Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Iamaphoney is hiding in plain sight

Live at Amoeba Records, LA

Posted under the name JamesPauIMcCartney, this appears to be the official Amoeba Records report, but about halfway through everything changes. We hear the voice of the "English Gentleman" whose monologue appeared on "a Lie Adds Up" posted by a BillShepherd. The voice of the man who does NOT sound like George Martin, is much higher in the mix on this new video. This is what he says:

Paul McCartney, world renowned musical genius, a trend-setting pop star of Beatle fame died in a car crash in 1966. For reasons both personal and professional, a concerted and clandestine campaign to divert attention from the matter was immediately undertaken. The facts surrounding McCartney's death were tightly guarded. Details were obsessively concealed or obscured to this day.

The truth was immediately buried in a frenzied, yet amazingly well coordinated subterfuge. For nearly 4 decades now our arcane secret has evaded full disclosure.
Through total commitment, we're a fraternal order, you see, we of the Beatle circuit, an Apostolic group of divergent, yet loyal personnel.

For me to break ranks shall be considered a betrayal of all that is sacrosanct. A true shock to those who know me best. Now, finally, I've made the decision to speak. The truth shall remain hidden no more. Here I present the treasure that so many people have steadfastly searched for.

These video postings are getting very confusing. The first video post under the user name JamesPauIMcCartney was a Lie Adds Up - son king 0911 281 F
( which was not the same as the video called, a Lie Adds Up - Blll Shepherd ( which was posted by user name BlllShepherd. And that might be different from a Lie Adds Up - son king ( which was posted by user name johnIennon.

It gets even more confusing because the same videos have been posted by other user names around YouTube and many contain cryptic comments like

Style: ---
Joined: July 25, 2007
I was born the 18 of june 1942
Age: 40
Country: Christmas Island

Joined: July 18, 2007
son of magickian is coming down fast
Age: 40
Country: United Arab Emirates

Joined: July 20, 2007
This is new channel first to be in public use 9 february 2008!
No Address reveal!
Enigma Flip
Name: Julian (representing John)
Country: Bermuda

Style: ---
Joined: July 18, 2007
This is new channel first to be in public use 9 february 2008!
No Address reveal!
Check out the official 'Nod Your Head' group JUST ADDED and join in as well!
Ask Sir Paul a question!
http://www memoryalmostfull com
Name: Paul
Age: 65
I am ready to go back in
Country: United Kingdom
Occupation: Musician, Artist

Joined: July 19, 2007
first to be official 9 february 2008
No Links to site before the revelation
Name: Richard
Country: Monaco

Joined: July 18, 2007
This is new channel first to be in public use 9 february 2008!
No Address reveal!
Age: 40
Country: France

Joined: January 12, 2007
apple star
he died in a carcrash by noon attack
Country: United States

Joined: July 20, 2007
This is new channel first to be in public use 9 february 2008!
No Address reveal!
Name: Olivia (representing George)
Country: Bermuda

Style: Biography
Joined: July 20, 2007
This is new channel first to be in public use 9 february 2008!
No Address reveal!
Name: Paul
We are ready for the revelation
Country: Bermuda

Yes, there are more, (see links in a previous post) but this gives you an idea that the Iamaphoney organization is all over YouTube. And for reasons I still don't understand, the PID community HATES HIM. I would think that they would have been hoping to play a game like this for 30 years, but the majority of the Paul Is Dead theorists seem to not even want to talk about these videos. Oh well.

One final tidbit is a video posted with a different M.O., but still essential. The song Saint Paul by Terry Knight is one of the most puzzling pieces in the whole puzzle. You can hear it in its entirety here, but I warn you that the not so subliminal message in the first few frames (the letters "I" and "M") have the mark of Iamaphoney. I suspect it is just a tribute, but who knows?

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