I'm glad that I know Twin Peppers is in the Berlin case. I encourage everyone to go get it, put it up on EBay and sell that shit! Make a little money on Iamaphoney.

    Our "project"? What a fucking riot this shithead is! Yeah, it's our "project" to create fake Paul McCartney accounts, fake Yoko accounts, fake Rngo Starr and on and on to trick people. What a lame project.

    Of course all is forgiven because Iamaphoney sent a nice email to Taf and that always washes away all his sins.

    Yeah Iamaphoney is a "big fan". Fuck yeah he is. The whole blog is a tribute to him. Of course he'd be a fan of it!

  17. Tafultong said...
    Anonymous said...

    Oopsie! You forgot to capitalize His name, Tagalog!

    Intentional. Oopsie, you got my name wrong.

    Intentional as well, Toblerone. No worries though. Big fan of the blog.

  18. You can't find the truth in a suitcase. It's not on a piece of paper. It's not in a picture. It's not in a recording. And that is the foundation of understanding this mystery.


  19. Today, I received a message from Iamaphoney, really.

    You made me laugh, sir. :)
    I laughed my arse off, really!

  20. "All that stuff about "anus", Western Communism and Mr. Baker is NOT our
    Project at all.

    It is not our style, and it doesn´t help the revelation one bit."

    Not your style? Yeah, your "style" is to set up fake McCartney and other Beatle accounts in order to BS people into finding you. Your style is to manipulate. Your style is to hide suitcases and videos with dudes yelling profanities. Your style is to edit Macca interviews out of context and to use gruesome photos of dead people as though they are Paul. The famous "Paul hanging over the car" photo everyone knows is of an American serviceman. The other "dead" Paul photo is doctored, from the boys swimming in Miami. Your style is to involve a school boy from the Netherlands, and to feed him false information that in the end made him look like a fool. He's a kid, for heaven's sake. It is your style to use a tragic fire as your background image, and to include other tragic fires as part of your series, as though Paul is the Fireman setting them. It is your style to accuse Macca of being an impostor while impersonating him yourself. It is your style to deceive, misrepresent facts, and libel and without any disclaimers whatsoever.

    That's your style, as if we hadn't noticed.

    Don't pretend that you have some sort of ethical standard or style much different than the person who posted to Geoff Baker.

  21. Today, I received a message from Iamaphoney, really.

    You made me laugh, sir. :)
    I laughed my arse off, really!

    And this made you laugh because? The only reason this would make you laugh, as far as I can tell, would be if Tafultong was Iamaphoney, which would not be a shock.

  22. And this made you laugh because? The only reason this would make you laugh, as far as I can tell, would be if Tafultong was Iamaphoney, which would not be a shock.

    Err, I guess it's sort of an inside joke between people who have corresponded with Iamaphoney. What was funny was the way Taf worded the opening sentence:

    "Today, I received a message from Iamaphoney, really."

    Iamaphoney has tends to end sentences with "really" a lot.
    I'm not sure whether he's aware of it or not, but it has become a sorting of calling card of his.

  23. Anonymous said...
    "All that stuff about "anus", Western Communism and Mr. Baker is NOT our
    Project at all.

    It is not our style, and it doesn´t help the revelation one bit."

    Not your style? Yeah, your "style" is to set up fake McCartney and other Beatle accounts in order to BS people into finding you. Your style is to manipulate. Your style is to hide suitcases and videos with dudes yelling profanities. Your style is to edit Macca interviews out of context and to use gruesome photos of dead people as though they are Paul. The famous "Paul hanging over the car" photo everyone knows is of an American serviceman. The other "dead" Paul photo is doctored, from the boys swimming in Miami. Your style is to involve a school boy from the Netherlands, and to feed him false information that in the end made him look like a fool. He's a kid, for heaven's sake. It is your style to use a tragic fire as your background image, and to include other tragic fires as part of your series, as though Paul is the Fireman setting them. It is your style to accuse Macca of being an impostor while impersonating him yourself. It is your style to deceive, misrepresent facts, and libel and without any disclaimers whatsoever.

    That's your style, as if we hadn't noticed.

    Don't pretend that you have some sort of ethical standard or style much different than the person who posted to Geoff Baker.

    November 30, 2008 9:07 PM

    This sums it up beautifully. I question the moral character of Tafultong who is aware of these things but still remains a "fan".

  24. The famous "Paul hanging over the car" photo everyone knows is of an American serviceman. The other "dead" Paul photo is doctored, from the boys swimming in Miami.

