Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beatles Book

Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived. The reduction in quantity is more than made up by the quality of these latest efforts, which focus on the Beatles Book monthly. Imagine a trippy, yet coherent themed Rotten Apple production and you'll have an idea of "TheStudyCloud - Beatles Book (1963 - 1969)" and "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo."

Like many U.S. fans, my first knowledge of the Beatles Monthly was when some issues were shown on the White Album Poster.

The original Beatles Monthly was published from August 1963 through December 1969. Seeing those 1967-era Beatles faces on the covers was pretty exciting for those of us who wanted nothing to do with those girlie fan magazines where you had to look at pictures of Bobby Sherman and Dino, Desi and Billy before you would find a Beatle. The Monthly was endorsed by Brian Epstein and featured numerous articles credited to Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans.

The first video explores, among other things, the magazine's curious practice of putting fake mustaches on pictures of the fabs presumably to make earlier pictures appear to be from 1967. This topic has been researched quite well in the "Nothing Is Real" discussion group.

Presumably this deception on the part of the Beatles Book was a practical matter due to the Beatles' recent change of appearance and the shortage of contemporary pictures. In fact it doesn't seem significant at all really. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world when Rotten Apple 12 featured "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" backwards. Although the words "It was a fake mustache" were more understandable than most of the backwards "clues," it didn't seem to have anything to do with the Paul Is Dead rumors.

To my knowledge, no one before Iamaphoney ever implied any significance to the "fake mustache." But then it occurred to me that maybe there is more to this fake mustache thing than meets the mouth. There was the brief moment in the promo for "A Day In the Life" when Paul appeared to really have a fake mustache.

And why would the Sgt. Pepper album include bonus cut-outs that included a fake mustache? And wasn't it weird that all four Beatles decided to sport mustaches at the very same time? That always seemed a bit juvenile to me.

The second video release three weeks later, consisted of a minute and a half of disconnected items from the pages of the Beatles Monthly. Beginning with pictures of the Beatles skiing doubles from "Help!" chronicled on the pages of the magazine and then moving into a weird little blurb about, of all things, the Twin Peppers.

The Twin Peppers were two copies of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album which supposedly contained special clues when synced together. This was a rather difficult thing to test. As the story goes, the "Twin Peppers" were found in the Berlin Suitcase allegedly dropped by the key character in the Rotten Apple Series, generally referred to these days as The Phoney Figure (TPF). Recordings of two scratched up copies of Sgt. Pepper were available for download for a while and purported to be the copies found in the Iamaphoney suitcase. Yeah, this sounded like a valuable way for me to spend my time. But I have to admit, that I was impressed to see that The famous Beatles Monthly reported that prior to the release of the album, two copies of it were stolen. So, if we can believe that two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were created with special clues, and those very two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were stolen prior to its release, and those very two copies ended up in the hands of Iamaphoney several decades later, and those very two copies were placed in a suitcase and left in Berlin, and those very two copies were found in that suitcase by someone who was familiar enough with the Rotten Apple series to report it to someone who was well schooled in all things Iamaphoney-related, and those very two copies were placed on the web for download, then yes, we have something here.

Then the video goes on to some Thelema images with an attempt to connect them with Arthur Dooley’s curious "Four Lads Who Shook The World" sculpture in Liverpool. This is made even more confusing when one reads the description of "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo" as presented unlisted on YouTube. It says, "doubles, twin peppers and wings." Is Iamaphoney implying that there is a connection between Thelema, the "Four Lads That Shook The World" sculpture and Wings? I think he is.

Now, what does it mean?


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Anonymous said...

Iamafunny is more of a hypergraphia nut than Iameye.

Funny style, but wow, dude. You must really enjoy typing.

Anonymous said...

Iamafunny is more of a hypergraphia nut than Iameye.

Funny style, but wow, dude. You must really enjoy typing.

August 12, 2011 2:33 PM

I agree, what a nut

hey iaap, hold out for more money! he doubled his bid. if the dude wants it so bad before the official october 3 release make him pay thru the lennon nose mate!

Anonymous said...

Iamafunny is more of a hypergraphia nut than Iameye.

August 12, 2011 2:33 PM

thought iamafunny was lost?
guess he has been found.
why would he want to buy an album that he could use a time machine to get?

hey funny, get in the machine of time and go forward to oct and get it.

