Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beatles Book

Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived. The reduction in quantity is more than made up by the quality of these latest efforts, which focus on the Beatles Book monthly. Imagine a trippy, yet coherent themed Rotten Apple production and you'll have an idea of "TheStudyCloud - Beatles Book (1963 - 1969)" and "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo."

Like many U.S. fans, my first knowledge of the Beatles Monthly was when some issues were shown on the White Album Poster.

The original Beatles Monthly was published from August 1963 through December 1969. Seeing those 1967-era Beatles faces on the covers was pretty exciting for those of us who wanted nothing to do with those girlie fan magazines where you had to look at pictures of Bobby Sherman and Dino, Desi and Billy before you would find a Beatle. The Monthly was endorsed by Brian Epstein and featured numerous articles credited to Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans.

The first video explores, among other things, the magazine's curious practice of putting fake mustaches on pictures of the fabs presumably to make earlier pictures appear to be from 1967. This topic has been researched quite well in the "Nothing Is Real" discussion group.

Presumably this deception on the part of the Beatles Book was a practical matter due to the Beatles' recent change of appearance and the shortage of contemporary pictures. In fact it doesn't seem significant at all really. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world when Rotten Apple 12 featured "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" backwards. Although the words "It was a fake mustache" were more understandable than most of the backwards "clues," it didn't seem to have anything to do with the Paul Is Dead rumors.

To my knowledge, no one before Iamaphoney ever implied any significance to the "fake mustache." But then it occurred to me that maybe there is more to this fake mustache thing than meets the mouth. There was the brief moment in the promo for "A Day In the Life" when Paul appeared to really have a fake mustache.

And why would the Sgt. Pepper album include bonus cut-outs that included a fake mustache? And wasn't it weird that all four Beatles decided to sport mustaches at the very same time? That always seemed a bit juvenile to me.

The second video release three weeks later, consisted of a minute and a half of disconnected items from the pages of the Beatles Monthly. Beginning with pictures of the Beatles skiing doubles from "Help!" chronicled on the pages of the magazine and then moving into a weird little blurb about, of all things, the Twin Peppers.

The Twin Peppers were two copies of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album which supposedly contained special clues when synced together. This was a rather difficult thing to test. As the story goes, the "Twin Peppers" were found in the Berlin Suitcase allegedly dropped by the key character in the Rotten Apple Series, generally referred to these days as The Phoney Figure (TPF). Recordings of two scratched up copies of Sgt. Pepper were available for download for a while and purported to be the copies found in the Iamaphoney suitcase. Yeah, this sounded like a valuable way for me to spend my time. But I have to admit, that I was impressed to see that The famous Beatles Monthly reported that prior to the release of the album, two copies of it were stolen. So, if we can believe that two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were created with special clues, and those very two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were stolen prior to its release, and those very two copies ended up in the hands of Iamaphoney several decades later, and those very two copies were placed in a suitcase and left in Berlin, and those very two copies were found in that suitcase by someone who was familiar enough with the Rotten Apple series to report it to someone who was well schooled in all things Iamaphoney-related, and those very two copies were placed on the web for download, then yes, we have something here.

Then the video goes on to some Thelema images with an attempt to connect them with Arthur Dooley’s curious "Four Lads Who Shook The World" sculpture in Liverpool. This is made even more confusing when one reads the description of "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo" as presented unlisted on YouTube. It says, "doubles, twin peppers and wings." Is Iamaphoney implying that there is a connection between Thelema, the "Four Lads That Shook The World" sculpture and Wings? I think he is.

Now, what does it mean?


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Anonymous said...

I miss Tafultong.
I wonder how he died?

Anonymous said...

One person Will be held accountable.
That person knows who He is.
Now who's the frightened rabbit?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One person Will be held accountable.
That person knows who He is.
Now who's the frightened rabbit?

June 24, 2011 4:11 PM

Well, certainly a furry animal would know the answer.

remember said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
not the real iamaphoney, its the idiot blue linker.

hey haters, get a life!

June 24, 2011 10:53 AM

jack ass!

hee haw haw

Hello? said...



show me the money

Anonymous said...

Are you going to comment on the Jun 18 release of a public (not private) video offering by Iamaphoney? It does contain finally a picture for the wider public, of the letter about the stolen "Twin Peppers" (as a flashed image), and makes clear what Macca (Faul) had on his suitcase in a photo with Linda: his suitcase says "Billy Pepper". It also has one of the Manson references in a flashing image: it is the letter Manson wrote, calling himself MacManson, and outlining his name in a spider image with chalice-like upside-down and right-side up triangles. The MacManson is obviously a play on the letter from Melcher to Macca (Faul) and Manson, calling them McCartney and McManson. The video is at Youtube watch?v=AJTvxGiDPGw and was posted on Paul #1's birthday: Jun 18.

Anonymous said...

I should also say: from newer Iamaphoney material at the Members site, he shows that the original sculpture had an "M" above the trumpeting angel/beatle. Perhaps that was for "Mal", since he helped write some songs. Or maybe it was for Faul's original name. I dunno, but possibly Mal. Anyway, please comment on the new video Jun 18 by Iamaphoney. I just left some things to notice, in my last comment post a minute ago. Please check it out. Thanks.

rightalbum in 2007?! said...

it appears to have been the game plan from day 1

Clone Wars said...

if you put the clues together, you find it's not Paul, it's the CLONE.


Anonymous said...

Just ask to two left Beatles. That must be.

Anonymous said...

The World was sad.

The dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave.

No one was saved.

Anonymous said...

Father MacKensie is the Father of Evil.

Anonymous said...

And the banker never wears a mac In the pouring rain.

Very strange!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Are you going to comment on the Jun 18 release of a public (not private) video offering by Iamaphoney?

June 24, 2011 10:06 PM

Is who going to comment on it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anyway, please comment on the new video Jun 18 by Iamaphoney.

June 24, 2011 10:09 PM

Who is supposed to comment on it?


and who are you?


a little upset no one is blogging about your private cloud videos?

Anonymous said...

sure i'll comment on it.

it seemed like many other of the iamaphoney videos. Not much new.

Are the private cloud videos better?

FaulNL said...

Anonymous said...

Are the private cloud videos better?

June 25, 2011 9:37 PM

oh hell yeah

silence is deafening said...

Anonymous said...

Is who going to comment on it?

June 25, 2011 9:31 PM

i think by taf NOT commenting on it, he IS commenting on it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anyway, please comment on the new video Jun 18 by Iamaphoney.

June 24, 2011 10:09 PM

So when iamaphoney says "jump!"

taf is supposed to say
"how high?"

i think not pal, i think not.

Anonymous said...

how about iamaphoney keeps it ALL in the private cloud.

all posts, all videos, all music, all albums. keep the whole damn revelation of living the beatles legend in the cloud.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
how about iamaphoney keeps it ALL in the private cloud.

all posts, all videos, all music, all albums. keep the whole damn revelation of living the beatles legend in the cloud.