    Iamaphoney used those images because they are from a portion of Charles Braverman's "Cream of the Beatles" film that concerns PID. Also, no one knew at that time that it was a photo of an American serviceman or that the shot of Paul (which wasn't doctored, only cropped) was from a photo of the boys swimming.

  25. The real name of Charles Braverman's "Cream of the Beatles" film is "Braverman's Condensed Cream Of Beatles" and was made under the direction of Geraldo Rivera. After it aired on his Beatles special television show in New York it made the rounds of Beatlefest for 20 years. There is a reference to PID in it as a nostalgic look back at a counterculture pop phenom. Charles Braverman is does not believe in PID nor does he work for Apple. He did freelance worke for ABC TV

  26. Must've talked to iamaphoney a bunch eh Jude? to know such a subtle Joke, really!

  27. "Jude said...

    Iamaphoney used those images because they are from a portion of Charles Braverman's "Cream of the Beatles" film that concerns PID. Also, no one knew at that time that it was a photo of an American serviceman or that the shot of Paul (which wasn't doctored, only cropped) was from a photo of the boys swimming.

    November 30, 2008 9:53 PM

    How is it that you are speaking for iamphoney Jude? How is it that you know? From all those conversations you had that you came up with secret inside jokes?

  28. Jude said...

    iamaphoney has tends to end sentences with "really" a lot.
    I'm not sure whether he's aware of it or not, but it has become a sorting of calling card of his.

    November 30, 2008 9:19 PM

    How quaint Jude! At the weekly meetings you all discuss this over tea?

  29. Braverman's Condensed Cream Of beatles was made primarily from public domain newsreel footage and A and B roll footage shot by WPIX tv in New York (an ABC affilliate). That's why you see channel 11 microphones in the Beatles faces in some of the film because WPIX ABC was channel 11 in New York at the time. Geraldo Rivera was based at channel 11.

  30. Our "project"? What a fucking riot this shithead is! Yeah, it's our "project" to create fake Paul McCartney accounts, fake Yoko accounts, fake Rngo Starr and on and on to trick people. What a lame project.

    Of course all is forgiven because Iamaphoney sent a nice email to Taf and that always washes away all his sins.


    thanks for that post. hits the nail

  31. There's only one beatle that comes to mind with Satanism..

    Darn, he's dead though, right?

    Drag, isn't it..

  32. John Lennon isn't dead. We're going to hear something December 8.


  34. Do we have to answer part one before we get the second of the three levels? I see you have added some favourites now. Nice choices

  35. Clue Creating Terms?

  36. How is it that you are speaking for iamphoney Jude? How is it that you know? From all those conversations you had that you came up with secret inside jokes?

    First off, I am not nor will I ever speak for Iamaphoney. I can only speak for myself, and as I remember it those videos were put out long before it became a known fact that the Braverman photos weren't the genuine article. Besides, it's not like he drew an arrow pointing to them and said "Look here, these are pictures of a dead Paul McCartney". He used pictures from the Braverman film because many PIDers knew about the film's existence and more specifically about the portion of the film which pertained to PID. I think that's pretty obvious, so no, I don't think that by saying that I am speaking for him in any way; rather, I am just exercising common sense.

    Second, what inside jokes are you referring to? No one came up with any inside jokes. Taf ended a sentence with "really", which I understood was a reference to the way IAAP does the same nearly all the time. This made me laugh. Someone asked why it made me laugh. I explained. You picked apart everything I said, like you always do. Ob bla di, ob bla da, life goes on.

  37. 'SOON'?




    2009...'????' ('SOON', maybe?)

    2010...'????' (perhaps 'SOON'?)

    2011...'????' (er....'SOON'?)

    2012.....Oh, forget it.

  38. jammie said...
    Clue Creating Terms?

    DECEMBER 1, 2008 1:16 AM
    Anonymous said...
    It is indeed.

    DECEMBER 1, 2008 1:24 AM

    What is the anagram?

  39. SOON'?




    2009...'????' ('SOON', maybe?)

    2010...'????' (perhaps 'SOON'?)

    2011...'????' (er....'SOON'?)

    2012.....Oh, forget it.

