Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beatles Book

Over the past few weeks, (when your rotten chronicler was going through a crisis of epic proportions) two new installments of the Rotten Apple subscription series arrived. The reduction in quantity is more than made up by the quality of these latest efforts, which focus on the Beatles Book monthly. Imagine a trippy, yet coherent themed Rotten Apple production and you'll have an idea of "TheStudyCloud - Beatles Book (1963 - 1969)" and "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo."

Like many U.S. fans, my first knowledge of the Beatles Monthly was when some issues were shown on the White Album Poster.

The original Beatles Monthly was published from August 1963 through December 1969. Seeing those 1967-era Beatles faces on the covers was pretty exciting for those of us who wanted nothing to do with those girlie fan magazines where you had to look at pictures of Bobby Sherman and Dino, Desi and Billy before you would find a Beatle. The Monthly was endorsed by Brian Epstein and featured numerous articles credited to Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans.

The first video explores, among other things, the magazine's curious practice of putting fake mustaches on pictures of the fabs presumably to make earlier pictures appear to be from 1967. This topic has been researched quite well in the "Nothing Is Real" discussion group.

Presumably this deception on the part of the Beatles Book was a practical matter due to the Beatles' recent change of appearance and the shortage of contemporary pictures. In fact it doesn't seem significant at all really. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world when Rotten Apple 12 featured "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" backwards. Although the words "It was a fake mustache" were more understandable than most of the backwards "clues," it didn't seem to have anything to do with the Paul Is Dead rumors.

To my knowledge, no one before Iamaphoney ever implied any significance to the "fake mustache." But then it occurred to me that maybe there is more to this fake mustache thing than meets the mouth. There was the brief moment in the promo for "A Day In the Life" when Paul appeared to really have a fake mustache.

And why would the Sgt. Pepper album include bonus cut-outs that included a fake mustache? And wasn't it weird that all four Beatles decided to sport mustaches at the very same time? That always seemed a bit juvenile to me.

The second video release three weeks later, consisted of a minute and a half of disconnected items from the pages of the Beatles Monthly. Beginning with pictures of the Beatles skiing doubles from "Help!" chronicled on the pages of the magazine and then moving into a weird little blurb about, of all things, the Twin Peppers.

The Twin Peppers were two copies of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album which supposedly contained special clues when synced together. This was a rather difficult thing to test. As the story goes, the "Twin Peppers" were found in the Berlin Suitcase allegedly dropped by the key character in the Rotten Apple Series, generally referred to these days as The Phoney Figure (TPF). Recordings of two scratched up copies of Sgt. Pepper were available for download for a while and purported to be the copies found in the Iamaphoney suitcase. Yeah, this sounded like a valuable way for me to spend my time. But I have to admit, that I was impressed to see that The famous Beatles Monthly reported that prior to the release of the album, two copies of it were stolen. So, if we can believe that two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were created with special clues, and those very two copies of the Sgt. Pepper album were stolen prior to its release, and those very two copies ended up in the hands of Iamaphoney several decades later, and those very two copies were placed in a suitcase and left in Berlin, and those very two copies were found in that suitcase by someone who was familiar enough with the Rotten Apple series to report it to someone who was well schooled in all things Iamaphoney-related, and those very two copies were placed on the web for download, then yes, we have something here.

Then the video goes on to some Thelema images with an attempt to connect them with Arthur Dooley’s curious "Four Lads Who Shook The World" sculpture in Liverpool. This is made even more confusing when one reads the description of "TheStudyCloud - BeatleMonthlyTwo" as presented unlisted on YouTube. It says, "doubles, twin peppers and wings." Is Iamaphoney implying that there is a connection between Thelema, the "Four Lads That Shook The World" sculpture and Wings? I think he is.

Now, what does it mean?


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Anonymous said...

"In actuality, the Last Son of Krypton stole Superman's body and put it in a regeneration matrix in the Fortress of Solitude, drawing on his recovering energies to power himself, as bright light blinded him. It is revealed that the Last Son is, in actuality, the Eradicator, an ancient Kryptonian weapon, and the Cyborg is the deranged consciousness of Hank Henshaw, which used Superman's birthing matrix to create a physical duplicate of his body."

