Monday, March 31, 2008

The Suitcase Adventure

As I reported yesterday, 65if2007 claims that he found the Briefcase. While our hero sleeps, I will try to fill you in as best I can from the information that is coming in drips and drabs.

The famous Briefcase. So it famous is.

The Contents:

The 1976 edition of Crowley's Book of the Law.

Cover of the Original Soundtrack to "The Magic Christian" with annotations.

This 2-Sided Poster

He also reported that there was a CD with a video on it that he graciously uploaded to YouTube.
You can also get the native file here.
All of this information comes from the Nothing Is Real discussion Group who are busy analyzing the findings now. Some members are skeptical about all this.

In related news, a new character who calls himself/herself milesdeo has arrived on the scene leaving cryptic messages at NIR and on Iamaphoney's YouTube page. We'll keep an eye on this new identity, but it's so easy to insert oneself into this process that I will withhold judgment until milesdeo gives me some news I can use.

I am planning to have at least one post per day from April 1 through April 10 as we approach the Iamaphoney interview.


  1. Hello from Argentina:
    Will the true comes out on april 10?? Or just a mind games ?
    I hope something happens.
    Pablo esta muerto ?

  2. I completely expect more Mind Games on April 10 and beyond. Don't you?

  3. Well... interesting to say the least. That video clip from the CD is... weird. What does he say on it, 9th of Feb?

  4. Hmmm . . .what a coincidence. Of course the person who "found" the briefcase is an NIR regular (perhaps RockXLight?). If you follow IAAP's early posts as "Bill" you'll find that he was no better informed than anyone else on PID and was focused on reverse clues and the Crowley connection from the start, based on the fact that his image was on Pepper. Not an insider by any stretch, unless, as you have mentioned, some other folks got involved (when the IAAP character shows up with the car, etc). In any event, happy April Fools.

  5. Awesome!!
    I think Iamaphoney changed all the sense of the rotten apple videos when he found the "code" hidden in LOVE, and when he went to get the prize.
    Maybe George Martin gave him another kind of prize. The truth? who knows.

    Ah, anonymous from argentina:
    Paul está muerto. Lo que queda por ver es si literalmente murió el 66... o si está muerto por dentro.
    A devil beatle Sos.

  6. ...o quizás se refiere solo a Paul, el hijo e Sharon Tate? mmm

  7. Miles appears to be diverting us from PID to Di'Vinci code. My brain can only handle 1 conspiracy at a time thank you.

  8. felipegcs,

    Thank you for the comments, although I am totally creeped out by the thing about the baby.

  9. To no:

    One thing that I can promise is that we will all come out of this with a better understanding of how conspiracy theories work.

  10. Zakk,

    I hear, "I'm going see Paul the 9th of February."

  11. My question now is:

    Is this an ARG (Alternate Reality Game)?


    Is this...something evil...?!

    What do you think is MilesDeo getting at? I've been wondering if the suitcase might simply "mark the spot" where something (???) is buried.

    I'm not sure if its hiding place is part of the same ranch currently being investigated in relation to the Manson clan, but if it is...perhaps someone should tip off some real forensics experts? They might be interested in all this.

    Miles has emphasized "RESPONSIBILITY" hasn't he?

    What a trip...

  12. Not sure if it is significant or not, but this seems to have some parallels to our recent developments. From the St. Bartholomew wiki:

    Saint Bartholomew plays a part in Francis Bacon's Utopian tale The New Atlantis. The tale is about a mythical isolated land Bensalem populated by a people dedicated to reason and natural philosophy. Some twenty years after the ascension of Christ the people of Bensalem found the arc [sic] floating off their shore. The arc [sic] contained a letter as well as the books of the Old and New Testaments. The letter was from Bartholomew the Apostle and declared that an angel told him to set the arc [sic] and its contents afloat. Thus the scientists of Bensalem received the revelation of the Word of God.

  13. Blogger Tafultong said...

    I hear, "I'm going see Paul the 9th of February."