    LOL!! :-)

  40. Iamaphoney is a ridiculous dork! I love it!

  41. clue creating terms hmmmm

    Centennial Ago Ram Go Me We
    2252 ) Centennial Ago Raw Go Me Me
    2253 ) Centennial Ago Wag Me Me Or
    2254 ) Centennial Ago War Go Me Me
    2255 ) Centennial Are Egg Maw Moo
    2256 ) Centennial Are Ego Gam Mow
    2257 ) Centennial Are Gag Mew Moo
    2258 ) Centennial Are Gam Gem Woo
    2259 ) Centennial Are Gam Go Me Ow
    2260 ) Centennial Are Gem Moo Wag
    2261 ) Centennial Are Gem Am Go Ow
    2262 ) Centennial Are Gem Go Ma Ow
    2263 ) Centennial Are Gog Am Me Ow
    2264 ) Centennial Are Gog Ma Me Ow
    2265 ) Centennial Are Maw Go Go Me
    2266 ) Centennial Are Mew Am Go Go
    2267 ) Centennial Are Mew Go Go Ma
    2268 ) Centennial Arm Awe Egg Moo
    2269 ) Centennial Arm Awe Go Go Me
    2270 ) Centennial Arm Ego Ego Maw

  42. Clue Creating Terms

    Circle Mage Test Run
    Grim Tentacle Curse
    Erect Lunatic Germs
    Generic Rectal Smut
    Secret Reaming Cult
    Telecaster Cum Ring
    Scarlet Cunt Regime
    Letter Circa Sun Gem
    Magic Cult Reenters

  43. anonymous wrote:

    2010...'????' (perhaps 'SOON'?)

    2011...'????' (er....'SOON'?)

    2012.....Oh, forget it.

    Aw man, you bailed right at the best part!

  44. got it!

    Clue Creating Terms = Electric arguments

  45. good job.

    wow, all that traveling fetching suitcases, when you can just go to the store and buy it, really.

  46. if the suitcase contains Electric Arguments...
    i wonder, where did iamaphoney get it from :- )

    since the album wasn't available when the berlin suitcase was planted.

  47. This is not meant to slight you in any way MikeNL. I have been in the business one way or another for many years.

    Promos are generally released 4-6 weeks in advance of the actual street date.

    If the Berlin suitcase contain the new Fireman cd, then it is no big deal.

  48. yes... yes.. the promos.

    there are promos for nothing too much, just out of sight and sing the changes... i guess the full album too. but on the packaging it says Promo disk for the upcoming album Electric Arguments.. something like that.

  49. MikeNL said...

    if the suitcase contains Electric Arguments...
    i wonder, where did iamaphoney get it from :- )

    What am I missing? Who said that the suitcase contained "Electric Arguments?"

  50. I made a poopie, now what does I do.

  51. IAAP said "Suitcases has Clue Creating Terms."

    "Clue Creating Terms" is an anagram.


    Clue Creating Terms = Electric arguments

  52. Anonymous, your overly detailed NIR-like biased analysis notwithstanding, the title Electric Arguments came from the title of a William Burroughs poem.

    Google is your friend.

  53. iamaphoney
    Joined: July 23, 2006
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  54. keep grasping at the straws there iaap

    ha! really!



  56. Anon quoted anon anon,


    Clue Creating Terms = Electric arguments

    If this is the answer to my question, my response would be that I understand the anagram, but I do not share the opinion that this means that the suitcase contains the new Fireman CD.

  57. If this is the answer to my question, my response would be that I understand the anagram, but I do not share the opinion that this means that the suitcase contains the new Fireman CD.

    You can bet the farm IAAP put Electric Arguments in at least one case.

  58. maybe its the opposite.
    electric arguments means clue creating terms.
    google is your friend

  59. Obviously Electric Arguments means Paul made a pact with the devil. How much more evidence do you need?

  60. Old earth rolling mile after mile patient
    The ground
    I roll on
    the ground
    the music soars above
    The ground electric arguments
    Ray over
    The ground dotted with signs for Dave’s Eat Eat
    scarred by highways, eaten by voices
    Pete’s Café—
    Golden land in setting sun Missouri River icy brown, black cows,
    grass tufts standing up hairy on hills.

    (“Kansas City to St. Louis”)

  61. Thanks for posting the poem, anonymous. Now let's sit back and watch as people find satanic references in there.

  62. Click this link for a surprising Google books result.

  63. There's something terribly ironic to me about you censoring my earlier post only to follow up on an excerpt of a Ginsberg poem (especially since I'd written that post as well).

    Sorry to sully your dainty little blog, man.

  64. Anonymous said...
    There's something terribly ironic to me about you censoring my earlier post only to follow up on an excerpt of a Ginsberg poem (especially since I'd written that post as well).

    Sorry to sully your dainty little blog, man.

    December 1, 2008 12:48 PM


  65. Anonymous said...

    There's something terribly ironic to me about you censoring my earlier post only to follow up on an excerpt of a Ginsberg poem (especially since I'd written that post as well).

    Sorry to sully your dainty little blog, man.

    It was with regret that I deleted it, but I think there is enough of that two-word phrase around and I simply don't want it here. Your comment was valid in all other ways.