Anonymous said...

lol 2012 pun..

Anonymous said...

Sure, it's ostensibly based on something that *might* be true....

Turned out to be true, didn't it?

oh, sorry, I forgot for a minute that you don't really care

and THAT, my friends, turned out to be your biggest problem, didn't it. It's not a question.


Might makes RIGHT.

I hope we don't have to find out what THAT means.

Anonymous said...

It is revealed that the Last Son is, in actuality, the Eradicator

what an interesting situation we have, eh?

Anonymous said...


suck it

Anonymous said...

Should I stay or should I go?

24 hrs

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Should I stay or should I go?

24 hrs

August 4, 2011 6:37 PM

what would you do if you were asked that?

Anonymous said...

I'd say

"Darling, how could I ever ask you to suffer so long?

I"m coming home TODAY!"

Anonymous said...

you felt that bad about it, eh? lol

Anonymous said...

i wonder what phoebe from Friends would say if she were here right now

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

check your "inbox" ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL i knew you were going to say that

i'm not laughing at you

i'm just happy now..

think of it as smiling

Anonymous said...

24 hrs jiust got shorter.

Anonymous said...

oh lord



Anonymous said...

check your "inbox" ;)

I don't need to.

show or go away

Anonymous said...

You want to know when I connected the dots?

-You were hiding something

-You were scared to admit it

-You would play these little games, but never act upon it

I had a doubt about it all waiting for you to come back.

BUT then, I stood and my head and noticed a certain intrigue about it all, can you guess where this originally came from?

Anonymous said...

if i could erase it all i would, believe me

Anonymous said...

I won't say where "Can you take me back" came from, but it's the one place that I knew you'd look if you really cared

Dr. House said...

like, oh my gosh?! what a touching moment

Anonymous said...



WHAT ? nothing there?

you lost the plebian vote, in my book

what is it?

24 generous hours?

Anonymous said...

never act upon it?

MAjor miss nomer

where ya been fer the last three years?


I won't say where "Can you take me back" came from, but it's the one place that I knew you'd look if you really cared

I will care, a lot, for 24

after that,

nobody knows


Anonymous said...

so yeah, if you think Paul is a supernatural creature just because he was in a popular band and has money you are mistaken.

hard core and obsessive fans, being natural spectators who believe the act showbiz presents, tend to not grasp the reality behind it all.

August 4, 2011 10:06 AM

hey, dummy. pay attention.
So obviously, he can get lonely.

Anonymous said...

hey, dummy. pay attention.
So obviously, he can get lonely.

August 4, 2011 11:12 PM

ya, paul has no supernatural powers to get lonely and beg like a wimp for peg leg to come home, ONLY FAUL COULD.

Anonymous said...

hey, dummy. pay attention.
So obviously, he can get lonely.

August 4, 2011 11:12 PM

your logic, impeccable.

Anonymous said...

ya, paul has no supernatural powers to get lonely and beg like a wimp for peg leg to come home, ONLY FAUL COULD.

August 5, 2011 12:21 AM

hahahahahahahah lol


Anonymous said...

after the fall, we were all made lonely.

Anonymous said...

I'd say that was one of the things I noticed too..

that of course to go along a foreshadow of music,

Anonymous said...

This will be us after TheRevelAtion....

Anonymous said...

so now we're combining comic books and Beatles. . .kinda predictable at this point, why not?

oh, silly silly fans.

Anonymous said...

Sure, it's ostensibly based on something that *might* be true....

Turned out to be true, didn't it?

oh, sorry, I forgot for a minute that you don't really care

and THAT, my friends, turned out to be your biggest problem, didn't it. It's not a question.


Might makes RIGHT.

I hope we don't have to find out what THAT means.

oooh, that's scary! It's like I'm reading a comic book!

You really ought to get a more productive hobby.

