Thursday, May 22, 2008

George and Paul

UPDATE: New Video - re-enter?
Lots of retread footage, but very well edited from Iamaphoney alias KUCINlCH2008

If you went into a record shop in 1973, you might have seen something on the wall that looked like this...

The covers of George Harrison's "Living In The Material World" and Paul McCartney's "Red Rose Speedway" are reminiscent of something Beatles fans had seen before.

The back of the two albums were similar in design, right down to fan club address information at the bottom of each. George's blurb about the Jim Keltner fan club was simply a parody of Paul's information about the Wings Fun Club, but it did serve to link the albums together making the hand over Paul's head message of the front covers seem more intentional.

That caused me to wonder if there are any more George/Paul things that seem to go together. This is what I came up with off the top of my head.

The Harrison Eye (Best of Dark Horse) and the McCartney Eye (The McCartney Years)

George thumbs up (Sgt. Pepper) and Paul thumbs up (Back In The U.S.)

It's the dummy, dummy (Brainwashed and Twin Freaks)

George's "Living In The Material World" insert.

Paul's "This One" Single.

The point is that even though they weren't playing on each other's songs, The Beatles still existed after 1970. There were contractual obligations and business meetings, but maybe there was more than that. Maybe they really were an elite fraternity inexorably connected by a shared secret.


  1. Awesome! Especially the hand over paul and the matching fanclub adresses. Where do yo come up with this stuff?!

  2. Well the first one is really dubious! Those albums did not come out on top of each other like that. What are you talking about?You could've put George's hand over any LP with a smiling puss on the cover. Unless you're making a joke but you can't be too careful, that'll get passed into PID lore as truth. Next they'll say Harmony Hut and Strawberries record stores in the 70's were in on the PID hoax too. Even the pimple faced kid at the register.

  3. I have to share this now, maybe others have noticed these things but I haven't heard of them.

    the funny thing is that Kate has opened up about the images that she includes in her artwork, revealing the allusion to Knight's Templar emblems hidden in the work. Others are not so open. THe aerials album looks suspiciously like the mirrored LOVE/CODE beatles album images we see from IIAP. Except Kate has alluded to a hidden message in regards to a soundwave visual on the cover....interesting , huh?
    Night, Taf, and others.

  4. anonymous wrote: Well the first one is really dubious!

    Thanks for the comment, but I respectfully disagree.

    "Red Rose Speedway" was released May of 1973. "Living In the Material World" was released on June of 1973. They were both on the American charts at the same time. And, I have to check through my archives, but I think I can find they same observation in an issue of the Beatles Fanzine "Strawberry Fields Forever" from 1973.

    If I do find the issue, I will post a picture of it on the blog.

  5. That's crazy talk. Now we're taking two unrelated albums and trying to force them together to make a hand over Paul's head? Why would anyone intentionally create such an impossibly vague clue when they could just as well have thrown up another pic with Paul with a hand or whatever else over his head? You're comparing Indian-influenced artwork, as though it has some relevance? This is pattern-making (not pattern-discovering) at its finest.

  6. Awesome the Kate Bush code, dan't heard about this!

    "The source revealed that the plan was to baffle and intrigue the fans, they said: All the artwork on the album is interlinked and the cover art is supposed to get people guessing. The true message will only be revealed when you buy the album.”


  7. Re: crazy talk, i didnt know about these two albums as i'm not a big follower of the solocareers, but obviously they're not wholy unrelated and it would seem to me that to a bunch of occultists a clue which stretches out over two albums is more intruiging than yet another picture with a hand over paul in just one ph oto IMO so I as an anonymous reader find it convincing and respectfully thank taf for this AWESOME clue & i also shagilly enjoyed the kate bush rose connection

  8. Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, anonymous, but if you find the two album clue "convincing," I'm wondering what wouldn't convince you. I doubt there are any images or poses that one could not interpret in a PID framework, or any other framework for that matter.

  9. i also shagilly enjoyed the kate bush rose connection

    Priceless! I have been shagilly working that word into all of my conversations of late.

  10. Sorry, I am off on a Kate Bush tangent...
    Now for your luxury, another link:

    I sure most of you will recognize the title and the ritual magic within, I am a huge Kate Bush fan, but I reserved my connections to myself until now. Of couse LILY hadn't been so shaggily eyecatching before either.

    Have lovely weekend all!

