Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Death of an Insider

Abbeyrd Beatles News site reported that Former Beatles Recording Engineer Norman (Hurricane) Smith died at age 85. Although Smith stopped working with the Beatles in 1965, he went on to work extensively with Pink Floyd beginning in 1967, so chances are he could have been a member of the Fraternity.

There is also a connection between Norman Smith and Seth Swirsky. The two are pictured together below.

Seth was (possibly unwillingly) dragged into the Rotten Apple saga because of a YouTube video that featured a rejected song that he wrote for Ringo Starr. In addition to Seth's song, the video featured the person I call the actor in the Rotten Apple videos. Some people think the mysterious person is Iamaphoney himself. MikeNL has a theory that his name is Richard Scott Martin.
Check out these two links:
Seth Swirsky and Norman Smith
"Ringo Song" video with Seth's song and Iamaphoney


  1. really sorry hes death

  2. lol, you keep dragging me into your posts!

    but it isn't a theory.. i just have a feeling you know.

    i also found a video of a guy playing some sort of mandolin and for about 5 seconds, a guy with black hair comes into the picture

    this video was taken in denmark, copenhagen, and the guy looks an awefull lot like IAAP, he's smiling into the camera

  3. mikenl,

    I've seen that video. Where the hell was that?

  4. can we see the video?
    where to find?

  5. i can't remember, but it was favorited on one of IAAP's pages
