Sunday, January 2, 2011

Subscription Issue #2

Wooh, I'm feeling like Derek Taylor writing the liner notes to "Pussycats." Sorry, I have not been around due to personal and professional commitments. But, I do intend to keep writing this blog as long as it continues to save lives. Oh my dear stars. I am living in a nether nether world. Sorry Gloria.

With apologies, I must note that the second installment of the Iamaphoney subscription series surprised me in some ways. My impression was that the first avalanche was intended to be a jump start for subscribers, but I thought after that, I would just be paying for new Rotten Apple episodes. Imagine my reaction to the unexpected digital truckload of stuff that appeared in the Private Cloud restricted area of the ARE3RA web site.

As hinted at previously, it looks like the plan was to include subscribers in the "inner circle" to some degree. The "raw evidence" is being presented so that we can do our own research and come to our own conclusions, as long as we are willing to turn over our free will when the time comes. So, the second installment included independently produced features shared to subscribers For Research Purposes Only. One item in particular that I will not name was a relatively recent commercial release. That item gets my vote for the stupidest entry in the "Paul Is Dead" genre. That, along with a certain book that reads like a bad term paper cause me to scratch my head and ask why these things can be in stores when Iamaphoney is relegated to YouTube and Vimeo. Other supporting documents included a film that gives insight into who buried Paul McCartney and made Russ Gibb freak, a compilation of Crowley moments, and Brian MoriARTy's "Who Buried Paul" lecture (Sorry, couldn't resist).

But it doesn't stop there. One of the most interesting features was about two minutes of Victor Spinetti interview footage. Unlike the Emilio Lari footage, I can't say that this can be considered raw or unedited. It appears to be deliberately edited to correspond to the Iamaphoney agenda, but it's still quite fun to watch.

One other item is the fourth "oldies" compilation in documentary format. Much of this footage was pulled from YouTube at one point, but then uploaded by others.

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was satisfied with this second installment of the subscription series. We'll see where it goes from here.

A couple other videos of interest have appeared on YouTube recently.

Grandfather Aleister is back with Helter Skelter 2011 - Part 1. You can find it by clicking the link or following the hand signals of your third base coach.

And for those obsessed with the life of one Arron Swaffar, we have Project Consciousness: 02 My journey so far. He really seems to want to slip you the answer.

I'm afraid I must go. You have the rest of your lives, but I have an hour to catch a plane. Happy New Year.


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Omigawd! said...


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...




January 31, 2011 9:33 PM

There is another way.......

Anonymous said...

There is another way.......

January 31, 2011 9:33 PM


That was ur 1st misteak said...

Adam Potter, a 35-year-old mountain climber, is lucky to be alive.

This past Saturday, Potter fell about 1,000 feet after he lost his footing near the summit of Sgurr Choinnich Mor, a Scottish mountain. Potter didn't just survive the fall -- when rescuers found him, the adventurer was "standing up and reading a map."

Adam is a Magickian, and Harry's brother!

Anonymous said...

Edgar Cayce says 2012 BBQ at his house (Sphinx paw)

screw Las Vegas pizza, when else can you use the Secrets of the universe as napkins?

Paper plates? no.


Kong ress said...


Nah, we tried that.

Anonymous said...

Adam Potter, a 35-year-old mountain climber, is lucky to be alive.

This past Saturday, Potter fell about 1,000 feet after he lost his footing near the summit of Sgurr Choinnich Mor, a Scottish mountain. Potter didn't just survive the fall -- when rescuers found him, the adventurer was "standing up and reading a map."

Adam is a Magickian, and Harry's brother!

January 31, 2011 9:38 PM

Adam was in SCOTLAND.

DO YOU SEE????!!?

Anonymous said...

Bet adam had STEAK to eat.

Last man standing

Anonymous said...


Nah, we tried that.

January 31, 2011 9:39 PM

Thats what the man would like you to think

Phoney WILL B there! said...

But will Mal's suitcase?

Anonymous said...