Anonymous said...

Iamafunny is more of a hypergraphia nut than Iameye.

August 12, 2011 2:33 PM


The Knitting Forum Manager said...

Hyper-graphia's gonna get you, gonna look you RIGHT ALBUM in the face.

Better get yourself together, Darling, going tojoin the human race!

well, right I AM :)

Anonymous said...



Dear Sir or... said...

hypergraphia = the write album

The Right Album said...

It's an invitation.

2222 said...

In the Epistle to the Hebrews, Hebrews 10:12, it says that Jesus "sat down at the right hand of God," after he had "offered for all time one sacrifice for sins." As in Acts 2, the language of Psalm 110 is used, the next verse saying that Jesus is waiting "for his enemies to be made his footstool."[4] Other New Testament passages that speak of Christ as being at God's right hand are Ephesians 1:20 (God seated Christ "at his right hand in the heavenly realms") and 1Peter 3:22 (Jesus has "gone into heaven and is at God's right hand").

Anonymous said...

You see, iamafunny?, you get way more for your $6.66 than you ever possibly dreamed.

delivered as requested!

How's the audio quality now? better?


now, pay UP!

Anonymous said...

you are all not men of business, iamafunny clearly said, I will pay you next weekend.
if you had understanding you might have knowledgement of this

Anonymous said...

I bet Tafultong died on a batty conk.
I bet he did, really.

Anonymous said...

hey funny, get that machine of time and bring the Right Album back to us in 2006 and tell us what happens in Dec 2012 for the revelation, OR DID YOU ALREADY?

Anonymous said...


August 12, 2011 3:02 PM

iameye is funnier

Anonymous said...

not intentionally of course

Anonymous said...

hey iamafunny, you arent funny and you type waaay to damn much,

yeah.... i said it.

Anonymous said...

I bet Tafultong died on a batty conk.
I bet he did, really.

August 12, 2011 4:33 PM

he would have already been replaced dude if that was true. dont you know how things work here?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hey iamafunny, you arent funny and you type waaay to damn much,

yeah.... i said it.

August 12, 2011 5:56 PM

yes, comedy should be short, brevity is the soul of wit. dude has a point, you would be way funnier if you typed less, like almost nothing. like this


Anonymous said...

The wait is over.

The revelation is here.

No more talk.

No more jokes.

This is the truth.

Time to wake up sheeple.

Anonymous said...

This is the truth.

Time to wake up sheeple.

Wow. That was worth the wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm kicking you out of fight club so you don't get, uh, hurt.

Please stand way over there. More. Keep going wayyyyyy over there, towards the right Album.

That's it.

Thank you for your co-operation. It's for your own good.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your co-operation. It's for your own good.

August 12, 2011 9:41 PM

We are grateful for your words of wisdom and gallant stoicism, Officer.

Officer of Peace Dept said...

You're welcome. Now get off the street and go home.

Anonymous said...


Batty Conk said...

It wasn't me.

Betty Cunt said...

Nor I.

George said...

Nor I.

(Get it? "George Nor I")

Ian Pun It said...

Maybe he was conked with a batty!

Michael Jackson said...

Now people, this is serious!
tafultong said he was going through a crisis of epic proportions, and then he vanished!

I'm thinkin' the music mafia got him, and shut him up for good!
Or maybe Yoko and Phil Spectre.

I know a thing or two about this fakin' a death thing, and I can tell the real from the phake!
The phoney from the pher-real!

It's time to call out the hounds!

Anonymous said...

The Right Album?

I'll stick with Abbey Road--thanks for trying. We appreciate the effort though.

thee Long and Winding said...

Upon which Road do they walk to THE RIGHT?

Don't dis the road man....

Anonymous said...

I'll stick with Abbey Road--thanks for trying

3 Abbey Road, highly unlikely that could repeat, huh?


so, ou were saying?

Anonymous said...

'm thinkin' the music mafia got him, and shut him up for good!

I hope he's happy.

Anonymous said...

At least iamafunny owes me a big fat check. Well earned, I MUST say.

OPD said...

five days to pay up funny!

Sun Setting said...

I can be replaced, chickey baby.

I'm the only one crying about it anyway.

POD said...

Paul Overcame Death

Nibiru said...

My three suns

all my friends have lost their way said...

This sucks, big time.

Anonymous said...