Anonymous said...


so you say.

prove it, goofball.

if you can, you'll be the most famous person in the world for at least two years, and you'll be incredibly wealthy. If you can't prove it to us, of course you can't prove it to yourself, unless you think an opinion is proof.

so. . .you were saying?

either put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

you don't need to explain it, remember that

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

so you say.

prove it, goofball.

if you can, you'll be the most famous person in the world for at least two years, and you'll be incredibly wealthy. If you can't prove it to us, of course you can't prove it to yourself, unless you think an opinion is proof.

so. . .you were saying?

either put up or shut up.

August 5, 2011 2:00 PM

you will be eating those words

Anonymous said...

I you will be eating those words


English esson said...

Have it with a little anglaise. So much better better better!

the shape of an "L" said...

opps, I dropped a consonant.

Anonymous said...

but from a ginger's point of view..

Anonymous said...


Lighten UP dude!

We have medicine for that!

Anonymous said...

l it's so upsetting to know what it's like to understand someone else's pain

Barack Obama said...

Everyone Chill the fuck out, I got this

Anonymous said...

Wrestle ya for it.

Anonymous said...

it looks like someone wants another sock account

Anonymous said...


oh boy

Anonymous said...

A girl can't have two many.

Anonymous said...

good point....

Anonymous said...

We aim to please.

Anonymous said...

*back in 5*

no pun intended

Anonymous said...

I'd say 9 of the first 10 are pretty much gone now, except the 2 original and the 1 intriguing

i had better do some spring cleaning

Anonymous said...


it's rather late

Anonymous said...

yea considering it's august LOL

goofball said...


so you say.

prove it, goofball.

if you can, you'll be the most famous person in the world for at least two years, and you'll be incredibly wealthy. If you can't prove it to us, of course you can't prove it to yourself, unless you think an opinion is proof.

so. . .you were saying?

either put up or shut up.

August 5, 2011 2:00 PM

i am already famous

i am already wealthy

i really care about your opinion, and will do anything to earn your unbiased observations. you already have proven yourself independent.

i ask that once you have seen all the evidence that you continue to be fair minded and also continue to talk to strangers about this. tell everyone you know.

resist what i will be presenting with everything you are. keep the same level of enthusiasm for combating the disinformation.

thank you for your patience,

i am so glad that you are still paying attention, still skeptical,

and most of all,

still here.

Anonymous said...

I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there’s no fucking way Paper can beat Rock.

Paper is supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile........... ?

Why the hell can’t paper do this to scissors?

Because scissors already knows this game and will cut the daylights into paper as soon as paper starts to even think about it.

Paper can’t beat anybody

Anonymous said...

Paper beat your mom, BITCH!

Anonymous said...

i really care about your opinion, and will do anything to earn your unbiased observations. you already have proven yourself independent.

i ask that once you have seen all the evidence that you continue to be fair minded and also continue to talk to strangers about this. tell everyone you know.

it's understandable that you'd be defensive. Reading blogs is fun. Sentences and verbal jousting are always a party.

maybe you didn't understand what the earlier commenter said.

put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

i'm 13 and what is this?

Anonymous said...

maybe you didn't understand what the earlier commenter said.

put up or shut up.

August 6, 2011 11:31 AM

i know! these goofball all pretending to know about this and that, and yet they do not know. you can tell, because otherwise they would say what they know.
does this make sense? to me it does.

Anonymous said...

MilesDeo got what he wanted.

Anonymous said...

small changes = big change

Anonymous said...


Tafultong Died From a Drug Overdose said...

And the Tower of Babel kept growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing
until Iamaphoney reached the top and St. Paul kicked him down from it where he then fell 666,666,666,666,666,666 feet back down to, and then through the Earth where he landed in Hell and the devil locked him up and threw a huge barbecue in his honor but didn't let him have single hamburger or rib. There was beer, hot dogs, potato salad, and plenty of sausage for Iamaphoney to suck on for all eternity forever and ever and ever and ever ever and ever and ever ever and ever and ever ever and ever and ever kingdom without end Amen.

Anonymous said...

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done.

