Monday, December 21, 2009

New Iamaphoney Song and New GFA Video

UPDATE: Speaking of the Beatles and the Bahamas, have you ever heard this story from John Rook?

A few months later in February of 1965, Chuck Brinkman and I were invited to join the Beatles in the Bahamas where they were filming “Help”. I have many memories of that "vacation" but one clearly stands out in my mind. "The Boys" with their well known mischievous streak decided to have some "fun" by wrecking the MG sports car they had been provided. Together they lifted the rear of the card up on two cement cinder blocks, one below each side of the back bumper, and then took delight in starting the motor, laying a brick on the gas peddle and pushing it off the cement blocks for the unattended car to gather speed crashing into a solid cement wall. This was done over and over until the MG no longer could "make the trip" to the wall. With each crash "the boys" leaped for joy squealing in delight cheering on the death of the MG. Source

For some unknown reason, Ringo Starr is promoting a new recording of a Beatles Outfake from the early days of Contra Band Bootlegs. Oh, wait a minute. I don't mean Ringo Starr, the former Beatle who is releasing a new CD called "Y Not." I am referring to RlNGOSTARR, who released a new video on YouTube called "Peace of Mind."

In a similar vein, Paul McCartney has an official video on YouTube for his new song "I Want To Come Home." But PauIMcCartney of YouTube fame also has an official video for "I Want To Come Home." Only your pause button will know the difference.

It never ceases to amaze me how Grandfather Aleister is able to delve deeply into the minutiae of Beatles History and find the most uncanny connections. His latest effort under the name 999nowhereman is titled Paul is Dead - Sam Ahab is Bahamas Backwards Part 1. GFA is in great form.

And many thanks to MikeyNL for keeping up with and sharing the large amount of Iamaphoney audio material. He quickly gave us a crisp sounding version of "Peace of Mind" and several others on his Iamaphoneymusic page.


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Banker with a MAC said...

Yeah, there's some serious stuff in there if you really LOOK (wow. Is that like a death clue from Magical Mystery Tour? holy crap that's amazing). Really important stuff, goofballs.

Don't assume you know what you are talking about. You don't.

You can pollute all you want to. Won't change a thing for the final outcome.

Lucky Number Sledgin' said...

Burns of Gold

AIR studios said...

You would be better off looking for the real urns of gold.

Anonymous said...

plasticine porters with looking glass ties

Anonymous said...

What happened to Macca anyway? That man is totally off the radar.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, there's some serious stuff in there if you really LOOK (wow. Is that like a death clue from Magical Mystery Tour? holy crap that's amazing). Really important stuff, goofballs.

Don't assume you know what you are talking about. You don't.

You can pollute all you want to. Won't change a thing for the final outcome.

Hahahaha who's polluting? Don't assume that you know what you're talking about chap. There is no final outcome. Not like you goofballs said would happen six months ago, a year ago, two years ago. Nutcases have been ranting about Final Outcomes for millennia and every one of them has been wrong.

Enjoy your failure.

Paul McCartney

Anonymous said...

Why don't you take a moment or two to find the connection of what is joke and what is not? It really can't be more in you face than that.

Really? Why don't you ask Taf about that? It's his blog. Has he found your startling connections? Has anyone here or anywhere else? No, I think not. Perhaps you aren't a very worthy puzzlemaker if you makes puzzles no one cares to solve.

Anonymous said...

When skeptics have questioned prophets, groups, and other individuals about their elaborate claims regarding some future revelation, their answer has always been precisely the same:

"Just you wait."

Clay Math Rogue said...

Follow your liberty
To the river side
Down past Rosedale
Take a fairy ride
Airs of David
Ankh on the Hill
Beer light drive
Saint I Am Will

Plasticine said...

Banker with a Mack

Cubby Hole Rider said...

the old man has been known to stash things in the strangest places...

Anonymous said...

In this case, it's we who are waiting for you, slowpokes.

Anonymous said...

Really? Why don't you ask Taf about that? It's his blog. Has he found your startling connections? Has anyone here or anywhere else? No, I think not. Perhaps you aren't a very worthy puzzlemaker if you makes puzzles no one cares to solve.

January 7, 2010 12:03 PM


yolks on you!

Anonymous said...

"Has anyone here or anywhere else? No, I think not. "

think again.

Abracadabra Moore said...

Ku'u Ome O Kahaluu

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BTW, signing as "Paul McCartney" is pretty lame-O.

nothing but a house of cards said...

Read 'em, and weep.

Anonymous said...

