Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beatles Book

Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived. The reduction in quantity is more than made up by the quality of these latest efforts, which focus on the Beatles Book monthly. Imagine a trippy, yet coherent themed Rotten Apple production and you'll have an idea of "TheStudyCloud - Beatles Book (1963 - 1969)" and "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo."

Like many U.S. fans, my first knowledge of the Beatles Monthly was when some issues were shown on the White Album Poster.

The original Beatles Monthly was published from August 1963 through December 1969. Seeing those 1967-era Beatles faces on the covers was pretty exciting for those of us who wanted nothing to do with those girlie fan magazines where you had to look at pictures of Bobby Sherman and Dino, Desi and Billy before you would find a Beatle. The Monthly was endorsed by Brian Epstein and featured numerous articles credited to Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans.

The first video explores, among other things, the magazine's curious practice of putting fake mustaches on pictures of the fabs presumably to make earlier pictures appear to be from 1967. This topic has been researched quite well in the "Nothing Is Real" discussion group.

Presumably this deception on the part of the Beatles Book was a practical matter due to the Beatles' recent change of appearance and the shortage of contemporary pictures. In fact it doesn't seem significant at all really. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world when Rotten Apple 12 featured "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" backwards. Although the words "It was a fake mustache" were more understandable than most of the backwards "clues," it didn't seem to have anything to do with the Paul Is Dead rumors.

To my knowledge, no one before Iamaphoney ever implied any significance to the "fake mustache." But then it occurred to me that maybe there is more to this fake mustache thing than meets the mouth. There was the brief moment in the promo for "A Day In the Life" when Paul appeared to really have a fake mustache.

And why would the Sgt. Pepper album include bonus cut-outs that included a fake mustache? And wasn't it weird that all four Beatles decided to sport mustaches at the very same time? That always seemed a bit juvenile to me.

The second video release three weeks later, consisted of a minute and a half of disconnected items from the pages of the Beatles Monthly. Beginning with pictures of the Beatles skiing doubles from "Help!" chronicled on the pages of the magazine and then moving into a weird little blurb about, of all things, the Twin Peppers.

The Twin Peppers were two copies of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album which supposedly contained special clues when synced together. This was a rather difficult thing to test. As the story goes, the "Twin Peppers" were found in the Berlin Suitcase allegedly dropped by the key character in the Rotten Apple Series, generally referred to these days as The Phoney Figure (TPF). Recordings of two scratched up copies of Sgt. Pepper were available for download for a while and purported to be the copies found in the Iamaphoney suitcase. Yeah, this sounded like a valuable way for me to spend my time. But I have to admit, that I was impressed to see that The famous Beatles Monthly reported that prior to the release of the album, two copies of it were stolen. So, if we can believe that two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were created with special clues, and those very two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were stolen prior to its release, and those very two copies ended up in the hands of Iamaphoney several decades later, and those very two copies were placed in a suitcase and left in Berlin, and those very two copies were found in that suitcase by someone who was familiar enough with the Rotten Apple series to report it to someone who was well schooled in all things Iamaphoney-related, and those very two copies were placed on the web for download, then yes, we have something here.

Then the video goes on to some Thelema images with an attempt to connect them with Arthur Dooley’s curious "Four Lads Who Shook The World" sculpture in Liverpool. This is made even more confusing when one reads the description of "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo" as presented unlisted on YouTube. It says, "doubles, twin peppers and wings." Is Iamaphoney implying that there is a connection between Thelema, the "Four Lads That Shook The World" sculpture and Wings? I think he is.

Now, what does it mean?


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Anonymous said...

well, I was giving you some hope, since this time is lost, right?

I can't give you what you don't want so...

Anonymous said...