Party Time!

Anonymous said...

i know! these goofball all pretending to know about this and that, and yet they do not know. you can tell, because otherwise they would say what they know.
does this make sense? to me it does.

August 6, 2011 4:58 PM

i agree, i am new here, but i think i have learned one thing that many others do not know. that is, put up or shut up. that simple. if you have it, flaunt it. if you do not have anything, keep telling people you do but never show it.

use it or lose it.

because they do not use it, they have lose it.

not even waiting until 2012 will help them, because WHY WOULD THEY NEED TO WAIT UNTIL 2012 IF THEY HAD IT?


Anonymous said...

Rethink it, Dude.

Anonymous said...

i know! these goofball all pretending to know about this and that, and yet they do not know. you can tell, because otherwise they would say what they know.
does this make sense? to me it does.

We did say what we know.

Anonymous said...

not even waiting until 2012 will help them

You shouldn't count on it either.

Anonymous said...

What's a right album ?

Anonymous said...

"if you have it, flaunt it."

Insert penis joke here.

silly love songs said...

Who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Anonymous said...

We did say what we know.

August 7, 2011 4:43 PM

i am new here, can you tell me again? well not again, but again you know what i mean!

Anonymous said...

i am new here, can you tell me again? well not again, but again you know what i mean!

August 7, 2011 7:12 PM


you shoulda been here to
hear it the first time

Anonymous said...

yeah, man

on the run, get going

Anonymous said...


you shoulda been here to
hear it the first time

August 7, 2011 7:17 PM


thats not at all fair, I AM NEW HERE!

Anonymous said...

You get one question.

Anonymous said...

who are you?

Anonymous said...

you shoulda been here to
hear it the first time

I bet it's going to be a stupid question.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you are so mean, you can keep your revelation. i am outta here.

if a tree falls in the forest, will you be there to hear it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
who are you?

August 7, 2011 7:33 PM

wait, was this question directed towards the "new guy" or the guy who claims to have knowledge and said to ask one question?

new guy said...


Anonymous said...

wait, was this question directed towards the "new guy" or the guy who claims to have knowledge and said to ask one question?

August 7, 2011 7:38 PM

the new guy

Anonymous said...

thats not fair dude, you are trying to get more then one revelation question!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
thats not fair dude, you are trying to get more then one revelation question!

August 7, 2011 7:39 PM

quit ruining my life!

let me ask my revelation question!

Anonymous said...

quit ruining my life!

let me ask my revelation question!

August 7, 2011 7:39 PM

go.... ask....

Anonymous said...

i am new here as well, CAN I GET ONE QUESTION TOO?

Anonymous said...

i am new here as well, CAN I GET ONE QUESTION TOO?

August 7, 2011 7:41 PM

its only fair, everyone should get one question. go ahead, you get one too friend

Anonymous said...

its only fair, everyone should get one question. go ahead, you get one too friend

August 7, 2011 7:41 PM


Anonymous said...


August 7, 2011 7:42 PM

wow did you waste your question dude.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2011 7:42 PM

wow did you waste your question dude.


August 7, 2011 7:43 PM

thats it? this is the "revelation"?

Anonymous said...

Is there a santa claus?

easter bunny?

tooth fairy?

Anonymous said...

in a way. . .

Anonymous said...

you want the revelation? ask PAUL.

Anonymous said...

... or is it John, I never could tell those two apart

Anonymous said...

what is THIS code

Anonymous said...

warmer than the sun, colder than the air

Anonymous said...

take a sad song and make it better

Anonymous said...

huh, that's odd that comments just jumped at me

Anonymous said...

say what?

Anonymous said...

alittle of evol can make alot of good

Anonymous said...

you now know the truth

it is now my job to protect you

until 2012 and after the revelation

you could say, me and paul made a deal way back long ago

Anonymous said...

i have an idea of what this could possibly be ;)

but it's whatever..

couldnt have sung it better myself! LOL said...

i have one of my own too.. but hey now, i'm not one to judge

MilesDeo said...