You're traveling through my head again
I pull you out every once in a while
Just to look at you
To lay with you
To remember how it used to be
Burning streetlights, setting our hearts on fire
Tipping the bottle, leaving our heads spinning
Clinging tight now under the noonday sun
You won't let me go free
Every once in a while
Weaving a lover in the palm of my hand
Running that river, making my head go round
Dripping teardrops fallin from the sky
Keeping the tides easy
Every once in a while
Touch and go
Like a wet fish dripping from my fingertips
You move me.

AIR Studios said...

Breathe, Breathe in the heir.

Anonymous said...


very worthy puzzlemaker said...

I forgot to mention that there's a time limit.

beatle fan said...

WTF is this

look at BILLY MARTIN send it back!

is yoko in on this

Anonymous said...

With all this talk of prophets, might I remind you that Paul was supposed to have died in 1966. How is talking about this is 2010 prophecy? This is the problem with PID. Too many psychos getting in on the action. I think Iamaphoney is a disinfo agent and his mission is to wind up all the psychos and bring them over to NIR. It went from Paul died to people saying Paul came back or comes back every now and again. Just a lot of disinfo agents on NIR and you know who you are. There I've said it.

I know who I am said...

The frog prince!

Sally said...

I never really knew what the letter G stood for
But I knew for sure it wasn't "good".

KBUN said...

1450 KBUN Bemidji, MN

KBUN said...

1450 KBUN Bemidji, MN

Anonymous said...

"With all this talk of prophets, might I remind you that Paul was supposed to have died in 1966. How is talking about this is 2010 prophecy? This is the problem with PID. Too many psychos getting in on the action. I think Iamaphoney is a disinfo agent and his mission is to wind up all the psychos and bring them over to NIR. It went from Paul died to people saying Paul came back or comes back every now and again. Just a lot of disinfo agents on NIR and you know who you are. There I've said it.

January 7, 2010 3:22 PM"

Actually, you said nothing much, except more disinfo yourself.

Not everyone has said the same thing at NIR, it's quite varried, but the one thing they've done across the board is to work towards the heart of the story. I'm confident that someday all will see the light, it's simply a matter of time. And it's easier than it looks.

Anonymous said...

So easy, even a child can do it.

Anonymous said...


Take a sad song and make it better.


HA HA HA said...

Expert, texpert choking smokers
don't you think the joker laughs at you?

Anonymous said...

Do I make you nervous?

Anonymous said...

Not everyone has said the same thing at NIR, it's quite varried, but the one thing they've done across the board is to work towards the heart of the story. I'm confident that someday all will see the light, it's simply a matter of time. And it's easier than it looks.

The heart of the story is that Paul McCartney is the same person he ever was. There never was a miraculous form of plastic surgery performed by magical surgeons working for the Illuminati. There isn't today, either. If Michael Jackson couldn't get a decent chin implant, uh, figure it out people.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Have we said differently here?

Anonymous said...

I think Iamaphoney is a disinfo agent and his mission is to wind up all the psychos and bring them over to NIR. It went from Paul died to people saying Paul came back or comes back every now and again. Just a lot of disinfo agents on NIR and you know who you are. There I've said it.

Delusional, much? Every wacko on every single conspiracy site is under the self important delusion that they are worthy of disinfo because they are soooo close to tapping into some major secret. No one gives a f**k about PID except a bunch of old women and bored Beatle fanatics.

Anonymous said...

What is it, though, was said here? Something else pehaps? The stuff you ignore perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Delusional, much? Every wacko on every single conspiracy site is under the self important delusion that they are worthy of disinfo because they are soooo close to tapping into some major secret. No one gives a f**k about PID except a bunch of old women and bored Beatle fanatics.

who's mentioned PID, really? just you.

Anonymous said...

Every wacko on every single conspiracy site is under the self important delusion that they are worthy of disinfo

worthy of disinfo?

what does that even mean? you can't even carry a thought out.

Cheerleader said...

Yeah! Slam that hatin' poser-interuder to the mat!

Interuder said...

Check the spelling evil interuder. It wasn't an accident.

Thirst much? said...

Let alone WATER

Anonymous said...

what does that even mean? you can't even carry a thought out.

I spell it out. Disinformation, when carried out by, say the Defense Intelligence Agency, NSA, or some other clandestine organization, is a legitimate tool used in both peace and wartime for legitimate purposes. Not always, of course, but sometimes it is necessary because there are always other agents at work playing the same game. Here, in PID land, there is no reason to spread disinformation. The only people that spread it do it as a joke to mock the idea of it. The rest are just stupid, and create crazy theories the genuinely believe in--what do you expect? Most of them are barely out of their teens, and some are impressionable, and believe everything they see in print or on the net.

