Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beatles Book

Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived. The reduction in quantity is more than made up by the quality of these latest efforts, which focus on the Beatles Book monthly. Imagine a trippy, yet coherent themed Rotten Apple production and you'll have an idea of "TheStudyCloud - Beatles Book (1963 - 1969)" and "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo."

Like many U.S. fans, my first knowledge of the Beatles Monthly was when some issues were shown on the White Album Poster.

The original Beatles Monthly was published from August 1963 through December 1969. Seeing those 1967-era Beatles faces on the covers was pretty exciting for those of us who wanted nothing to do with those girlie fan magazines where you had to look at pictures of Bobby Sherman and Dino, Desi and Billy before you would find a Beatle. The Monthly was endorsed by Brian Epstein and featured numerous articles credited to Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans.

The first video explores, among other things, the magazine's curious practice of putting fake mustaches on pictures of the fabs presumably to make earlier pictures appear to be from 1967. This topic has been researched quite well in the "Nothing Is Real" discussion group.

Presumably this deception on the part of the Beatles Book was a practical matter due to the Beatles' recent change of appearance and the shortage of contemporary pictures. In fact it doesn't seem significant at all really. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world when Rotten Apple 12 featured "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" backwards. Although the words "It was a fake mustache" were more understandable than most of the backwards "clues," it didn't seem to have anything to do with the Paul Is Dead rumors.

To my knowledge, no one before Iamaphoney ever implied any significance to the "fake mustache." But then it occurred to me that maybe there is more to this fake mustache thing than meets the mouth. There was the brief moment in the promo for "A Day In the Life" when Paul appeared to really have a fake mustache.

And why would the Sgt. Pepper album include bonus cut-outs that included a fake mustache? And wasn't it weird that all four Beatles decided to sport mustaches at the very same time? That always seemed a bit juvenile to me.

The second video release three weeks later, consisted of a minute and a half of disconnected items from the pages of the Beatles Monthly. Beginning with pictures of the Beatles skiing doubles from "Help!" chronicled on the pages of the magazine and then moving into a weird little blurb about, of all things, the Twin Peppers.

The Twin Peppers were two copies of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album which supposedly contained special clues when synced together. This was a rather difficult thing to test. As the story goes, the "Twin Peppers" were found in the Berlin Suitcase allegedly dropped by the key character in the Rotten Apple Series, generally referred to these days as The Phoney Figure (TPF). Recordings of two scratched up copies of Sgt. Pepper were available for download for a while and purported to be the copies found in the Iamaphoney suitcase. Yeah, this sounded like a valuable way for me to spend my time. But I have to admit, that I was impressed to see that The famous Beatles Monthly reported that prior to the release of the album, two copies of it were stolen. So, if we can believe that two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were created with special clues, and those very two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were stolen prior to its release, and those very two copies ended up in the hands of Iamaphoney several decades later, and those very two copies were placed in a suitcase and left in Berlin, and those very two copies were found in that suitcase by someone who was familiar enough with the Rotten Apple series to report it to someone who was well schooled in all things Iamaphoney-related, and those very two copies were placed on the web for download, then yes, we have something here.

Then the video goes on to some Thelema images with an attempt to connect them with Arthur Dooley’s curious "Four Lads Who Shook The World" sculpture in Liverpool. This is made even more confusing when one reads the description of "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo" as presented unlisted on YouTube. It says, "doubles, twin peppers and wings." Is Iamaphoney implying that there is a connection between Thelema, the "Four Lads That Shook The World" sculpture and Wings? I think he is.

Now, what does it mean?


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Anonymous said...

*storms out of room* lol

Anonymous said...

lol he said monster get it monster

Anonymous said...

lol get it get it he said monster

The Quacker of Suicide Quacks said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

play video games theyre fun

Anonymous said...

I hate this.

Anonymous said...

oh shoes on the other foot is it not ^.^

Anonymous said...

lol who am i

Anonymous said...

i bring change nigga baracka flacka's in the mother fucking house

Anonymous said...

i'm smoking cigars with castro bitches

Anonymous said...

someones a little angry i see

Anonymous said...

now i hear a little voice in my head and it's saying

"i took your appendix you fucking douchebag"


Death of a salesman wanted said...