  66. 1) What is "Paul is Dead"?

    It's Artwork.
    It's Comedy.
    It's Tragedy.
    It's Drama.
    It's about you.
    It's about me.
    It's about love.
    It's about peace.
    It's about sunshine.
    It's about moonshine.
    It's about an apple tree.
    But above all those things;
    it's about whatever you want it to be.

    "Paul is Dead" yes. Why?
    Because people say he is.
    "Paul is Live" yes. Why?
    Because people see he is.

    I present to you the first of
    three levels of understanding:

    1) What is "Paul is Dead" ?

  67. I can appreciate your point of view, Tafultong. I use the phrase extremely sparingly myself, saving it to address only the most hypocritical slights against me.

    Peace & Love! Peace & Love!

  68. I love how "Paul is Dead" to Miles apparently means pretending to be a sadistic torturer of some sort. Keep up the good work, eMDO. You really make the world a better place.

  69. Something significant will happen real soon,
    And then it´s time for kick off.

  70. What do you think of CultureBat's latest project, Tafultong? I find it somewhat offensive.

  71. Everything MilesDeo AKA CultureBat does sucks.

    NO ONE CARES! Please go away.

  72. filthier than any poetry reading I ever gave,

    that's for %@*# sure.

  73. Something significant will happen real soon,
    And then it´s time for kick off.

    LOL Mikey! Remember, mate, that IAAP hasn't done anything of significance since the whole thing started.

  74. Anonymous said...
    Something significant will happen real soon,
    And then it´s time for kick off.

    LOL Mikey! Remember, mate, that IAAP hasn't done anything of significance since the whole thing started.

    December 1, 2008 1:17 PM

    yes, he did... , yes he did, really!

  75. "like what?"

    Watch the videos, man!
    And wake up!

  76. Just don't hit us with that "take the red pill, take the blue pill" Matrix horseshit. I always know when I'm dealing with someone who doesn't know shit about conspiracies and the NWO when they keep referencing Hollywood movies like a dope.

  77. Anonymous said...
    Just don't hit us with that "take the red pill, take the blue pill" Matrix horseshit. I always know when I'm dealing with someone who doesn't know shit about conspiracies and the NWO when they keep referencing Hollywood movies like a dope.

    December 1, 2008 1:58 PM

    your reasoning is that people who like movies take drugs and don't know anything about conspiracies?


  78. your reasoning is that people who like movies take drugs and don't know anything about conspiracies?


    No it's generally been my experience that people who claim to know about or are experts in conspiracies but who over and over again use lingo from Hollywood's happy horseshit movies are either delusional, not serious or dopey teenagers who can't tell reality from fantasy and think they're living in a movie.

  79. In other words if you have an interest in defeating the Illuminati/NWO but constantly quote movies (Matrix, Eyes Wide Shut, etc.) you turn the whole thing into a joke and come across like a disinfo agent looking to sabotage us.

  80. That is why I've always thought of Iamaphoney as the NWO's of many.

  81. Anonymous said...
    your reasoning is that people who like movies take drugs and don't know anything about conspiracies?


    No it's generally been my experience that people who claim to know about or are experts in conspiracies but who over and over again use lingo from Hollywood's happy horse shit movies are either delusional, not serious or dopey teenagers who can't tell reality from fantasy and think they're living in a movie.

    December 1, 2008 2:12 PM

    well, you can't be friends with everyone i guess...

  82. Anonymous said...
    "you turn the whole thing into a joke and come across like a disinfo agent looking to sabotage us."

    December 1, 2008 2:15 PM

    all those damn dopey teenagers with their movies!!!
    i mean, take my disinfo agents... that isn't ridiculous at all! they are sabotaging my talk about sabotaging.

  83. So you admit to using disinfo agents Mikey? Hmm..

  84. i'm talking as if i were Anonymous...

  85. Well if you guys are going to sit here and claim each other are disinfo agents then there's no point to even continue with it is there?

  86. LOL Mikey! Remember, mate, that IAAP hasn't done anything of significance since the whole thing started.

    December 1, 2008 1:17 PM





  88. Jude will, that's for sure

  89. What? You mean when John Lennon shows up between Dec 8-13th and says,

    "Why did you deny me Jude?"

    only he won't say Jude because that is a screen name...

  90. ...then there's no point to even continue with it is there?

    DING!DING!DING! We have a winner! IAAP would award the prize himself but he's too busy composing e-mails on behalf of wealthy relatives of dead millioanires from Nigeria looking to give their money to lucky Americans. He sends these out en masse. It's another one of his little "projects".