There is no reason to spread disinformation about Paul being dead other than Phoney, who does it tongue in cheek for entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Let us know when you reach the Modern Age.

Do check back. Don't forget the time clock, darlin'.

Gee Whiz said...

Where would we be without Gee?
No bungees
No apogees
No perigees
And NO FIFTH FOR C! Imagine that hater!

Anonymous said...

and the clock says



Anonymous said...

"This is Tom from disinfo. We need you to get over to this obscure blog about an obscure YouTube series to spread some disinfo."

"Who exactly am I to disinform?"

"Mostly teens. This is crucial."

"Why? Didn't we already learn in Intel 101 that people spread their own disinfo by making shit up? Kind of like an urban legend or rumor that starts out one way and then gets embellished over time?"

"True that. But we want these teens to feel smarter than us pros. We want them to figure out that we are there. It's really a feel good tactic at this point."

"Making Beatle fanatics feel validated by stirring up their dumb ass theories?"

"Yeah. It's like a gift from us to them."

Anonymous said...

Information, 24/7

love it or leave. child's plait.

Gee's Crisis said...

H is for making ladders.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah. It's like a gift from us to them."

it's a gift that keeps on GIVING.

to a point, and then it's kinda over, ya know?

JPGR said...

Oh my God! John Lennon and George Harrison dead as like as Paul mcCartney? What about Ringo?? HE IS ALIVE?

Anonymous said...

oh, I guess you are here to confuse the issues?

STEVE WYNN said...


It's preordained you can't win unless you beat the ODDS.

Anonymous said...

so far it's 2: 6,794,800,000

Anonymous said...

These figures have been know in the past to change in a blink of an eye. Be not dissuaded, sweetie.

Anonymous said...

You can't say C3P0 in Latin.

Anonymous said...




chewbacca said...

"Anonymous said...
You can't say C3P0 in Latin.

January 7, 2010 6:08 PM"

sure you can:
spiritus sanctus

Anonymous said...

Paradin' is better.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

get back

Anonymous said...



January 7, 2010 6:21 PM

stop projecting your baseless assumptions.....trying to figure out something you know absolutely nothing about?

How could I call a dead man to be here today??

fucking idiot

Anonymous said...

stop projecting your baseless assumptions.....trying to figure out something you know absolutely nothing about?

Thanks Einstein. You're really "in the know."

Anonymous said...

stop projecting your baseless assumptions.....trying to figure out something you know absolutely nothing about?

Thanks Einstein. You're really "in the know."

YeeHaw!! The blog has finally gotten interesting again. Thanks anonymous dude for calling the hypergraphites out.

Anonymous said...

Am not!

Anonymous said...

R 2!

KBRO, you win! said...

1490 KBRO Bremerton, WA

Anonymous said...

PID feuds are fun. Remember Yenz? Mikey and his interview? So many memories. . .

1492 said...


Curly Wurly said...

Fair O

Anonymous said...


Paulie Wog said...

Rib it.

Michigan Jay "Cocks" Frog said...

Hello! Ma Baby

Anonymous said...

How did you get out of your box?

Jack D. Ripper said...

Purity of Essence

Divine Intervention said...

Hahahaha who's polluting? Don't assume that you know what you're talking about chap. There is no final outcome. Not like you goofballs said would happen six months ago, a year ago, two years ago. Nutcases have been ranting about Final Outcomes for millennia and every one of them has been wrong.

Enjoy your failure.

Paul McCartney

One difference, Paul. This next "Final Outcome" as you say, is the final "big day" as I say.

Meaning, if nothing happens, nothing ever will. But you know what they say. They save the best for last.

Have a nice day. .

Charley Newports

Common Knowledge said...

Oh, by the way, John was the Walrus.

Anonymous said...

Nod you head while you still have one.

Anonymous said...


shake it up said...

with a wink and a nod to the head.

Anonymous said...

I dig a Pygmalion.

Archie Debunker's Club Band said...

To the Nines!

billisher said...



Anonymous said...

gross, like you

N'ZInc said...

Last level

Lodovico Ariosto said...

Whomever posted this (and keeps posting this), you are single-handedly ending the reign of in-joke hypergraphia.

No empty fiction wrought by magic lore,
But natural was the steed the wizard pressed;
For him a filly to griffin bore;
Hight hippogryph.

Pigs may yet fly...

I Was said...

Plasticine Porter

Ankh Knee in the Sky said...

I'm a putz.

Jeff Jackson said...

Lost Whacks

Anonymous said...

facebook iamaphoney

Anonymous said...