Hello iamaphoney, I have enjoyed your series a great deal and am looking forward to your upcoming album. You are a very creative group and I wish you the best. I am eagerly anticipating your "revelation" and it would be a blast to collaborate with you. Sincerely, Paul McCartney.

Anonymous said...

The real Paul wouldn't say "it would be" because it already is.

Anonymous said...

Biggest ass in show business! It's true!

photoshop the face :) said...

“Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!”

Anonymous said...

Just another level of control.

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson said...

Now people, this is serious!
tafultong said he was going through a crisis of epic proportions, and then he vanished!

August 13, 2011 10:01 AM

When did this happen?
Just read last post from Taf and he doesnt say anything about this...


And I quote said...

Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived.

Anonymous said...

At least he mad a vid before he croaked.

Soon to go platinum.


And I quote said...
Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived.

August 15, 2011 7:01 PM

Was this mean? can it be that there is a crisis in the life of Tafultong? Can he not have us his friends to help? Why can we not help this man?
I have an idea, let us pledge to help him and stop this crisis so that he can continue to make blog!


We shall have instead of a telethon......

we shall have a TAFULTHON

Anonymous said...

We shall have instead of a telethon......

we shall have a TAFULTHON

August 16, 2011 1:59 AM

i second this motion

Anonymous said...

nice idea mr long winded stupid hypergraphia typing guy, can you make your posts any longer?

Anonymous said...

nice idea mr long winded stupid hypergraphia typing guy, can you make your posts any longer?

August 16, 2011 2:01 AM

right, i agree. he should have boiled down the joke just to


This blog should consist of either one word posts, or beatle quotes.
anything else is hypergraphical.

fuck, i typed to much..

Anonymous said...

We shall have instead of a telethon......

we shall have a TAFULTHON

August 16, 2011 1:59 AM

nice one iamafunngraphia

2 cents said...

expecting the very people who couldnt go get suitcases in their own back yards to pony up money?



Blog word count police said...


Anonymous said...

this is entirely too many posts with too many words.

Anonymous said...

Can we maybe have a race, like a decathlon?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

August 16, 2011 2:10 AM

This is the perfect amount of words for a joke. Just one. Good job.

Anonymous said...

This is the perfect amount of words for a joke. Just one. Good job.

August 16, 2011 2:14 AM

wrong. you should only use acronyms

DECAFultong said...

One lump or two with that batty conk?

DECAFuLATTEtong said...

cream and a touch of Swiss Miss im miss im miss im

I'm no Foo! said...

We should have a fund raiser at STARR BUCKS for Mr. T.

blackbird said...

What use has a dead man for money?
(Is he really really dead?!)
Perhaps the money raised should be held in esCROW.

See Emily Post said...

You have a point.
Maybe we should just go for 5000 posts in his honor.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I said 5000 posts!

the Raven said...

never more!

Dudley said...


Ima Bluebird said...

Perhaps the money raised should be held in esCROW.

Leave it with me, and I'll feather my nest.

the walrus said...

That will be a nice nest egg, man.

a serviceable villain said...

I know thee well.

How-well? Ginsburg said...

Yellow matter custard, green slop pie,
All mixed together with a dead dog's eye,
Slap it on a butty, ten foot thick,
Then wash it all down with a cup of cold sick.

I Am The Walrus - An Interpretation said...

Some people try to reach God in
the strangest ways
But even the lowly animals know
know how to be one with God
And even if you're a good person
you shouldn't expect praise;
I am a spirit of God
And so are you
I am God (and therefore so are you)
Isn't that Wonderful?

Anonymous said...

that sucked

Lee Harvey Oswald said...

Slave, thou hast slain me.

Ruby in the dust said...

Yes, I hast.

JFK said...

Oh untimely death!

tafultong wrote said...

I'm afraid I must go.
You have the rest of your lives
, but I have an hour to catch a plane.
Happy New Year.

It sounds so ominous now.

Anonymous said...

What do you suppose he meant?
Was he fleeing for his life?
Did he catch the plane?
Did it ever land?

Or is he with Buddy Holly and Rick Nelson now?

Anonymous said...

fault gon

Anonymous said...

fault not g

Anonymous said...

What if he was Buddy Holly, pretexting from the past?

Budding Holly said...