  91. Only one man is impervious to disinfo agents and trolls that I know of

    care to take a guess?

    Who ya going to call?????

  92. Anonymous said....

    2 years and 5 suitcases later and I still haven't been fed. Don't make promises you can't keep, Yenz.

  93. Only one man is impervious to disinfo agents and trolls that I know of

    care to take a guess?

    Who ya going to call?????


  94. Ghostbusters is more socialist neo-marxist propaganda, and a very poor movie reference on your part anonymous.

  95. You already used "the matrix", I had no choice...

    If only George Kush were here! He would put a stop to this insanity!

  96. Paul is Saturn!

    That's right! I SAID IT!

  97. Mikey the Reporter said: Something significant will happen real soon,
    And then it´s time for kick off.

    December 1, 2008 1:09 PM

    Here we go again; two years and counting waiting for this "significant" thing to happen. If anyone missed it, Phoney has nothing significant to share. Phoney is like the "flaming pie" left on the neighbors doorstep, soon he (they) will be stamped out.

  98. ....or he will just burn himself (themselves) out, really.

  99. dang it! got G W. Kush all freaking riled up again! His lawyer, faulconandsnowjob, is preparing a dizzying diabolical legal attack otherwise known as "SLEEP WITH THE JUDGE".

    Prepare for the coming apocalypse,

    don't buy gold...
    don't buy silver...
    don't buy guns...

    well, buy guns, but more importantly BUY DRUGS!

    You see, aint NOBODY messing with crazy ass druggies with guns. No country in the world is going to invade us all cranked up firing rounds into any shadow that moves.

  100. Can we finally call this meeting of disinfo agents started?

  101. Here..

    but I got my eye on you all, conspiring against me!

  102. Imagine a country full of Jude. No one would invade Judealia!

  103. Ahhhhh chaos! Ain't it beautiful? Like the sweet breeze of an island paradise.

    Iamaphoney's disinfo check is in the mail (where do you think he got all that money? he's on the payroll, suckers!)

    your friends at the illuminati

    "remember...we don't exist"

  104. DJ 65if2007 here yo,

    been bustin' movies on the suitcase album, me and sanguine111 been scratching the livin' shee-ITE out of it and hitting the dough dough thai stick till the break of dawn, started hearing Beatle séances and spooky sh&t all up in this piece!

    Yo! Tell em what else we heard yo!
    Where my Sanguine111 at?

    Yo B!

    Get on de microphone!

  105. Yo check it, bin sleepin 4 dayz tryin to git dis rr-EYE-t!

    Wen U play da album, and U bin moking da buds wid ur homies, and UR homie is name six to da five to da eye to da F to da 2 ohhhh ohhhhh seven U KNOW that the way we roll 4 sho!

    no 1 knew da jackson 5 was on sgt pepper!

    Wee hurd THRILLA PEPPA up in dat piece!

    Michael freaking Jackson sang I bury Paul, wid Vincent Price sed that martha was a hound of HELL!

    Eye am soooo freaked out buy this I cant sleep!

    roxxx on buds! we be trippin to da beet of T H R I L L A PEPPER!

  106. Where can I get an MP3 of THRILLA PEPPA?

  107. check it, when me and sanguine111 can walk and that beyotch gets back with the Visine, we put it up. Sampled a bit of "Funky drummer" going to back beat that THRILLA PEPPA with some ol' skool James Brown.

  108. cant hanndle da wey we rime now can ya?

    wat cha wut cha really want?

  109. Good. Maybe sanguine111's Visine will help beat some of that COMMIE RED out of you. Just more of the same socialist claptrap out of you clowns again and again.

  110. People have been waiting almost two thousand years, even longer for another tribe. What is the rush? The ship will on the ocean will come ashore. The arguments here are galvanising. If you can't stand the fire, well, you know the rest.

  111. yayshivah said...


    December 1, 2008 3:15 PM


  112. Hey man, thanks for the review. I don't mind either harrassment or playing along, I simply did not understand. Now I may, a bit. So talk to me, please explain this Neil thing.

  113. Umm. Thats the Beastles. Beatles + Beastie Boys mashup...

    you didnt make this dj 2007

  114. U just cant handle our rimes!

    Our beats we drop are so strong, we went BACK in time and PUT THOSE BEATS into the beatles and BEASTIE BOYS
    and then Iamaphoney put it in a suitcase and I fouund it and remembered that sanguine111 and I did it last night. That's our beats there man! BELIEVE IT!