June 25, 2011 10:20 PM

it kinda is really.
taf isnt talking about it, no one is watching the videos. they have a whole 12 subscribers, and some arent even paying.
so yeah. its all contained in the private cloud community.

why someone wants to talk about it publically is beyond anyones guess.
you can comment on the hidden youtube videos and talk about it with the other paying customers if you wish. only no one talks about it there really.

Anonymous said...

Miles, we need another joke or a new project mate. the natives are restless!

Anonymous said...

Are the private cloud videos better?

June 25, 2011 9:37 PM

if the "public" private cloud videos are any sample of what is behind the veil, boy you are getting ripped off paying that money to see it.

what are you trying to do phoney?

sell albums and private cloud subscriptions or reveal knowledge?

Anonymous said...

Are you going to comment on the Jun 18 release of a public (not private) video offering by Iamaphoney?

June 24, 2011 10:06 PM


"Will she ever call me again?"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So when iamaphoney says "jump!"
taf is supposed to say
"how high?"

i think not pal, i think not.

June 25, 2011 10:19 PM

Taf has been really quiet about all the iamaphoney shenanigans.

Something tells me if iamaphoney said "jump" taf would say something clever.

Since I am not clever I wont even try to speculate, but it probably rhymes with "Fu%k off"

I mean, you can tell that Taf is really pissed at iamaphoney.

All those major releases of iamaphoney videos and very little feedback from Tafultong. All that private cloud activity and no blurbs or teases from Taf.

If taf were still active he would say, probably,

"No, no. I am a great fan of the incredible work that Iamaphoney has done"



Taf hasn't been writing. Thats because Iamaphoney has really messed this whole thing up, and not just because Taf is busy with other things.

Anonymous said...

Back in the day, Taf would make comments about the art of iamaphoney and how all this great entertainment was provided for free.

Taf has access to the private cloud. Taf has not even done any type of hype to get people to join it. No tantalizing tid bits to get the people signed up and jazzed about the $6.66 a month.

Anonymous said...

You don't buy iamaphoney flowers anymore Taf. You both were once great fans of one another.

Is it too late to revive the great collaboration that was Taf/phoney?

Yeah. It is too late. We all know it. Just like you know when your wife just doesnt seem like she really wants to be married anymore.

The passion and fire in the belly that was the great love affair has died.

Ever thought of surrendering the reins to someone that has some love to give to iamaphoney still? Someone who has the desire and drive to write things about iamaphoney so he doesnt have to sneak in here and ask anonymously why you don't notice all the things he is doing anymore?

" I just left some things to notice, in my last comment post a minute ago. Please check it out. Thanks.

June 24, 2011 10:09 PM"

thats really like some ex-boyfriend asking a chicks friends if she is dating anyone else and if she still talks about him....

FakeTongNL said...

Ever thought of surrendering the reins to someone that has some love to give to iamaphoney still?

June 26, 2011 2:10 AM


Anonymous said...

You are going to be sorry when the revelation comes. AND THE ALBUM!

iamasorry said...

Anonymous said...
You are going to be sorry when the revelation comes. AND THE ALBUM!

June 26, 2011 2:19 AM

When it shoots up the iTunes charts?

When all the people out there clamouring for backwards interpretations of Beatles music start lining up for Right Albums?

Then I'll be sorry?


Anonymous said...

The will be no sorry.

Anonymous said...

One more video of a skinny guy walking backwards to add to the collection. One more video advertising the PrivateCloud and its $6.66 minimum donation(ooh, spooky!).

One less video explaining to us what TheRevelAtion is and how it affects the Beatles.

One more video that guarantees Iamaphoney slowly loses even more credibility.

I wish I had a time machine so I could flash forward to the future and see how this all wrapped up, assuming they do in fact have endgame plan. If their intention was to release an album all along, then it would be listed




So I am very confused.

And what is this guy doing spending all his time mking YouTube videos. You have an amazing voice phoney do dont waiste it on these PID videos that only get a couple of thousand views each video.

Anonymous said...

The $6.66 minimum donation to join Iamaphoney's private cloud is a one-time, non-recurring fee.

The next person to call it a monthly fee will suffer the same the fate as Tafultong.

R.I.P, Taffy..

Anonymous said...

Taf doesn't care now because Phoney jumped the shark with the private cloud.

He'd already jumped the shark previous to that about 5 times.

Taf was interested in the art, the entertainment, not this private thing which steps beyond "art" and goes into "research" like it's some legit area of knowledge.

It's also obvious that an album has nothing to do with revelatory knowledge so they are trying to promote something under the guise of revealing something.

I think everyone knows this by now.

Anonymous said...

This is the original anonymous who asked if there would be a blog on the recent revelations of material. You people mostly clearly don't count the new and never-before-commented on material from over the years, which is in the Iamaphoney videos. When Macca (#2) commented on Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, treating it as an ambigram but not saying so, and said the seeming nonsense, "He died in a car crash on a batty conk; you figure it out" it is such a non sequitur yet it turns out actually is an ambigram ... and when he comments on the "Will Paul be back as Superman" saying it took them all night (admitting the message is there, by the way), and was "We'll all be Magic(k) Supermen" ... and later says "It was all Crowley, you know; we're all Sons of the Magic(k)ian" ... Well, guys, these are things never normally remarked on or connected to Macca, yet he's admitted them, said them, and used Crowley (including on Sgt Pepper album). Clearly the man likes Crowley, so his statements are not "way out" there and nonsense. Given only that, even, the PID material and the comments by Manson about the influence of "The Beatles" -- esp. Macca, it seems -- become possible and supported. By the way, you should read the Laurel Canyon murder/events research by Dave McGowan at "Center for an Informed America" (even if you ignore the rest of the material on the site). It's well researched about Laurel Canyon, not perfect, but a great compilation and some new research material is included. It helps flesh out in general terms and about USA music scene occultism, which supports some of what Iamaphoney is saying, though in Iamaphoney's case, he's saying it more specifically about the Beatles'/Macca's interest in occultism positive and negative, not just the general scene or USA. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I didn't know "Taf" quit. So be it. I just read this blog and thought it would be nice to see his more updated thoughts. Cheerio.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh, and I didn't know "Taf" quit.

June 26, 2011 9:05 PM

how dare you say that taf quit!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
When Macca (#2) commented on Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, treating it as an ambigram but not saying so, and said the seeming nonsense, "He died in a car crash on a batty conk; you figure it out" it is such a non sequitur yet it turns out actually is an ambigram

June 26, 2011 9:04 PM


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

when he comments on the "Will Paul be back as Superman" saying it took them all night (admitting the message is there, by the way), and was "We'll all be Magic(k) Supermen" ... and later says "It was all Crowley, you know; we're all Sons of the Magic(k)ian" ...

June 26, 2011 9:04 PM

it doesnt say that, and Paul never admitted to saying something that was never said. he doesnt worship or like or know Crowley.
it was all a joke.
and you fell for it because you are gullible.
i cant believe that you believe this.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the man likes Crowley, so his statements are not "way out" there and nonsense.

June 26, 2011 9:04 PM


Anonymous said...

By the way, you should read the Laurel Canyon murder/events research by Dave McGowan

June 26, 2011 9:04 PM

researcher? no

tinfoil hat wearer? yes

Anonymous said...