Do you have your arse permanently stuck in a revolving door?

duh, yeah?

haven't you seen the "door"? yet?

too late! turn style locked!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am getting tired of this game

September 10, 2011 6:05 PM

What you conveniently seem to forget, is that we were all unwilling participants of your crap game. The one that you devised remember? The one where you made the rules and changed them to suit yourself, whilst all the time playing with a stacked deck. So don't start giving it.Walk away with what little dignity you have left, friend.

gamer uno said...

um. I didn't say that. so who are you talking to?

Anonymous said...

The guy you think you are attacking there is a NOBODY.

I'm the one to reckon with, like it or not.

confused? I really don't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

Me neither. And the person I was addressing knows damn well who he is. If the cap fits.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one to reckon with, like it or not

Then you Sir, are the ultimate NOBODY.
And I was quoting the other persons post merely because they referenced the "game" it was certainly not an attack on them, if that's what you want to call it.

Anonymous said...

Understand this NOW.

There will be NO unificatio
There will be NO returning to the 'source' least of all to save your sorry arse.

Once again I am addressing this to one individual.

Anonymous said...

And finally, I want to say this.,
When you create life, you are responsible for it.
When you destroy life, you are responsible for it.
And, when you create life solely for the purpose of fulfilling 'one's pleasure' with a blatant disregard for the wellbeing and life of the created individual, that is not only arrogant and wrong, it's downright presumptuous .

Good night.

Anonymous said...

many hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

fuck off and die

Anonymous said...

sure would be a good time to talk about the carnival of light right about now ppl!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sure would be a good time to talk about the carnival of light right about now ppl!!!!!!!


so do it

let it be

Anonymous said...

9/11 is like a high holy day in PID world, huh?

yes, the answer is yes

Anonymous said...





LETS SEE, 30% OF $6.66 is $1.99



YOU CAN CALL ME..........


iamatipper said...





Anonymous said...

Tipper Gore ladies and gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

where do you find the song? Its not on the channel

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
where do you find the song? Its not on the channel

September 11, 2011 1:19 PM

you have to pay for it, like all good media entertainment.

you cheapskates are incredible, do you expect free food at the grocery store?

oh, yeah. food stamps.... so yeah I guess you do...

Anonymous said...

can i get the new song on iTunes?
its so good it should be on iTunes. been humming it since i heard it, totally ear worm, cant get it out of my head, even caught myself whistling it,

if i pay for the song will it please get out of my mind? i hate this

Anonymous said...

you sure type a lot and need therapy for not being funny. why are you so angry and hostile?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you sure type a lot and need therapy for not being funny. why are you so angry and hostile?

September 11, 2011 1:39 PM

why did the chicken cross the road?

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah

is this me?

Anonymous said...

merry krimble

Anonymous said...

its TIME

Anonymous said...

time for what?

Anonymous said...

get a watch in a bout 20 seconds

Anonymous said...

Oh HELL yea

Anonymous said...


I want out

Anonymous said...

same here

Anonymous said...

lol tricked you again

Anonymous said...

i mean

i tricked myself again

because i'm crazy

and i need a therapist.

Anonymous said...

john the second has another tune coming on now doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

I'm crying.

Anonymous said...

I'm crying from laughing so fucking hard

Anonymous said...

at what?

what the fuck is your problem?

Anonymous said...

hey everyone let's live backwards because we're more popular than jesus now LOL

Anonymous said...

oh shi----

Anonymous said...

Jesus' popularity is at a all time low, so you really haven't much to brag about.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i have to run for a little


i need to do my homework

because i'm talking to myself

Anonymous said...

I won't miss you.

Anonymous said...

lies i do

Anonymous said...

wait i must be talking to myself now come on vans came out in 1966 for a reason afterall

Anonymous said...

Not one single person cares. Not even one.

Anonymous said...

stop crying LOL

Anonymous said...

mixing the cards up again, LOL

Anonymous said...

dont you just love caffine

i really do

i really love caffine

it makes me HYPER :D

Anonymous said...

smile! :D

Anonymous said...

