Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beatles Book

Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived. The reduction in quantity is more than made up by the quality of these latest efforts, which focus on the Beatles Book monthly. Imagine a trippy, yet coherent themed Rotten Apple production and you'll have an idea of "TheStudyCloud - Beatles Book (1963 - 1969)" and "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo."

Like many U.S. fans, my first knowledge of the Beatles Monthly was when some issues were shown on the White Album Poster.

The original Beatles Monthly was published from August 1963 through December 1969. Seeing those 1967-era Beatles faces on the covers was pretty exciting for those of us who wanted nothing to do with those girlie fan magazines where you had to look at pictures of Bobby Sherman and Dino, Desi and Billy before you would find a Beatle. The Monthly was endorsed by Brian Epstein and featured numerous articles credited to Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans.

The first video explores, among other things, the magazine's curious practice of putting fake mustaches on pictures of the fabs presumably to make earlier pictures appear to be from 1967. This topic has been researched quite well in the "Nothing Is Real" discussion group.

Presumably this deception on the part of the Beatles Book was a practical matter due to the Beatles' recent change of appearance and the shortage of contemporary pictures. In fact it doesn't seem significant at all really. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world when Rotten Apple 12 featured "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" backwards. Although the words "It was a fake mustache" were more understandable than most of the backwards "clues," it didn't seem to have anything to do with the Paul Is Dead rumors.

To my knowledge, no one before Iamaphoney ever implied any significance to the "fake mustache." But then it occurred to me that maybe there is more to this fake mustache thing than meets the mouth. There was the brief moment in the promo for "A Day In the Life" when Paul appeared to really have a fake mustache.

And why would the Sgt. Pepper album include bonus cut-outs that included a fake mustache? And wasn't it weird that all four Beatles decided to sport mustaches at the very same time? That always seemed a bit juvenile to me.

The second video release three weeks later, consisted of a minute and a half of disconnected items from the pages of the Beatles Monthly. Beginning with pictures of the Beatles skiing doubles from "Help!" chronicled on the pages of the magazine and then moving into a weird little blurb about, of all things, the Twin Peppers.

The Twin Peppers were two copies of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album which supposedly contained special clues when synced together. This was a rather difficult thing to test. As the story goes, the "Twin Peppers" were found in the Berlin Suitcase allegedly dropped by the key character in the Rotten Apple Series, generally referred to these days as The Phoney Figure (TPF). Recordings of two scratched up copies of Sgt. Pepper were available for download for a while and purported to be the copies found in the Iamaphoney suitcase. Yeah, this sounded like a valuable way for me to spend my time. But I have to admit, that I was impressed to see that The famous Beatles Monthly reported that prior to the release of the album, two copies of it were stolen. So, if we can believe that two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were created with special clues, and those very two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were stolen prior to its release, and those very two copies ended up in the hands of Iamaphoney several decades later, and those very two copies were placed in a suitcase and left in Berlin, and those very two copies were found in that suitcase by someone who was familiar enough with the Rotten Apple series to report it to someone who was well schooled in all things Iamaphoney-related, and those very two copies were placed on the web for download, then yes, we have something here.

Then the video goes on to some Thelema images with an attempt to connect them with Arthur Dooley’s curious "Four Lads Who Shook The World" sculpture in Liverpool. This is made even more confusing when one reads the description of "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo" as presented unlisted on YouTube. It says, "doubles, twin peppers and wings." Is Iamaphoney implying that there is a connection between Thelema, the "Four Lads That Shook The World" sculpture and Wings? I think he is.

Now, what does it mean?


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Anonymous said...

Good point, I don’t understand why Taf or anyone hasn’t pointed this out yet, instead of just saying the editing isn’t as good as his hero, when its quite possible his hero is linked or was linked to the nutters at some time. i guess he doesn’t address this because he's scared that it may all actually be a kids prank. and the nutters early films where a test for the rotten apple series

Anonymous said...

wait, WHAT?!? They have behind the outtake footage?!?!


Anonymous said...

yeah, bigger news then the video game or the remasters.... YAWN
wake me when its over

Anonymous said...

"Behind the Organization"

Anonymous said...