  11. anononymous,
    anononoymous, anaomus, ynamousny, anaomuous, anousmous,


  12. It's doubtful that Mr. Secular capitalist pothead Paul would give a whit about any secret society, or George, Mr Hari Krishna, or Lennon, Mr "I don't believe in . . ." or Ringo, who is Ringo. --John Charles (there ya go)

  13. Vince here,

    To that previous post-er,

    I don't know about that.
    People who tend to not only make TONS of money, but are able to KEEP IT, have to go through certain channels that you and I might not know about.

    And yet, as every one here knows, I fear this is just a 'fear tactic' to sway the sheep towards JEEBUZ.
    "But, then again, who am I?" - The Monkees "HEAD"

  14. Obviously, Lily is more widespread than I ever imagined.

    I said, "Lily, no Lily I'm so afraid. I feel I am walking in the Veil of Darkness." And she said, "Child, take what I say with a pinch of salt and protect yourself with fire."

  15. Oh, hey Taf!
    I just thought of someone you should talk about!

    Daniel Johnston!

    A Beatle-freak who's music is so amazing and to this day is still fighting the demons on his head.


  16. I think I have to agree with the other comments,Tafultong.George's hand only appears over Paul's head if someone specifically holds that George album over Paul's.The albums were not packaged together like that.Maybe there was some in-store display at a record shop in the 70's where someone did that but to call it a clue is hardly logical.This is the first time I've seen you grasp at straws like this.Otherwise I enjoy your blog,as you know.


  17. wow, Taful. They sure are against you today, eh?

  18. No one is against Tafultong.This blog is a valuable resource.Usually he is more logical than this in my opinion.As for the other comparisons,well two guys around the same age who grew up in the same town and had the same friends and were in the same band and made the same art together are bound to have some of the same interests,no?


  19. I think alot of people here just don't want to see a connection.

    They KEY is the fan club information at the bottom, which George even mocks the wings logo.

    Now as far as IAAP's Kucinich video, its the exact same video that was on Y0koono's page months ago. Its recycled garbage. I predict IAAP's devout followers will say "he's trying to tell us we missed something!"

  20. iamaphoney is ryan seacrest

  21. As opposed to a lot of people who just WANT to see a connection to reinforce a belief system?That is what this whole thing is about after all.No doubt inspired by the DaVinci Code mania from a few years ago.Yes,George may have mocked the Wings fun club like John mocked the Ram album cover.The Beatles were not getting along at this point as you must know.They were bitter over Paul suing them in 1970 and for being unhip in writing all those songs about a cozy domestic life.
    I'm curious.If all these rock stars are in on a secret death cult then what music would you recommend we all listen to?Who do you feel is not Satanic or a member of the occult?I would think that if you believe the Beatles are evil,you would not condone the music.A Christian would not go around listening to Marilyn Manson for enjoyment for example.

  22. I forgot to sign that last comment.One of these days I'll open an account on here.


  23. is that braille on the red rose cover?

  24. Aja,

    Thanks for identifying yourself. I should have indicated in the post that it was based on the observation in a Beatles fanzine from 1973. Despite the fact that PID was going through a dormant period, hidden by the apparent animosity between the ex-Beatles, it was an interesting interpretation for the time. Other than that, I stand behind what I wrote in my post, which was not intended to convince anyone of anything.

    You have to align the covers up a bit off center to make the hand look like Sgt. Pepper anyway. It actually would work better with McCartney II. But at the time, there were record shops that would decorate the walls with album covers and one in Boston had that particular alignment of those two albums. I have a memory of seeing the same thing, but that is probably my imagination. I dream of record shops sometimes. In fact the record shop in the German independent film "Paul Is Dead" is eerily similar to the one in my dreams.

    Anyway, I always welcome a diversity of opinion here and will continue to push the envelope of credibility because that is what this topic demands.

    It appears that Iamaphoney is trying to stay in the consciousness of his fans. See next quick post that'll be up in a minute.

  25. is that braille on the red rose cover?

    Yes, it is. I believe it says, "We Love You, Baby." At the time it was believed to be a tribute to Stevie Wonder.

  26. Thank you Tafultong.Still no one has answered my question about non-Satanic or death cult music.I just find it strange that I read comments from people in various groups about how they believe the Beatles are a deathcult/Satanic/Freemason/Illuminati mind control vehicle or that Paul is the antichrist and yet they also seem to be huge fans of his music.Unless people are taking all this a lot less seriously than I've been led to believe.


