Monday, June 16, 2008


This is outstanding! Paul in Kiev the other day.

Speaking of Sgt. Pepper (I mentioned previously the connection between the song "Mrs. Vanderbilt" and the SPLHCB cover) there seems to be a rather important item up for sale. UPDATE: Link is fixed.

There have been a couple new videos that are worth watching. I will be writing about one of them in more detail soon.

Paul is Dead - 24 - The Fireman is Paul from grandfatheraleister

Paul is Dead : Preview to WizardofFaul #3 from wizardofFaul

UPDATE: Paul is Dead : 3 - WizardofFaul #3 Part A


  1. What's the black and white movie at the end of "The Fireman is Paul"?
    is that the NEW Fireman song being played?Finally, just heard that filming of "Angels& Demons" has been stopped in Rome.

    Another killer post,
    You ROCK!
    Your pal, Vince.

  2. Thanks, Vince.

    My guess (and it is only a guess) is that the b/w film at the end is "The Life of Moses" (c. 1909). It was a 5-part serial restored in 2006.

  3. Oh, and the music playing is NOT the new Fireman song. I noticed that somebody actually put the song on YouTube if you want to hear a lo-fi version of it.

  4. Look at Bush & Brown's masonic handshake


  5. I don't really want to stop the show, but I thought you might like to know, that Iamaphoney pretty much copied and pasted from the BBC, right down to the mirrored drum

    And Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Baaaaaaaand!

  6. Plus a blog post says a film maker is the source of the rumour

  7. Anonymous said...

    I don't really want to stop the show...

    Welcome Anonymous. Thank you for your comment. I think if you read some of the previous posts you will get a better understanding of the history of the Paul Is Dead phenomenon and how it has evolved over the years. Your skepticism is well warranted, especially in terms of the mythology that has developed around the name William Campbell.

  8. Great detective work there, Lou

  9. the black and white at the end of the fireman is Paul is from
    F.W. Murnau 1923 movie Faust
    grandfatheraleister has used it in another one of his videos , maybe several of them

    the song is from Boards of Canada - song title is

    Everything You Do is a Balloon

    on youtube its here

    sounds like he may have shortened it or edited it a little

    i found this out by messaging grandfatheralesiter and he messaged back


  10. PS you have to go a ways (like several minutes)into that video above till it sounds like "The Fireman is Paul" one, hence it sounds editied


    PPS - how do I get a copy of your book Vince?


  11. Ian,

    Thanks very much for the information.

  12. Well, Mr Ian,
    A freind of mine tried to get me into The Boards Of Canada. He told me a song of theirs sounded like The Residents to him, as a way to entice me. Unfortunately at the time I was getting heavily into J-pop: Puffy AmiYumi, and POYSICS.

    As for me BOOK, I'm thinking of going through Wheatmark to publish it. If you know of any 'safe' place I can sent a chapter or two to, I'd love for somebody other than my wife and my mom to read it.

    Thanks, Vince.