Apply with in.

Will He Lowman said...

I miss sales.

Anonymous said...

that's real funny

Anonymous said...

Next case.

Anonymous said...

this is lame

Anonymous said...

i know

Dr. W.o.B. said...

hello am still bit new to this game so is paul really dead? i cant tell my eyes are a bit blurry he sure looks alive!

Anonymous said...

She needs at least a dozen maids.
But if he says no she don't.

Anonymous said...

lol stuck in your head now isnt it

Anonymous said...

this is gonna be a long night of just sitting on here bullshitting about shit

Anonymous said...

probably not.

Anonymous said...

LOL youre right xbox all the way

paul's going to be singing hare krishna all he wants when the right album gets released

Anonymous said...

myself personally i cannot wait

Holy Jebus said...

WOAH what is that

Anonymous said...

lol greatest epiphany ever

Anonymous said...

speaking of epiphany's

Anonymous said...

paul's going to be singing hare krishna all he wants when the right album gets released

remains to be seen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it's really my fault for taking so long lol

Anonymous said...

it's really my fault for taking so long lol

Anonymous said...

hey double post sharpie marker

Anonymous said...


speed up !

Anonymous said...

i'm just catching on slowly my apologiez

Anonymous said...

if it wasnt for everyone else pushing me off the cliff in the first place i wouldnt be in this situation lol

brb coffee time

Anonymous said...

so it sucks not being a vegetarian LOL

Anonymous said...

i must apologize though because i did stop reading the blog posts back in early febuary and never decided to start going through them until about now LOL

Anonymous said...

you know what they say lol

Anonymous said...

by the way, you should know that i can talk through autistic people and make old people see the devil, nbd LOL

Anonymous said...

that's the freaky deaky part Lmfao

Anonymous said...

this is lame

Anonymous said...

who says that

Anonymous said...


Any Damn Place We Chews said...

It be happening again!

til the cows do WHAT?! said...

Just seein' if yur payin' a10shun! :-)

Anonymous said...

yes unfortunautly

Anonymous said...

i have a headache so i'm going to swallow lots and lots of tylenol is that ok with you mrs. evil boss lady

Anonymous said...

You, you, you know my name.

Say it.

Anonymous said...

I have plenty of tylenol, babe. Swallow one.

Anonymous said...

And you know I'm not evil, so stop!

Anonymous said...

awwww my little godsend came thru afterall lol

Anonymous said...

Saint Paul's magical powers have been taken over night

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to tune up the band once more

Anonymous said...

and i don't need any tylenol lol i smoked a little bit of

Anonymous said...

lol i'm the director now

Anonymous said...

this ones the funniest

Anonymous said...

well atleast i'll enjoy the honeymoon lmao

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lets just say I owe you


thanks :D

Anonymous said...

links with ad wait time suck and well......

Anonymous said...

they weren't that funny,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes they were

Anonymous said...

My name is Paul McCartney and I'm going to threaten leaving the Beatles in 1966 unless we worship the devil and live backwards LOL can I say that

Anonymous said...

Dyde, where have you been?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

clearly not paying attention for the past 3 years lol

Anonymous said...

Beatles reunion tonight, sure why not let the trash talking begin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

easy relax lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it's all apart of the haunting process lol you know what i mean

Anonymous said...

not you either take a chill pill lol beatlemaniac over here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hie hitla

Anonymous said...

the worst day of my life

Anonymous said...

you won't stay up late.

Anonymous said...

who am i kidding you're worst than me now lmao

the coffee will be the deaths of me

Anonymous said...

coffee round two

damnit to hell why not

from the East said...

Good Morning!

Anonymous said...

Dear one, the world is waiting for the sunrise.
Ev'ry rose is covered with dew
And while the world is waiting for the sunrise
And my heart is calling you.

Dear one, the world is waiting for the sunrise.
Every little rose bud is covered with dew
And my heart is calling you
The thrush on high his sleepy mate is calling
And my heart is calling you.

Anonymous said...

stop it you're making me cut class in hogwartz lmao

Dewi said...

