Monday, September 15, 2008

Reactions to Rotten Apple 70

UPDATE 2: Most timely: X TENSION from MilesDeo

UPDATE: Most Recent: Longs To C from MilesDeo

Most helpful: RA70 Stills from dontbotherthatguy

Most transparent: Transparency from JohnCharles2007

Most alarming: Paul is Dead - CERN Suitcase 666 from CERNsuitcase666

Most smelly: Paul is Dead - Pepe Le iamaphoney from iamastinky

Most frustrating: THE MAGICKIAN from MilesDeo [It was pulled after ZERO views!]


  1. Love is real
    Real is love

    1st post!

  2. You'd think that people
    would have had enough of silly Muslims
    But I look around me and I see it isn't so
    Some people wanna fill the world with
    Silly Muslims
    And what's wrong with that?

  3. OMAR BAKRI gonna kill paul McC.
    He said that.

    El SantiagueƱo

  4. I gonna kill paul McC.
    I said that.

    Ima Foney

  5. Get Bakri
    Get Bakri
    Get Bakri to where you once belonged

  6. Not ,you´re not

    Litle Nicola

  7. RA70 Stills from dontbotherthatguy
    Very helpful! Thank you!
    Socash? That you?

    Most transparent: Transparency from JohnCharles2007
    Sean Lennon? That you?

    Most alarming: Paul is Dead - CERN Suitcase 666 from CERNsuitcase666
    "I am become death" t-shirts available soon! That gfa is one crafty spooky bitch! Sonofwhasup?
    Therapy is your future, stress kills! Not Masons!
    Not everything is a conspiracy. You don't like science?
    Give up the computer you are using!
    You really in Europe homie? Do all roads really lead to Amsterdam?
    Witch leads me too.........

    Most smelly: Paul is Dead - Pepe Le iamaphoney from iamastinky
    FUNNY! Please retire that shirt phoney, really
    Even SolesGirlRachelTwo thinks the shirt/suitcase angle is played out and hack. And if you have lost her, you are really lost!
    Stinky please buy one of them "I am become death" t-shirts and send it to your imaginary boss before he loses more luggage and can't change his drawers. More cartoon tie INS sure to come!

    Most frustrating: THE MAGICKIAN from MilesDeo [It was pulled after ZERO views!]
    More Project Petticoat world earth shattering? More 30second video goodness says I!
    You are brilliant milesdeo!
    Always leave them wanting more, and by having zero views you KNOW that your adoring fans will really want more.
    If you bring back the Photoshop angle and you will be known as miles Davis deo! Play that funky trumpet white boy!
    It will be difficult to recapture that classic "milesdeo magick" after the severe brain drain losing that applcore/applesause whatever guy
    More rank breaking, more non-disclosure agreements terminated
    More playing with umbrella blog videos complete with cat sidekick sure following, bring it on appalcore /applesauce man! Sing the blues or get the Funk out! The miledeo crown is up for grabs, but heavy hangs the head that wears the crown.....(shout out to plug "something is rotten in denmark" five)

    What will the phoney phonies think of next? Stay tuned!

    If they can all keep out of jail creeping around CERN, and MikeyNL pulls out the third revelation suitcase from out of his mom's closet in the basement of his house and PRE-EDITS the video, we may all sigh at our computer monitors worldwide in collective relief and say in the words of Jimmy Durante "Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"

    (Delivered in stereo georgekush monotone)

  8. Man! Jude! You may need that kitchen sink you threw in!

    Is your new book titled
    "How to win friends and influence people"????

    This latest post of yours is just, well, mean!

    How about point that laser wit at yourself?

    Peace and Love!
    John Lennon is sure to return soon!
    Why are you so bitter? Rejoice! Be full of joy!

  9. Love is all you need

  10. anyone hear if the third suitcase is still in place?

  11. Inka Dinka Doo Jude




  12. Leave SolesGirlRachelTwo ALONE!

  13. Jimmy D was ather famous for his large proboscis. Can you think of anyone else with one?

  14. Phoney Le Pew: A starr is born!

  15. "Jimmy D was ather famous for his large proboscis. Can you think of anyone else with one?"