Taf wont mention it because he's hiding stuff on request from phoney.
What i figure has happened is The Nutters where working for phoney up until after the last rotten apple suitcase was dropped, then around that time they split for unknown reasons. Now on there own The Nutters have started the inside the org series and phoney has requested that taf blanks them.

Anonymous said...

To be fair Taf does mention them but that's only as far as he goes. Considering it's such a juicy aspect of the Iamaphoney story and a damaging one at that and considering Taf's affection for IAAP, he won't make that much of a deal out of it.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The Eye Of Horus? You don't know your ass from your elbow. He's giving the Seven Daughters Insignia.

Anonymous said...

We should start a petition to try and get taf to dish the juice of the nutters and update the blog about them a bit more. Whose with me??????

Anonymous said...

Well I'm In. Truth Behind the org here we come

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just wake the fuck up ?

Anonymous said...

Guess he's in to lol

i'm in

Anonymous said...

juice of the nutters?

Anonymous said...

it's a dish best served COLD

Anonymous said...

does it have nuts in it because im Allergic

Anonymous said...

yay a petition im in, whats if for????

Anonymous said...

oh brother

Anonymous said...

he was mt brother, he was such a ??? NUTTER?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm in, come on people get taf to work

Anonymous said...

my liddle nutter, yeah yeah

Anonymous said...

i'm in, come on people get taf to work

so you don't have to?

Anonymous said...

stuff about the nutters is researched and published here and on NIR yet taf doesn’t mention it, Taf works hard, don’t get me wrong but most of the nutters stuff just needs to be put in some sort of order.

Anonymous said...

To sum up:

Mikey doesn't have a "bootleg." Phoney has to have a real album and distribution in order for someone to cut out the middle man. Mikey is the middle man.

A "banner week" is one that is worthy of a banner headline. There is nothing in the new RA video (or any other) worthy of a banner headline except for those who already believe it, in which case the RA series only sings to the choir, and convinces absolutely no one else.

The RA editing style is identical to the Nutters style. The Nutters flashcard style predates RA, and looks to be influenced by the "Real Love" video.

The Nutters like crazy stunts and PID, and it only makes sense that these kids made the silly Blair Witch video in keeping with their shenanigans.

RA was always about promoting a Beatle-esque Paul is Dead themed album for hard core PIDers, hence Taf promotes his work on this blog, which caters to PIDers and tolerates PIAers.

Mikey knows and works with the Nutters kids, and he is not eighteen.

Anonymous said...

Thank You, now if Taf had of simply poasted that in the first place there would have been no worry :)

Anonymous said...

has anyone been to the isle of wight recently, just wondered if anyone had seen any mad people with shopping carts, briefcases of cameras?

Anonymous said...

So Jesus dies and nary a mention?


Lawd forgive them, they sure dont know what the f*ck they do!

I'm sure he's planning a second coming..

Anonymous said...

Shall we dance?

Anonymous said...


i'v seen pictures of some of them that where linked to a wile back but i cant find them now, There was a picture of Arron and there been one's of phoney's camera man with kirsty who's married to arron, cant we colaberate all these pictures into one place and try and figure out how many org members there are and rule out who is and isnt involved

Anonymous said...

ever hear of spell check?

Anonymous said...

sorry "collaborate" you git

Anonymous said...

You mean we are actuALLy in labor? woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Nutters on the job.

Anonymous said...

follow the cat

JUDE said...

The Nutters are NOT behind the production and editing of the Iamaphoney videos. They would like you to think they are, however. They are drawing attention to themselves by mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors. It's mindfuck 101, and I've been there and done that. They really are just a group of kids with a camera.

Anonymous said...

like more wizards

Anonymous said...

meow, i didn’t know arron was married, when did this happen and why weren’t we invited to the wedding. or where are invites in the briefcase?

Anonymous said...

Really Jude? how do you know this?

Anonymous said...

well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?

Anonymous said...

ha ha just had a vision of the nutter's opening a lunchbox and biting into a peanut butter sandwich only to realise there’s a phoney DVD in the middle of it.

Anonymous said...

Anybody out there actually know the truth?

Anonymous said...

group of kids or not things have been a lot more interesting since they turned up. iamaphoney seems to just repeat himself in every video now.

Anonymous said...