If only the Egyptians would eat pork, then the internet would come back

IamasPHinx said...

All will be revealed!

the stupidstone of Egypt said...

Hand me those pork cheops!

Almond Hotep said...

tut tut!

Anonymous said...

wouldnt it be bad ass if iamaphoney was in Egypt right now?

I would cry my eyes out if there was a suitcase there right now.
Rolling up to a field and dumping out a suitcase into the back of a rental car. Stashing that suitcase inside a mummy, flashing the Mal book INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID.

That would be the best revelation ever.

Anonymous said...

Never Titti!

Anonymous said...

If only the Egyptians would eat pork, then the internet would come back

January 31, 2011 9:43 PM

Hosni Mubarak in a bid to save his presidency was last seeing eating a pork chop.

Anonymous said...

Hosni Mubarak in a bid to save his presidency was last seeing eating a pork chop.

January 31, 2011 9:49 PM

and that pork chop came in a suitcase my friends.

and the man that brought that pork chop?


's Comin' Up! said...

I would cry my eyes out if there was a suitcase there right now.
Rolling up to a field and dumping out a suitcase into the back of a rental car. Stashing that suitcase inside a mummy, flashing the Mal book INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID.
That would be the best revelation ever.

He's right there in the Sarcophagus!

Anonymous said...

iamaphoney is starting to be cool again. who cares if he is charging for the revelation!

If the steak and ribs are good enough and he saves Egypt.

Anonymous said...

He's right there in the Sarcophagus!

January 31, 2011 9:51 PM

Just like CROWLEY!!

Me and my buddy Adam Potter are eating steaks all day long my friends, so that when we fall off mountains that crowley told us to climb like K2, THEY WILL FIND US THERE ON OUR FEET READING MAPS SIPPING VERMOUTH THAT THE ST BERNARD'S BROUGHT US IN LITTLE BARRELS AROUND THEIR NECKS

Anonymous said...

The secret to bending steak with your mind is to realize...THERE IS NO STEAK!! That means Meat-free Monday is a TOTAL WASTE of pudding.

In consequence, IAMAMATRIX has been instructed to remove all pudding from the Sphinx suitcase and toss it from a 1,000 foot precipice; this includes the JELLO pudding pops donated to Mister Potter by Mister Cosby. We are sorry but there is nothing we can do about it, rules are rules.

Oh my GOD!! Did you see that?

Sarcasmicophaluppagus said...

My Mummy's Dead

Anonymous said...

In consequence, IAMAMATRIX has been instructed to remove all pudding from the Sphinx suitcase and toss it from a 1,000 foot precipice

January 31, 2011 9:54 PM

1,003 foot precipice.

Anonymous said...

Woe unto you who go about saying unto each, "Hello, Sailor!"

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOD!! Did you see that?

January 31, 2011 9:54 PM

Its full of stars

First there is no mountain said...


That's why Faul and Linda were vegetarians!

Anonymous said...

1,003 foot precipice.

Ibekistand corrected.

A Philippic Against Small Insects said...

Damn the books, the bells, and the candles!

A Philippic Against Tube Steaks said...

Did you see the Frank Sinatra special last night? No, you did not! That is because there WAS NO FRANK SINATRA SPECIAL! (Contrary to Mick Jagger's preposterous assertion, there is NO WAY for a DEAD MAN to COME DANCE!)

Would you like fries with that?

A Philippic Against Philippics said...

Stop your whining you good-for-nothing steak h8ter!

Anonymous said...

yes i would. steak fries

Hello Kitty! said...


Anonymous said...

i told you if you went over commenting there would be no taf post and no iaap video!

Now you have done it!

The only way to remedy this... 2,000 comments


A Simple Desultory Philippic said...


Anonymous said...


January 31, 2011 10:15 PM

We will not fail you this time.

2,000 posts by midnight, or everything goes into the private cloud

Beleagured said...

20,000 it is, then!

Time 'n' Temporary Sec'y said...

Midnight?! It's already 1:18 and snowing!