That magic man must come to town!

Anonymous said...

after i get out of class lmao

Anonymous said...

got my fucking monster and a corn muffin for lunch and i'm SET get it lmao the evil egyptian god

Anonymous said...

hey hey charley charley wake up charley

OH hey how does it feel now huh huh huhhhhhhhh

CharleyNewports said...

it's meet your national jackass day congradulations you win the grand prize

Anonymous said...

this is the driver you married

i hope your happy lol

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhh shit

my nigga from the streets

Anonymous said...

And this is fun, why?

Anonymous said...

Corny music/

And this is fun, why? said...

last mission

Anonymous said...

knock knock

Anonymous said...

Issy Bonn?

Anonymous said...

lol rise and shine

Anonymous said...

Call his wife in.

Anonymous said...

The cock crows three times, and that's it.

and the you're Home said...

I've got nothing to say, but it's ok.

Anonymous said...

and then you're Home

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to know the time, glad that I'm here.

Anonymous said...

ive got nothing to say and thats ok

Anonymous said...

say say say

Anonymous said...

oh hahaha zen very funny zen

your new nickname should be giggles r us

Anonymous said...

looks like somebody found the meaning of charleynewports and put a twist to it oh yeah lets wear fake mustaches for shits and giggles

The Haunting Ghost said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, how do ya sleep

iamaph0ney said...

Come together, right now, over YOU

Lennonism said...

Not the beatle wife, I buried Paul afterall

Anonymous said...

ultimate fail

TheGrimReaper said...

Am really enjoying this game now. Reject me at the boards, I take yer soul :D




Ian Iachimoe said...

with friends like these, who needs life

who needs life

who needs life

Anonymous said...

The Nutters: 1 The Rotten Apple Army: 0

Anonymous said...

hey it's y2k all over again ya dumb jackasses


Anonymous said...

you guys play with fire sooner or later you'll get burned LOL


Apple's biggest client said...

Fuck off and die.

#1LENUNFAN said...


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh oh noooooo how sad

XJebus666 said...


Anonymous said...

It's coming down fast

Anonymous said...

It's coming down fast

1 third of mankind said...

will die LOL

Can you smell it? said...

speaking of evil clone babies

1 of the 4 horsemen said...

it's happening again

Anonymous said...

I ain't no angel, I've been a hell raiser all of MY life. WAYzzzzz to much wrestling

RisenLucifer said...




MasterCh33f said...

this r my worldz now





took emz lolololololololol

Anonymous said...

Coke in a botelz r won hell of a durg

Anonymous said...

strange days indeed

Anonymous said...

It is the promised land. I have the map.

The small catch is it's written in disappearing ink.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it could only giggles

Anonymous said...

it could only BE giggles my apologiez on the type-o dont know what i was thinking when i did that LOL

Anonymous said...

It's now or never.

Anonymous said...

well i'm sorry but I chose to live a boring little happy life

not one with disaster written all over it

Anonymous said...

if me myself and irene can catch my drift

Anonymous said...

That's ok.

Stay there as long as you want to.

Anonymous said...

lol k will do

i'll think about it after october 21st

Anonymous said...

for halloween i'm already growing out the beard and hair

just the way you like it

Anonymous said...

I don't think we've ever had that discussion.

Anonymous said...

OH but COME ON NOW it's halloween :(

Anonymous said...


the last few years I had some really GOOD ones

Anonymous said...

hadn't thought about I...


got one

Anonymous said...

LOL well this one will be extra special

then i'll go back to being a skin headed nazi lol kk

Anonymous said...

i already know what you're gonna be for halloween.

Anonymous said...

How's the revelation going?


Anonymous said...

lmao yeah not to shabby so far

Anonymous said...

i already know what you're gonna be for halloween.

and what is that?