Have a good day.

June 26, 2011 9:04 PM

have a good day! i have a bridge to sell you.

Anonymous said...

person gotta nuff to fly from copenhagen to africa to los angeles to berlin then they gotta nuff to not be chargin for some stupid website

everthing on that site should be put on youtube and facebook

either that or you, whoever you is, can shuv your private cloud up your private poop hole!

Anonymous said...

"I'm preparing the world for a revelation!"


years later...


"I need $6.66"

post revelation...


"You just don't get it."

Anonymous said...

"Then the this-little-bit-if-you-play-it backwards stuff. As I say, nine times out of ten it's really nothing. Take the end of Sergeant Pepper, that backwards thing. "We'll fuck you like Supermen." Some fans came around to my door giggling. I said, "Hello, what do you want?" They said, "Is it true, that bit at the end? Is it true? It says, "We'll fuck you like supermen." I said, "No, you're kidding. I haven't hear it, but I'll play it." IT was just some piece of conversation that was recorded and turned backwards. But I went inside after I'd seen them and played it seriously, turned it backwards with my thumb against the rotor, turned the motor off and did it backwards. And there is was, sure as anything, "We'll fuck you like Supermen." I thought, Jesus, what can you do?

(Paul McCartney, In His Own Words, Paul Gambaccini)

Anonymous said...

Sex! Sex! Sex!

Anonymous said...

And there is was, sure as anything, "We'll fuck you like Supermen."

there you go, folks.

Anonymous said...

I thought, Jesus, what can you do?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Then the this-little-bit-if-you-play-it backwards stuff. As I say, nine times out of ten it's really nothing. Take the end of Sergeant Pepper, that backwards thing. "We'll fuck you like Supermen." Some fans came around to my door giggling. I said, "Hello, what do you want?" They said, "Is it true, that bit at the end? Is it true? It says, "We'll fuck you like supermen." I said, "No, you're kidding. I haven't hear it, but I'll play it." IT was just some piece of conversation that was recorded and turned backwards. But I went inside after I'd seen them and played it seriously, turned it backwards with my thumb against the rotor, turned the motor off and did it backwards. And there is was, sure as anything, "We'll fuck you like Supermen." I thought, Jesus, what can you do?

(Paul McCartney, In His Own Words, Paul Gambaccini)

June 27, 2011 4:47 AM

see? this proves that he didnt do that intentionally. the post before was saying that he admitted he did it on purpose.
so there, myth busted.

Derek Taylor said...

Anonymous said...
I thought, Jesus, what can you do?

June 27, 2011 8:08 AM

well, you can be bigger then jesus.
you can also be so anti-christ that its shocking.

The Next Person said...

Anonymous said...
The $6.66 minimum donation to join Iamaphoney's private cloud is a one-time, non-recurring fee.

The next person to call it a monthly fee will suffer the same the fate as....

June 26, 2011 10:49 AM

Its a $6.66 monthly fee.

am I going to die now?

I will check back next week to see if I am dead or replaced.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
person gotta nuff to fly from copenhagen to africa to los angeles to berlin then they gotta nuff to not be chargin for some stupid website
June 27, 2011 1:17 AM

Hello?!?! Global economy is down, governments are being placed into default, taxes going up, petrol costs going up,


Get it through your h8ter head!

IAAP is passing the costs to you so that He can bring the reVelation!

Is iamaphoney supposed to live in a cardboard box and take a vow of poverty? He is not jesus!

Anonymous said...

The Next Person said...
Anonymous said...
The $6.66 minimum donation to join Iamaphoney's private cloud is a one-time, non-recurring fee.

The next person to call it a monthly fee will suffer the same the fate as....

June 26, 2011 10:49 AM

Its a $6.66 monthly fee.

am I going to die now?

I will check back next week to see if I am dead or replaced.

June 27, 2011 8:19 AM

if you are not an insider, you may as well be....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"I'm preparing the world for a revelation!"


years later...


"I need $6.66"

post revelation...


"You just don't get it."

June 27, 2011 4:12 AM

"Buy my album, "The Right Album"

backwards beatles songs!

Anonymous said...

Is iamaphoney supposed to live in a cardboard box and take a vow of poverty? He is not jesus!

June 27, 2011 8:26 AM

the helter skelter shirt, the nazi tattoo and the requirement to pay $6.66 a month to be a member of the secret club kind of clued me in to the fact that iaap is not Jesus, so yeah, got it.

Anonymous said...

Take the end of Sergeant Pepper, that backwards thing. "We'll fuck you like Supermen."

Yeah, that was the word on the street back then, that it sounded like "we'll fuck you like Supermen."

it was the PID crowd and Phoney that tried to change it to "Will Paul come back as Superman" or "we'll all be magic supermen"

that's what happens with reverse stuff. you can hear different things since it isn't exactly proper English.

Anonymous said...

What does

"It's getting very near the end" say backwards?

Anonymous said...

You now realize The Phoney Figure is almost 50 years old.

sold out! said...

Wow, that's deep, man.

Thomas McElroy said...

IAAP aks me for $6.66
I ain't givin him no $6.66
I would'n even give him $3.50

Anonymous said...

$3.33 is only half evil, give em that!

you cheap bastards!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The comments here about the end of Sgt Pepper backmasking are inane. One of the major things Iamaphoney has demonstrated in many clips of interviews is that the Beatles, George Marten, and Macca specifically (referring to times with spent with Burroughs making backwards tapes, showing in a newsletter interviewing Burroughs where he comments on doing the same) -- they were definitely into backmasking meanings. Not only that, but in The Winged Beatle, Macca himself says (as voice-over, from an un-cited interview, never before presented in PID/Crowley literature that I know of), that they did a definite backwards message and it was "We'll all be Magick Supermen". Now, if you all are not smart enough to connect the fact that Macca himself said it, is enthusiastic in tone, it was not regularly cited (is new to PID discussions), and that it fits with the other Crowleyan interests Lennon said Macca (and Macca's brother, or shall we say, the original Paul's brother) were into Crowley ... and so many other references to OTO, black (and white) magic(k) shown in the Beatles material, Barry Miles' scene, and the new pages from the diary (of Macca?) ... then you don't know how to use these videos as a police detective would. What you have to do is say: what if there's something here. What is new, important, fills in gaps, is creditable, etc.? If anything is, then follow the trail. If you are willing to do the work, you will find much that is significant (sometimes it's a tiny detail, sometimes not). Sure, there are many suggestive items not yet conclusively related, but there are many which are logically linked.

Anonymous said...

As to the silly item about the backmasking, with Macca saying it was nothing, that's double-speak. Of course, the Beatles claimed many times there was nothing to it all: then, in other interviews, they admitted parts of things. For instance, Macca commented directly on the backmasking on Sgt Pepper and I don't know where he said it (Iamaphoney doesn't say yet), but it's clear he's talking at length about the difficulty of doing it and gives context for his experience while doing it. It has more weight than denials, especially since no-one thought it had to do with Crowley, but magick supermen would, and here's Macca giving too much information: in crimes this is used to prove the person was involved, since they tell more than was asked. Also, Sgt Pepper aside for the moment, the Beatles (Ringo, in this recent video, for instance) says it was all deliberate ... of course suggesting it was to fool everyone and play on their already-held ideas ... but he admits the deliberateness. So if you are serious, you will have to recognize that your own denials or the sometime denials of the existence of the "clues'" existence are pointless. All that is left is asking what they mean, in the sense of: is there anything of crimes, cults, ideologies, cover-ups for real in the "clues", not "are they there?" Get your brains out of the fog.