Don't you ever fear, I'm always near.
I know that you need help.
Your tongue is twisted, your eyes are slit.
You need a guardian.

Bang! Bang! Knock on the door, another big bang, get down on the floor.
Oh No! What do we do?
Don't look now but I lost my shoe.
I can't run and I can't kick.
What's a matter babe, are you feelin' sick?
What's a matter, what's a matter, what's a matter you?
What's a matter babe, are you feelin' blue?

Apollo C 13 said...

Your fail is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Never was.


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Please someone clarify,

A) where do you consider home to be?
B) why the urgency to go now?

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Iameye you keep posting here like this is still some big mystery.You have all the names of the Iamaphoney guys,you've seen their pages,what more do you want?Contact them directly.This blog is over.It serves no purpose when the mystery was solved months ago.

Anonymous said...

Iameye you keep posting here like this is still some big mystery.You have all the names of the Iamaphoney guys,you've seen their pages,what more do you want? Contact them directly.This blog is over.It serves no purpose when the mystery was solved months ago.

Because Iameye is a hypergraphete and wants the mystery to be the one he made up and so he keeps up his personal delusion with no evidence other than allusions and invented connections that that whole crew revels in. When King Kong left the island there was nothing left for the locals to do. What would those seven remaining PWR people do with all their free time?

More important, who will I have left to mock with my free time?

Anonymous said...

First of all, iameye is a woman, Einstein.

Too bad you didn't read the book on that.

Anonymous said...

First of all, iameye is a woman, Einstein.

Too bad you didn't read the book on that.

Why would anyone care either way?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
First of all, iameye is a woman, Einstein.

Why would anyone care either way?

August 18, 2011 5:02 PM

is she HOT??

then I would care.

the next question, IS SHE PROMISCUOUS??

Anonymous said...


She's been to the Prom, but whether she's Miss Cuous is anybody's guest.

Alice said...

More important, who will I have left to mock with my free time?

Who are you? The mocking turtle?
No soup for you!

the lovely daughter said...

You have baked me too brown;
I must sugar my hair.

Gryphoney said...

Tis the Voice of the Lobster is a poem by Lewis Carroll that appears in Chapter 10 of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. As recited by Alice to the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon, the first stanza describes a vain and stylish lobster who pretends not to fear sharks, but is in fact terrified by them. In the second stanza, an owl naively attempts to share a meat pie with a greedy panther. Although the poem's final line is left incomplete, the owl's unhappy fate is evident to the reader.

Iam a ph One Eye said...

I passed by his garden, and marked, with one eye,
How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie:
The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat,
While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat.

Go ax Alice said...

This poem is not to be conflated with a "Lobster Quadrille" that the Mock Turtle sings to Alice as he dances with the Gryphon.
After the dance, Alice intends to recite the poem "Tis the voice of the sluggard", but "her head was so full of the Lobster Quadrille, that she hardly knew what she was saying" (Ch. 10).

The Mock Turtle's Song said...

"The Lobster Quadrille" is a song written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll). It is a parody of "The Spider and the Fly" by Mary Botham Howitt. It appeared in Chapter 10 of Carroll's book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and was sung by a character in the book, the Mock Turtle.

The song flows with the chapters 9 and 10, "The Mock Turtle's Story" and "The Lobster Quadrille", which are about the Mock Turtle's life and schooling under the sea, because the song is about animals such as porpoises, sea snails and lobsters.

Sponge Bob Square Dants said...

Will you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail,

"There's a porpoise close behind us, and he's treading on my tail.

See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance!

They are waiting on the shingle -- will you come and join the dance?

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?

"You can really have no notion how delightful it will be

When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea!"

But the snail replied "Too far, too far!" and gave a look askance --

Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance.

Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance.

Would not, could not, would not, could not, could not join the dance.

"What matters it how far we go?" his scaly friend replied.

"There is another shore, you know, upon the other side.

The further off from England the nearer is to France --

Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you joint the dance?

The Spider and The Fly said...

The Rock and Rolling Stones

like a moth to the flame said...


Eye Prom is said...

I like the way he holds the microphone!

Have Mercy! said...

Please don't say we're through!

Phoney hasn't answered the 9 questions!

It's all over now said...

every man in town,
still trying to take me for that same old clown

This could be the last time! said...

but you know it isnt!

Jimi Hendrix with the Rolling Stones said...

and why not?