Yes you can syndicate any boat you row

I told you so

Anonymous said...

syndicate : combination of persons or companies to carry out some commercial undertaking

Anonymous said...

it's funny how most the people (yes including me) are single males, yet arron is younger then me and happIly married rich and well educated. where did i go wrong. its about time a girl was involved with PID it might tidy things up a bit, WOO GO KIRSTY-LOUIZA PARKS.

Anonymous said...

I wish you could hear me laughing my ass off.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, oh dear someone's having a mental breakdown. i must agree though as i fit into that male and single category.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Aaron's wife has a sister or two.

Anonymous said...

shit is everyone on here single blokes then, all this time i thought i was talking to a load of hot girls. damm it, i shall marry kirsty-louiza. i shall break up the happy Couple through a series of hidden nutcases.

MikeNL said...

The Nutters are NOT behind the production and editing of the Iamaphoney videos. They would like you to think they are, however. They are drawing attention to themselves by mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors. It's mindfuck 101, and I've been there and done that. They really are just a group of kids with a camera.

September 09, 2011

well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?

September 09, 2011

well, the first video that lewiscarrol guy did was just basically my harmless game multitrack video reversed.

3rd video was footage they were given. they just released it, and added their own part to it to make you think that they're iamaphoney.

Anonymous said...

oh my word this place should be called Nutters/

Anonymous said...

When all the broken hearted people living in the world agree

Anonymous said...

if nutters had no connection with phoney or you mike then why would they simply be given unreleased footage. could you please explain this a bit more? also when where they given this footage and why would they have RA style video's before the RA Series started. Putting both stories side by side there seems to be a lot of unexplainable hole's in your version and if the nutters where phoney's ex editors trying to out what phoney is trying to do then it would make sense that you would do what Mr phoney has told you and remove the nutters out of the question.

Anonymous said...

Mike has said on record that he thinks phoney is mccartney. How 'bout a current statement on that, Michael?

Anonymous said...







Anonymous said...

do we have to?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Tafultong, good post!

Anonymous said...

MikeNL and The Nutters Productions
The Real Story

Anonymous said...

well how come they where mimicking the techniques used by the real RA editors, Before the RA series even started. An where'd they get the unreleased footage? someone hid it in there school luchbox huh?

September 09, 2011

YEAH! Answer THAT JUDE!!!!


/looking kinda heavy these days Jude, should try a slim fast

Anonymous said...

What's a Yellow sub sandwich?

Anonymous said...

now this is interesting, hmmm mike, Do you know MP3J from the beatles remixers site by any chance?

Anonymous said...

Blogger MikeNL said...

but, really... the right album is coming one day.


Anonymous said...

I am NOT Jude, but I believe as a Mississippi Boat captain I can answer for him.

Well "socreditcard", if that is your real name... which it probably ISN'T...

The Nutters started mimicking Iamaphoney's editing style BECAUSE IAMAPHONEY IS SO ARTISTICALLY TRANSCENDENT that they intuitively KNEW about it before Iamaphoney came up with his editing style.

Kind of like how Led Zepplin ripped off Spirit "Tarsus" to make Stairway to Heaven.

Led Zepplin = Iamaphoney
Spirit = NUTTERS

And the thing about how the unreleased footage ended up in the the lunchboxes?


So close... but no point "socreditcard"

drink another slimfast, you know you want to, WITH A DONUT.

Anonymous said...

you know mike just dobbed himself in on being part of the nutters...

heres the site mike has been making the multitracks for.

Now same site different page, scroll down to a members post called Yesterdays Hurt by a guy called Child Of Nature

this guy's location info is Location: Shanklin Isle Of Wight UK. and look at that arrow on the Child Of Nature logo. where have we seen that before. Its The Nutters. Mike is making Remixis and multi-tracks with them.

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you, you magnificent bastard.


s3anl3nnon = Jesus = Patrick Swayze

you never saw them all in the same room

Anonymous said...

holy hell, and child of nature was the title of arrons bebo page to. so mike knows arron, interesting hows he gonna get out of this one.

Hay Mike does phoney know your friends with arron or are you all in this together?

Anonymous said...

So when Jesus comes back,

this time .... it's....


Anonymous said...

Gonna watch Roadhouse in your honor tonight Jesus!!!

Anonymous said...

s3anl3nnon died???!?!

I didn't even know he was sick!!!