Anonymous said...

sorry it's a secret

don't wanna die for guessing LOL get it

Anonymous said...


spill the beans, fatty

Anonymous said...

is this going to be one of those nights of just arguing back and fourth because i have a pot of black coffee on standby just incase

Anonymous said...

who you calling fat now ive been working like a BEAST lately i dunno about you lol

Anonymous said...

anyway, it doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

that's right


we're all gonna die soon lmao

Anonymous said...

boy it's a good thing i moved to london and got away from jersey

that place has disaster written all over it come october 21st

Anonymous said...

well. YOU will


Anonymous said...

october 21st


Anonymous said...

unfortunautly you're right

Anonymous said...

tis judgement day october 21st

sinners be ware :D

Anonymous said...

and for whom AM I Right?


Anonymous said...

for you thats right :|

Innocent Sand Nigger said...

but i dont wanna die on october 21st :(

Anonymous said...

nice first comment to read on the next page LOL

Anonymous said...

who's the Judge?

Judge Jackass said...


Lou said...

feel another song coming on

Anonymous said...

Miss Price.

Had to pay twice.

What a raw deal that turned into.

nobody is dying. You are exempt from that step.

Anonymous said...

yay :D

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry but ever since i was born i've just been the biggest asshole of them all. lol you know, not giving a fuck about anything and doing things my way. it's like i know you, but i don't know you

it's weird man.

then i died and woke up and i still haven't got the slightest clue as to why i've been here for the past 3 years.

Anonymous said...

boy, you think everyone can see mccartney as the liar he is yet? the tables have turned oh so quickly

i think you can agree with me on that one, ATLEAST.

Anonymous said...

i really do owe you big time, i'm sorry

2012 Olympics Allstar Game said...

The Nutters: 2 Rotten Apple Army: 0

DARN. Another point for the Nutters.

Anonymous said...

P.S. incase nobody knows this yet, there is no Faul McCartney. He thinks he's Aliester Crowley!!

Paul McCharmly said...


Anonymous said...

yeah we'll all be magick supermen

that turned out wonderful didn't it

Dr. Desmond the Dumbass said...

one more song

Anonymous said...

the pid suicides

Anonymous said...

you could say that again lmao

Anonymous said...

i still hate mccartney. hope he dies.

Anonymous said...


xray vision said...

yeah we'll all be magick supermen

that turned out wonderful didn't it

well, it actually did, just depends how you see things. ;0

King of Infinite Space Cosmania said...

P.S. incase nobody knows this yet, there is no Faul McCartney. He thinks he's Aliester Crowley!!

Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.

It's in the Book of the Law, Macca Crowley.

Get Back!

Anonymous said...

Any damn place we choose.

Anonymous said...

Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom: then behold!

There is a splendour in my name hidden and glorious, as the sun of midnight is ever the son.

The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra.


Anonymous said...

Use it for the Good!

traje de luces said...

We can play pong in the library! macca will play songs!


Cl[opatra said...

'Great Ceasar's Ghost'!

Anonymous said...

Cleopatra \c-leopat-ra, cle(o)-pa-tra\ as a girl's name is pronounced klee-oh-PAT-rah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cleopatra is "glory of the father".

From Kleopatra, derived from "kleo" and "pater", and the name of many queens in the Ptolemaic royal family of Egypt


Anonymous said...

fantasy is fun for the kids

Anonymous said...

Medicine is candy.

Anonymous said...

With Looking Glass ties.

Anonymous said...

yeah we'll all be magick supermen

that turned out wonderful didn't it

well, it actually did, just depends how you see things. ;0

Yes. You have to pretend it worked out.

Officer Crazy said...

nothing to see here folks, move along

Joe Buck said...

Well, Tim, I don't think I've ever seen this before.. one of the Nutters is actually running across the field and is joining the Rotten Apple Army.. OH! and with the distraction, Mrs. Penny Lane goes down on strikes by that nasty curveball by Letter B.

The Nutters: 2 Rotten Apple Army: 1

Tim McCarver said...

Makes you wonder if her hand/eye coodnation is off, or the stick she's been using is too small. Just a killer curve thrown in by Letter B.

Anonymous said...

P.S. incase nobody knows this yet, there is no Faul McCartney. He thinks he's Aliester Crowley!!

Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.

It's in the Book of the Law, Macca Crowley.

Get Back!

Damnit Saint Paul.

Rotten Apples: 2 Nutters: 2


Mrs. Desperate said...

I like them my boys nice and fat

Fatso said...


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