Sunday, June 8, 2008

Keith Allison

Musician Keith Allison had embarked on a solo career in 1967.

He was often seen in America on the Dick Clark produced television show "Where the Action Is." In 1968 he joined the band "Paul Revere and the Raiders" and stayed with them until the mid 1970s. In 1976 he toured with two ex-Monkees as part of Dolenz, Jones, Boyce and Hart.

Later, he tried some acting roles in films and television. He did three such projects in 1978. In addition to serving as the musical director, Allison was credited as playing the part of the "Recording Engineer" in the Ringo Television Special. The on-screen part was so small, I am not 100% certain where he appeared, but that might be him wearing a cap in the picture below.

A second project that same year was a cameo in the Ringo Starr film "Sextette." That's Keith pictured below in a scene with Tony Curtis, the American actor who appeared on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

He did yet another movie cameo in 1978 in the (you guessed it) Robert Stigwood production of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."

He sure seemed to have a lot of connections in the outer fringes of the Beatles World. He was also involved in the Monkees' Movie "Head." I don't know how close they were, but Keith Allison's cousin, Jerry Allison, was the drummer of Buddy Holly and the Crickets. When the Paul McCartney Fun Club had a song contest in 1989 for his annual Buddy Holly celebration, Paul produced a single of the winning song, T-Shirt for the Crickets. Jerry Allison wrote the B-Side.

Keith Allison was a guitar/keyboard player and he could sing too. That's one of the reasons that some people think that his Beatles connections were much deeper than reported. Have you noticed the resemblance? There are some people who think that Keith Allison was one of several people who took over the role of Paul McCartney.

For a more recent view of Keith Allison showing off his musical skills, check out the YouTube Video below. It shows Keith with Waddy Wachtel's band at The Joint in Los Angeles. Keith does a rocking rendition of the Elvis Costello song, "Pump It Up."

I don't know if there is anything to this Keith Allison thing or not, but I suggest we bring him in for questioning.

While you are at The Joint, treat yourself to the same band backing up Blondie Chaplin. If you don't know who Blondie Chaplin is, read up on The Beach Boys and The Rolling Stones. Blondie has been in both. He sang lead on the Beach Boys song "Sail On, Sailor" and he toured with the Stones playing acoustic guitar, percussion and backing vocals. If you ever take your eyes off of Mick and Keith you might see Blondie occasionally stealing the spotlight on the side. I don't know of any connection between Blondie Chaplin and the Beatles, but I encourage you to click on each of the pictures below for some great music.

And while we are far fetching, I would be remiss if I failed to mention yet another character who has arrived on the YouTube scene.

wizardofFaul has given us 1 - The Wizard of Faul #1

The description says:
A brilliant marketing campaign goes awry
A magick spell enthralls the masses
A bargin with the Wizard has a steep price..
Brian, John, Mal, George pay the first bill,
Faul discovers he going to carry that weight a long time
as he gains the world but loses his soul

Song - Passive by Perfect Circle
Don't Play Dead


  1. Keith looks only a little bit like Paul, and sounds nothing like him.

  2. If this Wizard character is implying some Faustian bargain whereby certain Beatles and insiders died/were murdered over PID, he's in Oz himself. George had cancer--he smoked like a chimney when he was younger. Ringo is still alive.

  3. Meh... these side accounts are where I start to get less and less interested in the entire IAAP rigamarole...

    However, has anyone a link to the entire clip of the interview John and Yoko were giving at the end of the clip?

  4. Was Keith on the Magical Mystery Tour? He looks like the guy that was in the picture with John on the bicycle.

  5. Zakk,

    Thanks for the question. It's from the Dick Cavett interview and I will probably be addressing that in my next post.

  6. "Thanks for the question. It's from the Dick Cavett interview and I will probably be addressing that in my next post."

    I actually found several clips on youtube, thanks for the point in the right direction. Lennon makes some interesting comments through out. And as always its just entertaining to watch him talk about stuff.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Was Keith on the Magical Mystery Tour?