  115. Catchy beats gentlemen. Do you have representation?

  116. I Am He On The



    Flaming Pie



  117. Yo check it Brian, we are so tight man that we are not in need of representation, we bringing the REVELATION!

    But hell yeah man, we could put you on the team man. You know George Martin man? Got some ideas to bounce on that mutha-f*cker man. Got this song man, it goes like

    "When I find myself in times of trouble, proud mary comes to me, rollin, rollin, rollin on a paperback writer"

    Put our beats to that and you certify that crunk st8ght platnum baby!

  118. Did you play the suitcase album dj 65if2007? and did you play it BACKWARDS?

  119. whatcha think man, we amatuers up in here man? Hells yeah we played it backwards forwards anywards man!

    There is some heavy gangsta sh*t up in that suitcase album man.

    Beatles séances and sh*t man. All goo goo bah chew. You hear Yoko singin stuff like... man, whoa. why my hand blinking man? damn, this gear is getting heavy. got all high all ofa sudden man. oh snap! Its my phone man! hang on..

    yo! whutts uppppp? hang on man, i talking to the IAAP homie disinfo club. yeah man. word up.

    that was sanguine111. he picked up beaucoup munchies at the minimart and a CASE of Visine. We going to st8ght drink that stuff our eyes are so red man. No commie red in us now, right commenterGV nazi f*ck?

    Listen in 2009 for our album.


    peas out!

  120. I miss the old days. Before these clowns

  121. iamaphoney
    Joined: July 23, 2006
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  122. 906 ????? who signed up?

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Jude said...

    Right...except I'll be the one asking why I was denied.

    December 1, 2008 4:14 PM

    Thats right Jude, BECAUSE it's all about YOU! Really!

  125. Right...except I'll be the one asking why I was conspired against!

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Jude said...
    What? You mean when John Lennon shows up between Dec 8-13th and says,

    "Why did you deny me Jude?"

    only he won't say Jude because that is a screen name...

    Right...except I'll be the one asking why I was denied.

    December 1, 2008 4:14 PM

    indeed, john denied jude.

    he has the right to know!

  128. I miss the old days. Before these clowns

    December 1, 2008 4:11 PM

    When the only clowns were phoney and his followers? Those days are long gone, really.

    You know what type of person ends a sentence with "really"?

    A liar, really.

  129. Anonymous said...
    Jude said...
    What? You mean when John Lennon shows up between Dec 8-13th and says,

    "Why did you deny me Jude?"

    only he won't say Jude because that is a screen name...

    Right...except I'll be the one asking why I was denied.

    December 1, 2008 4:14 PM

    indeed, john denied jude.

    he has the right to know!

    December 1, 2008 4:22 PM

    Jude, what are you talking about???
    did you have a personal relationship with John???

    jude, jules, julian?

  130. "Who ends sentences with, really?"

    Joe Francis does too, really!

    Iaap's got girls gone wild $$$$$$


  131. "Jude, what are you talking about???"

    Good question!

    What are you talking about Jude? Your father? John Lennon?

  132. All this talk about "disinfo agents" has me thinking the obvious. If David Icke is a disinfo agent because he went into the silliness of giant lizards...if Alex Jones claims Peter Joseph is a disinfo agent....and others claim that Alex jones is a disinfo agent himself...and William Cooper was a disinfo agnet...and Iamaphoney is a disinfo agent because he threw suitcases up in trees....

    ...maybe that are NO disinfo agents! Maybe there are just people who get so caught up in trying to prove the unproveable that they just go mental.

    ...and that's one to grow on.

  133. i remember jude made some comments a long time ago that he knew linda mccartney personally..

    now he is saying that he was denied by john lennon!



  135. Notice how Jude erases his comments?
    Ever notice that?

  136. Jude said...

    Right...except I'll be the one asking why I was denied.

    December 1, 2008 4:14 PM

    Cant.... erase..... the.... world......must......

  137. oh shi ...

    i accidental made my identity known to the world.

    and then i tried to cover it up by deleting my comment.

    oh! look there! a pretty bird

    "deleted comment"

  138. LOL whatever happened to that jackoff who claimed he saw Paul hanging out with John and IAAP when he went to go get the 1st Iamaphoney suitcase? Oh man, that was piss pants funny! Who would be stupid enough to believe that prank?...

    ...whoops sorry.

  139. "All about Jude" recap.

    1. Iamaphoney is God

    2. John Lennon is alive!

    3. I knew Linda McCartney personally

    4. Iamaphoney tricked me, anybody who disagrees with me should cease to exist by decree from God.

    5. John Lennon is really dead, I was tricked.

    6. John Lennon will be back in Dec.

    7. John Lennon has to answer why he denied me.

    Good thing you can erase your comments Jude!