Jimi Hendrix & Jim Morrison said...

What was and never should have been

Anonymous said...

back to scrolling mode

i can show you said...

they might as well be dead!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a boon,
Was kindly permitted to pocket the spoon;
While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl,
And concluded the banquet by --- *

Anonymous said...

Although the poem's final line is left incomplete, the owl's unhappy fate is evident to the reader.

oh really?

Anonymous said...

will you, won't you, will you join the dance?

Anonymous said...

so far, as i read this...

these are this weeks lessons from the iamaphoney blog....

iamaeye is a woman.
a hot woman.
a hot promiscuous hypergraphia/ic woman.

tafultong is in trouble.
epic proportions trouble.
he also has a plane to catch.

Mr. Vermouth should answer the courtesy phone.
its white.

there is going to be a telethon for tafultong.


i didnt miss anything, i checked.

And now for the multiple choice questions...

When am I coming back to this blog?

a)Never. Never ever.
b)Next month
c)Next week
e)in an hour
f)i never leave

yes, you got it.




Anonymous said...

As hinted at previously, it looks like the plan was to include subscribers in the "inner circle" to some degree. The "raw evidence" is being presented so that we can do our own research and come to our own conclusions, as long as we are willing to turn over our free will when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

Now, what does it mean?

Anonymous said...

Now, what does it mean?

Anonymous said...

How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! how is she become as a widow! she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary!

Anonymous said...

The roads to Zion mourn, for no one comes to her appointed feasts. All her gateways are desolate, her priests groan, her maidens grieve, and she is in bitter anguish.

Anonymous said...

This blog is over.It serves no purpose when the mystery was solved months ago.

Longer than that!

Anonymous said...

Free Willi

wake up! said...


Anonymous said...

The We're ALL all right album ;)

Anonymous said...

In Ocean's Kingdom ;)

Take a sad song said...

The German word for Jew, "Jude" , is pronounced [ˈjuːdə]

The Hebrew word for Jew, יְהוּדִי Yhudi, is pronounced [jehuˈdi]

Focus! said...

Hokus Pokus

Nuach Hakodesh said...

No. It is real.

Anonymous said...

so real

Anonymous said...

Speed it UP!

Anonymous said...

Megan Fox wasn't available.

Just a dead American princess.

With God's Grace.

Anonymous said...


Taf would have wanted Pizza. Really.

Anonymous said...

us the head dead yet?

Magik with a said...

We al know Kraft is King!

Anonymous said...

Ghost dance?

No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney has found the meaning of life, we should all be grateful that he is letting us in the know.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people in this comment section are in the know, not many it seems. Apparently finding out the actor's name solved the big mystery. Not even close.

Iamallrighty said...

Iamaphoney has found the meaning of life, we should all be grateful that he is letting us in the know.

Iamaphoney has left the building.

Anonymous said...

Iamaphoney has found the meaning of life, we should all be grateful that he is letting us in the know.

The meaning of life is making crappy Beatle cover songs, engaging in crass self promotion, and hoaxing people?

I figured that's what it was.

Anonymous said...

yup, they really fucked things up for the Right Alb.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
yup, they really fucked things up for the Right Alb.

August 20, 2011 5:21 PM

i know right!? but still, i want to plunk down my hard earned money and go on iTunes and buy it still.

Anonymous said...

know right!? but still, i want to plunk down my hard earned money and go on iTunes and buy it still.

August 20, 2011 6:05 PM

me too

retirement said...

me too

August 20, 2011 6:05 PM

me two, we all should. for all iaap has done, its only fair. free entertainment since the mid 2000's
at least we can give him a #1 album! COME ON PPL!!!!11

Anonymous said...

The Right Album will be #1 on iTunes and you know it.

Anonymous said...

The Right Album will be #1 on iTunes and you know it.

August 20, 2011 6:07 PM

i know, and i cant wait either. same thing with the private cloud, my monthly payment is small change next to the revelation, i wish i could give more, in fact i will.

iPhoney said...

me two, we all should. for all iaap has done, its only fair. free entertainment since the mid 2000's
at least we can give him a #1 album! COME ON PPL!!!!11

August 20, 2011 6:06 PM

if we the three people left here on this blog each buy the right album 1,000 times we could do this.
tell your friends, get this going,
Right Album #1 OCTOBER!

