Saturday, March 22, 2008

Latest News from the Discussion Groups

In "Nothing Is Real" Mike tells us that Iamaphoney knows for a fact that the suitcase is still in the same place where he left it.

In the Paul Is Dead/Paul Is Alive Spanish group, felipegcs made the startling discovery that the modified ending of the "A Day In The Life" video from the Official Beatles Anthology features vertical mirror effects on both sides of the Sgt. Pepper cover creating several interesting images including a Priest-like figure, a demonic figure and a "BEATLES 23" or "BEATLE SoS" message.

In the Paul Is Dead Miss Him Miss Him Miss Him group a user found a creepy Manson-related news story on YouTube about human remains at the Barker Ranch. Iamaphoney's Rotten Apple 66.6 is listed as a video response to this.

TKIN found this connection between The Beatles and Freemasonry.

Finally Macca Fun House wishes everyone a Happy Easter (not that there is anything wrong with that).


  1. Thanks for mentioning our forum! we are trying to show some of our discoveries via mastropierojs's channel on youtube

  2. itaciones a la pagina, y a Felipe por el descubrimiento !!!! AID

  3. This is the best place for the forums pid*pia; thanks !!!, together we can make the investigation. God iniciative ! AID