Anonymous said...

then you don't know how to use these videos as a police detective would.

June 27, 2011 9:28 PM

Call Scotland yard, have them "use" the iamaphoney videos as a police detective would. It is proof of Crowleian activities.

The proof is spelled "foorp"

Foorp is "Proof" spelled backwards.

I will leave that for the police detectives among you to connect the rest of the dots.

If you connect enough of the dots, and squint really really really hard, you will see what I mean. If you are a police detective. And you study the videos as a police detective would.

Anonymous said...

in The Winged Beatle, Macca himself says (as voice-over, from an un-cited interview, never before presented in PID/Crowley literature that I know of), that they did a definite backwards message and it was "We'll all be Magick Supermen".

That wasn't Macca, it was a voice actor, just like some of the other clips.

please send $ said...

All that is left is asking what they mean, in the sense of: is there anything of crimes, cults, ideologies, cover-ups for real in the "clues", not "are they there?"

Get your brains out of the fog.

June 27, 2011 9:37 PM

"Get your brains out of the fog"



Anonymous said...

That wasn't Macca, it was a voice actor, just like some of the other clips.

June 27, 2011 11:38 PM

good job detective. you are treating this the way a police detective would.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't Macca, it was a voice actor, just like some of the other clips.

June 27, 2011 11:38 PM

The voice actors name clue.

It begins with the letter "Faul"

Anonymous said...

That wasn't Macca, it was a voice actor, just like some of the other clips.

June 27, 2011 11:38 PM



Anonymous said...

I was told it isn't Macca by an IAAP insider, who is also a member of the Private Cloud.

You figure it out.

G. Who said...

They had a Crowley voice that sounded a lot like Crowley.

That Ringo voice in the newest video is probably from a voice actor as well.

"The Last Testament of George Harrison" had a voice actor.

It's the best way to go when you can't get words you want from a Beatle.

Anonymous said...

somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate

Anonymous said...

Are we there yet?

Anonymous said...

in The Winged Beatle, Macca himself says (as voice-over, from an un-cited interview, never before presented in PID/Crowley literature that I know of), that they did a definite backwards message and it was "We'll all be Magick Supermen".

And herein lies the problem goofballs. That clip isn't Paul, it's a voice actor as was mentioned. That same semi-okay Paul mimic was in a couple other Phoney videos and I knew it wasn't Paul first time I heard him.

in other words, you were hoaxed(and obviously not that familiar with McCartney's speaking voice) so I can't blame you for taking the reverse thing more seriously than you should have.

what these guys were attempting to do was create a believable PID series (as a hoax) and then reveal to the gullible masses that they had been fooled all along (I am a Phoney), much like the film Exit through the Gift Shop. The problem was that their hoaxing skills weren't as believable as they'd hoped.

Anonymous said...

put on your thinking caps, people.

If Paul is going to admit that he backmasked "We'll be Magick Supermen" deliberately and let it get onto some low budget YouTube video then he obviously could care less what people think. He might as well have admitted it in a Rolling Stone interview. Of course, he never said that. But even if the Beatles were high and screwing around in the studio that night, working on that little play out groove (which they were), and said that, then what's the big deal? Does that scare you?

Why would you take seriously what four twenty-something pot-head musicians had to say, anyway?

They're just people, you know. They never had any supernatural powers other than knowledge of how to (sometimes) write catchy songs.

Anonymous said...

Ahem, if you want to play police detective the first thing you would do is verify the source of your info. You would first investigate your snitch to see whether he's honest or trying to put one over on you.

If you've been watching these Phoney videos and paying attention to the comments here, you would already know he/they have been busted countless times for faking evidence (clips out of context, fake voice overs, etc).

So if you're a detective and you already know this much, you are an idiot if you don't assume from that point forth that everything your snitch says is suspect.

Anonymous said...

You guys suck as detectives. Don't quit you day job.

Anonymous said...

I am back here. The other anonymouses aren't I, except when I last said I was here. Now, the claim that that voice over was fake, an actor saying it was a real backmask and was "We'll All Be Magick Supermen", needs to clean out his ears. The subtle nuances of Macca's voice are there, as well as his giddy interest (he gets excited easily, when not trying to be a cool liar or just a "cool dude"). However, regarding the other leaks: the films of Macca # 2 in Africa are new. This alone, and some of the photos and compilation of long-hard-to-get or never-noticed photos, documents, interviews of different people over time, shows the source (Iamaphoney) is at least well-stocked with information and knows some things about the Beatles which most of us don't. (Aside: note the Howard Stern moment: no PID person ever remarked on that aspect: Ono clearly lied, with Macca, for years, when talking to John Lennon about whether John was known to Yoko before they met --- and even if they did it innocently, in a good motive, where they thought it would give her a chance not to seem like just a groupie.) Iamaphoney produces too many things not to at least follow the leads. You can't deflect from that forever. And yes, have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Finally: about detectivism, so to speak: one can treat everything as "suspect" but one must check it ALL OUT, and even check out (mentally be willing) to connect things IN CASE. What you are doing instead is looking at everything in isolation, as if your conclusions about a few possible errors you think are there, are the be-all-and-end-all of "suspicion". I know well that one rotten item may indicate general spoilage, so to speak, but it may be that a) I am wrong, and the item was something other than wrong or rotten, b) the item was a glitch, an error, but most of the other items check out. You fail to look at it that way, so you come up with the idea that Iamaphoney is "suspect" as if "suspect" means guilty. Instead, you have to treat "suspect" material as if it's NOT; in case you're wrong, or part of it was good. If your suspect material turns out THEN still not to lead anywhere, then you can always pull back (remember you can always pull back, even when you've been enthusiastic). SO: engage, and see what you can find here. There is a lot in these videos worth considering. Even so, of course, you do not have to think Iamaphoney is perfect, you can dismiss aspects for a time (but don't forget to keep them on the back burner, or if they turn out to be valid you will have forgotten what gist they might have had, in your haste to dismiss them).

Anonymous said...

Wow, 3 of my posts have been wiped. Ringo said in the new vid that the backmasking was deliberate; the question was, when did it all start? The Feb 1967 BB which Iamaphoney points out (along with showing the Detroit caller said he got the idea from musicians from London), means the idea started way before 1969. This is a new emphasis within PID from Iamaphoney. But you know, there are many things you must consider along the way. You can't ignore the new film of Macca #2 in Africa; if Iamaphoney has no merit, what is he doing with such a film? It is worth at least looking at that issue. For instance, Derek Taylor's comments have been edited for timing effect, but they are not out of context. He gives more info than he's asked: he calls the Sgt Pepper scene a "grave" when he was not asked yet. This is suspicious, dear you who like to say things are suspect. Of course, he may have just heard people say it looked like a grave: but Ephgrave and the other aspects of the "deliberate" actions Ringo mentions ... all add to say something was being done here. Now, in spite of some of the denials from the Beatles, we also have their admissions of parts of it. Oh and by the way, McGowan is no tin-foil hat wearer: he is not perfect, but he has compiled information you should know. If police keep suspecting cult activity and then you don't hear of it in the histories you read, of Hollywood/music, then maybe you should know of that fact. It doesn't mean he gets everything right ... but you'll learn a lot. He admits he is unsure of some things, but he certainly marshals a lot you should know.