You made the wrong motion! said...

not so appealing


Im Ready!

Anonymous said...

my favorite words:



Leland said...

Boy, not trying to use irony here but...

This place has gone to hell.

Anonymous said...

You have an hour to catch the plane.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No steak for Leland! Only chicken barbecue and corn on the cob!

Then we can go bouncing on trampolines!

New York City Girl said...

Go bounce on someone your own size! I'm going to Graceland.

Anonymous said...

The man ain't got no culture.

Anonymous said...

Do you wanna go home? I think I may have found a shortcut for you...


I don't know if the writer of the above blog post is in any way associated with IAAP & Co., but the message certainly seems consistent with what we, the PublicCloud crowd, have been shown thus far.

I will say, personally, that there is something peculiar going on here. I picked up a cheap, used copy of Memory Almost Full yesterday and, listening to it, went to Google to see if I could find any info about the chair on the cover. The above blog was near the top of the results. always leads me here.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, he got a lot of that out of whack, especially the first part, the middle, and the end.

Just take the shortcut given you.

It's the only one.


Anonymous said...

whoa, so this is what she means...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have reason to believe we all will be received in Graceland.

Anonymous said...

the PublicCloud crowd


Anonymous said...

I dunno, he got a lot of that out of whack, especially the first part, the middle, and the end.

Just take the shortcut given you.

It's the only one.


I don't know why I bother asking reasonable questions here, but what "shortcut" has been given to me? Let's talk.

Anonymous said...

If you know where you're going in the first place, the shortcut is obvious.

WTAM said...

1100 Cleveland, OH!

Anonymous said...

Stop being so tricksy.

Anonymous said...

Stop being so blind.

loose fur said...

This place has gone to hell.

I'll wager on the line
Ten thousand pounds and five
It's the only blog to go to hell and come back alive.

Anonymous said... always leads me here.

to the long winding road :-D

Anonymous said...

Get Back!

Anonymous said...

Stop being so blind.

So that's your game, "Blind leading the blind"?

Show me what's to see that's shown.

Anonymous said...

With one breath, with one flow,
You will know.

Anonymous said...

AHA! Now I see.

Anonymous said...


Now I don't. I think I missed the magick trick you're trying to convey.

Anonymous said...

So that's your game, "Blind leading the blind"?

Is that what I said? No.

Show me what's to see that's shown.

I have.

iamaFUNAI said...

Rare photos offer glimpse of isolated tribe

"Iamaphoney bloggers will destroy this indigenous people!
It is essential that the Peruvian government stop them before it is too late," warned Survival's director Stephen Corry.

FUNAI has released similar photographs in the past and acknowledged that Phoney bloggers are sending some indigenous people fleeing across the border to less-'affected' rainforests in Brazil.

Anonymous said...

Are you making the videos?

Anonymous said...

My eyes are open, but the stage is bare.

Anonymous said...

Open your eyes wider, then.

Anonymous said...

A star fall, a phone call,

It joins all.

Anonymous said...

Third alarm, Fireman.

Anonymous said...

Abre Los Ojos

Am I seeing this correctly?

Anonymous said...

Tech Support, here is your courtesy white telephone.

and the message said...

It's time to come Home.

Anonymous said...

Today would be nice.

This is the Day said...

Tonight, you fly.

So high up, Home.

David and Sophia said...

It's really not that complicated. Every mode of transportation will take you there.

it was a fake mustache said...

and I ain't lion!

Mrs. TSA said...

Taf has been on that plane a helluva long time now.

Hey wait a minute! He's on the "No fly" list!

Anonymous said...

Spill the wine, take that pearl.

Anonymous said...

Guess what color the plane is.

Anonymous said...

Get in the plane, Macca!

Anonymous said...

Whomever wrote that inane blog about the chair on Memory Almost Full needs therapy and some schooling.