  140. it would be the grand slam if Jude comes on here anonymously and sticks up for the batsh*t insanity he believes.


    Course, you wouldn't understand. Its an inside joke for us who know IAAP so well. Yuck yuck! Right old buddy old pal! Really!

  141. I've seen some stupid shit in my day but this particular strain of PID called "Iamaphoney" and all the baggage tacked on to it is hands down the most stupid shit on the internet. God, I wish it was more famous. Get this shit on TV! You couldn't make these people up!

  142. Jude is kinda scary said...
    "All about Jude" recap.

    1. Iamaphoney is God

    2. John Lennon is alive!

    3. I knew Linda McCartney personally

    4. Iamaphoney tricked me, anybody who disagrees with me should cease to exist by decree from God.

    5. John Lennon is really dead, I was tricked.

    6. John Lennon will be back in Dec.

    7. John Lennon has to answer why he denied me.

    Good thing you can erase your comments Jude!

    December 1, 2008 4:43 PM

    that doesn't mean anything...
    anyone can say those things.

    i don't think jude is julian.

  143. so uhhhhh is jude julian lennon or something?

    i guess that would explain a few things, like his obsession with whether john is alive or not.

  144. Another cool trick if you are bored at work is to refresh the page and see when MikeNL and Jude forget to log out and post things they didn't mean too while logged into their blogger accounts. And then watch how they throw hissy fits at any anonymous person, while they take a "high ground" saying they don't ever, never ever ever, post here anonymously, except when they do, which is never, except when it is necessary and only they can do it.

  145. MikeNL said...

    "that doesn't mean anything...
    anyone can say those things.

    i don't think jude is julian.

    December 1, 2008 4:48 PM"

    Anyone didn't say those things.
    Jude did.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. "i don't think jude is julian."

    oh yeah?! well how do we know that YOU aren't just trying to cover for him!! after all you two have been stroking each others egos for so long you just might as well be the exact same person!

    /learned a long time ago not to trust anything mike "the interview is going to happen i swear it" sez

  148. Whoever you think I am, I can assure you, I am not.

  149. Anyone could say those things. I could!

    Iamaphoney is GOD


  151. Blogger MikeNL said...

    Something significant will happen real soon,
    And then it´s time for kick off.

    December 1, 2008 1:09 PM


    the iaap football game!

    watch Jude kick MikeNL in the shins, while tafultong calls the play by play!

  152. "Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the author.

    December 1, 2008 4:54 PM"

    Mike Does it too

  153. As for deleted comments....sometimes I delete my own comments because of typos. I am a terrible proofreader, you see.

  154. Anonymous said...
    "i don't think jude is julian."

    oh yeah?! well how do we know that YOU aren't just trying to cover for him!! after all you two have been stroking each others egos for so long you just might as well be the exact same person!

    /learned a long time ago not to trust anything mike "the interview is going to happen i swear it" sez

    December 1, 2008 4:54 PM

    i am not Jude.. Jude is not me.

    and the interview is still on the agenda.

  155. No, that was Jude again

  156. can't we just all get along?

  157. The interview is going to blow you all out of the water! Just wait!

  158. Yeah that interview, any day now, really!

  159. Jude said...
    As for deleted comments....sometimes I delete my own comments because of typos. I am a terrible proofreader, you see.

    December 1, 2008 4:58 PM

    maybe you should read your PM inbox from time to time... i've been trying to get in touch, but you don't respond man :(.

  160. Great big kick off to the new "Khristmas time" Iamaphoney album. Play some Beatles songs backwards and sing along. Impress your friends!



    December 1, 2008 5:02 PM


  162. It's official guys:

    Coming to E! Entertainment in the spring:

    Who's A Phoney?

    Who's A Phoney will track the lives of seven fans of the Paul Is Dead hoax as they lie, cheat and swindle each other out of the magic suitcase of Beatles memorablia awarded in the final episode. Fashion consultant Tim Gunn will be on hand to check in with the contestants and record their latest discoveries and offer style tips. The Olly Girls will be the contacts between Iamaphoney-aka-Martin Lind and each contestant. Says Holly of the Olly Girls "I'm stoked about the new show! I can't spell the word phony either so I feel like Martin and I are already best buds". Every week a contestant will be judged on the validity of their clues and those with the most plausible theories will receive a deep tissue massage from the bi-curious actor in Lind's charming viral videos.
    Gene Simmons is the executive producer of the show and guests will include Mario Lopez, Jaleel White and Willie Ames.
    Look for Who's A Phoney?" every Saturday night on E!