    But then what? they are attacked by Grizzly Bear's dressed as Ninja's? Because in my professional opinion thats what it sounds like ~_~

  14. Anonymous,

    I think the alternate reality game is the more plausible of the two alternatives you mentioned. But, evil shows everywhere even when it hasn't specifically been invited. So, although I would love to rule that out...

    The Manson Family had a few locations. Myers and Barker ranches (the latter is where they are looking for human remains) are a long way from Spahn ranch where the briefcase was allegedly found.

  15. *****I completely expect more Mind Games on April 10 and beyond. Don't you?*****

    (sigh) What else?

  16. *****Of course the person who "found" the briefcase is an NIR regular (perhaps RockXLight?).*****

    I have been contributing enough to NIR such that I have attained the rank of "Rubber Soul", but I'm not RockXLight, and I'm not "in" on any joke or hoax.

    I FOUND it, all right? I reported, in good faith, on what I FOUND, all right?

  17. *****65if2007 claims that he found the Briefcase*****


  18. *****Myers and Barker ranches (the latter is where they are looking for human remains) are a long way from Spahn ranch where the briefcase was allegedly found.*****

    I didn't allegedly find it.

    I actually found it.

    And I think that the location in question is NEAR what was Spahn Ranch, but I don't think that it was ever a part of Spahn Ranch.

    Spahn Ranch was north of where Iverson (running north and south) intersects with Santa Susana Pass Road (running east and west), and the briefcase was in a field on Santa Susana Pass Road a few hundred yards or so east of Iverson.

  19. Very very good work, 65if2007!!

  20. Well, you have a mighty fine eBay sale on your hands if you so choose, 65if!


    Nice work.

  21. Thank you, no and anonymous.

    But how would I prove the authenticity of these items?

    I have no idea MYSELF whether these once belonged to Mal Evans or whether he ever had them in his possession -- or what they mean to the PID/PWR issue, even if they are genuine.

    I don't know where Iamaphoney got them from.

    So I don't think that I would get much for them on Ebay.

  22. 60IF, I believe you did find that case, and that you are not "in" only any joke or hoax. That said, are you "in" on any of it? By the way, if you toy with the letters of that Miles Deo post (+17) it's pretty easy to find things along the lines of "I am Miles Deo. I am a Freemason, etc." Something along those lines I think. In an earlier post, he said he though The Fireman loves you is an anagram for Youth Live Freemason.

  23. *****60IF*****

    65if. 65if2007.

    *****I believe you did find that case, and that you are not "in" only any joke or hoax. That said, are you "in" on any of it?*****

    Nope. The whole thing is as much of a mystery to me as it is to anyone else.

    *****By the way, if you toy with the letters of that Miles Deo post (+17) it's pretty easy to find things along the lines of "I am Miles Deo. I am a Freemason, etc." Something along those lines I think. In an earlier post, he said he though The Fireman loves you is an anagram for Youth Live Freemason.*****

    I couldn't say. It was so much simpler in 1969 when people simply wondered if the pop star known as Paul McCartney had died in an auto accident in 1966 and if the Beatles and EMI had secretly replaced him for reasons commercial and personal.

    I'm really not crazy about the other areas the latest incarnation of PID/PWR analysis has gotten into because they make the whole thing more complicated.

    Freemasonry. NWO. Manson. Crowley. The Last Supper. Lilli or Lily.

    It's all too much.

  24. 65if2007,

    Please don't take offense at my quazi-journalistical language. I absolutely believe that you are an honest person and that you found the briefcase. Sorry, if I came off as doubting your veracity. I must still be smarting from a comment from awhile back complaining about my lack of journalistic ethics. I never claimed to be a journalist and I never claimed to have any ethics.

    I deeply appreciate your contributions to my blog. Please also note that I referred to you as a "hero" in my original post!!!!


    Your alleged friend,


  25. I also think the ARG is the most plausible explanation, I just don't know if I really want to "play along" for another year to find out.

    I'm relieved 65if found what he did and was unharmed in the process.

