Sunday, June 1, 2008

The George Formby Connection

Update: Rotten Apple 68 T is here.
AND I am getting tired of these big fires that correspond to Rotten Apple Videos. This time it is Universal Studios.

At the very end of the “Free as a Bird” video you see a man on a stage photographed from behind. From all accounts the man is supposed to represent George Formby. George Harrison became a huge fan of Formby and even acquired Formby’s gold-plated ukulele, which was recently put up for auction. If you listen to the corresponding audio in the last few seconds of “Free As A Bird” you hear what sounds like John Lennon’s voice saying a phrase which is difficult to interpret, but clearly includes the words “John Lennon.” If you play it backwards you clearly hear the phrase “Turned out nice again.” [Iamaphoney interpreted it as "Hear That Noise Again" in Rotten Apple 9]

George Formby would use the line “Turned out nice again” at the end of his performances. It was also the title of a song he recorded.

And, "Turned Out Nice Again" was the title of a movie he made in 1941.

George Formby also co-produced the movie “We’ll Meet Again” which featured the title song sung by its star Vera Lynn.
I think that is Vera Lynn to the left-middle in the George Formby picture below.

The Pink Floyd song “Vera” from “The Wall” contains the lyrics:

Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Remember how she said that we would meet again some sunny day?

John Lennon even sings a bit of “We’ll Meet Again” at the end of his interview with Bob Harris for the “Old Grey Whistle Test.” That interview is also the source of John’s famous statement about “Two are flying and two are not” on the Sgt. Pepper cover, but unfortunately that part of the interview was not included in the official DVD release.

Vera Lynn's recording also appeared in the Stanley Kubrick film "Dr. Strangelove."

The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Stanley Kubrick for that matter all had influences when they were growing up, so it makes sense that some of these stars would be in their consciousness. But, the George Formby fixation seemed to manifest itself strongly in the Beatles Anthology. Aja, a frequent contributor here reported that George Harrison rediscovered Formby in the 1980s, so that could explain his desire to salute him in the Anthology.

George Formby’s movie “Turned Out Nice Again” might have been his best performance because it featured more character development than your ordinary 1940s screwball British comedy.

Also appearing in that movie was a young Wilfrid Hyde-White as Removal man. Nearly three decades later, Hyde-White portrayed, of all things, the Captain of “The Magic Christian.”

But that’s not the only thing that made me raise my eyebrows, because in 1949 Wilfrid Hyde-White made a film in which he played the dual role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The film was called “Helter Skelter.”

As we dig deeper we find a clip of Peter Sellers delivering a Nazi improv on the Parkinson Show and then telling how legend has it that his father taught George Formby to play. Check out the clip here.

And let's finish completely over the top with something from The Sleaze - Turned Out Nazi Again.


  1. i KNEW something was screwy about the help cover!

  2. A likely story?

    The album cover features the group with their arms positioned to spell out a word in flag semaphore. According to cover photographer Robert Freeman, "I had the idea of semaphore spelling out the letters HELP. But when we came to do the shot the arrangement of the arms with those letters didn't look good. So we decided to improvise and ended up with the best graphic positioning of the arms."

    On the British Parlophone release, the letters formed by the Beatles appear to be 'NUJV', whilst the slightly re-arranged U.S. release on Capitol Records appeared to feature the letters 'NVUJ'.

  3. I think at least one of those stills around the 1:07 mark is from the Universal Studios fire!

    compare it with the aerial shot at :34 in this video

    For reference points, look at the red/white/red-roofed building(?) and the 'breadbox' oblong-shaped building. Seems like a match to me.

    One of the other stills was seen on IAAP's page the night of the London market fire.

    Discuss. (?!)

  4. The RIAA just released a list of the most popular songs of all time and not one single Beatles song appears in the top 25. Maybe Iamaphoney's wicked magick is working? Maybe he'll have to take potshots at Fats Domino now?

    Another suspicious fire.

  5. I believe that is indeed a still of the Universal Studios fire for three reasons: 1. the similarities, 2. the timing, and 3. the fact that you can clearly read "KABC" at the bottom of the picture (The L.A. affiliate of ABC that covered the fire).

  6. I checked, and that is definitely the Universal fire in the new Rotten Apple. Also, the "KABC" in the lower corner likely indicates that the stills were taken from the Los Angeles-area KABC-TV 7 feed.

    I'm not sure if this exact footage is online elsewhere. If it's not, and IAAP was waiting to tape it off tv specifically for use in this newest video, count me as completely creeped out.