BS Detector said...

iamaphoney produces too many "leads" to follow. The bullshit is so deep you need two shovels.

Captain BS said...

"Ringo said in the new vid that the backmasking was deliberate."

The hand on my bullshit-meter just flew off again.

Anonymous said...

3 reasons to think iamaphoney is full of crap:

SuitCase GooseChase
Blair Witch Video
Nine Unanswered Questions

Anonymous said...

in what video does Ringo state that the Beatles deliberately backmasked?

the one up on the Phoney channel right now says nothing of the sort.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I'm from the future, just got down watching TheRevelAtion. I must say, I cried at the end. A very emotional story and an epic end to a great trilogy, appropriately named TheIamaphoneyAnthology.

Of course, I didn't find the meaning of life...or anything about the Beatles for that matter, but it had a good plot. Don't want to spoil it for you guys, but TPF is a actually an orphan who in the end discovers that his real father was the original Paul McCartney. And like any good alternate reality game, we get to buy an album that he supposedly made while on his journey, therightalbum.

Very beautiful film and cant wait for you guys to see it.

G Who said...

Anonymous said... / Ringo said in the new vid that the backmasking was deliberate. /

"Sgt. Pepper, you know the album with all those clues that Paul was supposed to be dead. You see the problem we had was that everything we did.. everybody read so much into it - you know, we thought, well how do we counteract this? So we pulled out all the albums and do all the clues like the black rose and uhh the car on Abbey Road and.. a lot of it was worked out really well.. so if you put all these clues together it actually said, you know, it's not Paul, it's the clone. To this day, I mean, people aren't really sure, and neither am I."

Maybe it's you who needs to get your head out of the fog and clean out your ears, fanboy.

lllX MMXl - getting closer said...

minor correction: "some people aren't really sure"

Anonymous said...

What you are doing instead is looking at everything in isolation, as if your conclusions about a few possible errors you think are there, are the be-all-and-end-all of "suspicion".

Errors? Possible? "Think" are there? You are the definition of credulous and you must be new here. An error is a mistake. Video editors spending hours splicing audio tracks and fitting them over video it never belonged to isn't an "error." It's deception. Every instance of this trickery (and there are quite a few) have been brought to light here. Even Taf, who gave Phoney a lot of leeway, acknowledged those instances of deception.

I pointed out every trick I caught them doing myself, and never once accused them of doing something they didn't. And it wasn't until the Winged Beetle came out that Phoney first made use of a Paul voice actor. He hadn't before then. But there it was, plain as day, used for a few sentences, alternating with the real Paul. There is zero doubt that there are snippets of dialogue spoken by an impersonator. Zero doubt.

anyway, it's all b.s.

Hudson said...

That's it man, game over man, game over!

What the f**k are we gonna do now?

Anonymous said...

anyone seen this video?

this demonstrates beyond all doubt it's the same guy. Why? Aside from the fact that, when overlaid, Paul's eyes/irises/nose/mouth pre and post 66 are all in the same place EXACTLY and relative to each other, plastic surgery can't make someone lips move the same way, make the same shapes, especially not when doing something as tricky as singing (and impersonating someone singing). That's caused by sets of muscles UNDERNEATH the skin, people. And unless they broke his hands and fingers and replaced them (even though he wouldn't have been able to heal and play guitar again) so that the joints were all in the same place relative to each other and the same size (something no one would even check), then, yeah, game over.

Anonymous said...

Of course, you may not see this right now, but these comps are not okay. There are several photogrammetry faux pas committed here in the video. 1. Overlays obscure. The only comparison overlay which is valid to do is a flip-timed image overlay: you can show a line-up of features with diagrams drawn on top, so that the diagram shows up in the same place in both images as they flip back and forth. Or you can set side by side and show (with diagram lines) that items are at the same measured spot. But MERGED images do not help. They are not clear enough and one's brain can fool itself into believing that both truly overlap. 2. The differences between putative Maccas 1 & 2 are: though they sometimes look similar -- through trained responses for Macca 2 (acting) and plastic surgery and general look-similar natural qualities, the similarities often occur when doing different things with their faces. When one smiles, then tilts, he looks somewhat like when the other relaxed and tilted differently, i.e., doing different actions, but when doing the same action they are not the same. Together, one's brain produces a composite which is neither-nor, and both-and. If someone looks sort of like me, then when they do a different move, they may end up looking like me in that different move, but not when they do the same move. ---- However, when the video maker shows the lips, one can see similarities, yet what would have to happen is side-by-side stills, clear, and compared with other views also side by side. In that case, we would see different lip movements at times, for the same types of responses, but not always. A good actor will mimic a lot, and plastic surgery on lips is quite easier than some other aspects. On the other hand, the putatively original Paul did sometimes pucker his lips and they look fuller, but generally he had a thin upper lip (when relaxed). Macca #2 has thicker and straighter jaw/mouth, less high cheekbones, with less of a dental-shape size diminishment in the face. (Not to mention the shoe size issue, which Iamaphoney raises.) --------- Oh, by the way, has anyone noticed that the "Beleth" signature at the bottom of the Twin Peppers letter to Epstein is here in the new video shown to be the name of a spirit, with a sigil? It flashes up in the new video. So whoever signed the letter to Epstein about the stolen Twin Sgt Pepper albums was referencing Crowley (or similar) spirit-sigil/ spirit name.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Which sentences do you think were a Macca actor in TWB?

Anonymous said...

Defending iamaphoney to writing out a full page complaining about "photogrammetry faux pas" in a video comparing pictures of Paul McCartney to other pictures of Paul McCartney!!

Get back to reality.

Anonymous said...

How about answering the points, instead of using a begging the question argument, that a page on the issue is undue? It's true that similar persons look similar sometimes, but it only happens when they have different muscle expressions: our brains see some similarities across those expressions. Or when see acting we compare whole expressions. Our brains conflate the whole thing. It's a neither-nor image we hold: it's a subconscious composite. Also, as to the photogrammetry attempt in the video, it is well known that morphs (overlays) are not scientific. Only flips back and forth with diagrams or measurements overlaid or beside the images, is scientific. Otherwise the morph creates a composite outside the mind which the mind absorbs. -- As to the sigil with Beleth and the Twin Peppers stolen albums letter signed by a self-named Beleth ... plus the Melcher McCartney/McManson reference and the MacManson signature, the photo of Macca at Spahn Ranch, and (separate to those) the Macca in Africa films: you have yet to credit Iamaphoney for bringing these out. Even if they are somehow not sinister as he implies, they are new and insider material. So just because Iamaphoney moves the wink of John Lennon for inaccurate (bad) effect but cinematic effect when the 3 Beatles talk goes on at the table, and Iamaphoney does other things which are in bad taste, misleading and yet good for effect and not damning, does not mean he is not worth looking at seriously, in case! Too much is genuine and new and strange, to discount his effort, prima facie (on the face of it, i.e., superficially), as you are doing. You should reconsider.