Whose side are you on?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's the problem?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you want the revelation? ask PAUL.

August 7, 2011 7:55 PM

Anonymous said...

Or Obama.

Anonymous said...

I forgot who was who, actually. .

Anonymous said...

who's the real coon?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The revelation is that Paul is dead.

Anonymous said...

Paul should come back to LIFE.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can someone tell me if the suitcases are real? has anyone got them?
is iamaphoney related in some way to Lennon? his nose sure looks it,

also, can i buy the revelation right album on iTunes?

Anonymous said...

also, can i buy the revelation right album on iTunes?

August 8, 2011 7:11 PM

yes you can preorder it for $6.66

Anonymous said...

can someone tell me if the suitcases are real? has anyone got them?

August 8, 2011 7:11 PM

65if2007 got one. Yenz/MikeNL1038 got one.

the rest are still out there, in a bush. you can go get one.

we used to play a game here called Tong.

Anonymous said...

can someone tell me if the suitcases are real? has anyone got them?
is iamaphoney related in some way to Lennon? his nose sure looks it,

also, can i buy the revelation right album on iTunes?

That's kind of weird that you would ask those questions, part of the Rotten Apple crew. You know, since you're part of that crew.

Oh, I see what you're doing there

Anonymous said...

tee hee!

Anonymous said...

oh my godddddddddddd tafulTONG


Anonymous said...

what is the carnival of light?
what is the suitcase?
what is the helter skelter shirt?
what is the Nuremberg tattoo?
what is the "twin pepper"?
what is the "right album"?
what is the truth stick?
what is the phoney figure?
what is pupil CPH?
what are the 9 questions?

when is the interview?
when is the revelation?
when is the right album coming out?
when is the next iaap video?
when is tafultong coming back?

who is iamaphoney?
who is the phoney figure?

where is the truth stick?
where is the next suitcase going to be?

Anonymous said...

I'd tell you, y'know..

but i con't find the words ;]

Anonymous said...

what is the carnival of light?
a rare experimental beatles album, never released, mal was in possession of it before he died of gunshot wounds.

what is the suitcase?
a container that brings the revelation, along with junk beatles memorabilia, a photocopy of living the beatles legend book by mal, a cd, a dvd, and gold. bars of gold.

what is the helter skelter shirt?
merchandising in the private cloud
worn in many parts of the world.

what is the Nuremberg tattoo?
a false flag created by the nutters to undermine iaap's message and inject the specter of nazi's

what is the "twin pepper"?
two sgt pepper albums that when played in sync together give a special telephone number that is in use to this day, then when called will give you instructions to get a whole big bunch of money and rare beatles memorabilia left over from the suitcases

what is the "right album"?
iaap's album coming out oct 3 2011

what is the truth stick?
walk softly and carry it, and you will understand grasshopper

what is the phoney figure?
singer from pupil cph, waifish, shirt off

what is pupil CPH?
band, big seller in some countries

what are the 9 questions?
Mike is 90% sure that something will happen today.

when is the interview?
Mike is 99% sure that something will happen today.

when is the revelation?
Mike is 90% sure that something will happen today. or 12-21-2012

when is the right album coming out?
oct 3 2011

when is the next iaap video?

when is tafultong coming back?
any minute now

who is iamaphoney?
one guy, who made all this up for your entertainment.

who is the phoney figure?
singer from pupil cph, waifish, shirt off

where is the truth stick?
insert *nis joke here

where is the next suitcase going to be?
las vegas

Anonymous said...

tafultong has been gone since feb.

hopefully this next post actually tells us something!

Anonymous said...

Maybe phoney's twitter page has something new

What's that you say? I better check it out!

Anonymous said...

iamaphoney twitter is in the private cloud, YOU CANT READ IT!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
iamaphoney twitter is in the private cloud, YOU CANT READ IT!

August 9, 2011 2:22 AM

he's right, i cant see it. it is behind some freaky green photoshopped mask

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Anon said;

you now know the truth
it is now my job to protect you
until 2012 and after the revelation

Who is this waffle addressed to?
Offer declined. Protect yourself.