    I have not found any reported involvement of Keith Allison in Magical Mystery Tour (unless of course he went uncredited in the role of Paul).

    I think the implication is that the Beatles organization continues to provide support for any individuals who have helped them in the "cover-up." I don't think the Keith Allison lobby is suggesting that he was THE replacement. I think that they think Keith was actually the person who won that mythological Paul McCartney lookalike contest in 1965 and that he may have posed for a couple of pictures or wrote some of "Paul's songs" or something like that.

    I'm not saying I believe any of this. I'm just trying to cover the subject.

  8. didnt george harrison get stabbed by some guy?

  9. George was stabbed by a guy who believed, as IAAP and a lot of PIDers, that the Beatles were witches or involved in some way with the "occult." That stabbing, along with Lennon's murder, came out of the same intense fan obsession with Beatles that IAAP and many of his fans demonstrate. If you read some of those posts on IAAPs site, they are every bit as hostile toward McCartney as anything Harrison or Lennon's attackers ever said.

  10. I can understand how Caligula and even Herod would be viewed in a supernaturally evil light, but the Beatles? Paul McCartney? I think anyone who has suffered under true brutality and oppression would find it utterly disgusting and insulting that so many internet types with too much time on their hands have focused their misguided wrath on a songwriter of all people(if one can call taking a few moments to tap on a keyboard about how Paul is a Crowley disciple "wrath") Not only are these bogus PID witch hunters disingenuous when they speak of the whole phenomenon as something really scary, most of the lot seem to enjoy their suburban clue hunting as a pastime . . . it's like the book of Revelation meets Dungeons and Dragons. "The devil is all around us! The world is being brainwashed by Tavistock! Hey, cool song by Iamaphoney. Can you download it for me?"

  11. Oh no. The iaap comment section crew has arrived to prove any and everything wrong.

  12. Nothing wrong with being wrong--people have been wrong about most things most of the time. Ask Aristotle.

    "We know we're conning them, because we know people want to be conned. Let's stick that in there, we say, that'll start them puzzling."
    John Lennon

  13. That girl in Candy is smoking hot!Dick Cavett must be dead from the waist down.

  14. Does anybody else find it suspicious that Lennon's Cavett interview was on Sept. 11? Just curious.

  15. Anonymous said...

    That girl in Candy is smoking hot!Dick Cavett must be dead from the waist down.

    I liked the movie and I have watched it several times. Richard Burton was excellent. Marlon Brando was hilarious as a sex-crazed guru. Matthau and Colburn both made me laugh out loud. John Aston was outstanding in a dual role. Ringo was funny as a Mexican gardener saying, "Theese ah no gooood!" And there is a twist at the end which may cause me to do a whole post on "Candy" one of these days.

  16. Anonymous said...

    Does anybody else find it suspicious that Lennon's Cavett interview was on Sept. 11? Just curious.

    No. Same odds as any other day of the year. For some reason, the well-researched "Beatles Ultimate Recording Guide" by Allen Wiener lists the taping date as September 9.

  17. Hey ... great post!! AND I dig the BLOG, man ... keep up the fab work!

    BTW: According to Tiger Beat Magazine, April 1966 (my friend and mentor, Lloyd Thaxton, sent me a mint-condition, autographed copy earlier this year), Keith WAS, in fact, part of the Crickets in 1964! At one point that year, he was confronted by some Macca-crazy girls who SWORE he was Paul! Hadta struggle to get AWAY from 'em!

    No, he wasn't the spitting images of McCartney ... but you've gotta remember: Kids hadn't fully explored the boss bassist's looks yet. They were still new to America ...

  18. The Rock Relic said:

    No, [Keith Allison] wasn't the spitting images of McCartney ... but you've gotta remember: Kids hadn't fully explored the boss bassist's looks yet. They were still new to America ...

    Thanks, Rock.

    Interestingly, Derek Taylor in one of those 1969 "Is Paul Dead" interviews mentioned Keith Allison as the winner of a 1965 Paul McCartney lookalike contest sponsored by an American Teen Magazine.
