Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Video - Rotten Apple 199

He died in a carcrash
(on a batty conk) = "By noon attack"


  1. Coffins at the 4 minute mark???

    I'm beginning to think Paul's "death" was likely a symbolic ritual- satanic, masonic or otherwise. If someone actually died, I suspect it was either a McCartney proxy ("I will fall in as you") or the result of a grave...mistake in the procedure.

    What do "The Magic Christian" and "The Passover Plot" have to do with all this? hmmm

  2. I don't have the film on hand to get the exact timecode, but there is a slightly disturbing moment in "The Magic Christian" where Starr and Sellers are watching tv together...

    ...a poster suddenly appears on-screen bearing, in a bloody red scrawl, the word "PIGS". Although I guess the term was fairly common slang at the time, it reminds me of the "1,2,3,4,5,6,7" lyric popping up at the Manson murder scene ahead of Abbey Road (I'm not sure of the month, but I think "TMC" was released around the same time as the murders).


  3. This appears in the video:

    life is a bowl of cherries

    gone tomorrow, here today