Phoney should make a video about how he raped an innocent virgin and then stole every heirloom she had,
slandered her reputation and kept all her worried family and friends away from loving and taking care of her .

oh, wait, he has.

Anonymous said...

i officially joined that club recently too

Anonymous said...

The get rich of the bitch and use it for evil club?

I heard it's a very global club.

too bad about that, man.
better luck next time, right?

you should have joined that other club everybody forgot the name of.

Anonymous said...

i know i should have just became famous and sang my life away

Anonymous said...

this has got evil written all over it :(

Anonymous said...

imagine i didn't do anything and just became famous and we all died in 2012 LOL

Anonymous said...

what does?

Anonymous said...

i'd like to personally thank mr. iamaphoney and paul mccartney for creating the most evil house wife of them all..

Anonymous said...

2012 is totally out of the question, sorry.

Anonymous said...

most evil house wife?

what an ass you are

Anonymous said...

LOL talking a bit greek now are you

Anonymous said...

To think I died for you.

wow, what a mistake THAT WAS, HUH?

Anonymous said...

lol never been happier for you

Anonymous said...

well never been happier in general

Anonymous said...

drag that i have an 11 pm curfew tonight, isn't it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone got the pope's number?

i wanna kick that old man's ass for being stupid.

Anonymous said...

i have it LOL

Anonymous said...

well iameye knows what i mean when i say

when the going gets tough

the tough get tougher

Anonymous said...

welp, time for sleep

Anonymous said...

its still too early

Anonymous said...

Get back.

Miss Moneypenny - Lane said...

I want a raise!

Anonymous said...

i need a fucking lighter

matches aren't doing the trick

Anonymous said...

found one :D

Anonymous said...

What do you need a lighter for?

Anonymous said...

cigarette lol

Anonymous said...

so i can meditate you know what that means

Anonymous said...

so i can meditate you know what that means

Anonymous said...

merry krimble when you get back

Anonymous said...

i need sleep

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the nature Mother gave you .

Anonymous said...

sleep is for babies. We have work to do!

Anonymous said...

lol found a cigar

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to cagefame you know the guy just vanished


he went all like

poof be gone

Anonymous said...

boy i must be a real asshole too didn't that guy have a picture of a dog in the sky

Anonymous said...

sorry to break the news but there won't be any second coming

jesus called in sick

Anonymous said...

maybe in another 50 years everyone LOL

Anonymous said...

you know because 1980 came and went with no pressure at all for a beatle reunion with the likes of yoko ono

Anonymous said...

nighty night

Sailor Jerry said...

goddamn you cock sucking stacks of mother fucking shit faced ugly ass crack whores

would you people shut the fuck up already

shut your cunt tongue twat before i get the shitty ass bastard to whipe it on elephant shit

Anonymous said...

maybe in another 50 years everyone LOL

You are heavily insured for that, but wouldn't it be more fun to enjoy it now?

Anonymous said...

back to abbey road it looks like LOL

i buried paul

Anonymous said...

Please guess he's dead

Anonymous said...

Jay Z ain't got shit on me

Anonymous said...

Unless he secretly works for me now muahahahaha

Anonymous said...

These comments don't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

you don't make any sence

Anonymous said...

iight bye

Anonymous said...

or should i say ;)

Instant car ma said...

Sence is spelled sense for the guy who can't find it to make any.

Dead in Strawberry Fiellds said...

Just leave me dead and save yourselves,

Anonymous said...

men i want this circus to be sooooo over

Anonymous said...

Because the sky is blue.

Anonymous said...

fear not

i'm wide awake

Anonymous said...

let me just make one more cup of coffee before i run out of abbey road barefooted LOL

i needs caffine and i's broke

Anonymous said...

You want it to be over?

You had it EASY, pal..

Anonymous said...

Could have been really nice..,....

Anonymous said...

Abbey Rd is an actual place.

Too bad no one was interested in that FACT.
please, please PLEASE don't call me next time if this is the way it goes.

And yea, that foot was HOT

How soon they forget.