Anonymous said...

what is the Nuremberg tattoo?
a false flag created by the nutters to undermine iaap's message and inject the specter of nazi's


Anonymous said...

you could say, me and paul made a deal way back long ago

August 7, 2011 9:39 PM

More fool you. To decare that action as an error of judgement, would be a collossal understatement.

Anonymous said...

Offer declined. Protect yourself.

Protect your loved ones too!

Anonymous said...

you could say, me and paul made a deal way back long ago

I didn't write this. but I could have.

Anonymous said...

These comments still don't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

You'll get it sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

The Right Album is scheduled to be released October 3rd.

but there is a 'false' prophet who IS right

Anonymous said...

you figure it out

Anonymous said...

They should release it today.

YOU figure it out.

Release the Hounds said...

The Right Album is scheduled to be released October 3rd.

We've heard this a few too many times.

Anonymous said...

How much release rehearsal do you really need?

Anonymous said...

Protect your loved ones too!

August 9, 2011 3:32 AM

OUR loved ones.
The priority objective.

Anonymous said...

so, how about that riot in london..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what is the carnival of light?
a rare experimental beatles album, never released, mal was in possession of it before he died of gunshot wounds.


it's actually a little closer to home than you think. .

Anonymous said...

The man with the beard is the key to everything.

Anonymous said...

OUR loved ones.
The priority objective.

OUR loved ones could use a vacation.

Anonymous said...

The beard is to the man like the everything is to the key.

Hanging on a thread

Anonymous said...

The beard is to the man like the everything is to the key.

Anonymous said...

Letter B!

Or is it? said...

Let 'er, Man!

Anonymous said...

I know that the picture is painted really really bright

but how many people do eye actually know

Anonymous said...

I resent that question because I actually know alot lmao

Anonymous said...

The Madonna is cradling 3 babies, not 4. also, she's kinda creepy.

Like a Phoenix I rise said...

There's a reason for everything.

Anonymous said...

that's pretty groovy isn't it ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, deluded fanboys

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced that all of these comments are written by one man with schizophrenia, none of them make any sense.

Anonymous said...

Makes perfect sense to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced that all of these comments are written by one man with schizophrenia, none of them make any sense.

August 10, 2011 3:49 PM

makes sense to me and I AM THREE OF THE TWO PEOPLE HERE!

Anonymous said...

Hey we gotta go now.

Anonymous said...


wink wink said...

and ya didn't hear this from THE phoney ;)

Anonymous said...

Lou Cypher must be here now, but i'm too retarded to notice


(Eye)map honey!

Anonymous said...

lots of talking

and nothing but

Anonymous said...

Hey we gotta go now.

August 11, 2011 4:38 AM


Anonymous said...

It means we really got to go.


Anonymous said...

Lou Cypher must be here now, but i'm too retarded to notice


(Eye)map honey!


Anonymous said...

You call this rushing in, Fire ME Eyesight Man?


Anonymous said...

you can't be fired ;]

Father Paul of Old Times said...

and Paul won't die

because 9/11 was an inside job

and osama bin laden is a moron

which which means a whole bunch of people are going to see a ghost of christmas past

merry krimble ;)

Anonymous said...

Everything and I mean Everything gets manipulated by an Ancient group

which means

(get the power)

make it real

(i sense a pole shift)

Anonymous said...

let's make things move a bit faster LOL

Anonymous said...

keep talking

Anonymous said...

This sucks.

Anonymous said...

Shift the Pole! C'mon already!

the santa clause said...

I'm moving down south. How's Palm Beach this time of year?

Anonymous said...

I know exactly where the shift takes place.

Soupy Sales said...


Saving the Nation said...

Palm Beach this time of year is HOT!

Anonymous said...

can someone show me where to buy the Right Album?
it is by the illegal son of John Lennon that was unknown until this time. I will pay cash money for this album, maybe on iTunes.

Anonymous said...

can someone show me where to buy the Right Album?
it is by the illegal son of John Lennon that was unknown until this time. I will pay cash money for this album, maybe on iTunes.