Yeah there are feuds at NIR. So what? Fuck these people with their Paul is a woman shit. Because I call them out that makes me a disinfo agent? So you would rather defend every drooling psycho's sex fantasies on NIR because they're getting the "heart of the story"? Bullshit. Iamaphoney with his dumb ass Blair Witch video "helps" PID? Really? Do tell?

Olé said...

Papal Bull

Anonymous said...

Everybody saw the sun shine, oh yeah

Anonymous said...

Fame, bully for you, chilly for me
Got to get a rain check on pain.


Anonymous said...

When pigs can fly.

Anonymous said...

Mary you're nearly a treat,
Mary you're nearly a treat
But you're really a cry.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the sophistry. Hahah it is interesting (although predictable) that when one challenges or questions these fanatics, they snap immediately and turn ugly.

Anonymous said...

whadda ya want to know? why don't you ask the people you are referring to about their posts for their motives?

Anonymous said...

I will remember you
Your silhouette will charge the view
Of distance atmosphere
Call it morning driving thru the sound and even in the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you

Anonymous said...

whadda ya want to know? why don't you ask the people you are referring to about their posts for their motives?

*The People* to whom I am referring have been asked for months and years about their motives. The answer is always a variation on some cryptic non-answer such as "You have the answer right in front of you" or "You shall see in time"

Anonymous said...

so that pisses you off a little, huh?

The answer is so in your face, it's hysterical.

Anonymous said...

a failure to connect the dots

Nod Your Head said...


Anonymous said...

Better hurry, 'fore they run out.

Anonymous said...

What IS this code?

Anonymous said...

I want my prize.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
so that pisses you off a little, huh?

The answer is so in your face, it's hysterical.

January 8, 2010 5:17 PM

Yeah and the answer is some schmuck in Denmark laughing in your face. You're right. It is hysterical!

Anonymous said...

1530 comments and probably 1500 of them are by you know who. He IS a funny. LOL

Anonymous said...

Code INE

Ogdoad of Hermopolis said...

I gotta feline, oh yeah!

you know who said...

Yep. I am a phunny.

Well here's another place you can go-oh-woah said...

J0HNL3NN0N2012 (33 minutes ago) From the very first Beatles album, all the way up to Abbey Road, Paul is always next to Ringo. What does that tell us? Possibly the answer as to whom the Walrus was on the cover of Magical Mystery Tour.

Woah. I never noticed that. John's the walrus?

Kicking Edgar Allen said...

Looks like Iamaphoney is doing videos for Dr. Who now.

Florinus the Valentinian said...

Married by Sol's Bury

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is right! The answer is right in front of us. Paul and Ringo are conjoined twins! Don't you see? The answer is right in front of us!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
so that pisses you off a little, huh?

The answer is so in your face, it's hysterical.

January 8, 2010 5:17 PM

Translation: I don't know shit all about shit so I'll just respond with some vague poop like "the answer is so in your face" or "all will be revealed" or "it's coming down fast". Yeah, straight from the PID talkng points. Spoken like a true zombie. GOOD DAY SIR!

CHIN said...

CHIN 1540 Toronto

Mr Jordan said...

the river is deep

Anonymous said...

I'm really mad about what's been going on. I don't see why he had to be replaced in the first place and now there is talk about him being replaced again? He wanted to be away from the spotlight and....

...Oh sorry, I thought this was the Jay Leno/Conan blog.

Anonymous said...

Pretending you know a deep Beatle secret (yikes) is so very sad. Yes, I am sad for these lost and terribly delusional fans, who think about John Lennon and Paul McCartney every day of their lives, and wonder whether George or Ringo might have been the walrus. The Beatles broke up, guys. They were just four dudes who played music and made lots of cash off of you. The dream is over. Listen to Abbey Road if you can't get over it, and FYI it sounds better forward. Have fun with your LOVE CODE.

Albert Stubbins said...

Sitting Pretty


Anonymous said...
Pretending you know a deep Beatle secret (yikes) is so very sad. Yes, I am sad for these lost and terribly delusional fans, who think about John Lennon and Paul McCartney every day of their lives, and wonder whether George or Ringo might have been the walrus. The Beatles broke up, guys. They were just four dudes who played music and made lots of cash off of you. The dream is over. Listen to Abbey Road if you can't get over it, and FYI it sounds better forward. Have fun with your LOVE CODE.

January 8, 2010

Oh. We will.

Anonymous said...

Big Time.

Anonymous said...

my car is getting bigger
my house is getting bigger
my eyes are getting bigger
and my mouth
my belly is getting bigger
and my bank account
look at my circumstance

Fair Arrow said...