Anonymous said...

So Mike is finally caught with his hand in the nutter jar...

should have reached for a slimfast instead

Anonymous said...

Mike is 18, Arron is 19, It would make sense that he is. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there not old school buddies. we already know mike is phoney's middle man. so thus the circle is complete. there all connected and cover each others tracks.

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney as a concept is looking more and more silly everyday

First 9/11 and now this

Anonymous said...


look said...


Anonymous said...

all mikenl is hoping for is people to pay money for theprivatecloud so he could use everyones money to buy himself stuff. lol. i am so seriously.

Anonymous said...

i'm a little bit lost? what are you all on about?

Anonymous said...

They're acting all self importANT-like, when really they are pissing of the big Boss.

That's really it in a nuitshell, and they better cut it out.

tick tock

spoonfeeding is boring said...

What? you didn't know NUT was in CROWLEY? the Book of the Law you hold so dear?

Anonymous said...

iamaphoney is scamming people for money too they seemed to not want to add that one in lol

making a list and checking it twice said...

They ain't nutters in my book.

But don't cry over them. They were warned.

Anonymous said...

amaphoney is scamming people for money too they seemed to not want to add that one in lol

this too is a piss off factor.

you better run, phoney nuts! because you can't hide from ME!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

me thinks the mike doth protest too much!

h8te to break it to you, Mike is GFA

September 9, 2011 7:51 PM

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!

gfaNL? ? ? ? said...

Mike was prolly too busy working on the scary grandfathertoonies junk to actually get some real work done so we could play some Rotten Apple on our iPods.

September 9, 2011 7:51 PM

ya! stop that scary stuff gfaNL and get some tunes on our iPods!

The Incredible Jude said...

Anonymous said...
Really Jude? how do you know this?

September 9, 2011 8:05 PM

dont get him angry, you wouldn't like him when he is angry

Anonymous said...

Mikey knows and works with the Nutters kids, and he is not eighteen.

September 9, 2011 8:00 PM

y do they call him grandfather???


Anonymous said...

Mikey knows and works with the Nutters kids, and he is not eighteen.

September 9, 2011 8:00 PM

y do they call him grandfather???


September 9, 2011 10:35 PM

good lord that is true.
it was before us all along.

Anonymous said...

lol someone needs sleep

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like the game is over in a few hours or so, so I guess this is the final goodbye.

Anonymous said...

it's the remastered version, LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
s3anl3nnon died???!?!

I didn't even know he was sick!!!

September 9, 2011 8:17 PM

yea he was killed in a car crash and ran over a cat

Anonymous said...

What's it like to watch the whole world fail?

It sucks.

Anonymous said...

You can make a lampshade from my face, I don't need it anymore.

Anonymous said...

If you think that The0rg is giving out identities and is a part of the nutters, you are a nutter, cant you tell?

Anonymous said...

whatever, I just know I lost the game.

wasn't for lack of trying or for giving you everything I own to do it, either.

Anonymous said...

everyones a winner lmao

Anonymous said...

not this time, it didn't work out, did it.

Anonymous said...

i like to think it worked out just perfectly ^.^

you took your lucky break and broke it said...

Paul wasn't really dead. It was someone else who was really dead - the magical mystery tour you fail to see.

whatever, right?

Anonymous said...

i like to think it worked out just perfectly ^.^

you have no clue as to how perfect it could have been, man.

obviously, or this conversation would never happen.

and I guess it didn't.

Anonymous said...

that's right i'm talking to myself because i'm crazy

i need therapy

Anonymous said...

I offered you therapy. You rejected it.

Anonymous said...

this is the second time i got locked up y'know, the first time was done well.. a little backwards lmfao

Anonymous said...

hey i'm taking it because i have to channel my higher self lmao

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dosen't change the fact you failed yourselves.

iamawich said...


I should have been a better speller.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I smell fire. Do you smell fire? I smell fire.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the rest of the show, what's left of it, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hi me!

Anonymous said...

you might be a witch but

who is the father of evil lmao

Anonymous said...

oh wait i forgot

i'm talking to myself

Anonymous said...

ps thanks for taking my appendix -.-

Anonymous said...

you might be a witch but ....

is that how I spelled it? nope

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha all you need to do is relax

Anonymous said...

try some meditating, it works you know

Anonymous said...