Anonymous said...

i hate you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

and on one final note

Anonymous said...

ella sleeping beauty wake up

Anonymous said...

but paaaaaaaaaaaaaa all the other kids are allowed to stay up late

Anonymous said...

yeah i'm bothering you now how does it feel huh huh huh huh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

but candy mountain charley


candy mountainnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Yenz said...


Anonymous said...

He reneged on the promise.

Anonymous said...


Give back all the money I gave you, every penny. let's see how you could have done anything with out it all these years.

Anonymous said...

So much for a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

The last thing to do was
To try to betray me
The new morning light
I'll never forget it

Anonymous said...

to whomever made this "thebeatlesneverexisted" site, you are easily one of the most foolish and imprudent human beings I've come across.

why would anyone offer up such an absolutely ridiculous theory without any evidence whatsoever (other than photographs)? And your photographic "evidence" doesn't even make your case. It just makes you seem like a crazy person who has been staring far too long at old photos of Paul.

we can only hope this site is supposed to be a joke. Six different people playing the role of Paul by 1962? Are you a moron? Why would five guys "play" the role of ONE person named Paul who wasn't even famous? Or any of the other band members?

if you had the faintest idea of the sheer magnitude of evidence that refutes and obliterates your inane theory you would hopefully have thought better of it.

it would be difficult to gauge the depths of your stupidity, but based on this one example I'm afraid to even ponder it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for proving how stupid you really are.

You are not worthy.

Anonymous said...

there were at least 19 Johnny Carson's.

You can see he looks different in each of 19 seasons.

definitely there were at least 12 Paul McCartney's and at minimum there were 9 George Harrison's, 5 John's and 3 Ringo's.

also, I'm batshit crazy!

Anonymous said...


it's the end of the world said...

I got a Lion in my pocket and baby it's ready to ROAR!

Mr East Wood said...

Go ahead, MAKE my Day.

Anonymous said...

Let's take a trip down memory lane

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
and at minimum there were 9 George Harrison's,

September 13, 2011 12:24 PM

"and at a minimum"

made me laugh, great line!

5 stars said...

Funny how it took a liverpool player to tell it like it is. Nice to see someones got a set of fuctioning balls.
And how did the scum erm sun newspaper manage to escape unscathed from the phone hacking scandle? Being the worst perpetrators of this kind of crap for the last 30 years?..

*TOP MAN* well done!!
Bollocks to that arse wipe rag and their thick as shite readers.

Anonymous said...

OTIS of the Elevator fame?

Anonymous said...

who's more popular than jesus now bitches

Anonymous said...

and i denied it the entire time

who woulda thought

LittleBigMan said...

TheRightAlbum Vol.l. is released October 3. pre-listen: final mix AskTheLaw

Anonymous said...

listening now mr. phoney

and i thank you

Anonymous said...

it's coming back to me now!

Anonymous said...

boy that was quick

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I feels so much powers now

Anonymous said...


hey, everybody! I KNOW WHO IAMAPHONEY IS!!!!!

I will give you a hint, ITS NOT PAUL MCCARTNEY!

Its this guy named Martin, he is from Finland and he is working on these videos and songs from his home. He used post it notes. You'll never believe how I found it out, IT WAS A SECRET YOUTUBE VIDEO!!!
A secret documentary made in 2006 by this woman.

So, wow!


I bet you are as excited as I am! OF COURSE YOU ARE!

Anonymous said...


I thought he was from Denmark?

Anonymous said...

Anyone still wondering why Tafultong doesn't care anymore about this?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha Taf is probably feeling a bit burned, but he can't say he wasn't aware that the most likely scenario that the skeptics were talking about from day one turned out to be true.

Only the goofballs (who always pretend what's going on is far more earth-shattering and exciting that what actually is going on) believed Phoney was anything other than some dude making youtube videos to promote his Europop muzik.