Anonymous said...

Again, also: which sentences were a Macca-actor, do you think, in TWB?

Anonymous said...

Regarding Beleth in Crowley: www .themystica .com /mystica/articles/b/beleth .html

Anonymous said...

By the way, in a video for members, the Beatles Book confirms twice to readers who'd written in, that a secret message with words was at the end of A day in the Life, and that it doesn't occur on all copies, and that it was John's voice (according to Ringo or George -- says the BB writer). So yes, backmasking for more than music was used. Oh, and in Feb 1967 was when the first reference to a car crash happened in BB, and in June it was mentioned again by an author who said they preferred not to talk about it. So no, it didn't start in 1969. And only Iamaphoney (and the original Detroit caller in 1969) suggested as much. So you'd do well not to dismiss the issues as possible leads, and Iamaphoney just because he re-edited some video for effect. Most of it's clear enough over several videos, to put together what was in the original source. And there's plenty of new things. So that's what I say on the matter. Look up the Beleth reference. You don't get much on it here, but you get more at the Members forum.

Anonymous said...

shuv your private cloud up your private poop hole!

Anonymous said...

Also, as to the photogrammetry attempt in the video, it is well known that morphs (overlays) are not scientific.

what a load of sophistry to ineffectively debunk what clearly shows the same person.

the side by side comparison of his hands (and gestures) isn't an overlay and neither is the lips comparison. They are't individual photos which can be doctored.

The are exactly the same and lips cannot move the same way without the same musculature. Clearly the same fingers, knuckles, and hands are the same size.

the video also shows he runs the same way (as if an impersonator would practice even that). And why would an impersonator practice walking/running with a little bend in his left knee, as if anyone even knew Paul exhibited that little quirk? I didn't until I saw this.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

He is of the orders of powers, hoping to returne to the seaventh throne, which is not altogether credible, and he ruleth eightie five legions.

Anonymous said...

Beleth says hi

Anonymous said...

I ain't got no matches
but I sure got a long way to go

Anonymous said...

To the person(s) who believes Paul was replaced with an actor who underwent surgery:

aside from the fact that you all tend to say "Faul" has a different shaped jaw/chin (the EASIEST thing to alter with surgery, hello?), you conveniently overlook the human element. Looking like someone can't fool people around you, the people you know. You look at photographs. So what? No photograph can match knowing a person in the real world and how they look, act, speak, etc.

Like everyone, Paul knew hundreds of people from childhood on. Girls he dated, musician friends, producers, photographers, dentists, etc. So your theory has to explain how it is that NO HUMAN BEING that ever knew Paul McCartney, whether good friend or acquaintance (pre or post 66) ever said he seemed different or looked different.

You couldn't pay them all off because no human being would even know every person Paul knew in order to shake them down, duh. If I died, there is no way ANYONE would be able to make a list of the people I've met or dated or whatever.

Try asking Pete Best or Astrid Kircher, who knew Paul. Neither of them are rich. What's stopping him from talking?

those are the people in a position to know, not weird Paul fans or video editors.

case closed.

Anonymous said...

Pete Best and Astrid are clones. That's why they haven't talked.

nyah nyah

Anonymous said...

"However, regarding the other leaks: the films of Macca # 2 in Africa are new. This alone, and some of the photos and compilation of long-hard-to-get or never-noticed photos, documents, interviews of different people over time, shows the source (Iamaphoney) is at least well-stocked with information and knows some things about the Beatles which most of us don't."

Maybe you. The footage of Paul on holiday in Kenya has been available
for years on VHS and DVD. Maybe try Google next time.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you. The footage of Paul on holiday in Kenya has been available
for years on VHS and DVD. Maybe try Google next time.

this "insider" footage is available on Netflix.

Anonymous said...

Fish Net Flickx tto!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There's this silly notion that because Phoney uses what *appears* to be rare footage, documents, etc., that he's an insider.

Another silly notion is that if he's an "insider" then it follows that what he's saying/doing is honest and legit.

Well, guys, even if he was an insider (even though at their ages they couldn't be), none of that follows. What you usually get with insiders is "tell all" books or appearances at Beatle conventions because everyone wants to make a buck of their association with the Beatles, no matter how weak (May Pang, anyone?)

So yeah, if anything, the evidence weighs in favor of "insiders" who use the Beatles to make money or promote themselves.


Anonymous said...

yeah I love how these Beatles insiders whore themselves out at conventions for a few bucks and yet keep the allegedly greatest secret in entertainment history (worth millions in book deals) a secret.

Anonymous said...

what is this Twin Peppers "letter to Epstein" all about?

Anonymous said...

Paul never said anything about Magick Supermen, that's a voice actor.

The Africa footage isn't insider stuff.

What Beatle references are there specifically to OTO and Black (and White) Magick? (can't wait to hear this one).

"Hey, they used a circle shape, and that's a witchcraft symbol" or some other nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Ask Cynthia or Julian who was fundamentally responsible for the song "Imagine". It is the original Johns political stance that is NOW relevant.

Anonymous said...

"original John" lol

Anonymous said...

If you've been watching these Phoney videos and paying attention to the comments here, you would already know he/they have been busted countless times for faking evidence.

June 28, 2011 12:48 PM

Busted? For fake evidence?

This should be good!


Make a list of the numerous things you have busted them for.

Bet you dont have a list. Maybe one or two things sure, anybody can make a mistake. But a list?

PROVE IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
yeah I love how these Beatles insiders whore themselves out at conventions for a few bucks and yet keep the allegedly greatest secret in entertainment history (worth millions in book deals) a secret.

June 29, 2011 12:59

There isnt millions in books anymore. NOBODY READS!

Anonymous said...

What you usually get with insiders is "tell all" books or appearances at Beatle conventions because everyone wants to make a buck of their association with the Beatles, no matter how weak (May Pang, anyone?)

June 29, 2011 12:05 PM

So you are saying that iamaphoney is trying to make money off this? WHEN?????

Anonymous said...

So you are saying that iamaphoney is trying to make money off this? WHEN?????

June 29, 2011 7:00 PM

Are you blind?

$6.66 in month fees and The Right Album for sale on iTunes.

Anonymous said...

If I died, there is no way ANYONE would be able to make a list of the people I've met or dated or whatever.

June 29, 2011 7:35 AM

all the 100's of people you have dated huh? You are so rockin to the opposite sex that you spend all day here arguing with people.

bet nobody could track down the deadbeats you have "dated".
hundreds and hundreds.

Anonymous said...

Paul knew hundreds of people from childhood on. Girls he dated, musician friends, producers, photographers, dentists, etc.