  16. Sitting on a CERN, waiting for the MIKE to come.
    Corporation MIKE, stupid bloody CERN.
    Man, you been a naughty MIKE, you let your CERN grow long.
    I am the CERN (woo), they are the CERN (woo), I am the MIKE,
    Coo coo, kaCERN.

  17. Snuffleupugus? He is a phoney!
    Heeeee was my brother!
    There issssss no other!
    I am SnuffleupAgus!

  18. well the egg man could be.....


  19. with the beatles
    without the beatles

  20. "and MikeyNL pulls out the third revelation suitcase from out of his mom's closet in the basement of his house and PRE-EDITS the video,"

    shows what you know! we don't have basements in nederlands fool
    We're under water!

  21. when in doubt, write under multiple aliens

  22. "I am become death" t-shirts and send it to your imaginary boss before he loses more luggage and can't change his drawers"

    Does your imaginary boss pay you in monopoly money? I need some to buy more hotels on park place so when you land on it I can clean you out. Do not pass go, do not collect $200

    Toby AKA Mr. Monopoly

  23. when the going turns weird the weird turn pro

  24. Rich Uncle Pennybags is the rotund old man in a top hat who serves as the mascot of the game Monopoly. His full name is Stanley Monopoly, but he goes by the nickname of Toby.

  25. Everybody wants to get into da act.

  26. "Coo coo, kaCERN."


    I am feeling better about your trip now Mikey, read on the IAAP comments from


    isawherstanding (1 hour ago)
    Alright, I'm sure nobody here trusts them, but here's what a guy working for CERN has told me.
    * * *
    (YOU THINK isawherstanding REALLY spoke to someone from cern?)
    * * *
    "He's not on the CERN site, he walks out of the car park, across the route de meyrin, out side the globe and down the road on the east side of the globe, doesn't show him on the CERN site whatsoever. The problem with "some people are saying" is that invariably they are not experts and are just giving their own opinions.

    * * *

    so sounds like a go Mikey, no worries from the coppers mate! Go forth and prove these doubters wrong!

  27. good job taf!

    like the eyes wide shut mask at 00:51

  28. 1:21 Paul McCartney says "talk about split personalities! WOW!"

    more proof! LOL

  29. "anyone hear if the third suitcase is still in place?"

    I'll go look....


  30. i only trust suitcase location news from Mikey,

    he NOSE!

  31. "he NOSE"

    like Pinocchio

    wait till he starts singing KARAOKE version of "I've got no stings" in queen harmony on his channel

    Mikey wishes he was a real little boy, and not a puppet

  32. "1:21 Paul McCartney says "talk about split personalities! WOW!"

    Yah, and look what's behind him: a jar that looks like a tombstone with a cross on the top!

    Dancin dancin dancin so free
    dancin with Mr. D (urante)!

  33. watch?v=67wQPQDRSpM

    I've got no strings
    To hold me down
    To make me fret, or make me frown
    I had strings
    But now I'm free
    There are no strings on me
    Hi-ho the me-ri-o
    That's the only way to go
    I want the world to know
    Nothing ever worries me
    Hi-ho the me-ri-o
    I'm as happy as can be
    I want the world to know
    Nothing ever worries me
    I've got no strings
    So I have fun
    I'm not tied up to anyone
    They've got strings
    But you can see
    There are no strings on me
    Dutch puppet
    You have no strings
    Your arms is free
    To love me by the Zuider Zee
    Ya, ya, ya
    If you would woo
    I'd bust my strings for you
    French puppet
    You've got no strings
    Comme ci comme ca
    Your savoire-faire is ooh la la!
    I've got strings
    But entre nous
    I'd cut my strings for you
    Russian puppet
    Down where the Volga flows
    There's a Russian rendezvous
    Where me and Ivan go
    But I'd rather go with you, hey!

    All together now phake phonies!
    its a satanic disney singalong!
    come see the britney spears Justin Timberlake Tavistock brainwashing program in action

  34. "Yah, and look what's behind him: a jar that looks like a tombstone with a cross on the top!"

    Holy *hit!

  35. pinnochio wrote:
    "All together now phake phonies!
    its a satanic disney singalong!
    come see the britney spears Justin Timberlake Tavistock brainwashing program in action"

    You make me Disney, Miss Lizard!
    Walt wood be proud.