Man I can smell your feet a mile away.

Emmett Brown said...




Travelling OUTATIME

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gummy Boot Worm's Wood

Anonymous said...

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" (Romans 1:20)

Anonymous said...

My Salamander

Anonymous said...

Who's dead?

Anonymous said...

WTF is this

look at BILLY MARTIN send it back!

is yoko in on this


Anonymous said...

Link for pilots.

Anonymous said...

Ono Cyborg

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who's dead?

What's in a coma.

Anonymous said...

What's awake?

do me a flavor said...

Let 'em in.

Anonymous said...

Pick up the pace, lads.

Anonymous said...

And all the roads that lead you there were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding

Anonymous said...

Don't keep me waiting!

on the highway, revisited said...

what she got is what she need

Anonymous said...

splash down!

New York City! said...

Anonymous said...
Pick up the pace, lads.

Get a rope.

Back in the Salsa said...

Gem and I

MikeNL said...

New GFA film up, not on youtube yet just here

Anonymous said...

New York City! said...
Anonymous said...
Pick up the pace, lads.

Get a rope.

January 9, 2010 3:29 PM

like Europe?

Anonymous said...

oh no, here come the nasty movies again.....

Anonymous said...

Hey mikey, what inspires you to watch such filth?
Is your mind really that vapid?

oh, no, don't answer.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" (Romans 1:20)

January 9, 2010 7:30 AM

Yeah, way to go equating the word of God with rock music from the 60's. Blaspheme much?

Anonymous said...

who said anything about " equating the word of God with rock music ?"

Blaspheme much? said...

Watch porn much?

Anonymous said...


MikeNL said...

it can make you smile

Anonymous said...

You are really, really retarded Mike.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Eagle has landed.

Great Dictator's Final Speech said...

We want to live by each others' happiness.

Yeah Yeah, same hope, last century said...

The soul of man has been given wings - and at last he is beginning to fly.
He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope - into the future, that glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us.
Look up. Look up."

4 shore said...

But this time we reely mean it!

Anonymous said...

So what are you waiting for?

Two Bigfoot's Caught on Tape!!! said...


Loch Ness Monster Sighting said...

Elliot Nessie

Gnome Sighting said...


Anonymous said...

There's no place like gnome.

Anonymous said...

Dig a pigmaei.

this one's real said...

But I still don't know what it was.

MikeNL said...

MikeNL said...
it can make you smile

January 9, 2010 4:57 PM

Anonymous said...
You are really, really retarded Mike.

January 9, 2010 5:00 PM

gtfo my /iaapblog/

long since deFUNKed said...

1590 WTBY Waterbury

Dr Robert said...

Hi, I heard it's "like pulling teeth" around here. Am I in the right place?

White Fang said...

Uh Huuuuh!

Clean Choppers said...


Anonymous said...

$15.95 plus tax

My Salamander said...

I'm getting closer

((((((REVERB!!!))))) said...

She's A Woman! (Sounds great!)


please listen in HD for best quality

Backing by: iamaphoney said...

Arron Swaffar's girl friend is HAWT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1601 It was a very good year.

Anonymous said...

If you don't make it through, you can just go ahead and blame yourselves.

Make it Jude! said...

Or not.

the rotten apple - 199 said...

You're harassing me, OK?

the rotten apple 70 T said...

4th Suitcase - Rome 22 08 90

Paul is dead - the rotten apple 70 O #1 said...

3rd Suitcase - CERN Paul is dead

the rotten apple 71 O #2 said...

don´t let me know

Anonymous said...

And here we are, same as day one. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...


Babyface said...

Pause this one at 1:43.
There's a "subliminal" image of John's face on the baby's forehead/upper scalp!

Anonymous said...


black hole sun said...

The phoney knew!

the rotten apple 68 T said...

What's inside?

Anonymous said...

Close your eyes.

paul is dead - the rotten apple 67 O said...

Hell, all our messages were subliminal.

Mr. Erensoy said...

Masonic Rituals recorded and exposed by a Brother in Turkey

Jud(g)e Jude(e) said...

Anonymous said...
So what are you waiting for?

Someone to perform with.

Suitcase Jones said...

Got two good eyes but you still don't see.
Come round the bend, you know it's the end,
The fireman screams and the engine just gleams...

Anonymous said...

I'll stop the world and melt with you
You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time

There's nothing you and I won't do
I'll stop the world and melt with you

Anonymous said...

there is no end to what we can do together
there is no end, there is no end

Anonymous said...

The Fireman screams.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Jesse's Nightmare

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