August 12, 2011 9:37 AM

it is on iTunes now, it costs $6.66

Anonymous said...

it is not, i have looked. someone has this album, it is called The Right Album. Please give it to me. I will pay for this album. $6.66 sounds ok, I will give this money for that album. Show me where to purchase this album iamaphoney, this is your blog. do not make this difficult for your fans to obtain this album. so far, it has been difficult to almost impossible to find. you need to make this very easy because most have no patience.

Anonymous said...

yeah, quit making it difficult to almost impossible.
give the man the album dude.

Anonymous said...

can someone show me where to buy the Right Album?
it is by the illegal son of John Lennon that was unknown until this time. I will pay cash money for this album, maybe on iTunes.

Lennon doesn't have an "illegal" son but there are dudes who pretend they are related hoping some goofball will buy their home-made album.

even if he did have an illegitimate kid, who cares?

there are probably many hundreds if not thousands of chicks who would like to think their kid was Lennon's. Show me the DNA and proof and get back to me.

otherwise shut up

Anonymous said...

well if Lennon having a bastard kid is the "revelation" whoop ti do.

don't all rock stars have them?

Anonymous said...

yeah, quit making it difficult to almost impossible.
give the man the album dude.

August 12, 2011 9:42 AM

i second that motion, all those in favor say AYE!

Anonymous said...

Lennon doesn't have an "illegal" son but there are dudes who pretend they are related hoping some goofball will buy their home-made album.

even if he did have an illegitimate kid, who cares?

there are probably many hundreds if not thousands of chicks who would like to think their kid was Lennon's. Show me the DNA and proof and get back to me.

otherwise shut up

August 12, 2011 12:08 PM

i think that iamaphoney has offered proof. this proof was in the nose. you can tell when you comparison these features, in the form of pictures and videos. this is very obvious. why are i suposed to "shut up" about this? when the proof is as plain as the nose on your face, there is a pun in this.
the woman does not need dna of this, nature made children to look like fathers so that they will know that she was faithful to her husband and will stay with her to raise her children. If this worked for many thousands of generations of humans, how are you to speak against this. It is not natural your position.

It may not Last said...

He can have it when he comes to get it. It's not complicated.

Anonymous said...

yeah, quit making it difficult to almost impossible.
give the man the album dude.

August 12, 2011 9:42 AM

yes, iamaphoney, you should listen to us the fans. I will purchase your album, mostly on iTunes so that I may listen on my iPhone. I understand that you will sell this album for $6.66
I have this money set aside for this purpose. This is an agreement between you and I. There is no need for a contract, we can do this on a gentleman's handshake. If you give your fan this album called "the Right Album" I will promise to send you the money. However, you must send the album first. I will not pay for it before I obtain it. This is only fair. You do not pay for a meal before you eat it. I will pay after I listen to it.
They say not to pay the ferryman until he fixes the price in advance and after he takes you across the river. I am sure that you see my logic.

I would ask you to make haste, for I have only this weekend which is a long weekend. My other weekends for the foreseeable future are not as well.

Your money awaits you, let us strike this bargain.

I will further sweeten this pot, I will give you $10 dollars for this album, but it has to be by this evening. Otherwise I am sure there is another album that I could purchase to spend my weekend.
Send it to me and I will pay you by early next week. You have nothing to lose and several extra dollars to gain in this. 40% more money.
Try to get a 40% in a bank. You cannot, believe me I have looked before saying this.

What say you iamaphoney?

Anonymous said...

i think that iamaphoney has offered proof. this proof was in the nose. you can tell when you comparison these features, in the form of pictures and videos. this is very obvious. why are i suposed to "shut up" about this? when the proof is as plain as the nose on your face, there is a pun in this.
the woman does not need dna of this, nature made children to look like fathers so that they will know that she was faithful to her husband and will stay with her to raise her children. If this worked for many thousands of generations of humans, how are you to speak against this. It is not natural your position.