Anonymous said...

isn't this the part where an overly-sensitive delusional PIDer says something like YOU'VE BEEN WARNED and I'M ONTO SOMETHING REALLY BIG?

yeah, we have the routine down by now.

Anonymous said...

Don't say you weren't warned.

It was your choice and you were given all you needed to make the right decision.

I'm onto something really big, just so you know.

Anonymous said...

like clockwork!

Anonymous said...

then funny guy shows up

Anonymous said...

It IS like clockwork, except my clock goes in reverse as in Finnish time machine!

How could you not say that is onto something big??!?

I have reached the Finnish line which is ahead of all of you and behind you in time! So I have won and lost simultaneously when all you do is lose in the present!

When YOU can go back in time to light the Paul shrine candles then you can talk about big!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday beatle Jane. start blowing out your birthday candles early.

Anonymous said...

oh wait a minute, i'm not mccartnay.

drag isn't it.

Anonymous said...

now isn't this the tune we can all just aspire to.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that Phoney version of "Yesterday"
might be the worst treatment I've ever heard of that song.

Leave the monotone robot voice for soulless music thank you

Anonymous said...

hey hey. i'm onto you now liar


Anonymous said...

(paul is bloody)

Anonymous said...

I Buried Paul.

Anonymous said...

who's here? do you figure? iamaphoney.

remember. do you figure??

can you still remember that one?

beatle billy never exsisted in our time machine, friend.

Anonymous said...

Let me tune up the band for Letter B, one more time.

some Eastern bird said...

There is no sacrifice without the ring.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let me tune up the band for Letter B, one more time.

September 15, 2011 8:30 PM

Honestly, I don't know how ANY of you can continue to sleep thru all of this.

Anonymous said...

You better see RIGHT thought that Mother's Eyes.

Anonymous said...

SGT Pepper's gonna take you, by surprise!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear it. I'll run for you.

on board, I'm the captain said...

A gathering of angels appeared above my head,
They sang to me this song of hope and this is what they said:

They said come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me lads!

Anonymous said...

lame ass Beatle fans

Anonymous said...

you're a lame ass beatle fan

Anonymous said...

this whole thing sucked

that's what happens when you listen to music backwards all the time. . .you go nuts.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

Can I have some Mac and Cheese, with a Cherry Coke, please?

Anonymous said...

someone has jokes now

Anonymous said...

leave 'em laughing!

Anonymous said...

lame ass Phoney fans

Anonymous said...

you suck

Anonymous said...

I quit.

Anonymous said...

Screw you guys, I going home.

Grand Dragonwizard Master IX said...

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Anonymous said...

ASCII dragon paste fail. :(

Anonymous said...

somebody has too much time on their hands i see lol

Anonymous said...

look at that charisma!

Anonymous said...

when is he going to call her back?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it's 1967 all over again!

Anonymous said...

sorry, higher quality

Anonymous said...

who invented auto-tune? and plastic surgery? lol

Anonymous said...

lame ass beatle fans WHATEVER lol

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. They turned out to be the worst fans in the world. What a disgrace!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol stupid phans

King of Hearts Club Band said...

She loves to ride in big parades.
But he wouldn't so she won't.
She needs at least a dozen maids.
But if he says no she don't.
He wishes she knew his side.
Soon there'll be trouble brewin' I'd
bet he says nothin' doin'
I-I-I-I I'd call it suicide.

Suicide, she's commitin' it
Suicide, he's not gettin' it
Suicide, it's a quittin' a day.

Anonymous said...

don't rub it in 11:11 wizard

Anonymous said...

stupid ORphans

Anonymous said...

Who's you Daddy?

Who's you Mommy?

Guess, and you get the prize!

Anonymous said...

I wonder

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
don't rub it in 11:11 wizard

September 17, 2011 8:14 AM


Anonymous said...

Don't you know what it's worth?

I'll tell you. A LOT!

Anonymous said...

fuck this. i'm going for a monster and a pack of parliaments

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