First of all, the idea that we are "souls" trapped in shells (see Cathars) and that the material world is evil is an ancient one (and totally contrary to biblical teaching for those of you into that stuff). So to use a pagan idea and then mix it with stuff from the New Testament is stupid because the one tradition contradicts the other. If you believe the Jesus thing, the WHOLE POINT is that you don't have a separate soul running around. He rose from the dead as a dude in a body, not a spirit New Age thing.

This is what happens when kids google stuff out of context having no knowledge of the underlying theology.

But this BS is a whopper:

His number is the number of a man - six-hundred, threescore, and six.
Paul's Birthday: 6-18-42. First off, that's the English translation. It wasn't written in English, it was written in Greek, and in either language threescore means 60, hello?

It is intellectually dishonest and a fallacy to read something into a text that isn't there or wasn't intended (Eisegesis). Revelation is written in SYMBOLIC form like the dozens of other apocalyptic books written in that era. There isn't an ACTUAL Beast with seven heads and ten crowns like something out of a bad sci-fi movie. Duh.

The passage makes abundantly clear that the NAME of the Beast will be 666 (that's why he says "the number of his NAME") and it's written using three Greek letters representing those numbers (gematria).

doesn't represent SIX HUNDRED, 60, and 6 or 666. Sorry dude. His birthday in numerology is 31 (when you total them up) and the text says nothing about a birthday or Paul McCartney and if in your fantasy some dude in the first century knew about Paul he should have just said, "And he wrote a song called "With a Little Luck" or something a tad more specific.

Head wound? Yeah, did you read the passage? It's a SWORD wound and it refers to the FIRST BEAST. The second beast performs miracles and sets up images of the beast whose sword wound was healed and the whole world worships him and he makes war and all sorts of crap that's symbolic and Paul F-ing McCartney isn't a militaristic figure making war with anyone and he doesn't control the nations and never worked a miracle and no one but two or three hippies ever worshiped him.

But that blog is great material showing how, over the years, virtually every major politician and religious figure has been discovered to be the Beast. The best one is the title of the Pope, which is Latin actually does add up to 666. And the Pope is much closer in every respect, in theory, to the idea (although I don't believe any of it).

Anonymous said...

and I ain't lion!

nope, you are not.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you were already told that blog is invalid.

Move on.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you were already told that blog is invalid.

Move on.

That blog is as valid as anything else around here since no one has demonstrated anything other than to say they have. That works in first grade when you're trying to impress the kids but it doesn't work here.

It's better than Iameye's blather about the Imagine mosaic looking like a communion wafer hahaha.

Or that LOVE is CODE ooooooh how clever. Let's call MIT and clue them in on that hot discovery.

Anonymous said...

Abre Los Ojos

Am I seeing this correctly?

You should watch the YKMN231 series. He's all about this numerology and going home and Jesus and antichrist and Vanilla Sky stuff. Even though he was BSing!!!!

Any damn place we choose!

Anonymous said...

Taste it.

Anonymous said...

Lo, in this Black Iron Prison, I can see the emperor has no clothes.

Anonymous said...

"It's better than Iameye's blather about the Imagine mosaic looking like a communion wafer hahaha."


Anonymous said...

"Open your eyes" is for two-week-old puppies.

Anonymous said...

Co-wards: institutionalized together.

Anonymous said...

The communion wafer is Jebus' way of saying "Eat me losers!"

breaking bread said...

Drink me, too!

Anonymous said...

That blog is as valid as anything else around here since no one has demonstrated anything other than to say they have. That works in first grade when you're trying to impress the kids but it doesn't work here.

It's better than Iameye's blather about the Imagine mosaic looking like a communion wafer hahaha.

Exactly my point in linking to it. It echoes many of the implied messages in the IAAP, but explicitly so, without the added obfuscations. I'm not saying it makes any real world sense or that I espouse any of its conclusions (I agree with our armchair exegetes' post above in pointing out its shortcomings), but at least it makes a stand.

You should watch the YKMN231 series. He's all about this numerology and going home and Jesus and antichrist and Vanilla Sky stuff. Even though he was BSing!!!!

