Wednesday, July 25, 2007


This blog was created to explore the videos posted by an individual on YouTube known as Iamaphony. Let me begin by saying that I am NOT Iamaphoney, but I am a fan of his work and I am fascinated by the game he is playing—if it is a game. The production values of these videos have increased significantly since they started. At this writing there have been 40-some videos posted by IAAP. It is difficult to give an exact number because it appears that IAAP has started creating several different YouTube accounts and some of his work has been appearing in different places under different names. I don’t know if IAAP is male or female, one person or many people. I don’t know what country IAAP comes from, but I have my suspicions. I’m sure that many of Paul’s fans are troubled by the content of the videos. The videos have created quite a bit of controversy in what is often called the Paul Is Dead Community. I didn’t realize that this “community” existed and I must admit that it has been a weird experience reading things that some of its members have to say. I created this blog to examine the issue of what it is that Iamaphoney is trying to communicate with these videos. I welcome the participation of other readers who can offer information on Iamaphoney’s activities and insights on the contents of his videos. I am a big fan of the man who calls himself Paul McCartney and I own just about everything that he and the other Beatles have ever done individually and collectively. My advice to readers of this blog would be for you to go out and purchase as much of the work of John, Paul, George and Ringo as you can find. You will love their contributions to music and you will find that IAAP’s videos make a lot more sense if you have everything. It may take me a while to get this blog organized, so please bear with me. Your comments are welcome.


  1. hi thats very cool

  2. Anonymous said...

    happy birthday

    That is so thoughtful. I am very touched. Thank you.

  3. Hello from the future.
    Now here we know that Paul is not dead.
    Magick isnt real.
    Beatles are not satanic guys..

    so.. think before you will turn and stay in phony's game.

  4. Taf, I reach out to you at your first blog post to avoid detection. This is a dangerous and nerve-splitting game, and the best part is also its worst part: this isn’t a game and it goes well beyond one man’s music self-promotion. Please find a way to arrange a discussion with me via email re the revelation (everything). As a member of the org I wish to speak and clear things up, including my conscience. You can reach me here: Many thanks for your efforts through the years. You wrote, "I am very sorry." Don’t be. I might be able to clear things up but I need your help to go forward....