August 12, 2011 1:12 PM

what the fuck are you talking about? Lennon nose?

have you ever heard of plastic surgery? It could also be photoshop!

Anonymous said...

I will further sweeten this pot, I will give you $10 dollars for this album, but it has to be by this evening. Otherwise I am sure there is another album that I could purchase to spend my weekend.
Send it to me and I will pay you by early next week. You have nothing to lose and several extra dollars to gain in this. 40% more money.
Try to get a 40% in a bank. You cannot, believe me I have looked before saying this.

What say you iamaphoney?

August 12, 2011 1:22 PM

dude, just go to mikenl1038's youtube channel, listen to it for free.

Anonymous said...

dude, just go to mikenl1038's youtube channel, listen to it for free.

August 12, 2011 1:26 PM

i cannot listen to youtube on my iTunes. this arrangement is between iamaphoney and myself. there is no way for me to pay for this on youtube, I wish to pay the person who created this album. There is nothing in life that is free, for stealing is wrong. It cost that person money from recording it, and time to make this music. I will pay iamaphoney for this Right Album. I will pay him after I listen to it this weekend. I will pay him later next week.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing in life that is free, for stealing is wrong. It cost that person money from recording it, and time to make this music. I will pay iamaphoney for this Right Album. I will pay him after I listen to it this weekend. I will pay him later next week.

August 12, 2011 1:31 PM

Whos to say that you actually will pay him? You could just take the album and run.

Anonymous said...

This is my final offer iamaphoney.
I will give you $12 for the Right Album. You must send it to me by tonight. I will send this money to you by next weekend at the latest.
As you can see, $12 is almost double the price you told that was $6.66.

And as to the person who say that I may take the album and run? For one thing, that is wrong. On one hand you say that I can listen to the album for free, and then you say that I will take this album. IF I CAN LISTEN TO IT FOR FREE THEN WHY WOULD I ASK HIM TO SELL IT TO ME?

If I had unethics, then I would just go to that man's youtube channel and I would listen to it. I would not offer TWICE the cost of the album. I would steal it like that man MikeNL1038, and offer low quality version of it that are unsuitable to scrutiny listening like I will do this long weekend.

First off, I am not a thief, I have money. Next I would say to you, would you like payment for your work? I am sure that you do. So in that same spirit, I am paying for this work.

Anonymous said...

First off, I am not a thief, I have money. Next I would say to you, would you like payment for your work? I am sure that you do. So in that same spirit, I am paying for this work.

August 12, 2011 1:37 PM

why not pay for it first then? you say you will pay for it by next weekend "at the latest".

If you wish to pay for it, then pay for it up front. You have to pay for a movie BEFORE you see it. You have to pay for an album on iTunes BEFORE you listen to it.

Pay up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

I am not speaking to you, I am talking directly at iamaphoney. I will pay that man twice the value for this album if he sends it. I will pay next weekend at the latest. This is not difficult and easy to understand. You would have to be a business person to have understanding on this. Clearly you are not.

Anonymous said...

This is not difficult and easy to understand. You would have to be a business person to have understanding on this. Clearly you are not.

August 12, 2011 1:41 PM

Dont post on a public board then, send him emails then. You are making it our "business" by posting here.

Anonymous said...

You say then that you are a business person? Well then I say to you, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
I have come to the iamaphoney blog, a blog that is run by and about iamaphoney. What better place to make this communication. Should I go to another blog? One about knitting perhaps? Or one about deep sea fishing?

No, if you want to lead a horse to water, and have him drink it, your bring the horse to the source.
The source of the Right Album is Iamaphoney, this is his blog.
You cannot see logic, I can tell.

Anonymous said...

No, if you want to lead a horse to water, and have him drink it, your bring the horse to the source.
The source of the Right Album is Iamaphoney, this is his blog.
You cannot see logic, I can tell.

August 12, 2011 1:46 PM

this is not iamaphoney's blog, tafultong runs this place.

Anonymous said...

this is not iamaphoney's blog, tafultong runs this place.

August 12, 2011 2:23 PM

then why is this place not called the Tafultong blog?

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