June 29, 2011 7:35 AM


dude, have you seen his teeth!?

he hasnt seen a dentist since pre-1964!

the precise reason? DENTAL RECORDS! It is the foorp!

Forget about "shoes".


Anonymous said...

What you usually get with insiders is "tell all" books or appearances at Beatle conventions because everyone wants to make a buck of their association with the Beatles, no matter how weak (May Pang, anyone?)

June 29, 2011 12:05 PM

So you are saying that iamaphoney is trying to make money off this? WHEN?????

Uh, dude, I wasn't talking about Iamaphoney. I was talking about Beatle insiders.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
By the way, in a video for members, the Beatles Book confirms You don't get much on it here, but you get more at the Members forum.

June 28, 2011 9:16 PM

What if you cant afford the $6.66 a month?

Private cloud?
More like Private club for rich people who like to feel superior!

Anonymous said...

Uh, dude, I wasn't talking about Iamaphoney. I was talking about Beatle insiders.

June 29, 2011 7:14 PM

oh good! iamaphoney isnt a beatles insider. would hate to think that you said he was. carry on!

Anonymous said...

TPF is a actually an orphan who in the end discovers that his real father was the original Paul McCartney.

June 28, 2011 5:39 PM

how? how did he discover it? because he thinks he can sing?

Anonymous said...

(but don't forget to keep them on the back burner, or if they turn out to be valid you will have forgotten what gist they might have had, in your haste to dismiss them).

June 28, 2011 3:45 PM

haste? its been years people have been debunking him.

Yazda Cheeha Bounch said...

Anonymous said...

I am back here. The other anonymouses aren't I, except when I last said I was here.

June 28, 2011 3:07 PM

It is I, I am back. You know it is me because I say so.

Have you cleaned out your ears and heard the subtle nuances of Macca's voice? Did you take my advice?

I took your advice, I was wrong about Macca # 2 in Africa videos being new. I concede your point. +1 for you, -1 for me. I used that incredible tool of Google, which I now refer to as the "Book of Knowledge". Thank you for the resource. You see, unlike you, I am a reasonable person. You seem to like to gloss over when you are wrong, I admit my mistakes, and the Africa footage was one. Will you now join me in recognizing when you are wrong?

Will you now admit that Iamaphoney is well-stocked with information and knows some things about the Beatles which most of us don't?

Cracker Jack said...

Will you now admit that Iamaphoney is well-stocked with information and knows some things about the Beatles which most of us don't?

June 29, 2011 7:39 PM

I will admit that iaap has discovered the love code and is entitled to his prize.

Anonymous said...

that song shoes was definitively a voice actor

short list said...

Will you now admit that Iamaphoney is well-stocked with information and knows some things about the Beatles which most of us don't?

June 29, 2011 7:39 PM

Make a list of all the things iamaphoney is right about.

Anonymous said...

Make a list of all the things iamaphoney is right about.

June 29, 2011 7:51 PM

Suitcases, they were awesome

Love Codes, they were really awesome

Not answering 9 dumb questions, they were really dumb anyways

Paul spells BLLL when mirrored

Helter Skelter shirts, GO WITH ANYTHING


Backwards Beatles tunes, NOT COPYRIGHTED!

mirroring anything, it looks better!

That Blair witch video? Awesome, I would say "Vat der ferk!" too if some masked thing jumped my shit after I found a suitcases.

Send the dry cleaning bill to iamaphoney
care of

Anonymous said...

I will admit that iaap has discovered the love code and is entitled to his prize.

June 29, 2011 7:42 PM

when? when? when?

Anonymous said...

when? when? when?

June 29, 2011 9:14 PM


Anonymous said...


June 29, 2011 11:14 PM

poetic justice they are fucking with iamaphoney with the disbursement of the prize. Like the 9 questions. Some type of deeelay

"Hey, umm, when do I get my check?"


Anonymous said...

Make it sooner, please.

Anonymous said...

And Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Beleth sigils.

ooooh, scary!


Anonymous said...

not really

Anonymous said...

so i just listened to that reverse thing from the run out groove on Pepper and its sounds more like "But we'll fuck you like he's superman"

although phonetically it might even be more like "but we'll fuck-e like ee superman"

Anonymous said...

Make a list of the numerous things you have busted them for.

Bet you dont have a list. Maybe one or two things sure, anybody can make a mistake.

"Guys, I made a mistake. I accidentally brought in a McCartney impersonator, recorded him saying all kinds of b.s., and then edited it into the film."

Anonymous said...

Bet you dont have a list. Maybe one or two things sure, anybody can make a mistake.

"Guys, I made a mistake. I accidentally brought in a McCartney impersonator, recorded him saying all kinds of b.s., and then edited it into the film."

June 30, 2011 1:40 PM

See!?!?! told ya, you only have one or two things that iamaphoney did wrong. BESIDES THAT YOU HAVE NOTHING!
Hey, one or two things wrong is something that could happen to anyone!
You have nothing else!
You just did!

I think you owe iaap a big fat apology. that and you should subscribe to the private cloud.
$6.66 will go a long way to make up for your sins and will help iamaphoney to forgive you.

Iamaphoney said...

I know it's naff,
but it's all because of Taf
Now please try not to laugh,
it's all because of Taf..

And now and then,
if we must start again
Well we were not sure,
that I love Taf..


I don't want to lose you-
-oh no, no, no
Lose you or abuse you-
-oh no, no, no, sweet 'tong..

But if you have to go, away..
If you have to go...
..forgot the words here, really..

Now and then, I miss Taf..
Oh now and then,
I wish that I was true to you
Please Taf, return to Me..

Anonymous said...

See!?!?! told ya, you only have one or two things that iamaphoney did wrong. BESIDES THAT YOU HAVE NOTHING!


I'll just post the "mistakes" randomly each day and you can make list.

Anonymous said...

Don't you freaking dare.

Anonymous said...

I'll just post the "mistakes" randomly each day and you can make list.

June 30, 2011 5:35 PM

please do! Iamaphoney is entitled like all humans to make one or two mistakes a day, DONT YOU THINK???

Or are you just so perfect you dont make one or two little mistakes a day?

I will post one of your mistakes today...

coming here and posting on this blog.

here is another of your mistakes,


You promised to do so, and you didnt. You just got done saying that iamaphoney didnt keep his word, AND NOW YOU HAVENT

Shoe is on the different today eh?

AND YOU OWE IAAP A $6.66 month for the private cloud!


Wow! You sure make a lot of mistakes, even more then iamaphoney!

Maybe you will be nicer to him now

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't you freaking dare.

June 30, 2011 7:42 PM

I agree. We agree dude, dont you dare! Its two that agree ok?, so dont.

Anonymous said...

I think you owe iaap a big fat apology. that and you should subscribe to the private cloud.
$6.66 will go a long way to make up for your sins and will help iamaphoney to forgive you.

June 30, 2011 3:19 PM

I just messaged MikeNL to message iamaphoney about this and he says that iamaphoney says, "Yeah, you owe me money dude."

since you havent actually paid it, you are in mistake mode. Mistake 4 today. Wow! You are the mayor of mistakeville! Mayor Mistake! Who elected you to make so many mistakes?

Anonymous said...