  7. "If a clue you seek then google is your friend, and there is always the tube that you look inside of"

  8. I see another anonymous beat me to the punch. Nice to know I'm not it?

  9. "If a clue you seek then google is your friend, and there is always the tube that you look inside of"

    I thought that looked familiar.

    From Paul McCartney's Web Site

  10. Sorry, other anonymous. . .all three pictures in this video are from the corresponding fires. He shows the London Eye Fire, the Camden Yard fire, and the Universal Studios fire, taunting us, apparently, by flashing "FIRE" and showing Paul holding his head in his hands (is he trying to "punish" the one he thinks is the replacement Paul by setting fires?). This IAAP guy is also fascinated by Manson and with the Zodiac killer, who timed his murders according to specific astrological dates, just as IAAP seems to be timing fires (or associated himself with them) according to dates he'd already predicted, such as June 1st. Remember that IAAP also used the London Fire photos as his background image, as if taking credit for it. Time to call LAFD and Scotland Yard. If anyone here is in LA, I would urge you to contact the authorities. Even if the fires are coincidental, this "magickal" kook wants us to think he set them. John Charles

  11. Let me add to my psychoanalysis by saying that one of Paul's aliases is of course "The Fireman," and the Fireman is the one who puts out the fires, not the firestarter. As for the Thebea thing, yeah, it's from a book about the history of Thebes, written in Italian. Check my post on IAAP's page for details. John Charles

  12. Thank you John Charles.

    I agree that someone should probably be checking in on IAAP to see what he's really up to. People have been injured. I hope that is not an indication of the "next level" that's been hinted about lately.

  13. Well, yes, let's put it this way: if it turns out he or his little band of brothers (who advertise the fact that they travel to both London and L.A.)were indeed responsible, I think anyone checking out his videos would think, "It's so obvious. Why didn't anyone say something?" On the other hand, it is possible he is an opportunist who prepares his videos ahead of time, and then when a fire hits, he splices in the pictures. That theory doesn't explain the predictions, though, and it doesn't explain his infatuation with fire. Tafultong, you are strangely silent on the issue. It's ironic that so many look so deeply into IAAPs every little clue about Paul McCartney, and willingly accept his ridiculous accusations, but become sheepish when it comes to clues about IAAP's character. J Charles

  14. I am extremely uncomfortable with this aspect of Iamaphoney lore. The fire thing bothers me.

    The couple of electronic interactions I have had with Iamaphoney via YouTube and Nothing Is Real led me to conclude that he was not the type of person that would be starting fires. The idea seemed crazy to me. Have any of these fire cases been solved yet?

    There are other people around here who have had many more interactions with Iamaphoney than I. I would like them to address the fire issue.

  15. That's good to know, Tafultong. I don't know that there is a way to know from electronic or other interaction whether someone is capable of setting fires or dropping briefcases in the desert. From what I have heard, this guy talks crypto-speak even to his NIR pals. The question is why is he blatantly associating himself with fires that he knows we already suspect he may have had some tangential or direct involvement with. Does he want to get caught, or pretend to be involved so that he can have some TV crew visit him so he can be thrust into the spotlight to say, "Paul is Dead?" J Charles

  16. I just found this interesting while searching on 1882.

    David H. Crowley, politician from Detroit was born in 1882.

    Detroit has been shown in the RA series (screenshots from google earth).

  17. Tafultong, John Charles...

    I think the whole fire thing is a non-issue to most IAAP fans because, to date, no one has been hurt in any of these fires. Whoever the arsonist is, he seems to target empty buildings.

    Don't you find it strange that no one has been apprehended for starting any of the fires?

    At the risk of being ridiculed: methinks there is no "natural" explanation for the fires.

  18. Actually, Jude, most accounts of the Universal Studios fire indicate that 3-10 people were injured during the course of it.

    Look it up.

  19. These fires only happen on days that IAAP lists well ahead of time(first one was several months). So is he predicting them, starting them, or is the arsonist just another IAAP fan?.

    If fires start coinciding with unannounced IAAP videos, then you should be frightened.

  20. Jude,

    Fires put the lives of people in danger. That's just the way it is. You said you know the identity of Iamaphoney. Don't tell me, but you better tell somebody. Even if Iamaphoney had nothing to do with starting the fires, his willingness to associate himself with them is a reckless act.

    Maybe Iamaphoney would like to speak for himself on this one as well.

  21. Dear Tafultong,

    Nick Burton here. The biography was "McCartney" By Christopher Stanford,Page 198:

    "And for the cryptically minded there were "Rams" carefully scattered clues as to McCartney's true feelings towards his ex-band mates.... and to show he had truly moved on, on the sleeve was written L.I.L.Y, or, "Linda, I Love You."

