Friday, February 22, 2008

What are those images in the Rotten Apple videos - Part 3

Click on each picture for more information.


  1. The first image is a very famous Ad who is supposed to have a subliminal message in it. You can see it by covering the head and the right hand of the woman. Then, turn the picture upside down: what you see should be a ...ehm... woman fingering herself...

    I think this is a fundamental cue in support to the theory I've been thinking of lately: Iamaphoney and the rotten apple stuff are just a bunch of bullshit.

  2. i think it is fucking scary what he knows

  3. It might just be a hint to turn some things upside down for a different perspective. Some have suggested that you start with the front cover of the Sgt. Pepper album.

  4. Anonymous #1 is out of line.

    The point of the ad that is the first image is simply that things are not always what they seem and that often closer inspection or inspection from a different vantage point is warranted. That's just part of the whole PID "thing".

    The fact that IAAP uses that ad doesn't mean that he is or that he isn't full of bullshit.

    It just means that he must have lived in the area in which the ad was circulating. That ad is pretty obscure; it's not the sort of thing that one would be likely to stumble into while doing Internet research.

  5. Points of interest:

    "The fact that IAAP uses that ad doesn't mean that he is or that he isn't full of bullshit."

    This is true.

    "It just means that he must have lived in the area in which the ad was circulating. That ad is pretty obscure; it's not the sort of thing that one would be likely to stumble into while doing Internet research."

    This is false. This ad is probably the most famous subliminal newspaper ad of all time and features in countless documentaries,books and news programs and is exactly the sort of thing you would stumble upon on the internet. For more information read "The Hidden Persuaders"

  6. I have heard generally of subliminal advertising but I have never run into this ad or heard of this book -- though I have been stumbling around the Internet for a number of years.

    The ad might be a legend in your mind, but when I run "DJ Flooring" through a Google search, I get 596 "hits" -- the lion's share of which are franchises that have nothing to do with the matter at hand.

    When I run "DJ Flooring" together with the word "subliminal" through a Google search, I get a grand total of 30 "hits". "DJ Flooring" + "Laid By the Best" = 34 hits -- not exactly an avalance of commentary.

    By contrast, "Paul is dead" gets 150,000 Google "hits".

  7. There is a whole mess of Subliminal Messages in Advertising / Conspiracy videos on YouTube, and I would think that is where Iamaphoney captured that image.

  8. ha ha paul is dead, then you have some reading to catch up on. It is a famous ad, famous from the perspective of those who follow subliminal advertising who know it well. You are right that it's a small minority but that just goes to show you how successful these ads are. The expose on subliminal advertising generated a lot of interest in the early 70's but quickly died down. As you know the internet is not the be all and end all of information. I think you can find that book at a good library.

  9. I must say that I study and work in publicity, and that ad is very popular between the students when you are studying subliminal advertising