Anonymous said...

iTunes iPhoney

Anonymous said...

Fucked it up beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Stop talking to yourself, you aren't funny.

Anonymous said...

This is a failed attempt to turn iamaphoney into a joke. Make all the iTunes jokes you want, TheRevelAtion will happen with or without you. And TheRightAlbum is just as an important piece to this puzzle as everything else.

Anonymous said...

This is a failed attempt to turn iamaphoney into a joke. Make all the iTunes jokes you want, TheRevelAtion will happen with or without you. And TheRightAlbum is just as an important piece to this puzzle as everything else.

August 20, 2011 7:13 PM

i am sure of it, thats why i am going to buy it.
as many times as i can.
on iTunes.

Anonymous said...

Stop talking to yourself, you aren't funny.

August 20, 2011 7:08 PM'

i am talking to you, and i am not trying to be funny

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is a failed attempt to turn iamaphoney into a joke.

August 20, 2011 7:13 PM

why does buying the Right Album equal a joke? i take it very seriously. why are you so sensitive about this?

will the album be for sale?
or will you give it out for free?

Anonymous said...

TheRevelAtion will happen with or without you.
August 20, 2011 7:13 PM

of course it will, i would rather be there supporting it. stop doubting it, people support you. i am a supporter.

Anonymous said...

i am sure of it, thats why i am going to buy it.
as many times as i can.
on iTunes.

August 20, 2011 11:45 PM

iTunes or private cloud?

blue chip said...

The right album will be in the form of stocks and bonds.


Anonymous said...

TheRevelAtion will happen with or without you.
August 20, 2011 7:13 PM

of course it will, i would rather be there supporting it. stop doubting it, people support you. i am a supporter.

August 20, 2011 11:50 PM

Really? Where's all this support you speak of? haven't seen it.

with or without you?

Anonymous said...

Really? Where's all this support you speak of? haven't seen it.

with or without you?

August 21, 2011 4:53 AM

support is saying you are going to BUY THE ALBUM!
Asking when and where it will be available!
Joining the private cloud!

It is the metaphorical equivalent to lining up around the block to see a movie or buy an album at a record store.

making fun of your fans makes me not want to buy it when it comes available. i mean, I will buy it, but gosh i am not going to feel really good about it...

Ticker Symbol : IAAP said...

The right album will be in the form of stocks and bonds.


August 21, 2011 4:48 AM

i will buy stock, seriously! tell me the ticker symbol.

is it IAAP??!?!?

Anonymous said...

is it IAAP??!?!?

August 21, 2011 6:40 AM

yes, and you should sign up for 666 shares. and by "you" i mean me

Anonymous said...

Stop talking to yourself, you aren't funny.

August 20, 2011 7:08 PM'

i am talking to you, and i am not trying to be funny

August 20, 2011 11:46 PM

be more funny!

Anonymous said...

i know, and i cant wait either. same thing with the private cloud, my monthly payment is small change next to the revelation, i wish i could give more, in fact i will.

August 20, 2011 6:38 PM

it sucks when your fans want to give you money and support you, an artist has an obligation to make fun of and belittle any supporter who wants to show appreciation by participating in the marketing campaign that the artist designed.

iamamaddoff said...

yes, and you should sign up for 666 shares. and by "you" i mean me

August 21, 2011 6:42 AM

this is insider trading

suitcases and private clouds said...

why does buying the Right Album equal a joke? i take it very seriously. why are you so sensitive about this?
August 20, 2011 11:49 PM

stop participating in the marketing campaign dude, you arent good at it.
let the pros do it.

Anonymous said...

the right album will be a success, and your failed attempt at humor can't dowse the light of the right album.

Anonymous said...

The Carnival of Light Right Album is laughing, at you.

Anonymous said...

The Carnival of Light Right Album is laughing, at you.

August 21, 2011 6:52 AM

i wish someone would talk about it

Anonymous said...

The Carnival of Light Right Album is laughing, at you.

August 21, 2011 6:52 AM

i wish someone would talk about it

August 21, 2011 6:52 AM

they are, on the white courtesy phone that mister vermouth was supposed to answer.

Anonymous said...

"The Carnival of Light Right Album is laughing, at you."

No. The Carnival of Light Right Album wants to get played and laugh WITH you!

Anonymous said...