  36. "More cartoon tie INS sure to come!"

    proven true with that beatles ref there taf

    Nostradamus is in our midst

  37. walt disney
    proud member of the satanic bloodlines
    Club 33


  39. 13 year waiting list to get into disney club33
    alcohol is served there, only place in disneyland

  40. from Mickey Mouse article:
    "Last month Mr Munajid condemned the Beijing Olympics as the 'bikini Olympics', claiming that nothing made Satan happier than seeing females athletes dressed in skimpy outfits."

    Well slap my ass and call me Satan!

  41. think isawherstanding is going to beat you to the suitcase Mike, cancel your trip :(

    from IAAP comments
    "isawherstanding (31 minutes ago)
    I'm gonna take it a step further and email the Geneva Police Department, and ask them to find the suitcase for me. "

  42. you multi-lingual isawherstanding?

  43. think everyone speaks engrish?

  44. I feel that I can make myself understood to them

  45. you're going to spoil the game mate! the cops arent going to post videos on youtube about this!
    now we will never know!

  46. no worries, phoney will just drop another suitcase somewhere to replace it

    number four.... number four.... number four.... number four....

  47. I know what CERN is doing, however, I also know what John Titor is doing...


  48. Vince here.
    The McCartney 'death threat' made the main-stream news last night... O BOY.

  49. Leno had a joke about the death threat last night. Mucca punchline.

  50. I was just wondering, how long can iamaphoney drag this on? How long can he wait for some big world event, leave a dumb suitcase probably filled with more videos revealing nothing? How long does the man intend to play this game? Until 2012?!

    Good God, how many of you have the patience to sit through four years of this bullshit? I certainly don't. Iamaphoney will be washed up and forgotten well into 2009. You'll all look back at this and laugh. I hope.

  51. Anonymous wrote:

    Good God, how many of you have the patience to sit through four years of this bullshit? I certainly don't. Iamaphoney will be washed up and forgotten well into 2009. You'll all look back at this and laugh. I hope.

    My only test of patience is waiting for the next Rotten Apple video each time. I find them quite satisfying and I am sure that I will still be enjoying the music in 2009 and beyond. However, if the world does end, that would put a damper on my laughter.

  52. Ok. Since GFA arrived on the scene, MilesDeo just bites his style. Miles new videos contain nothing.

  53. wad?? who's getting the suitcase.

    you better tell me if you're gonna go before me. because i'm not driving 18 hours for this to find nothing!!!

  54. I like Miles's videos. Spot on.

  55. I got the suitcase!

    Boy, I can't wait to tell you all what I found inside...

  56. MileDeo is better then gfa hands down

  57. cool! good work getting the suitcase!

  58. "I got the suitcase!
    Boy, I can't wait to tell you all what I found inside..."

    uh huh

  59. Since Tafultong is so impressed with Iamaphoney's feeble Beatle impersonations maybe he ought to check out the music of Emmit Rhodes to hear it done right.

  60. For pretty good Beatle impressions see the YKMN videos--I thought "She's a Woman" was an outtake but YKMN confirmed it's a mimic.

  61. Anonymous said...

    Since Tafultong is so impressed with Iamaphoney's feeble Beatle impersonations maybe he ought to check out the music of Emmit Rhodes to hear it done right.

    I spent $30 each for Japanese CDs of "American Dream" "Mirror" and "Farewell To Paradise" and I have all of his other stuff including the repackages. I have it all on vinyl as well including the "Merry Go Round." I also have a choppy copy of his video for "Birthday Lady." And I would kill for video of his appearances on the Barry Richards show. And I would love to have lunch with him in his garage in Hawthorne, California. Unfortunately, he won't talk to anyone who isn't will to discuss the Pythagorean theorem.

    Other than that, I know nothing about this Emitt Rhodes person.