  163. IAAP singing "away in a manger" is beautiful. Tight jeans sings 2 octaves higher.

    Course when you play it backwards it says "Alister crowley snatch crucifix"

    All the cool kids are singing it! Why are not you??

  164. "Jude said...

    As for deleted comments....sometimes I delete my own comments because of typos. I am a terrible proofreader, you see.

    December 1, 2008 4:58 PM"

    You can't proof read SHIT.
    Only delete it.

  165. Cue MikeNL...

    "Hey, if you are around in 2012 maybe we'll all be as groovy as... wait, what was I supposed to say again? Oh yeah! INTERVIEW SOON! Big kickoff"

  166. Iamapatsy! Iamapatsy!

    Quit kicking me in the shins Jude!


  167. oh yeah? Well IAAP changed his background! Think about THAT!


  169. so is jude really julian or what?!?! if not, then wtf was that all about..

  170. It's official guys:

    Coming to E! Entertainment in the spring:

    Who's A Phoney?

    Who's A Phoney will track the lives of seven fans of the Paul Is Dead hoax as they lie, cheat and swindle each other out of the magic suitcase of Beatles memorablia awarded in the final episode. Fashion consultant Tim Gunn will be on hand to check in with the contestants and record their latest discoveries and offer style tips. The Olly Girls will be the contacts between Iamaphoney-aka-Martin Lind and each contestant. Says Holly of the Olly Girls "I'm stoked about the new show! I can't spell the word phony either so I feel like Martin and I are already best buds". Every week a contestant will be judged on the validity of their clues and those with the most plausible theories will receive a deep tissue massage from the bi-curious actor in Lind's charming viral videos.
    Gene Simmons is the executive producer of the show and guests will include Mario Lopez, Jaleel White and Willie Ames.
    Look for Who's A Phoney?" every Saturday night on E!

    GENIUS!!!! I like how you worked Mario Lopez into it. He's always on these shows. Ha Ha!

  171. if jude is really julian then i bet mikey is sean LOL

  172. Damn! The OLLY GIRLS are in on it? Well hell I guess I'm an Iamaphoney fan NOW!

  173. I once found a clue in one of Jude's videos that implied that he was Julian Lennon. I think it was in the mexico video or one of those other ones that he took down. I asked him about it and he didnt reply. Soon after that i noticed that he had removed the video.

    I'm not saying I believe it's possible that our little Judey is John Charles Julian Lennon, but if he is he sure has done a piss-poor job of hiding it. lol :P

  174. Anonymous said...
    if jude is really julian then i bet mikey is sean LOL

    December 1, 2008 5:13 PM

    actually, my name is MikeNL, my mother gave me that name at birth...

  175. "if jude is really julian then i bet mikey is sean LOL"

    MikeNL and Jude are the *exact same* fucking kid, really.

  176. Anonymous said...
    The interview is going to blow you all out of the water! Just wait!

    The interview is going to blow me? No offense but...uh...I don't want anyone on the Iamaphoney team to blow me. I can't speak for the rest of IAAP's fans but I'm sure others out there wouldn't mind that happening.

    Oh come we all don't know that some of you boys like to watch the "actor" take his shirt off as your hands wander down to...

  177. Anonymous said...
    I once found a clue in one of Jude's videos that implied that he was Julian Lennon. I think it was in the mexico video or one of those other ones that he took down. I asked him about it and he didnt reply. Soon after that i noticed that he had removed the video.

    I'm not saying I believe it's possible that our little Judey is John Charles Julian Lennon, but if he is he sure has done a piss-poor job of hiding it. lol :P

    December 1, 2008 5:18 PM

    you mean the part where he's in the car and you could see his eyes? oh man that creeped me out!

  178. does anyone have that video saved? I never got to see it.

  179. -serial killer _spooky

  180. "
    Oh come we all don't know that some of you boys like to watch the "actor" take his shirt off as your hands wander down to..."

    I think I saw that guy in a porno once. a *gay* porno, mind you.

    no, seriously!

  181. Anonymous said...
    Oh come we all don't know that some of you boys like to watch the "actor" take his shirt off as your hands wander down to..."

    I think I saw that guy in a porno once. a *gay* porno, mind you.

    no, seriously!

    December 1, 2008 5:31 PM

    you watch gay porn ?

  182. "The interview is still on the agenda."

    I'll alert the media.

  183. The actors name is Stephen Geoffreys?

  184. "you watch gay porn ?"


    yeah, is there a problem with that? You know you LOVE it when iamaphoney touches you down there......

  185. *sings*

    IAAP and Mikey sittin' in a tree,

    S-U-C-K-I-N-G E-A-C-H O-T-H-E-R O-F-F!
