Tuesday, February 12, 2008


A copy of Rotten Apple 101 has appeared on the YouTube account of MaIEvans with the new title LILY. Lily was the name of Mal Evans' widow who got into a legal battle with Paul McCartney a few years ago over the rights to some of his handwritten lyrics. I don't think there is anything new in the video, but I thought it was worth doing a capture of the box to the right of the screen.

The first one to solve the code gets an imaginary cookie.


  1. excellent!

    And you win a cookie!

  2. Bed this morning late. Up at 1 to phone. Conversation with Paul, something like this: 'Malcolm Evans' 'Yeah Paul' 'I've got the EMI over this weekend — I would like you to pick up some gear from the house' 'Great man, that's lovely. Session at EMI?' 'Yes but I don't want any one there to make me tea, I have the family, wife and kids there.'

  3. Thank you anonymous. Do you have a date to go with that entry?