  62. BA-ZING!!!!

    with a laugh,

  63. MikeyNL1038 (1 hour ago)
    isawherstanding (13 uur geleden)
    I'm gonna take it a step further and email the Geneva Police Department, and ask them to find the suitcase for me.

    please don't do that.

    uh oh

  64. message iamaphoney before you go mikenl and ask where exactly that case is, dont waste your trip Mike

    since you have some personal contact with phoney you are in a unique position to make sure that the suitcase is there, and the pin point location of it before you go there

    you may be the only person who has good odds to actually get that third suitcase

    do you have mobile internet capability as well, in case you arrive on scene and cant find it?

    good luck on your trip Mike

  65. Ask phoney for the location? What is the point of the whole video set up if you end up asking directions? Why not just have phoney drop the case in Amsterdam?


  67. in the stills is Pink Floyd
    how did he know this guy from floyd did yesterday?

  68. from Yekes Dirmbrim
    in the stills is Pink Floyd
    how did he know this guy from floyd did yesterday?

  69. from Yekes Dirmbrim
    in the stills is Pink Floyd
    how did he know this guy from floyd did yesterday?

    Macca was always tight with Floyd. He knew the guy was on his deathbed.

  70. Iamaphoney's in trouble... THe police will obviously check out the videos, so they know what he looks like.

    I wonder if the FBI will get involved.

  71. Anybody notice that a bunch of Beatle and Beatle related videos are being taken off YouTube right now?

  72. Wow, I just found out iamaphoney lived in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Whodathunk?

  73. "Wow, I just found out iamaphoney lived in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Whodathunk?"

    How'd you find that out?

  74. ’Can you row?’ the Sheep asked, handing her a pair of knitting- needles as she spoke.

    ’Yes, a little–but not on land–and not with needles–’ Alice was beginning to say, when suddenly the needles turned into oars in her hands, and she found they were in a little boat, gliding along between banks: so there was nothing for it but to do her best.

  75. Is Phoney being sent upriver now?

  76. No, we're being sold down the river.

  77. I actually am a little concerned about the Israel show now. Something about it seemed *not quite right* from the start (and naturally IAAP and his cronies are taking advantage of this feeling to screw around some more).

    I hesitate to be an alarmist and post all my concerns here (they are larger than the issue of death threats against Sir Paul, as distressing as those are), but suffice to say there do seem to be some very disturbing "puzzle pieces" falling into place.

  78. Anonymous said...

    Iamaphoney's in trouble... THe police will obviously check out the videos, so they know what he looks like.

    I wonder if the FBI will get involved.

    I told you guys!

  79. "Wow, I just found out iamaphoney lived in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Whodathunk?"

    How'd you find that out?"

    #3 on the comments. Iamaphoney insults are troops too. Fucker.

  80. Sorry, here is the link:

    Go to the third comment. Iamaphoney insults our troops!

  81. Anonymous said...

    "Sorry, here is the link:

    Go to the third comment. Iamaphoney insults our troops!"

    Wow, Iamaphoney is a Rupert Everett fan!

  82. Oh shit! That link doesn't have Iamaphoney's comment on it!

    Go to page 20 on the comments list. Iamaphoney is there all right...

    "I Think All the troops are g.y f.g C.nts!!!!"

  83. Anonymous said...

    "Oh shit! That link doesn't have Iamaphoney's comment on it!

    Go to page 20 on the comments list. Iamaphoney is there all right..."

    I don't think it's him. The real Iamaphoney would post with his other accounts (Lamaph0ney, MaI Evans, BiIIy Shears, etc)as well.

  84. Topix allows you fill in any username when you post, no account required. It also geolocates the IP of the poster.

    Odds are thats just some random person in WI using the name for that post. For all we know, you posted it and you are WI.

  85. For whoever said "fpsqseyuvkr == godparticle", how the hell did you come to that solution?

    I assume its a vinegre cipher using the tableau pictured in RA69. Using almost every word in the english language as a key, fpsqseyuvkr != godparticle.

    And its too small to solve for anything but the simplest of ciphers...

    wtf did you do to figure that out?

  86. working under the impression if you have the cipher and the plaintext you can brute force the key

  87. We should have a poll for "Which Iamaphoney do you like better?"

    1. The barefoot waif guy with the rooster haircut who we never see anymore.

    2. The metrosexual guy with the suitcase who looks like a sideman for INXS circa 1993.

    I vote for #1

  88. Anonymous said...
    "We should have a poll for "Which Iamaphoney do you like better?"

    1. The barefoot waif guy with the rooster haircut who we never see anymore.

    2. The metrosexual guy with the suitcase who looks like a sideman for INXS circa 1993.

    I vote for #1"

    I like the original Phoney too, as opposed to the replacement "Fauxney."