I have seen that series, thus the reference. Liar Paradox in play, perhaps, or B.S. if you wilt? This is not finished.

Anonymous said...

See ya at comm I union!

Soylent Jebus said...

Is that communion cracker made out of STEAK? Phone 9 and ask the waiter for the Flame Minion. I'll take mine burnt to a crisp!

Anonymous said...

but at least it makes a stand.

yes, it did.

The wisdom part was excellent.

Anonymous said...

if you wilt?

Then you go into the compost heap.

Anonymous said...

...along with John and George and Neil!

Anonymous said...

Bless their Hearts, they really tried.

Anonymous said...

...and Brian E and Brian J and Jimi and Janis and Jim and Kurt.

Now where did I put that meat tenderizer?

Anonymous said...

First one dead opens the door.

Anonymous said...

HARLOT PARADE ix: A Lie Adds Up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

get real

Death by Misadventure said...

Bobbing along
Bobbing along
Along the bottom of the
#$%@ pool

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you are wasting time.

MS&A said...

Then you go into the compost heap.

Or the furnace!

look out, kid said...

Get sick
Get well
Hand around the ink well

Anonymous said...


Day Shift said...

Join the rotten Apple army, if you can!

Anonymous said...

wasting time

It's time to weigh Sting? I guess 88 kilos.

Anonymous said...

yuck yuck yuck

retrograde said...

They must bust in early May
Orders from the D.A.

Anonymous said...


"Sir, why do you carry your lantern lit in daylight?" He said, "Because I'm searching for an honest man."

Anonymous said...

He was found.

He wants pizza.

Anonymous said...

I would be very pleased if we can wrap this up by the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

Paradise awaits.

Anonymous said...

yeah that Liar's Paradox kinda sums it all up.

Phone IX said...

Put on your rainbow shades.

100% Bushel Free said...

Jebus had Dio genes.

Anonymous said...

yeah that Liar's Paradox kinda sums it all up.

No, think again.

Anonymous said...

from head to toe

Anonymous said...

I don't ask for much.

From the Same Page said...

If I were of the Allen Brothers I would be PISSED about this article! That is no way to talk about STEAK SERVICE! Somebody needs to take a couple shots of Heinz 57 and relax.

Steak and Blowjobs! said...

You can't make this shit up, really..

Anonymous said...

You just did.

Anonymous said...

yeah that Liar's Paradox kinda sums it all up.

No, think again.

see what I mean? works for everything!

Jean Suit said...

If I were you I would beware of penguins in denim...they don't like STEAK!! (Can you imagine how creepy it would feel to wear a steak-free Jean Suit??!???!?)

Hey Bovinus guy, are you pleased that STEAK went viral? You should be! Yoda tried to go viral and FAILED, because he too ESCHEWS STEAK, which is the WRONG MASTICATION TECHNIQUE!!! You can't take SHORTCUTS with STEAK MASTICATION; you must CHEW and CHEW and CHEW, with a reeeeeeaaaaaallllllyyy long train of harmonic mandibular oscillations, really..

Anonymous said...

I like mine with...

sunflower seeds.

Bella La Go See said...

Dude, what at F are you going on about this steak business?

Silly Simon said...

But no Savoy Truffles with that steak! They'll give you a nasty shite ache!

Suite Judy Blue Eyes said...

I like mine with a big Kosher pickle!

Anonymous said...

Anyway, this is NOT the conversation to be had at this particular time.

Focus, people, focus.

As You Wish! said...

It's Magic!

Anonymous said...

As I wish would have happened a long, long, long time ago.

Don't keep me waiting here.

Anonymous said...

Bella La Go See said...

A trip? Where we goin'? What we lookin' fer?

Anonymous said...

The light.

Beatless said...

Quick! Somebody pump my organ!

Anonymous said...

That blog seems at least as relevant as this Swiffer Sweeper Swaffar kid's, if not moreso. At least it deals with PID mythology.

Anonymous said...

i vote for henry the horse

Slacker said...

did i say i vote? i don't vote!