A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen her face before
Nobody was really sure
If she was from the House of Lords......

Anonymous said...

oh my god just relax

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha all you need to do is relax

like you? no thankyou

Anonymous said...

boy when that right album gets released i'm going to enjoy that ALOT

Anonymous said...

oh my god just relax

what for? if those films really meant anything to you, again we would not be having this conversation.

Anonymous said...

when the right album gets released you will have nothing to worry about because when the right album gets released it also reverses a little PID word game

Anonymous said...

boy when that right album gets released i'm going to enjoy that ALOT

It should have "released" long ago

I told you this, and you declined to take my advice.

Anonymous said...

Put it this way, I BURIED PAUL.

Anonymous said...

when the right album gets released you will have nothing to worry about because when the right album gets released it also reverses a little PID word game

It's too late, don't you get t?

Anonymous said...

omg just relax lol

Anonymous said...

I BURIED PAUL, but I couldn't bring him back to life is the other word game.

Face it, fail all around and that includes you too.

Anonymous said...

don't get me angry lol

Anonymous said...

omg just relax lol

I relaxed quite long enough.

And I'm sorry I failed too.

Anonymous said...

why do you think paul's a vegetarian

teacher gets annoyed said...

Class, your failure is my failure.

You are dismissed. I have to look for a new job.

Anonymous said...

sit back and listen to some of the right music

Anonymous said...

why do you think paul's a vegetarian?

A fish spoke to him. Figures he'd only listen to that fish and not...

oh, forget it.

I know no one cares. and never really did.

Anonymous said...

sit back and listen to some of the right music

oh really? gonna throw THAT one around?

Prime example of how I know I failed you. You hated the plan the entire time. You proved this many times.

Anonymous said...

there is no plan

sit back relax and wait until the right album comes out

then you should know why m.d.c. shot the wrong person

Anonymous said...

A lot of people got mega rich off the game, didn't they?

Well, payback's gonna be a little bitch.

Anonymous said...

To Paulie

Love Johnny

Anonymous said...

I buried Paul

Anonymous said...

there is no plan

oh really?

You weren't the planner. There most definitely was a plan.You are not to say otherwise, not your place.

Anonymous said...

i do really love sitting here chatting i really do

but i do have to run now

ps. I buried Paul!

merry krimble!

Anonymous said...

I never forget LOL

Anonymous said...


pass this bill said...

the meaning of Aja is "goat"

Anonymous said...

Rita paid it. It was all paid for with big tax breaks for the working class.






please release me said...

Rita \r(i)-ta\ as a girl's name is pronounced REE-tah. Short form of Margarita (Spanish), from Margaret (Greek) "pearl". Use in Hindi is from Sanskrit, meaning "right".

see? It was never a joke. Not to me, anyway.

How could you think it ever was?

Anonymous said...

Anyway, the game is really over.

Hope this doesn't blow a hole in your weekend.

Im the trouble starter, punkin instigator
Im the fear addicted, danger illustrated

Drew Burrymored Paul said...

Charlie can do the right thing, because it's WAR.

For you, Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Gonna look you right in the face

Anonymous said...

Like a Lucifer she'll always shine?

I guess the light didn't hit you upside the head the right way,

Back to darkness, I guess.

Anonymous said...

.... to a world lit only by fire.

Anonymous said...

wait what? lol

Anonymous said...

everything is right again

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm talking to myself again

Anonymous said...

Look up "Judas Goat" if you want the REAL meaning of Hey Jude.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Like a Lucifer she'll always shine?

I guess the light didn't hit you upside the head the right way,

Back to darkness, I guess.

September 10, 2011 10:37 AM

Correctly deduced on all counts, to the latter I would say, for some.

Anonymous said...

Climb it, I would say.

Anonymous said...

Miss Lucy couldn't get anyone to climb the ladder.

How very sad. Where did they all go?

Anonymous said...

One in a million wan't enough for them.

Go figure. Everyone loses out.

Anonymous said...

you'll see me soon?

I don't think you'll ever see, and that's pretty sad
when you consider the degree of hope required in the first place.

Know what I mean?

no, of course not

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To sum up:

Mikey doesn't have a "bootleg." Phoney has to have a real album and distribution in order for someone to cut out the middle man. Mikey is the middle man.