  89. Bern is BACK MothaF'ers!

    Awwwwwwwww yeah!

    The guy who shut the shit down last month calling the FBI is back again

    We all saw the success you had before! YOU and YOU alone drove iamaphoney out of the United States and into Switzerland
    where you are #5, hey!

    You rocked it hard last month, now you are back again!

    Keep up the good work, and maybe this month all of your dreams will come true!

    They didn't last month, but they are SURE to this month Bern!

    Bern is a modern day Nostradamus!

  90. that does not scare me! I will call the FBI on that band!

  91. No FBI in Switzerland, they have their own police there Bern

  92. call the FBI on everyone man

  93. Ha! There's already a Bern in Switzerland.
    Look out phoney 1 & 2 (and 3?)!

  94. I am going to FBI that city in Switzerland for impersonating me!
    just you watch! that city will be shut down next week!


  95. everyones going to be in jail except you Bern, then what?

  96. I vote for Phoney #1. There are too many closeups of Phoney #2's ass in these latest videos. Not to mention the shirtless scenes. Is his favorite movie Magical Mystery Tour or Brokeback Mountain?

  97. your brother still propositioning men outside of highway rest stops Bern?

    "My brother met Paul McCartney at a highway rest stop and he told him about the Iamaphoney videos and HE IS PISSED! The FBI has been called"

  98. the Brokeback Mystery Tour is dying to take Bern away
    dying to take Bern away
    take you today!

  99. Laugh it up! I am calling the FBI about that song parody insinuating that my brother and I proposition men outside of highway rest stop bathrooms!
    Then you and your Phoney can be in jail together and talk about this silly "LOVE/CODE" all day long!

  100. You'd like jail Bern, then you can do what you love alllllllll day long, without the expense of trolling our nations highway system looking for love in all the wrong places

    Someone will call the FBI on you Bern!

  101. isawherstanding (8 hours ago)
    Instead of the police, I asked that CERN guy I mentioned earlier to find the suitcase for me, since he's probably closer.

    Still waiting to see if it's a yes or no...

    MikeyNL1038 (5 hours ago)
    ugh, what good is that gonna do for US!!! NOTHIN!!!!

    Maybe they have cameras at CERN and can scientifically study the suitcase and post the results up for peer review!
    Then you won't have to drive 18 hours to get the suitcase Mike!

  102. The Race for the Case

    IN A WORLD...

    of suitcases and phoneys

    Will CERN get the case before Mikey travels across international borders?

    Will CERN inadvertently bombard the #3 suitcase with a stream of lead ions thus causing a black hole and destroying the world as we know it, unleashing a huge higgs boson staypuff marshmellow monster like from GhostBusters to wreck havoc on the known universe?

    Will Bern have time to call the FBI before all of this happens and have IAMAPHONEY locked up?

    Will Bern finally find the man of his dreams in a bathroom stall at a highway rest stop?
    Will it be his very own brother?

    These are the questions,
    we wait for the answers

  103. Paul is DEAD!

    Don LaFontaine is Dead!

  104. The Race for the Case

    IN A WORLD...

    of suitcases and phoneys

    Will CERN get the case before Mikey travels across international borders?

    Will CERN inadvertently bombard the #3 suitcase with a stream of lead ions thus causing a black hole and destroying the world as we know it, unleashing a huge higgs boson staypuff marshmellow monster like from GhostBusters to wreck havoc on the known universe?

    Will Bern have time to call the FBI before all of this happens and have IAMAPHONEY locked up?

    Will Bern finally find the man of his dreams in a bathroom stall at a highway rest stop?
    Will it be his very own brother?

    These are the questions,
    we wait for the answers


    i love this. i lol'd.

  105. get the case MikeNL!
    Don't let all that happen!

  106. dogs and cats living together
    mass hysteria

  107. please get the case MikeNL

  108. NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW!
