Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Love Code Contest

Back in July of 2007, Iamaphoney told us in Rotten Apple 40 that he had cracked the "Love Code."

A quick search of the web indicates that there is precious little information anywhere about the implied "Love Code" contest.

The "Love Code" was mentioned in an article on web site. The typo in the headline doesn't do much for its credibility, but it seems to be a real site.

This particular article is cited in the Wikipedia entry for "Love." However, Iamaphoney has messed with Wikipedia in the past.

That's about all we know regarding the "Love Code." You can find several references to the Love Code Contest on the web, but all of them seem to reference the same source. I could not find any corroboration for the George Martin interview in which he is supposed to have mentioned the contest.

One YouTubiligation was so frustrated by this that he put out this plea:

It has been a year and we are no closer to knowing anything about the existence of the Love Code. The shelf life of a contest like this is always rather limited, so there is a remote possibility that it did exist at some point or that George Martin did say something to that effect in an interview. But if it did exist at all, it did not seem to have much impact in promoting the "Love" CD.

If there is a code, George and Giles Martin are the ones who would hold the key. Giles Martin has a MySpace site. Giles Martin is also on the friends list of this guy on MySpace:

I wonder if he told Giles that he cracked the code.


  1. Similar thinking Taful.

    This all stems from the "Love Code" article... that's how I found IAAP in the first place. I often pondered why there was only 1 source story for the "code" and questioned its reliability...

  2. Also, if I may be so bold... what exactly does "Tafultong" mean?

  3. the code is the trigger.

    once you found the lock you can never go back.

  4. no code = no real motivation

  5. don't forget that the phony solved the code/Love

  6. please explain yourself, anonymous.

    the code is the trigger to....what exactly?

    what is this code...

    i guess dna.

  7. Vince here,
    I see Paul 's playing Israel for the first time......
    and, here in Sin City, another Beatle's convention.

    I advise any of you with disposable income to check out the "LOVE" show.
    When I had a job, I went. I bought the cheapest seat in the house, and IT STILL ROCKED!
    You get a rail of speakers in front of you, and speakers IN THE CHAIR!!
    Worth seeing.

  8. As I mentioned before the lone website that mentioned the "code" seems to be referencing the contest on the DaVinci Code book,which had an announced winner who won a trip to Paris or something.I think the story is a subtle wink at obsessive Beatle fans who look for meaning in everything.Coveniently it never mentions a source or a quote about a "code" so I can't take it seriously,spelling errors and all.


  9. Taf, can you make a post about Jude's latest vid? haven't seen it here...

  10. Why doesn't someone send a MySpace message to Giles and ask him if he knows anything about the Love Code or IAAP?

  11. the code is the trigger to....what exactly?

    for you to watch...

  12. mikeynl: "Taf, can you make a post about Jude's latest vid? haven't seen it here" Because Jude can explain it himself. He made it. If he's not playing the game, why wouldn't he? Imitation is the highest form of phony-flattery.

    anon: "Why doesn't someone send a MySpace message to Giles?" Because he wouldn't give you a minute of his time.

    anon: "the code is the trigger to....what exactly? for you to watch... EXACTLY. Thank you.

  13. "Because he wouldn't give you a minute of his time"

    "You" does not mean the anon who posted the comment, just whoever is dumb enought to bug a useless myspace page for any sort of relevant information.

  14. And Iamaphoney can explain his own videos himself. And Grandfatheraleister can explain his, and joshblue33 can explain his.

    Newsflash: These are real people, and the "imitators" are people who, like iamaphoney, are trying to turn you on to the truth. And turning you on is the highest form of Beatle-flattery, since that's exactly what they set out to do. I can interpret my own videos, iamaphoney can interpret his own videos, but what we think isn't nearly as important as what YOU think. Creating something is easy, interpreting that creation is where the real artistry lies, and I'm no artist---Tafultong is.

  15. bout time somebody round here said something about that damn code cracking what is up with the mustang (s)...there's like a yellow and a white one, no? I don't know...I really need a nice quiet evening with a bottle of red, since I am not really going to get a real vacation....:(...If the whole code thing was entirely fabricated that would really pull the plug on my love for IAAP...well not him, the guy's got a gift for storytelling but his glue is the code this is true. You know, it's still been fun. See y'all around!

  16. Guys, Has anyone noticed the strange voice that appear behind the beginning of the song "octopus garden" in the LOVE CD.

    Please, send your opinions about it.

  17. If you are talking about the voice after the line "He'd let us in," I believe it is a looped sample from the U-Boat noises in the instrumental break of the Song "Yellow Submarine." There is also a vocal sample from the chorus of "Yellow Submarine" a few seconds later.

  18. The code in Love is just the word CODE putting a mirror in LOVE. Just that...

    The contest is not so.

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