Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Video - Rotten Apple 101

Well, that certainly met my needs. Outstanding piece of work.
Thank you, Iamaphoney.


  1. ok pupal... are we to believe that IAAP has discovered the briefcase that went missing when Mal Evans was shot down by the LAPD? Or are WE to go find the case under that tree out in the middle of nowhere?

  2. lol, it is probably gone by then...

    i don't think IAAP left it there

  3. To regulus belmont,

    Thanks for the comment. I'm really not "believing" anything at the moment, other than it was an outstanding video. The one observation that I can make however is that Iamaphoney has added a new element to a story that has been both plausible and consistent since he started making these videos. There is no question that he takes liberties by altering the footage and using items out of context, but I still find his scenario quite compelling.

    BTW, I don't refer to myself as pupil. That was just an inside joke with those familiar with some YouTube videos from a long time ago that might have been related to IAAP. The day I mentioned that in a discussion group, the videos were pulled and they haven't been back since. But you can call me whatever you want as long as you'll keep your critical eye and comment me when you think IAAP slips up.

  4. To: anonymous,

    Thanks for those links. Paul must really be under a lot of pressure this week. I wish him the best, but my gosh he has been writing some great music since his marriage went south.

  5. To mikeynl,

    Thanks for being on top of things yesterday. You get a lot of heat for being a fan, but you helped make it a fun day yesterday.

  6. yeah, thank you :) you too, but i don't feel the heat.. and even though i know some people think IAAP is gay, i jsut don't care :)