'the right album will be a success, and your failed attempt at humor can't dowse the light of the right album."

This is true, so why are you guys fighting against it?

Anonymous said...

My Kingdom

Anonymous said...

historically, all albums that suck are jokes, and the artists who makes them are jokes.

basic history lesson

Anonymous said...

i know right!? but still, i want to plunk down my hard earned money and go on iTunes and buy it still.

yeah yeah yeah

iwasaphoney said...

I look at life from both sides now.

Aiwass A Phoney said...

It's lifes illusions I recall.

Anonymous said...

This is true, so why are you guys fighting against it?

August 21, 2011 7:35 AM

we are not fighting it, WE ARE TRYING TO BUY IT!

Why are the makers of the Right Album not only making it so hard to purchase, BUT MAKING FUN OF THE VERY PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT IT?

Anonymous said...

historically, all albums that suck are jokes, and the artists who makes them are jokes.

basic history lesson

August 21, 2011 8:55 AM

hey! i dont think its a joke! i think its so cool i am willing to give money for it!

Anonymous said...

No. The Carnival of Light Right Album wants to get played and laugh WITH you!

August 21, 2011 7:33 AM

that would be ok, just as long as it doesnt laugh at me, i would still buy it but i wouldnt get a good feeling about it that way.

please dont laugh at me Right Album!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

stop participating in the marketing campaign dude, you arent good at it.
let the pros do it.

August 21, 2011 6:51 AM

suitcase pros

Before christ/AD said...

why are you haters hating on iamaphoney? all he is doing is showing the world the revelation, like jesus did. only he is doing it 2012AD in stead of 0 BC

The Right Album said...

please dont laugh at me Right Album!

August 21, 2011 12:06 PM

I promise not to laugh at you, only with you.

Please buy me.

Anonymous said...

but how right album? how do i buy you?

The Right Album said...

patience my child, it is almost october. then you can buy me.

Anonymous said...

thank you right album! i couldnt answer the white courtesy phone in time and didnt know, and all the haters are on here making fun of me, but i never lost faith in you right album, and i never lost faith in your son iamaphoney. just tell me where to send the money so that i can buy you and how much you are so that i can give you more then you ask because i love you that much.

Anonymous said...

If the Right Album does not a world wide release VERY SOON, YOU CAN REMAME IT THE LEFT ALBUM.

Anonymous said...

If the Right Album does not a world wide release VERY SOON, YOU CAN REMAME IT THE LEFT ALBUM.

August 21, 2011 12:47 PM

even if it is renamed the left album i will still buy it.


Anonymous said...

thank you right album! i couldnt answer the white courtesy phone in time and didnt know, and all the haters are on here making fun of me, but i never lost faith in you right album, and i never lost faith in your son iamaphoney. just tell me where to send the money so that i can buy you and how much you are so that i can give you more then you ask because i love you that much.

August 21, 2011 12:35 PM

you sick hypergraphia!

The Right Album said...

thank you right album! i couldnt answer the white courtesy phone in time and didnt know, and all the haters are on here making fun of me, but i never lost faith in you right album, and i never lost faith in your son iamaphoney. just tell me where to send the money so that i can buy you and how much you are so that i can give you more then you ask because i love you that much.

August 21, 2011 12:35 PM

I love you too

please send more money so that i can bring the revelation to the world

Anonymous said...

boy are you going to wish you had not mocked the right album!

The Right Album said...

Anonymous said...
boy are you going to wish you had not mocked the right album!

August 21, 2011 2:41 PM

Yes he is.

Or she is.

They are.

You know what i mean

Anonymous said...

The Right Album said...

I love you too

please send more money so that i can bring the revelation to the world

August 21, 2011 2:40 PM


Anonymous said...

TheRevelAtion will happen within you and without you.

You can play TheRightAlbum while that happens.

The Right Brothers said...

Come fly with me!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that be: "You're my heart's and my soul inspiration"?

Orville and Wilbur said...


the righteous brothers said...

Your my soul and my heart's inspiration.

Introduced by Nancy Sinatra.

the Grammer Police said...

You're my soul and my heart's inspiration

Anonymous said...

The "God Light" is so special.

Come home.


now that you found another clue said...

"please send more money so that i can bring the revelation to the world"

MaYbe if You just tell me how much You want, I can give it all now. I can do that one lump payment.


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