"Guys, I made a mistake. I accidentally brought in a McCartney impersonator, recorded him saying all kinds of b.s., and then edited it into the film."

June 30, 2011 1:40 PM


Its called "Dramatic license"

Anonymous said...

Its called "Dramatic license"


Anonymous said...

we realize this thread is tongue in cheek, however, the earlier commenter didn't say the Phoney's made mistakes; they said the Phoney's were hoaxing by attempting to deceive the audience.

One obvious deception: creating a bogus Paul McCartney YouTube page in order to fool the unwary. And to draw in subscribers.

Anonymous said...

yeah, the whole thing has been about tricking Beatle fans from the get go but the initial theory that it would all be revealed as a joke (I am a phoney, get it) turned out to be wrong. They blew it by believing in what they were spewing and getting all indignant and New Agey about it "the cosmic consciousness will shift" b.s.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but what if, along Martin's journey to contact people related to PID, came across information that made him believe there will be a shift in consciousness? Is this whole thing just a training program? Some believe the symbols that keep flashing in our faces are indoctrinating us into Thelema, but what if they are simply preparing our minds for what's to come?

Assuming that's the plan, wouldn't it be logical to keep people searching for hidden codes everywhere they see and in the end tell them that the real code is all around them? Your mind would already be appreciating every hidden detail in album covers, so when told that the real code is in the outside world, it will begin to appreciate the flowers and the human body and the sky. Which in turn will prepare their consciousness for the inevitable shift in 2012.

That's my theory anyway.

Anonymous said...

Assuming that's the plan, wouldn't it be logical to keep people searching for hidden codes everywhere they see and in the end tell them that the real code is all around them?

I'd prefer to see evidence that Paul died or at least something kinda freaky about the beatles no one knew before. besides, Youknowmyname231 already did the whole "the code is God everywhere" thing.

Anonymous said...

is this a phoney video? Or a phoney-phoney?

Anonymous said...

OMG! TPF is the Mcdonald's Rhythm guy!

Anonymous said... the Mcdonald's Rhythm song backwards, and he says iamaphoney!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

so without bother to find all of them, here's a couple examples of the McCartney voice actor dude:

Winged Beetle 2/5

at 3:18 he says, "the secret code of Jabberwocky" and at 6:19 he talks about the Sgt Pepper run out groove.

not McCartney.

Anonymous said...

I miss Tafultong.

Anonymous said...

"the secret code of Jabberwocky"

is a mirror, but not just ANY mirror. Had to be Alice to read the poem.

Quick! Read the Poem!

Anonymous said...

Blue suburban skies

Makes me look rather pretty

Turn me on dead man

Anonymous said...

If you read this blog backwards, it says "Taf is dead"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
so without bother to find all of them, here's a couple examples of the McCartney voice actor dude:

Winged Beetle 2/5

at 3:18 he says, "the secret code of Jabberwocky" and at 6:19 he talks about the Sgt Pepper run out groove.

not McCartney.

July 2, 2011 10:55 AM

whatever dude, sounds like the dead replaced Faul McCartney to me!


Anonymous said...

maybe facca WANTED to sound like a voice actor....

since he "learned" to be paul mccartney...


Anonymous said...


another basement fire.

Anonymous said...


July 2, 2011 11:42 PM

So Macca is actually Facca?
Since he "learned" to sing and play exactly as the "real" paul mccartney, he "learned" also to then sound completely different?


just wow.

you must be fun at all the parties you are not going to.

Anonymous said...

you must be fun at all the parties you are not going to.

July 4, 2011 8:27 AM

yeah! I am not at one now! ITS THE 4TH OF JULY!

Anonymous said...

yeah! I am not at one now! ITS THE 4TH OF JULY!

July 4, 2011 8:58 AM

we dont celebrate your independence day here. so ja, not partying.

Anonymous said...

everyones not american?

Anonymous said...

There are two phoney figures. They're twin brothers.

Put the WAMY on you said...

1580 Khz, Amory, MS

11:11 said...

Anonymous said...
There are two phoney figures. They're twin brothers.

July 4, 2011 11:11 PM


EliasCrowe said...

Anonymous said...
I miss Tafultong.

Me too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"original John" lol

June 29, 2011 4:54 PM

As opposed to an un-original Dick like yourself...

Doule lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"original John" lol

June 29, 2011 4:54 PM

As opposed to an un-original Dick like yourself...

See you at Comicon!

MikeNL said...

I'm worried that something might have happened...

Tafultong give us an update!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I`m with Mike on that, Taf, drop in a line, just let everyone know you are okay. Please.

Anonymous said...

I just messaged MikeNL to message iamaphoney if Tafultong is ok.

iaap said

"I am fine!"

see what i did there, REALLY said...


"I am fine! Really."

there, fixed that for you

Anonymous said...

I just messaged Taf, he is fine. He didnt say "really" either and he is not iamaphoney.

he is just enjoying life and is really busy, and probably waiting until the "right" album to comment.

TheWhiteMagickian said...

we are all magickians

Anonymous said...

This is not the work of magickians.

Anonymous said...

and yet ANOTHER PID "film" by kids and the expected Facebook/YouTube sites blah blah.

Anonymous said...

This is not the work of magickians.

And not the work of the King's Kingdom , either.

Hey, IAAP!


since you have no need for it anymore....

final countdown said...

whoops, almost forgot how useless you are

Anonymous said...

# Waiting for Something to Happen
# Eulogy for Apollo C. Vermouth
# <|<|<|<|*|*|*|*|>|>|>|>
# Braverman's Condensed Cream of Beatles
# EMI Tac Cam and Hey Jude
# Geoffrey Giuliano
# Apologetics
# The Iamaphoney Bootleg
# <|<|<|<|*|*|*|*|>|>|>|>
# Iamaphoney Interview
# Anticipation
# Movies You Should See (Part 1)
# A la carte
# Pepper Clock
# History Lesson - PID
# Overlooked Items in the Briefcase?
# Nazz
# Evil

Dr Evil said...

MikeNL said...
I'm worried that something might have happened...

Tafultong give us an update!

July 7, 2011 10:57 AM



MikeNL said...

Dr Evil said...
MikeNL said...
I'm worried that something might have happened...

Tafultong give us an update!

July 7, 2011 10:57 AM



July 9, 2011 5:14 PM

You done something to him?

Anonymous said...

MikeNL, nobody likes you,. Go away.

Anonymous said...

Fucking idiots!

Anonymous said...

Memo to Phoney.

Anonymous said...

and much more than this......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The flower of life.

Anonymous said...

so, carnival of light.... anybody going to ever talk about it?

for once?


Anonymous said...

So, Tafultong mysterious absence....

anybody going to ever talk about it?

for once?


Anonymous said...

So, twin peppers....

anybody going to ever talk about it?

for once?


Anonymous said...

TheRightAlbum is going to be huge, you have no idea what The0rg has in store for us all. It will introduce the phoney saga to countless morempeople. And when TheRevelAtion comes around, there's notelling where thing will skyrocket.

October 3rd, are you ready?

Anonymous said...

but, but, we're all still trembling after the movie! LOL!

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