Monday, July 7, 2008

Two More Documents

I just want to express my appreciation to the person who has been sending these items. I'm working on some new articles, but I'm going to roll with these as long as they keep coming. I am inviting readers to feel free to contribute any insights regarding the authenticity of these documents. All I can say at the moment is that I cannot disprove their authenticity. Click the pics for the original files.

The first document appears to contain an insider's (presumably Mal Evans) observations about the development of Magical Mystery Tour.

The second document appears to be related to the Iamaphoney suitcase rather than its contents.

Hopefully this will help the suitcase hunters. Are there any suitcase hunters?

Happy Birthday Ringo! Peace and Love!


  1. Hmmm. . .ya know, it's not a very good puzzle when you have to basically force feed the answer to the solvers. Why the chase? I've said before, why not just pretend Mikey or someone else at NIR found it and get it over with? Then again, there is no way to know if anyone actually "finds" the thing, particularly if it ends up being a RAA type.

  2. By the way, Taf, it's interesting that Mal said John thought of using Nat, when clearly Paul already had his name written on his original chart (if that's the one he did on the plane, and if he didn't add the name in later). JCharles

  3. So we have the video clues that no one can decipher. So IAAP puts more clues that no one can decipher into a case. That didn't work, so he puts more clues into another case, and no one figures out where it is, even though 65if already told everyone where it was. Then he feeds more clues to Tafultong regarding the location, so that, in order to find the clues that no one will decipher, they must first decipher the map. That's a heck of a lot of non-deciphering going on.

  4. Phoney are kind.

    second face drawing.

  5. The reality checks are points well taken, but I do need to clarify that I do not know if these items are coming from Iamaphoney. I honestly don't know the motives or the identity of the person who is sending me this material, but if it is Iamaphoney, he has not revealed that to me.

    I obviously know a nickname identity of the person sending them and I have been asked to not reveal that, but I do not have clear information on this person's association with Iamaphoney.

    I have not really bought into the whole suitcase thing, but at some point we will probably know if these items are from the suitcase. And if we can authenticate them or prove that they are forgeries, that will be helpful for all who are trying to get to the truth.

  6. The map has "hair cut" on it. In relation to the Spawn on the map, I deduct that this is where they found Shorty Shea's head (it lines up, along with the park, just not that great - it is a doodle after-all).

  7. Well gang, I'm off to bed, but good luck finding the suitcase near the place where Shorty's head was found; sounds like a pleasant and tasteful undertaking (pun intended). JCharles

  8. One premise could be is that the drawing is vintage, by whom is questionable. So there was an original suitcase that was found, and IAAP continues the "re-enactment."

    Why is anyone's guess.

    Thanks T, excellent pages!

  9. that "mikey" guy posted this as "part of the manuscript" on his forum a long time ago:

    it was part of the rotten apple i guess.

    so it is either one of iaap gang or mike or jude who are sending this stuff.

    they are screwing with so many peoples heads at one time, it's amazing...

  10. Aw Happy Birthday Ringo!

    You were the best in "Help!"


  11. guys! IT IS PAULMCCARTNEYS handwriting, gee zoz