    Also was an A - Z of the Occult, a book written with the sceptics in mind. In it was Aleistar Crowley, and it was actually very different from what IAAP has been telling. It said that Crowley never actually used black magick, and the "Magick" he did use was to, in his words, get closer to God (Reference: "Magick in theory and Practise".)

    Also there was no credible accounts of black magic, as he was against it in his newspaper writings of 1933 and lived by the conduct of free will with philosophical thought.

    Interestingly, the Rituals he did use, which some say are countless years old, were used by Newton, Bacon, and many other top thinkers to subconsciously "Enter" a higher level of concentration and consciousness. It would take a whole book to explain this in detail, as well as prove that far from being Satanic, it can be taken apart as psychological exercise, and a good book for it is Mark Booth's "The Secret History of the World." Take care for now, see you!

  22. Not to mention the 8 fire fighters who were also hurt while putting out the fire.

  23. I was driving in to work today after being off-line all weekend, I heard about the fire and thought "I wonder if this was one of those dates on the IAAP list?"

    Sure enough I come in and find a new video. Unsettling.

  24. there's sure to be a fire somewhere on the world each and every day, as well as earthquakes, planecrashes, tornadoes etc you can relate these events at leisure but cause and effect it does not prove, especially if the data gets handpicked from youtube to fire up a panic. 2c

  25. Yes, there is a fire somewhere every day. My only concern is that the fires that have corresponded to the advance dates of Rotten Apple videos were all big enough to make international news.

    I have received a message from Iamaphoney that I will be posting shortly. It is reassuring, however, I think it is time for the IAAP schedule to go. It created a big buzz for the interview that never happened and it has been a thorn in the side ever since.

  26. Why no response to when I mentioned Free As A Bird, Lily, found the biography? Rude?

  27. I found your post very interesting Nick.Thank you.


  28. Let's not forget the London Eye. The All-Seeing Eye, Paul's Eye, and the London Eye comprise a huge chunk of IAAP's symbolism. The Fireman is a key alias that he has focused on. When there was a fire near the London Eye, IAAP posted pictures as his background image. IAAP has only drawn attention to the fires that took place on the dates he specified, not fires all over the world. He has only used pictures of fires that took place in London and L.A.. J Charles

  29. I never looked at that schedule, so correct me if that mentioned only a few dates, but here's my take on it: there are about 60 to 80 rotten apple videos at the least, one of them happened to be released to youtube on the date of a fire, someone made a link between these two events, phoney joker noticed this and in response put the background pic up. Next, by sheer coincidence, some 30 videos later another fire on the same date as a planned video, so how shaggily simple to put this incoming news in the video -just like newspic of the recently discovered tribe in the amazone... did iamaphoney discover them? This ties in with my general theory of iaap: he is just a mirror, starting from sleepy red moose via the fire connection to the help cover magick gestures, oh ok we'll include that as well, he is just cleverly mirroring back at us what we are here discussing, adding only editing and occasional orginal music. As for who is holding this mirror, see tafultongs earlier link, and maybe you can win a signed cd.

  30. Tafultong the Nazi sketch Peter Sellers is doing is a scene from the Mel Brooks comedy The Producers.


  31. Anonymous at 3:52 PM,

    Yea, but only a couple of hours after the news of the fire got out, a screen shot of that fire appears in IAAP's hour-old video, and pics in sequence of the other fires on dates that he had "predicted"

    I understand fires happen every day, and theres a chance its just purely coincidence, but this is just too big of a coincidence. Mccartney Eye first, next LA-based night club where Chapter 27 star (and ex-Lennon son companion) celebrates her birthday which is across from the Capitol Records Tower (in which IAAP decided to use as the background image for one of his alternate accounts that same day. Now this.

    If these are just a coincidence, IAAP should maybe keep them out of his videos, and off his youtube background images, until then he is suspect.

  32. He is just messing with people. Of course he's going to make the most of every happy coincidence that comes his way. It is always after the facts that he uses imagery. If he had shewn us shots of places before they went up in smoke, that would be something else all together now.

  33. Anonymous said...

    Why no response to when I mentioned Free As A Bird, Lily, found the biography? Rude?

    It has been a busy day, man. I appreciate your contribution. I especially like the way that you cite your sources of information.

    Please be patient. My priority right now is watching Paul's Liverpool Sound Concert, analyzing Rotten Apple 68 T, sharing the direct communication from Iamaphoney, celebrating my daughter's birthday, beginning my beguine, understanding the war in Biafra, and figuring out why "Cold Turkey" slipped down the charts.