WBAG said...

1150 Burlington-Graham, NC


Paul's able deNile a Bill a T said...

You Tube steak and scrambled eggs

Art imitates Life said...

CBS Orders Replacements for 'Two and a Half Men'

(It Cain't be denied)

Life intimates Art said...

hee hee

Anonymous said...

speed it up, kids

Scotch fillet said...

Is there some reason you keep talking about steak all day long?

UK kid invents death ray said...

The ray generates enough power to melt steel, vaporize aluminum, boil concrete, turn dirt into lava, and obliterate any organic material in an instant.

Anonymous said...

But does it cook steak?

Little TsA said...

Don't taze Taf!

Anonymous said...

There's that eye again. (Behind the Stones)

not flaming WPIE said...

1160 Ithaca NY

Anonymous said...

Scotch fillet = Rib Eye

Anonymous said...

There's that eye again. (Behind the Stones)

It's everywhere, man.

Nice Genuflection, Keith.

you got to show them! said...

Scorsese produced that set, FYI

Anonymous said...

The little bitch got soul.

Anonymous said...

The pools in but the patio ain't dry.

Anonymous said...

Paper Route!

Producer Lady said...

My next hit TV show is going to be called Steak Eye for the Vegetarian Guy.

Anonymous said...

Then you go into the compost heap.

Or to the bottom of the pool; bugger sunk like a stone!

Anonymous said...

Fucking Altamont!!!

Anonymous said...

It was Roman Polanski's fault!

One thing 4 shure said...

Mick doesn't cut it as a chick.

World Powers Stunned said...

After Message From “God” Broadcast

(The real reason they want to shut down the internet.-)

Sorcha 'Faul'

"A mysterious Russian Space Forces (VKS) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that on 28 January our world was “officially” contacted by an extraterrestrial/ inter-dimensional intelligence source whose communication “beacons” descended upon the world’s holiest city of Jerusalem and the American State of Utah, home to The Church of Latter Days Saints (Mormons) delivering a rapid energy pulse of information that, roughly, translates to “Be of no fear as [we-it-I] return”.

Anonymous said...

Decent advice, I must say.

Anonymous said...

Decent advice, It must say.

Anonymous said...

Decent advice, We must say.

Here They Come said...

Here they come, and they fly with the power of the sun
Here they come, and they're going to touch everyone

Here they come, and the fear in our hearts starts to go
Now, now, now we all know

You Me and Poohneil said...

I am We
as it are We
and We are it
and I am altogether!

sort of

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, whatever's going on...don't be afraid. Really.

Why the Mormons you axe? said...

because they're "latter-day saints"

and where is the Super Bowl being played, huh?


which proves absolutely nuttin!

'cept maybe that'll be their third stop; preferably during the performance of the black EYEd peas.

Who doesn't want whirled peas?

it's next year you moran! said...

Indianapolis is the 2012 Super Bowl

Blue Eyed Pp said...

Ohhh, can I request the song?

Anonymous said...

Let's live it UP!


Anonymous said...

Hey, was that Utah sighting in Independence, by any chance?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Speed it up, ya twin freaky aliens!

Come to NYC!

Anonymous said...

Buzz Lady Liberty, then once around the Park Central. You know where.

After that, you may have a fly by ; )

Fire in the Sky said...

Look out below!!!

Let's do it! said...

Here we come, here we go! We got a rock!

smash it! said...


Tri-Stone Pictures said...

This right here is the best shortcut you are ever going to get, really..

Anonymous said...

It's ladder-day!

Anonymous said...

Independence is east of Salt Lake, not too far.

Told ya!

Anonymous said...

Race home!

Anonymous said...

Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.


Anonymous said...


iamamoran said...

This is so exiting.

Anonymous said...

For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet, Until her righteousness goes forth like brightness, And her salvation like a torch that is burning.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Jump off that sofa! Let's kick it off!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Play the game!

Anonymous said...




Better than best sighting said...


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