  27. Sorry Aja,

    I always try to answer all questions, but I was in a hurry to get to the next post and I have a lot on the agenda this weekend in the real world. So I'll give you a quick answer now, but reserve the right to give it more thought.

    In my heart, I don't believe that Paul McCartney or the Beatles in general are corrupting the world. I thought that the David Noebel hate speech against the Beatles was ridiculous and it caused more people to be anti-Christian than the Beatles ever did.

    But I am fascinated by this notion of the sinister McCartney that has come to the fore in the Rotten Apple videos. I want to study it and look at it from all angles, because even if it isn't true (which is the most likely outcome) it is still a great story. It's like a great book that I can't put down.

    I mean, I hope the time and energy I have put into this blog answers the "Are you serious" question. But at the same time, I have been open about the fact that I am a true fan of the Beatles as a group and as individuals. I love "Memory Almost Full." I think it is an outstanding album, and I didn't feel ripped off when I bought the it a second time in order to get the bonus tracks in one place and a handful of videos.

    But, I am also of the opinion that from Sgt. Pepper onward, there was something different about Paul McCartney. All of the Beatles changed, (hell, the whole world seemed to change) but Paul's change was disquieting. I could never put my finger on why. I had a poster of the Beatles in my bedroom as a kid that I ripped down because it scared me.

    So, I am using this arena to explore what that was all about. I have no inside information and I do not know the answers. And the great thing is that through this blog I have been able not only to explore and share, but also to gain further insights through dialog with people like you.

    So, I'm willing to jump into some cesspools and watch for a silly suitcase (uh briefcase) and look into conspiracy theories and follow dead ends because I find the journey to be the most interesting part.

    I am also a fan of the Rotten Apple video series. I really am.

    To be continued...

  28. Thanks Tafultong.I had the almost identical reaction to John and his "disquieting change" from 1967 on.He was my favorite Beatle but he went from being this loveable rascal to a pretentious preacherman almost overnight.I could not even stand to look at him.I got used to it though and every once in a while he would slip back into being the old John.
    I think they all changed because the "gang" mentality was gone since they had stopped touring and spending every waking minute together.Now each wanted his own identity within the group.I still liked the music but it was clear that this was a John song,this was a Paul song,this was a George song when before it had always just been "the group's song".That's life.


  29. Aja said: If all these rock stars are in on a secret death cult then what music would you recommend we all listen to? Who do you feel is not Satanic or a member of the occult?I would think that if you believe the Beatles are evil,you would not condone the music. A Christian would not go around listening to Marilyn Manson for enjoyment for example.
    Why would you need a recommendation?Think for yourself that is my motto. The rather mountainous blob of religious sentiment would prevent me today from even getting near that statement about "Christians" and what they favor, or why they favor it, or "Satanists" for that matter. This is my HUMBLE OPINION in a nutshell: Evil or good, they are creations. Creators deserve our respect simply because they have the balls enough to create, That said, respect does not mean that I must support a Creator in general if I do not agree with thier point of view. This is a personal choice...I embrace, I cast aside, maybe I pick it back up, maybe I don't. Secret death cults, illuminati, satanists, etc. all have the right to exist and I have the right to express themselves and it is my express right to agree, or not, and with respect to speak against them, or not. Maybe I don't know what the fuck is going on and that it why the clues intrigue me... I am looking for purpose, meaning, understanding of my present and my past. Maybe I am not alone, maybe I am..but one thing is sure...I make my own decisions-with a little help from my friends, and often my enemies, too. My root self and philosophy allows me to change my mind. Nothing is all black and all white and I dare say that frequently it seems that nothing is real at all in the first place. Why? Because what is "real" to someone else, may not be "real" to me. Once I make my decisions on what's "real" I may seek out others who agree with me to reinforce that, or not. Anyway, when I was preoccupied with sorting and labeling others I found that it was very much like sorting and labeling snowflakes, none of them really go into one pile because they all possess unique qualities, therefore they must have their own, MUTABLE, space.

    So Taf, we won't be hearing form you this weekend? Everyone stay safe! There's bugger's out there.

  30. So Taf, we won't be hearing form you this weekend?

    Oh I don't know about that. Most of my weekends are very busy. We'll see. Like most Beatles fans, I am a part-time musician, but I have three gigs over the next two days, so it doesn't seem all that part-time. If I post it will be something spontaneous and not a fully researched article.