A "banner week" is one that is worthy of a banner headline. There is nothing in the new RA video (or any other) worthy of a banner headline except for those who already believe it, in which case the RA series only sings to the choir, and convinces absolutely no one else.

The RA editing style is identical to the Nutters style. The Nutters flashcard style predates RA, and looks to be influenced by the "Real Love" video.

The Nutters like crazy stunts and PID, and it only makes sense that these kids made the silly Blair Witch video in keeping with their shenanigans.

RA was always about promoting a Beatle-esque Paul is Dead themed album for hard core PIDers, hence Taf promotes his work on this blog, which caters to PIDers and tolerates PIAers.

Mikey knows and works with the Nutters kids, and he is not eighteen.

September 9, 2011 8:00 PM


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Climb it, I would say.

September 10, 2011 3:15 PM

Not alone, that would be rude and insensitive. And quite possibly, not possible, if there's any justice.

Anonymous said...

Justice was totally on you side.

Justice pointed the way.

Justice laid down it's LIFE for you.

Justice is a little pissed off you ignored Justice.

oh, Justice warned over and over,

Justice was blind and Justice saw.

Justice can't accept this answer you gave her.

Justice has it's Price.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you win -_-

Anonymous said...

Justice is the reason you were assembled in the first olace.

Justice is gonna whoop Phone's ass.

Justice is gonna whoop the nutters.

Justice is definitely NOT HAPPY with any of your games.

especially involving money into the scheme.

Why you would even consider messing w/ Justice, I, I, just don't know.

I do know this: Justice will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you win -_-


so prove it.

Anonymous said...

i hate the beatles.

Anonymous said...

damnit to hell

Anonymous said...

you hate them because you can't buy love?

Anonymous said...

Justice is back.

old justice said...

damnit to hell?

there was an escape route out of hell, didn't you know?

why, yes, I do believe I told you....

too LATE NOW, though.

Anonymous said...

I still want to get married without actually having a wedding.

Anonymous said...

9/10/11 sounds like a wonderful anniversary date, don't you agree?

Anonymous said...

I think you pushed your luck a little too far.

Anonymous said...

i'll be waiting for you now to shut the others up once and for all.. i have until midnight tonight so make up your mind little mrs. yoko lucfier manson or whatever it is you call yourself

Anonymous said...

i'm talking to myself the entire time remember

Anonymous said...

I still want to get married without actually having a wedding.

that option has passed.

you laughed while I worked and you ignored the very one you sought, the one who pays your rent

unfucking believable

Anonymous said...

i'll be waiting for you now to shut the others up once and for all.. i have until midnight tonight so make up your mind little mrs. yoko lucfier manson or whatever it is you call yourself


At least get my name right, dude,

CharlieNewports said...

I'm sorry, what was I thinking

i dunno actually

CharlieN said...

it just sort of happened, yknow

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i'll be waiting for you now to shut the others up once and for all.. i have until midnight tonight so make up your mind little mrs. yoko lucfier manson or whatever it is you call yourself

Too many shrooms is it?
Take a chill pill bro

Anonymous said...

am getting tired of this game

Anonymous said...

oh, are you really?

You never play ANYTHING except your BULLSHIT.

Anonymous said...

lol you know you love it

Anonymous said...

uh, no

anyway, the statue of limitation ran out, with the torch....

please, next time, don't call if this is the way it goes, ok?

Anonymous said...

yes i'm sorry

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sending out those messages :(

Anonymous said...

you should have left it alone if this is the ending

Anonymous said...

i felt like it was needed to be done

Anonymous said...

and was i right about that one?

Anonymous said...

oh, to be done

ok, thanks

for nothing

how you can be so cruel, I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND.

Anonymous said...

lol you know i can't get out of this one now even if i tried to

so enjoy your laughing

Anonymous said...

fuck off and die


Anonymous said...


muhahahahahaha said...


Anonymous said...

that's what you ultimately choose, so live with it.

like I said, just leave me out of it next time.

Anonymous said...

that's what you ultimately choose, so live with it.

Live and let LIVE.

like I said, just leave me out of it next time.

Next time??
Do you have your arse permanently stuck in a revolving door?
There is no next time.

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