Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another Wave of Videos

Thanks to all who sent the links. In addition to inspiring new interest in the Paul McCartney mystery, Iamaphoney has also influenced the trend of multiple YouTube accounts under various identities. There are either fewer than three or more than fifty people out there making PID videos. It is unlikely that any of these are from Iamaphoney. Warning: A couple of the videos listed below may be harmful to your IQ.

Paul is Dead - 5 - One (Ringo's Magic Circle) from CryHepZero

922008 is coming down fast from KUClNlCH2008

brown eyed man from MemoryAImostFull2007

Fireman from sonofwhom

11 - John's Card to Brian Epstein from footnotebot

Suitcase Fingerprints
from P1D Game (Note that the second character in the user name is the #1 instead of the letter I)

Paul Is Dead - badboyrae001 from badboyrae001

from starkyringo909

JOHN LENNON ALIVE? from ralphlundun

Paul Is Dead Clues from monkeesbeatlesfan


  1. The "JOHN LENNON ALIVE?" video !?!

  2. it's time for mike and jude to be honest and tell everything they know...

    this great blog deserves some definite truth...

  3. said so by anonymous...

    why are you saying "mike and jude".
    what about GFA,IAAP, and YKMN !!! those are the big players. don't come to "mike and jude".

    Some fuckers out there... can't stand it. ugh.

  4. Chill........ chill.

    With a laugh,
    your pal,

  5. comment. :)

  6. Vince, again.
    I'm listening to Alex Jones, and he's got a guy on saying Barbara Bush is the daughter of Alistar C.!!!

    They DO kinda look alike!


  7. go get the fucking suitcase
    get the answers? or what?

    If I wasn´t in Denmark I would get it myself.

  8. easy, easy......
    I don't even have a driver's license!
    I'm trying to get off 'the grid'.

    Somebody'll get it.
    "Don't worry" - Y.O.

    Your pal,


    Sir Isaac Newton told you it would fall

  10. You didn't listen, St. Paul.

  11. "it's time for mike and jude to be honest and tell everything they know..."

    ....I know you know my name, baby!

  12. Tafultong,your previous post never rang more true than today when I visited Iamaphoney's page and saw all this anti-Jewish rhetoric.Iamaphoney may be obsessed with the occult but I've never thought of him as a white supremacist.I wonder why he doesn't delete these comments.It's not doing him any favors.


  13. Aja said...

    Tafultong,your previous post never rang more true than today when I visited Iamaphoney's page and saw all this anti-Jewish rhetoric.

    Yes, that is an ugly chapter in this whole affair. Someone emerged at NIR with similar rhetoric and fortunately faded away after being ignored for the most part. I heard he moved on to a more general conspiracy web site and got banned.

    It's possible that IAAP finds the comments on his channel so depressing that he doesn't look at them anymore. For the music alone, I think he deserves more respect.

    I still have not deleted any comments here, but I have my finger on the trigger and I'm not afraid to use it.

    Thanks as always for contributing and lifting the level of conversation.

  14. You guys talking about the COMMENTS?

    I gave up on those a LONG time ago.

  15. Please delete the blatant profanity in the previous post.

    Squeeze that trigger, Taf. That's just uncivilized in a public forum.

  16. In other Paul off-center news:
    Negativland's "Over The Edge" podcast for July25 has, at 30 minutes in, a bunch of clips from when "Broadstreet" came out.
    Funny and sad, in Negativland's way.
    Check it out if you get a chance.

    Have a great day,

  17. Has IAAP gotten the attention of Paul McCartney? Of course, he has.

    Does Paul want his occult doings exposed on you tube? Of course, not.

    Are Paul's people trying to water the info down and distract people away from IAAP with other video channels? Maybe.

  18. i beleive you got something there

  19. That 'asking and then answering your own questions' thing reminds me of Donald Rumsfeld.......

    yours, etc.,

  20. I wouldn't overstate the relative effects of IAAP's or the other spin-offs (YKMN, GranfatherA, etc.), to Paul McCartney. It's certainly not as big a deal as the Maureen Cleave article. I don't see how Paul's "occult doings" have "been exposed," or that anyone has demonstrated that he is an occultist at all. Guilt by association is dubious. Merely juxtaposing images of Paul with images of Egyptian rams doesn't count, either. Though artful in presentation, the IAAP videos say nothing that hasn't been speculated about the Beatles since the beginning. Google Paul McCartney or Beatles and you'll find that many millions of words have been written about them with no end in sight. Hundreds of books, thousands of articles, countless street conversations in every area of the world, day in, day out, about John, Paul, George and Ringo. The PID part of the Beatles is just a blip on their mythological radar.

  21. "Are Paul's people trying to water the info down and distract people away from IAAP with other video channels?"

    Uhm . . .if Paul was so worried about the series, he wouldn't have to put out other wacky YouTube videos to distract anyone. IAAP's own series has enough internal distractions, let alone the YKMN and WizardofFaul videos. Water the info down? No one even knows what the info is. To what "info" do you refer? Clips of the Magic Christian are not info. Handwritten notes about MMTour aren't info. They're artifacts. IAAP or one of these other videomakers, if they had some hard evidence, could just post it all on a blog and that'd be it. Write a book. Write an article for Rolling Stone. Paul could simply pull the plug on any one of the PID video channels for, let's see, violations of terms? JCharles

  22. Sand in your vag? Wanted answers but now your mad, J?

  23. Sometimes I wonder who John Charles thinks he is, always acting high and mighty...

  24. john charles julian lennon perhaps?


    paul is dead - nothing is real 222

    Playing Now.

  26. Anonymous, what's so "high and mighty" about stating my opinion?

    Would you prefer to live in a world where everyone agrees with everything you say?

    I believe it was Tafultong who said that some of these videos will harm the IQ.


  27. There is not anything wrong with stating your opinion, BUT....the truth is i kinda wonder two things:

    1: Who the hell are you that you think you know so much about conspiracy theorists and PID?

    2: how are you involved with Iamaphoney?

    its obvious to anyone that your hiding something, lol

  28. I think JCharles is right about some of those silly videos...

    anyway don't judge the whole case till you see whose the phoney...

    tell you the truth, sometimes it does'nt matter

    let's all put some pressure - GIVE ME SOME TRUTH!

  29. It's all too much.... (flap flap)

  30. Hey, Mikey,
    Nice new vid.

    I give it a thumbs up!


  31. Yes indeed great new video Mike! third watch right now! It's making me want to go back and see if I can catch any other shots of the camera man.... Badboyrae also has a new one up...

  32. Well Badboyrae's new video is the same as yours I guess I jumped the gun on my last post.. oops... Either way great video!

  33. To anonymous: If Paul McCartney or Apple were aware or bothered by Iamaphoney they would order YouTube to shut him down because most of his videos are stolen from officially released product. I doubt they even know about it or would care anyway. You can ask them yourself if you want. The phone number is on the Apple webpage.

  34. I actually sort of agree with anonymous....

    JCharles....needs to give us some truth. He's accused other people of holding secrets.....but with a name like JCharles, maybe he is holding the biggest secret of them all..........

  35. Anyone else think it somewhat odd that youtube hasn't shut IAAP down?. How many other YT users have been banned in the past year that were neither offensive or used copywrited materials, just cause some veiwer got butt-hurt and complained.
    Has no one realy not complained to youtube about IAAP, or at least his comments page.
