Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Video: a lie adds up - don't nod

This is also credited to Lamaphoney, he fooled me with the lower case "L" that looked like an upper case "I." It has to be him under another alias.

Another rapid fire, too quick for the eyes and brain to process video. But there is something particularly chilling about this one when Helter Skelter kicks in. I didn't even catch this picture consciously the first time, but it must have been what bothered me anyway.


  1. who is this guy
    do you thinkthat he have a connection with the beatles?
    to me it seems that way

  2. wait!

    could he be sir paulhim self

    or niels aspinald

  3. I don't think that Iamaphoney is an insider, but I do think that he has discovered new clues, studied old clues and compiled them into a theory about what the Beatles were up to from late 1966 until this very day. And he certainly has an amazing way of presenting this theory.

    Although I said that he is probably not an insider, I do think he is (or has access to) an outstanding filmaker and that he is (or has access to) an outstanding musician and it would not shock me if he also had access to a real INSIDER.

    Neil Aspinall could be considered a suspect because he recently parted company with Apple, even though he had been a part of the Beatles organization since the very beginning. So, although it is very unlikely considering his loyalty to the fabs, the thought of him revealing secrets now is at least plausible. It's funny that one of you would suggest Paul himself. Wouldn't that be crazy? But when you listen to Memory Almost Full (outstanding album IMO) and listen to the lyrics of songs like "House of Wax" and "That Was Me" you can't help but think that something mysterious is going on. And that "Name the London Eye After Me" thing boggles my mind.

    So who is Iamaphoney or who is feeding him information?

    I actually posted a list of suspects to a forum a while back.

    Here is my list:

    1) Tony Bramwell
    -Long time Beatles associate but never got the recognition like Mal Evans or Neil Aspinall.
    -He decided apparently on his own to impersonate Paul in a radio interview during the peak of the PID rumors of 1969 only to be identified and disparaged by Apple.
    -He clearly had an axe to grind with Yoko Ono who he described as "such a core of negativity that she sucked the air out of the room.”

    2) Giles Martin
    -Giles had to have been informed of any secrets especially with all he had access to in his work on “Love.”
    -He wouldn’t have the loyalty of someone who had been in on it since the beginning.
    -Check out the top friends of a certain PauI McCartney on Myspace

    3) Ringo Starr and Sir Paul McCartney
    -They are both still active but I’m sure they realize that the end of the road is near. Why not start moving toward the final plays of the game now?
    -If you look at their solo projects, you have to come to the conclusion that both of them are still playing some kind of game.

    4) Neil Aspinall
    -Did he leave Apple of his own choice or was he forced out? There was a disconnect somewhere. It was either his loyalty to the Beatles or their loyalty toward him that has been called in question by his exit.

    5) Jason Starkey
    -It can’t be easy being the third best drummer in the family. He must be consumed with jealousy when Ringo talks about Zac’s work with the Who and Oasis.

    6) Erika Hubers
    –Okay, not an insider, but certainly she has a unique role in this mystery and would have an interestingly complex motive to play games with the Beatles.

  4. wow amazing
    do you think something is fishy?
    why doesnt imaphony step forward and identify himself?
    it makes me wonder.

  5. Imaphoney doesn’t step for because..imaphoney is a phony himself ….not Paul or the Beatles, but imaphoney himself is the phony with an old axe to grind….disgruntled employee or son of an employee that klein fired from Apple? Bet Ya imaphoney or his parent even had a hand in spreading the original hoax. The extreme humor is that he led folks along so long…commenters here are very old. Imaphoney videos use subliminal visual brainwashing techniques, don’t work on smarter folks …but may be telling folks even to kill someone, McCartney possibly.

  6. If I’ma phony is sir Paul or ringo as I’ve read elsewhere…that’s superior trolling. Hats off to him/them to keep this old hoax going 52 years and realized the gullible folks with rise of internet conspiracies.

  7. I say it’s Erika hubers who’s imaphoney who’s funded by someone who can hire this type of troll stuff who it’s been suggested is also Tina Foster who goes by many names trolling Paul’s YouTubes. The bastard child not proven by dna to be a real child trying to get…even. I have thought it even could be yoko or Heather Mills, lol. The entire conspiracy however accuses all of the Beatles of fraud, not just McCartney. Aspinall is dead. However it is, biotech has taken down most of these these other sites but imaphoney comes back or stays up. If it’s indeed Apple, Macca or ringo….lol at the extreme high level trolling…leading gullible folks on wild goose chases and throwing in satanic panic to scare up righters.

  8. The news is…there’s no hoax…no secrets…nothing to reveal thus no future revelations…..just a dude with too much time, a musical wanna be…or Macca/ringo or Apple jacking folks around….every so often I search for this stuff, what big tech hasn’t taken down and get my entertainment for the day.

    As to poster above comment…yeah MAF is a very good album..Macca has done some great 21st century stuff but I’m especially fond of his Linda years as I’m a boomer.

  9. Well…no news is good news they say…see ya when Macca REALLY dies as in positive at the rate piders have been going, they’ll never get any solid proof, you know REAL valid legal proof before then and he’ll die a highly honored man.
