Sunday, January 6, 2008

Is Iamaphoney done?

The answer is NO! I think there will be a lot more in 2008. It's pretty amazing that Paul McCartney's heart surgery in the late summer/early fall had been kept quiet for this long. We wish him well and we are amazed at how quickly he recovered to rock us in such venues as the Paris Olympia. Anyway, if you look back over the last several Iamaphoney videos, you have to wonder again, did he have inside information?

Some people have complained that there wasn't much of a revelation. As we all sat in front of our PCs on November 12, all we saw were news reports of the London fire, some strange backgrounds on the IAAP YouTube page and three versions of Rotten Apple #65, all of which were taken down rapidly. But the fact is that Iamaphoney has been talking about a big revelation in 2008 for at least a year. Also, you have to admit that it's possible that we did not see it. Perhaps the fire, was actually a smoke screen to cover up what actually did happen on November 12. Some day, we will know.

While Iamaphoney has taken a bit of a hiatus from public view, I thought it might be a good idea to take a look at some of his better imitators. Yes, excellence does bring imitation and many video makers have paid tribute to Iamaphoney. Try these links to some of my favorites and let me know if I am missing anybody who should be on the list.

A newcomer with an original approach.
Very clever tributes that stand up on their own.
Some genuinely creepy videos that created a buzz and then disappeared. This user has closed the account.
Some excellent homemade videos for some of the more obscure McCartney songs, including the mysterious 222. McCartney himself mentioned this videomaker in a recent interview. Some of the images in the videos come surprisingly close to those found in Iamaphoney's work.
More of a satire, I think. But enjoyable viewing without being disparaging to the subject.

1 comment:

  1. You know you've made it big when you find your name mentioned over at tafultong's Iamaphoney blog! :D
    Thanks for the link, and don't forget to mention that IAAP will be returning February 9th!