    It just seems like there ought to be a quicker and easier way to get to the bottom of all this. My rational side says that if there was actually anything to it, Apple would have yanked the videos off of YouTube a long time ago (for copyright infringement if not defamation), IAAP would have given his evidence to some proper authorities, alerted the news media, etc.

    I don't want to spoil the party, I just want to get some truth (-and I can't shake the feeling that this material might be serving to fuel some very bad tendencies out there in the real world...funny games indeed).

    It will be interesting to see what happens on the 10th.

  26. "I will die and meet Paul...on the 9th of February"


    Thank you 65if for finding this! (& Thank you tafultong for maintaining this site). :D

  27. True that, 60if. I suppose it was to be expected that people have begun to merge the two freakiest Beatle stories/lore (PID/Manson) into a single story. Good work on the case. If nothing else, it's a good yarn to tell the grandkids.

  28. actually, i think it's "I will die and see Paul"

  29. So MilesDeo was staying in NY yesterday? I wonder if he wandered over to be a part of the Beatles Fest (as a guest maybe?- his "connections" allegedly got him a stay at the Dakotas...)

    The Fest for Beatles Fans

    "THE FEST FOR BEATLES FANS 2008 3-Day Beatles Extravaganzas! Plan ahead to join us at one or more of our FESTS NEW YORK METRO March 28-30, 2008 - NJ CROWNE PLAZA MEADOWLANDS Special Guests: Pattie Boyd, Denny Laine, Laurence Juber & Denny Seiwell - 3 Former Members of Wings, Ken Mansfield, Mark Hudson"

    A few more threads to investigate, maybe.

  30. QUOTE:

    What's in a name?

    I realize that by posting what I am about to post, I may receive countless inquiries that concern my identity. My name is unimportant. What I have done, however, may be of some use to you all.

    For many years I worked for Yoko Ono Lennon as her personal assistant. I coordinated concerts and arranged public appearances for John Lennon, and for a time served as Yoko's own personal priestess in white (and sometimes black) magick ceremonies. I don't look back upon those years with any significant amount of fondness though I do miss John terribly. I was one of his many lovers, though I always felt he and I had something special. I suppose they all think that, though, and my time spent John is nowhere near as important as what I am about to share with you.

    Before leaving the Dakota behind for good (this was after John had died), I took with me a few things to remember him by. One of these I believe may be relevant to all of you in conspiracy-land, so here I share it with you:



    You may wonder why I am doing this, and I why I have chosen this medium, this format.
    You may want to ask your friend Iamaphoney about that. He and I were close, but we have begun to drift apart due to unnecessary complications that arose. Regardless of what his answer may be, this is how it is meant to be. They have decided how things should unfold, and I am simply playing my small-but-significant role in this great Greek tragedy.

    Whether you choose to believe a woman who will not even reveal her name to you is another matter all together. I believe it was Aleister Crowley who said it best:

    "Do as thou wilt".

  31. Very well, tafultong. You have explained yourself admirably in this thread and in your email to me. All is well.

    I don't expect you to gild that "lily" by referring to me as a "hero".

    On the NIR board, I gave a thousand excuses in advance for why I probably wouldn't end up retrieving the briefcase and for why I might not even try too hard to get it. No one was more surprised than I was when I DID get it.

    I did it, because -- although there was some effort involved -- none of the dangers or difficulties that I was worried about or that others were worried about came close to materializing.

    A "hero" would have been bound and determined to persevere through them, and I probably wouldn't have.

    And whichever "anonymous" asked rhetorically why iamaphoney would choose to reveal himself this way if he really had something of value to share, that rhetorical question makes perfect sense. I'd like to know the answer myself.

    Again, what I hope that I have done is to have forced Iamaphoney's hand.

  32. 65if2007: I noticed that there are a few things underlined in The Magic Christian soundtrack (I'm guessing IAMAPHONEY did that) but is there anything specifically noted in Crowley's Book Of Law? And if so, what? Thanks.
